
United States, joined 2011 Nov 3   Has 5 followers.   Is following 2.
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threads pinned by Ceffer
authored 59,480 comments and 1,188 threads

Ceffer's threads

Hollywood Adrenochrome And Pedo Drunk Celebrity Slaves Ordered To Froth At Mouth By Their Satanic Intermediaries
by Ceffer on 21 Jul 2024   1 comment, latest 5 days ago
Rob Reiner threatens to set himself on fire if Trump elected, as if we would be so lucky. He'd smolder for months like a old tire dump. Also, the new ...

Democracy In Danger! Free Speech May Survive! Stamp Out Free Speech So That Democracy Can Flourish Again!
by Ceffer on 25 Apr 2022   4 comments, latest 10 days ago

Alec Baldwin's Snuff Movie Exonerated By Masonic Influence...
by Ceffer on 16 Aug 2022   11 comments, latest 14 days ago
Welcome to the 33'd degree, Alec. Here's your nice coin for making sure the bad lady never exposed our pedophilia. We'll get you a nice boy bride for the induction ...

Starmer Starts Out On The Right Foot, Hiding The Ponzi Pension Funds Stolen By Globalists By Keeping Certain Pensioners From Collecting
by Ceffer on 11 Jul 2024   8 comments, latest 15 days ago
Just because they took the money from you doesn't mean they have to pay it back. Sophistry for robbery. You knew it was coming. If they can't murder the account ...

The Republic Abandoned But Not Gone...
by Ceffer on 10 Jul 2024   1 comment, latest 16 days ago
Abraham Lincoln, a bar lawyer and agent of the Crown (family of disgruntled British Loyalists disenfranchised by the American Revolution), oversaw the bankruptcy of the Republic (not seated or active ...

Skip The Hopium And The Red Pill, Jethro, The Black Pill Is For Breakfast In Europe Or How Everybody Hates the Globalist/Kommie/Fascists/cum Socialists But Can't Get Rid Of The Cancer...
by Ceffer on 10 Jul 2024   1 comment, latest 17 days ago
Elitists doing what they have always done, it's just that the puppets, levers and cogs are obvious now and the People realize they have no voice but submission to the ...

Hold That Crushed Limb And Excess Brain Damage, I LUVS Me My E-bike (When They Aren't Exploding, Anyway)
by Ceffer on 2 Jul 2024   Posted 25 days ago
I knew seeing these sidewalk hazards that it was just a matter of time before they started squelching the bozos. A older neighbor had one, fell down, had a stroke. ...

Makow and 'CK': Biden Presidency is a Humiliation Ritual Of The Populace (Like We Couldn't Tell?) Biden Is The 'Dog King'.
by Ceffer on 28 Jun 2024   1 comment, latest a month ago
"The debate confirmed what everyone knew: Biden is senile and a figurehead. Why would the Demonrats choose an unfit candidate? Regular contributor CK has the answer. "A Humiliation Ritual is ...

People Using 5G Cell Phones To Make Popcorn And Vaporize Cockroaches...
by Ceffer on 1 Jan 2022   3 comments, latest a month ago
"We know we shouldn't put them too close to our ears, but they are turning out to be so useful as rodent zappers and food warmers, we don't know why ...

A Billion Dead Here, A Billion Dead There. Pretty Soon, You're Talking Real Genocide. The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy.
by Ceffer on 2 Sep 2022   22 comments, latest a month ago
Those frisky Globalists were at it way back in 1981. They've never given up faith that they need to kill billions and billions (and a few billions more). Fucking useless ...

Great Decortication and Lobotomy Project
by Ceffer on 21 Jun 2024   4 comments, latest a month ago
Nice article on methods. Of course, replacing the civilized with the un-noble barely literate intoxicated ferals is important, too, to breaking up the civilized from successfully congregating above warlord and ...

Lurching KommieKunt News Zombies No Longer Cost Efficient As Loss Leaders? Or, How I Failed To Launder Enough Fiat Support Money For The Organs if Disinformation, Subversion, Satanic Inversion Lies, and Virtue Signaling.
by Ceffer on 19 Jun 2024   Posted a month ago
"Daily Beast Guts 70 Percent Of Unionized Staffers" Daily Beast become Daily Prison Bitch. How un-Kommie to lay off their own resident parasites. https://www.abovetopsecret.com view pdf LiberalUtopicHiveMind.com, LOL!

