Warren Buffet reported net loss for 2022 :-/

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2023 Feb 25, 1:17pm   846 views  20 comments

by AD   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  



Not even Warren E. Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors, was immune last year to whipsawing markets.

But as his conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, reported a big loss, the billionaire executive urged shareholders to focus on the long term and the underlying health of his empire, which includes insurance, railroads, energy and stock holdings in the likes of Coca-Cola, American Express and more.

Berkshire reported on Saturday that it lost $22.8 billion last year, driven by $53.6 billion in unrealized losses on its investments. That mirrored the experience of other investors, who were hit by market volatility as inflation rose swiftly and central banks responded by rapidly raising interest rates.

But in his annual letter to shareholders, Mr. Buffett pointed to the company’s operating earnings, which are drawn from its underlying businesses and exclude those paper investment values. On that basis, Berkshire earned a record $30.8 billion last year.

And its holdings of cash and equivalents have grown to $125 billion, giving Mr. Buffett more firepower to invest in stocks and, potentially, buy new companies.

Factoring Berkshire’s investment performance into its overall returns is “100 percent misleading,” Mr. Buffett wrote, since those results are likely to change easily quarter to quarter.

Berkshire’s vast business empire is often seen as a microcosm of American industry. And many of its subsidiaries reported being hurt by the broader economic forces affecting the country.

Weaknesses included Berkshire’s consumer products businesses, which reported a 23 percent drop in earnings last year from 2021, hurt by lower demand and higher costs for raw materials and shipping. In its annual report, Berkshire said that it expected continued soft demand in 2023 and that it planned to “right size” its operations and reduce product inventories.

The conglomerate’s core insurance businesses, which generate the cash that powers Mr. Buffett’s vast investments, also reported underwriting losses from catastrophic events, like hurricanes, and a rise in auto claims at Geico.

And BNSF Railway reported a slight drop in earnings, in large part because of the rising cost of fuel and lower volumes of shipments.

Still, in his annual letter to shareholders — a must read for scores of investors, eager to glean his thoughts on the global state of affairs — Mr. Buffett professed continued faith in the resilience of the United States.

“We count on the American Tailwind and, though it has been becalmed from time to time, its propelling force has always returned,” he wrote. “I have yet to see a time when it made sense to make a long-term bet against America.”

Much of the letter was spent defending Berkshire’s practices.

That included share buybacks, on which the company spent $7.9 billion last year. The practice has drawn criticism from lawmakers, including Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, who argue that it diverts money to Wall Street investors instead of to employee pay raises or new investments.

“When you are told that all repurchases are harmful to shareholders or to the country, or particularly beneficial to C.E.O.s, you are listening to either an economic illiterate or a silver-tongued demagogue (characters that are not mutually exclusive),” Mr. Buffett wrote.

He also defended Berkshire’s federal tax bill, amid ongoing criticism that he himself pays little in taxes relative to his overall wealth, which Forbes estimates at $106 billion. In his letter, Mr. Buffett said that Berkshire had paid $32 billion in federal taxes over the past decade, representing a tenth of 1 percent of all taxes that the government collected during that time.

“Had there been roughly 1,000 taxpayers in the U.S. matching Berkshire’s payments, no other businesses nor any of the country’s 131 million households would have needed to pay any taxes to the federal government,” he wrote. “Not a dime.”

Mr. Buffett added a criticism of the federal government for spending significantly more than it collects in taxes, touching on a fight now bubbling in Washington over the debt ceiling. “Huge and entrenched fiscal deficits have consequences,” he wrote.

The post Berkshire Hathaway Reports Major Investment Losses in 2022 appeared first on New York Times.

Comments 1 - 20 of 20        Search these comments

1   Patrick   2023 Feb 25, 4:33pm  

He's still doing OK in his old age.

From https://trungphan.substack.com/p/this-is-pointless
2   AD   2024 May 6, 10:26pm  


Checked with Google Gemini AI and learned that Warren Buffet has about 33% of Berkshire Hathaway assets in cash (includes CD's and Treasuries).

3   WookieMan   2024 May 7, 4:40am  

Patrick says

He's still doing OK in his old age.

