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threads pinned by Goran_K
authored 6,380 comments and 199 threads

Goran_K's threads

Is my perception off or is California looking more sh*tty these days?
by Goran_K on 13 Nov 2023   55 comments, latest a month ago
I know it's bad form to generalize a state as large as California, but let me preface my thread title. I try to avoid going back to California for any ...

I'll never forgive Leftist, they actually ruined Star Wars
by Goran_K on 25 Jan 2018   105 comments, latest a month ago
What the fuck Disney? Vice Admiral Gender Studies totally ruined this movie. I honestly had to walk out. it's like they had to invent a strong feminist to put all ...

The modern feminist woman
by Goran_K on 21 Apr 2022   65 comments, latest 2 months ago
I feel sorry for men today who have to go into the dating market and meet the modern feminist woman (of which the majority of young women under 30 ...

Democrats don't understand Capitalism
by Goran_K on 11 Feb 2019   11 comments, latest 3 months ago
This is a Yale grad btw who was on Obama's economic advisement team.

Did white people disappear from all TV and print ads?
by Goran_K on 4 Apr 2022   9 comments, latest 3 months ago
I usually don’t take note of things like this but since I have begun tracking it personally (about 2 months ago), I haven’t seen a straight white male/female in ...

Large Democrat Jew donors didn't care about the leftist monsters they unleashed on this country until it started turning on them
by Goran_K on 15 Nov 2023   3 comments, latest 8 months ago
I do have a bit of "Jew" blood in my family line, but I gotta call it like it is. This leftist monster that is currently a cancerous tumor on ...

Goran is going to Wakiki, anyone got any good workout tips?
by Goran_K on 5 Apr 2018   40 comments, latest a year ago
I haven't been on a beach with my t-shirt off since 2005. It's not that I'm fat, but I would love to get some muscles so I don't look ...

Okay so the Recession is here, what are the opportunities we should be looking at in the next 1-3 years?
by Goran_K on 28 Jul 2022   18 comments, latest 2 years ago
The last time we were in a recession, I literally tripled my net worth simply through blue chip stocks and housing. Are those going to be the lucrative plays after ...

Which would you rather have?
by Goran_K on 27 Apr 2022   8 comments, latest 2 years ago
1) 5 blowjobs from chubby cum slut Vijaya Gadde on the side of the Bay Bridge on ramp. 2) 50 shares of Twitter after Elon relaunches the company.

The 32 hour work week is coming to California! Here's the best part: you still get paid for 40 hours! Magic!
by Goran_K on 12 Apr 2022   6 comments, latest 2 years ago
https://reason.com/2022/04/11/ The bill would require all businesses in the state with 500 employees or more to alter the definition of a workweek to 32 hours instead of 40 hours, ...

Are there any "real" Biden voters here who regret their vote or actually think Biden is doing a great job?
by Goran_K on 4 Apr 2022   39 comments, latest 2 years ago
I'm not talking about the fake 3am mass mail-in ballot drop people, I'm talking about the real deal Democrat/Independent/Never Trumper who actually went in line with their mask, and ...

Best website to harvest rental data?
by Goran_K on 10 Jun 2020   12 comments, latest 4 years ago
I know, I know, I'm not arguing politics, and making fun of pedophile Joe Biden, but AFAIK this used to be a proper housing forum, right? Due to Goran's ...

GOP looks set to Retake seat in California 25th district
by Goran_K on 12 May 2020   20 comments, latest 4 years ago
Just in case anyone was wondering who voters are blaming for the terrible economy in California. The 25th was flipped by near double digits in 2018 to Democrat Katie Hill ...

Gallop Poll: Trumps support amongst base solid, independent support grows double digits!
by Goran_K on 2 May 2020   15 comments, latest 4 years ago
https://www.theblaze.com/news/ Remember when Democrats thought their politically created dem-panic would hurt Trump instead of themselves? Pepperidge Farms remembers!

Massive protest in California over Newsom Lockdown orders
by Goran_K on 1 May 2020   43 comments, latest 4 years ago
People in California are finally waking up to the realities of communist tyranny. Sacramento OC San Diego Los Angeles

Not looking good for Dem chances in 2020
by Goran_K on 26 Feb 2020   28 comments, latest 4 years ago
I knew Bernie would start pushing moderate Democrats to the GOP. I hope Bernie doesn't get cheated at the DNC convention. If Bernie gets the nomination, Trump might have ...

wtf is up with lefties getting triggered over Jillian Michaels calling out this Lizzo whale?
by Goran_K on 13 Jan 2020   29 comments, latest 5 years ago
Jillian Michael says this 400 pound woman with a BMI of 58 is unhealthy and shouldn't be glorified for her weight and eating habits because it's literally killing her (all ...

Get Woke, Go Broke: Charlie's Angels
by Goran_K on 16 Jan 2020   13 comments, latest 5 years ago
Production budget of $55 million. Assuming marketing budget at least $25 million. $68 million GLOBAL gross as of January 15th, 2020. Sony Pictures lost their ASS on this movie. I ...