Mexico Gets Its Own Personal KommieKunt Illuminati Witch As Leader....
by Ceffer on 5 Jun 2024   17 comments, latest 2 months ago
We know why she was emplaced: to make Mexico so desperately fucked up and poor that the hordes will continue to pour over the border under the aegis of the ...

Vitamin D Is The Enemy Of The Deep State, Globalist Democide
by Ceffer on 8 Oct 2022   1 comment, latest 2 months ago
" Well Being: Disinformation Assault on Vitamin D" https://rwmalonemd.substack.co Chemtrailing turning the skies into yellow smudge likely also block rays that allow the skin to make enough Vit. D? A ...

Forget Real Estate, Put On Your Flak Jackets And Go Get Your Bounty. Gog vs. Magog Being Goosed Up Again? Or More Woo BS?
by Ceffer on 27 May 2024   4 comments, latest 2 months ago
"Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists" 75 million in gold each for the Congress Critters on the list? Maybe they should have crumpled up that knee jerk ...

AND... It Gets Worse: Peer Review (For Hire) Passes Off AI Generated 'Science' Articles Spun From Bits As Real. Contamination Runs Deep
by Ceffer on 27 May 2024   1 comment, latest 2 months ago
The Peer Review Industrial Complex is no better than corrupt lobbying. No wonder it was easy to hijack by Globalists for Agenda 21. https://www.rumormillnews.com/ view pdf https://joannenova.com.au/2024

The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
by Ceffer on 24 May 2024   1 comment, latest 2 months ago
It's probably their assigned subversive job from Switzerland, since the various coined 'billionaires' are just executives for the Swiss Octagon, Committee of 300, Club of Rome etc. Part subversion, part ...

Raisi is an Ex-Raisi? A Raisi No More? Pushing Up The Lilies?
by Ceffer on 19 May 2024   32 comments, latest 2 months ago
Was Israel a little quick on the denial trigger there? Timing is important. "Squawkkk. Death confirmed. Squawkkkkk Sputter." https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordWD

World Economic Forum Vows To Put You In To China-Style ‘Reeducation Camps’ If You Oppose The ‘Great Reset’
by Ceffer on 13 Mar 2022   86 comments, latest 2 months ago
Homeland Security and FEMA say: "You rang? We already have some Walmarts converted for this purpose!" No more euphemisms about what the NWO stands for any more from Klaus Barbie ...

Nancy Pelosi And Husband Sacrifice One Quarter Of Percent Of Net Worth To Disguise Blatant Insider Trading Scandal
by Ceffer on 28 Jul 2022   63 comments, latest 2 months ago
"Well, at least we got away with all the other shit, giggle, giggle! Can't blame us for trying, cheating is so much fucking fun!"t; https://t.me/epochtimes/58068

Ketanji vs. Clif High: "Statistics? I Don't Need No Fucking Statistics!"
by Ceffer on 24 Mar 2022   9 comments, latest 2 months ago
https://www.rumormillnews.com/ "All I need is fucking FEELS to make decisions for this racist, honkeyfuck based so called law sheeeeeat!" Ketanji "Child molesters will always repeat, and always escalate. Studies prove ...

Now, Rachel Levine Gets To Rearrange Her Junk In Uniform...
by Ceffer on 19 Oct 2021   19 comments, latest 2 months ago
More trivialization of rank. Sworn in as four star admiral of democide and genocide.

It's All Three, With A KommieKunt Baritone To Make A Perfect Barbershop Quartet Of Tyrannical Ambitions
by Ceffer on 15 May 2024   Posted 2 months ago
https://www.rumormillnews.com/ view pdf

Boris Johnson, What A Quitter, All Those Untold Globalist Lies Waiting In The Klaus Chute Wasted!
by Ceffer on 7 Jul 2022   9 comments, latest 2 months ago
"I am hoping that I can come back from time to time to lie to you some more. Biden and I had a bet going about how many and how ...

Gen-X Being Called Out Of The Dugout To Be The Next Leftist Social Division Icon After Boomers?
by Ceffer on 25 Sep 2022   56 comments, latest 3 months ago
"Jim Stone takes issue with the LEFTISTS who claim that the BOOMERS DESTROYED EVERYTHING" "Favorite Leftist lie: The boomers destroyed everything FACT: The "boomer way of doing things" was stopped ...