Compound interest. You can show losses, but still make money for day to day expenses.
4   AD   2024 Nov 11, 9:51pm  

AD says


Checked with Google Gemini AI and learned that Warren Buffet has about 33% of Berkshire Hathaway assets in cash (includes CD's and Treasuries).




about 34% of Berkshire Hathaway is still in cash :-/

5   Ceffer   2024 Nov 11, 10:11pm  

In this rigged world, I don't believe in Buffet's 'genius', no matter the mythology. He probably did well to a certain level when some Globalist gangsters had a sit down with him and demanded services rendered to shift markets for continued prosperity, but they could blow him up just as easily. He wasn't canoodling with the other avatar figure heads like Gates for nothing.

At a certain level, the gangsters always show up at the doorstep. Doesn't mean that those who went along with him for the ride didn't do well on his coat tails. Patrick Byrne was one.
6   AD   2024 Nov 11, 10:26pm  

Ceffer says

In this rigged world,

Good point, as I think of Soros and his son Alex Soros who visited the Biden White House at least 30 times.

7   WookieMan   2024 Nov 11, 11:59pm  

Ceffer says

I don't believe in Buffet's 'genius'

It's not genius at all. He's an old ass man that invested in companies that will never go away Coke, BNSF, Heinz, etc. Compounded the dividends and reinvested. He got a lump sum of money screwing over a company in his younger years and just started compounding it. Started Berkshire and the rest is history. Insures in areas with little to no risk.

If you're able to get $10M and invest it the same way, you'd be a billionaire at 50-60. We need rail, Coke/beverages will never go away, etc. He invests in things with low dividends that don't go away. You just need upfront money. He then lives semi frugally and just borrows tax free agains his stocks.

The key is getting that money young. Compounding in safe dividend stocks will make you rich, it's just time. During that time you're paying yourself interest only margin loans. You set aside the interest payment annually. 100% tax free. Anyone can play this game, few people save though or get large sums of money when they're 20-25 and even know what to do with it.
8   stfu   2024 Nov 12, 1:45am  

Any respect I had for Buffet disappeared with his sweet deal insider trading during the great financial crisis. It's not genius to use the levers of government to insure privatized profits and socialized losses - it demonstrates a lack of character. Particularly when he fosters an image of the kindly grandfather. That goes for his partner Charlie too. No, I don't believe the popular narrative when it comes to these two old elitist fucks.
9   Eric Holder   2024 Nov 12, 1:06pm  

stfu says

Any respect I had for Buffet disappeared with his sweet deal insider trading during the great financial crisis. It's not genius to use the levers of government to insure privatized profits and socialized losses - it demonstrates a lack of character. Particularly when he fosters an image of the kindly grandfather. That goes for his partner Charlie too. No, I don't believe the popular narrative when it comes to these two old elitist fucks.

Charlie is no more.
10   AD   2024 Nov 12, 7:25pm  

stfu says

Any respect I had for Buffet disappeared with his sweet deal insider trading

it is all about your network or connection$, in so far as who you know equally as what you know
11   mell   2024 Nov 12, 7:37pm  

stfu says

Any respect I had for Buffet disappeared with his sweet deal insider trading during the great financial crisis. It's not genius to use the levers of government to insure privatized profits and socialized losses - it demonstrates a lack of character. Particularly when he fosters an image of the kindly grandfather. That goes for his partner Charlie too. No, I don't believe the popular narrative when it comes to these two old elitist fucks.

100% agreed
12   clambo   2024 Nov 13, 8:00am  

Buffet is a closet Liberal. Maybe he's not very closet come to think of it.
On the subject of taxes, he's always saying he should pay more; he thinks you should too.
However, he's a huge hypocrite; he supports the death (estate) tax, but he's doing as much as possible to give his money away instead of letting Uncle Sambo have it when he shuffles off his mortal coil in a few years.
He owns some insurance companies, e.g. GEICO, and he loves the death tax because it creates sales of life insurance.
Life insurance is passed tax free to the beneficiary; so rich guys buy huge life policies to avoid a part of the gigantic death tax.
I support taxation of the 50%+ people who pay zero income tax.
If you don't pay income tax, you should not vote either. "No taxation without representation=no representation without taxation."
Buffet selling Apple and owning no growth stuff like See's Candies and Dairy Queen makes me wonder what he's thinking sometimes.
Either way, he's not too bad of a guy, he's pretty mellow.
I don't believe he really drinks Coke much either; that stuff is so fuckin sweet, an adult's taste buds almost can't handle it.
13   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 13, 8:09am  

Buffet reminds me of Walz a little bit.
14   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 13, 8:14am  

stfu says

Any respect I had for Buffet disappeared with his sweet deal insider trading during the great financial crisis. It's not genius to use the levers of government to insure privatized profits and socialized losses - it demonstrates a lack of character. Particularly when he fosters an image of the kindly grandfather. That goes for his partner Charlie too. No, I don't believe the popular narrative when it comes to these two old elitist fucks.