Wow Pelosi is the greatest Republican ever!
by Goran_K on 17 Dec 2019   46 comments, latest 5 years ago
Support for impeachment has dropped double digits in new CNN poll. RealClearPolitics has support for impeachment now underwater with a larger plurality against impeachment than for. 😂 All this leading ...

Why hasn't Disney canned Kathleen Kennedy?
by Goran_K on 13 Jan 2020   30 comments, latest 5 years ago
Rise of Skywalker is officially a domestic star wars box office bomb, and will likely end up being a global star wars box office bomb once all the figures ...

Democrat lefty Hero Paul Krugman caught with Child Porn on his phone
by Goran_K on 8 Jan 2020   32 comments, latest 5 years ago
Why are all these major lefties being exposed as outright Pedos? Check out his convenient "excuse". lol No wonder he doesn't understand the economy, he's too busy being a lefty ...

Man, check out Spartacus Booker's insane Campaign rally!!!
by Goran_K on 20 Dec 2019   9 comments, latest 5 years ago
He's got at least 6-7 fat middle aged white women (the primary demographic of the Democrat party) in attendance!!!

Pelosi has been a gift: Trump now leading all candidates by wide margins in general election poll
by Goran_K on 18 Dec 2019   8 comments, latest 5 years ago
C’mon Prozac Pelosi. Keep it coming!

Who did it better?
by Goran_K on 15 Dec 2019   2 comments, latest 5 years ago
I like Corbyns casual confidence but I still think Killary’s exploitation of her child self for cheap points still sets the standard.

Democrat Congressman leaves Democrat party over Impeachment
by Goran_K on 14 Dec 2019   1 comment, latest 5 years ago
https://www.dailywire.com/news New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who has strongly opposed the Democrats’ impeachment efforts, is leaving the Democratic Party and becoming a member of the Republican Party after ...

Democrat candidate for Congress supports... beastiality.....!!!
by Goran_K on 14 Dec 2019   7 comments, latest 5 years ago
https://mobile.twitter.com/Mar WTF?!!!

It’s good to know...
by Goran_K on 12 Dec 2019   4 comments, latest 5 years ago
.. that the world isn’t full of leftist commies.

Best thing you’ll see today
by Goran_K on 11 Dec 2019   5 comments, latest 5 years ago

Thank you Pelosi! Trump now leading all Democrats in 3 key battleground states
by Goran_K on 10 Dec 2019   8 comments, latest 5 years ago
In a report published Sunday, Firehouse Strategies presented their new quarterly battleground polling results, and they were quite grim for Democrats. In a survey of 1,759 likely 2020 general ...

Another Trump win: hospital price transparency by 2021
by Goran_K on 9 Dec 2019   2 comments, latest 5 years ago
This is how you get healthcare costs down. Let the market compete under 100% price transparency just like auto insurance, Flat screen TVs, or any other product that has seen ...

Moody's Analytics Predicts Trump will win 2020 by landslide
by Goran_K on 9 Dec 2019   7 comments, latest 5 years ago

Democrats visit Disney Toon Town
by Goran_K on 8 Jul 2019   58 comments, latest 5 years ago
www.youtube.com/embed/ezpqexUv Guy in Pink was dropping some bombs on those hogs.

Asians tiring of leftist "Beg Packers"
by Goran_K on 9 Jul 2019   10 comments, latest 5 years ago
In Asia there is a tiresome trend of poor, useless, white liberals trying to travel around the world with empty bank accounts. You might be thinking, how the fuck ...

Eric "Nukes" Swawell becomes first of Democrat candidates to drop out
by Goran_K on 8 Jul 2019   Posted 5 years ago
https://www.washingtonexaminer He always seemed a little goofy and untrustworthy (like most Dems). Sad to see him go.

Leftist: "White people didn't support OJ's murder of his wife because he was black."
by Goran_K on 18 Jun 2019   3 comments, latest 5 years ago
Leftist reading this WaPO article:

This is why the abortion debate is so dishonest on the left
by Goran_K on 20 May 2019   50 comments, latest 5 years ago
Leftards/Democrats: "But what if the woman is raped??! What if her life is in danger?!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm not even a big proponent of anti-abortion laws (I just don't want taxpayers ...

So does this mean Pelosi, Schiff, Schummer, and all the other "Russia" conspiracy theorists are finally going to shut up?
by Goran_K on 29 May 2019   22 comments, latest 5 years ago
Probably not, but it does hurt their case a lot more.

2% of American Counties Account for 51% of all murders in the US, want to guess who runs ALL of these counties?
by Goran_K on 28 May 2019   14 comments, latest 5 years ago
https://crimeresearch.org/2017 Top Counties for Murder 1. Los Angeles County - Democrat run / Deep Blue 2. Cook County (Chicago) - Democrat run / Deep Blue 3. Wayne County (Detroit) ...

lol, has this ever happened before?
by Goran_K on 28 May 2019   4 comments, latest 5 years ago

It’s been a good month so far
by Goran_K on 24 May 2019   4 comments, latest 5 years ago
First this.
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