Reiner Gives A Nice Status Report Of How The Fucking Fuckers Have Been Fucking You
by Ceffer on 7 Jun 2021   11 comments, latest 3 months ago

Everybody Is Hitler's Child. The Boys From Brazil Apotheosis For The Modern Day Conspiracy Theorist.
by Ceffer on 5 May 2024   2 comments, latest 3 months ago
Better watch out for that DNA test. You, too, may be a spawn of HITLER! If you find yourself doing the Reich Rag, be suspicious, very suspicious. https://t.me/GitmoTV/29424 view pdf ...

LOL! For All The Boomer Doomers And Boomer Haters, Anonymous Writes An Excellent Paranoid Woo Fantasy...
by Ceffer on 5 May 2024   3 comments, latest 3 months ago
Man, he's stitched every exotic theory and woo ping pong into this one. It's a bodice ripper for the Boomer Haters. Boomer Porn for the aggrieved victims of Hegelian inter ...

More Paranoia: Redevelopment And Aggression Against The People Is Now DEWs, HAARP, Chemtrails and Fire.
by Ceffer on 14 Aug 2022   7 comments, latest 3 months ago
Why go through tedious and costly legal procedures of condemnation when you want new land, right of way or to force populations into new paradigms when you can just zap ...

Nothing That A Butcher Knife And A Tight Glove Can't Cure
by Ceffer on 3 Oct 2017   7 comments, latest 4 months ago
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new OJ's lawyer blasts Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as 'stupidest person the planet' and a 'b*tch' after her attempts to block Simpson from being paroled in the Sunshine State

Should People Buy A Home In Texas Before Secession?
by Ceffer on 11 Feb 2021   10 comments, latest 4 months ago
I'm wondering if I should use slush fund to buy a place in San Antonio before secession to have it at the ready.

Russkies Going To Learn How To Make French Fries.
by Ceffer on 30 Mar 2024   1 comment, latest 4 months ago
Macron Baphomet Rothschild, erstwhile male child prostitute elevated to Satanic prominence, has decided to put France into the furnace. Yum Yum says Putie cakes. https://t.me/greatreject/60666

The New Nuremberg Trials For Davos Psychopath Mafia Over Covid Fruad
by Ceffer on 15 Apr 2021   27 comments, latest 4 months ago

"Biden is Running or Complicit in the Largest Human Trafficking and Fentanyl Operation In the World - Video 5 m, plus my comments"
by Ceffer on 28 Feb 2023   15 comments, latest 4 months ago
Eaton is not a particularly hysterical WOO artist, but losses from Ukraine have to be made up somewhere, and one of Biden's main owners is the Rockerellers, who are behind ...

Yeah, More About That Harmless 5G System Of The Future...
by Ceffer on 5 Jan 2022   10 comments, latest 5 months ago
They never wanted to irradiate your brains and lungs. They just want you to be secure and happy and communicate faster! A bit of over reaction from our volatile Continental ...

Weirding Woo Review Of Movie Oppenheimer. Hollywood Propaganda Meets Quantum Mechanics And Bomb History?
by Ceffer on 7 Mar 2024   Posted 5 months ago
Interesting Christopher Nolan Movie. It seemed to be one of those in which he tried to tell his story around the usual guard rails of Hollywood propaganda, bullshit, and fake ...

For All You CaliforniFuck Fans, Now It's Fentanyl Coyotes And Racoons From People Flushing Their Drugs
by Ceffer on 6 Mar 2024   4 comments, latest 5 months ago
Would you expect anything less? https://www.youtube.com/shorts

Newsom Gaslights Corruption And Self Dealing As An Ethical 'New Normal' In American Politics
by Ceffer on 1 Oct 2023   3 comments, latest 5 months ago
Attack of the dynastic bottom feeders. "Newsom’s Longtime Ties to Hunter Biden Emerge After He Justifies His Business Deals: ‘Here’s My Direct Email’" "California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent defense of ...

Benjamin de Rothschild, head of Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA, dies at 57
by Ceffer on 16 Jan 2021   6 comments, latest 5 months ago
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/ 57 years old? What, the adrenochrome doesn't work any more? Or was it a mild case of "FuckGlobalistitis"? What a 'coincidence'. Simon Parkes says that Vatican assets evaluated in ...

South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes
by Ceffer on 17 Jul 2021   19 comments, latest 5 months ago
https://www.revolver.news/2021 "In her column, Ngwenya explains how BBBEE has fueled the decay of South Africa’s power utility at every step of the process. The country has two expensive, botched power ...
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