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And I'm gonna run for office in Alabama with Trump's backing. BACK ME UP TRUMP HUMPER! OH!!! BACK ME , BABY. OH! OH! OH! DO IT SOME MORE TRUMP HUMPER. NO ONE DOES IT LIKE YOU!!!
"this comment has been jailed for incivility"
How infantile.
Watch the cowards hide behind an uncivil click.
Post the names of those snowflakes that click uncivil.
This site is turning into bullshit.
No one is required to read any thread or comment,under threat of death.
To quote one of our great philosophers anon_04cbc:" This is PatNet, FUCK YOU!"
Democratic & Republican voters rhyme with those that are coming out about distant past sexual assault & harassment.
The only difference is that Ds & Rs elected their abusers.
Trump should make an "Anal Sexual Assault Awareness Day” and schedule it for the same day as the Academy Awards.
Sounds like Takei was the gay Bill Cosby of the 70's.
George Takei publicly admitting on Howard Sterns show that he sexually assaulted someone in the EXACT way described by his victim. Even though Takei just stated it never happened.