Yep. That and he used all kinds of leverage that 99.99% of investors can't access. Sweetheart deals on warrants and such made directly to him by large companies. Offered privately a massive amount of preferred stock in Bank of Asmodeus with the right to buy 3/4 of a million shares at $7 anytime in the next decade. He loves Brian (((Moynihan))).

His political interference by halting pipelines that might of made his purchase of the railroad companies less profitable. I have no doubt he's picked up the phone and gotten Green NGOs and EPA revolving door bureaucrats "to look into" competitors to his holdings. Buffet backed Hillary and Biden, Never Trump.

He's super pro-China, in the sense of busting down US companies and shipping them there. Is the biggest investor in BYD, a Chinese carmaker that brazenly clones engines from Toyota and other companies but thanks to it's CCP insider connections can never be sued for IP violations.

Also, Buffet's Father was in the House of Representative. Both he AND Munger AND their parents and grandparents were alumni of Ivy Leagues.

I don't know where the story of Munger being homeless comes from, Munger's Grandfather was a State Rep and a Federal Judge, his Father a prominent lawyer.

Why, he's just a smart farm boy from Omaha (the only Blue district in the State)!
15   WookieMan   2024 Nov 13, 8:25am  

clambo says

If you don't pay income tax, you should not vote either.

My patnet tax plan has been pay by the figure you pay in federal taxes. Everyone gets one vote. $10 you get 2. $100 you get 3. $1,000 you get 4 and on and on. This fucks the grifter billionaires that don't pay taxes. It would be a middle class plan.

Billionaires borrow their income tax free against stock holdings and valuation for daily expenses. If you have $1B you can borrow $10M per year to live off tax free. If shit gets tight you sell it off and stop the payments. Basically you become your own bank.

Point is, if they get just 1 vote, they have less control because they don't pay taxes. Your carpenter and teacher couple pay $10k in taxes they get 5 votes per person.

It would be controversial, but the poorest of poor shouldn't get a decision and the richest of rich shouldn't either. Pay fucking taxes. I think it's pretty fair on paper. If you don't like it then contribute if we're going to have federal taxes. Or shut the fuck up. And no, I don't like taxes, but I don't have the money to put into PAC's and I'm not poor democrat.
17   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 10:39pm  

He forgot the Prime Mover Tenet: "If banking and market entities assure your success through market and financial manipulations, you will become fabulously wealthy, but you will be then owned by those entities to divert funds the way they see fit from then forward. All the other tenets are common sense bullshit for fair markets but don't apply because all markets are ultimately rigged."
18   Patrick   2024 Dec 1, 10:02pm  

"Focus on return on equity, not earnings per share."

What's the difference? I really don't know.
19   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 10:10pm  

Equity is appreciation or loss per share price from the purchase price.

Earnings per share are earnings distributions independent of share price or stocks that have relatively stable prices but have good earnings distributions. Some stocks are better at one rather than the other. I think Rin recommends shares with high earnings generally. Get the money now rather than rely on arbitrary appreciation. You can always reinvest the earning back into the stock or diversify, I suppose.
20   Rin   2024 Dec 1, 10:31pm  

It's Rin, yes, still waking up at 1-2AM, having that jet lag from being in Britain for some time.

There's no need to beat up on Buffet. He has a very simple yet interesting M.O. ... his company does not distribute dividends (some ~$6B/yr) to its shareholder and thus, can play around w/ free cash. Yes, this money arrives in the BKH coffers with exactly 0 hours of work.

Now, if Warren gave that cash, simply to Claire & I, we could actually paid him back in full plus an additional 90+%, $5.4B, just for believing in us. We'll be perfectly happy with a mere pre-tax earnings of $600M and we'll even name our future first child, Warren, if he's a guy, or Wanda, if she's a girl.

Ceffer says

I think Rin recommends shares with high earnings generally.

It's a bit of all, active investing (looking for undervalued, high div stocks), active trading (looking for market swings), and passive investing (letting dividend aristocrats re-invest).

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