I love Alex Jones and Free Speech

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2022 Dec 1, 6:34pm   2,392 views  35 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

With special guest, Kanye.

FREE SPEECH at it's best.

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1   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 1, 7:41pm  

WTF happened in this country?

KKK assholes, Black Panther assholes, I saw Elvis in a UFO assholes, used to be on TV and Talk Radio all the damned time.

Not just Morton Downey or Art Bell or Donahue, but on PBS, CNN, Fox, etc. Early Youtube was chock full of crazy assholes.

And it wasn't long ago.

Sometime around 10 years ago, in the last few years of Obozo's second term, it suddenly became Verbotten to have any assholes on ANY media.

It's unAmerican bullshit.

Even though Kanye is a nutty asshole and Fuentes has a gaping asshole. They have a right to be assholes.
2   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 1, 7:49pm  

Now the a holes have migrated here to Patnet which is what makes it fun to be here!
3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Dec 2, 3:31am  

AmericanKulak says

WTF happened in this country?

KKK assholes, Black Panther assholes, I saw Elvis in a UFO assholes, used to be on TV and Talk Radio all the damned time.

Not just Morton Downey or Art Bell or Donahue, but on PBS, CNN, Fox, etc. Early Youtube was chock full of crazy assholes.

And it wasn't long ago.

Sometime around 10 years ago, in the last few years of Obozo's second term, it suddenly became Verbotten to have any assholes on ANY media.

It's unAmerican bullshit.

Even though Kanye is a nutty asshole and Fuentes has a gaping asshole. They have a right to be assholes.

What happened is the liberals sat with their thumbs up their asses while university professors turned the millenials into fascist assholes, who in turn co opted the media who then propagandized everyone all while calling the freedom loving opposition “fascists”. We saw it here where liberal Marcus started calling President Trump a fascist before he was even President, and when challenged on what specific elements make President Trump a fascists, would not specifically answer and would only post links to opinion pieces as “proof”.
4   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Dec 2, 4:53am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

would only post links to opinion pieces as “proof”.

A common sheeple programming method, it serves to amplify made up stories. The USG uses this tactic frequently. Leak bogus WMD info to the NY Times, and then point to it as proof of WMD's.
5   DhammaStep   2022 Dec 2, 5:24am  

If nothing else, this Kanye drama has revealed what I had known for a long time, that most of these "Christian Conservatives" are frauds. They're cancelling him just like a liberal would. They don't care about or understand Christ's message about love either.

Either way, people are talking about Kanye and not how the economy is collapsing and everyone is getting wrecked by crime, inflation, taxation etc etc. They win!
6   Tenpoundbass   2022 Dec 2, 5:36am  

What if Alex Jones was given an out, burn down the MAGA movement, shave a few billion off of your Legal Tab?

Ye is also compromised with his balls in a vice.

I guess what I'm saying is, you can appreciate and enjoy the Circus show, without falling for the Mental Trap.

This is the Establishment Rinos and Commies making their final push to prove once and for all, that the MAGA movement is nothing more than a bunch of Nazi loving Hitlers.

The question is, are you that gullible and mailable?
7   mell   2022 Dec 2, 7:42am  

Sure, very possible. However the "burning down" is done with reasonable talking points, so dissing them constantly will burn those talking points forever as well, cementing the grip of those who want to control the masses and dictate what you can and cannot say. Besides - probably out of spite/hurt of having all the money and fame and still being powerless/silenced - kissing nazi ass too much, Ye - who def is a bit cooky and has an ego - makes points many others have made before.

One of them is if you are real Christian you can talk to anybody, talk good about anybody and must accept that anybody can redeem themselves and be saved. This is actually a quite clever - or graceful - concept, preventing people from elevating themselves over others permanently. Dahmer got baptized, and whether he was full of shit or actually coming around, repenting, only God knows.

But that's the point of Christianity, we're all sinners, and while we can and should punish those who do evil to protect society from them (but leave ultimate judgement to God), we should never give up dialogue or finding good in people (I'm sure Floyd wanted to be a good man at some point, he just succumbed to drugs), and it is surely allowed to mention good things, even about mass murderers. By the way the left does this all the time, you hear how great Castro, Marx, Che Guevara, Mao, and Lenin were - with impunity.

Another one is that the "Nazis" are not one homogenous group like the "Jews" aren't either, so he is right on that. I think Ye has figured out that - even as a rich black man - he cannot say/discuss whatever he wants - even if he does good in general - and his ego and cookyness are leading him into this "crusade". He will have a hard time recovering from it, but he's not loco crazy for poking the hornets nest. Maybe have tried and failed before, let's see how he'll do.

It's def by design that you can silence somebody with a pavlov reaction from npc society, who does no harm but spouts controversial views, while at the same time the same people who silence speech promote mass genocide via abortion (esp. black children) and forced inoculation, as well as child grooming, exploitation, and pornography. They aren't much "better" than those they demand you cannot say anything good about. You don't have to be a nazi-sympathizer to see that.
8   mell   2022 Dec 2, 7:52am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

AmericanKulak says

WTF happened in this country?

KKK assholes, Black Panther assholes, I saw Elvis in a UFO assholes, used to be on TV and Talk Radio all the damned time.

Not just Morton Downey or Art Bell or Donahue, but on PBS, CNN, Fox, etc. Early Youtube was chock full of crazy assholes.

And it wasn't long ago.

Sometime around 10 years ago, in the last few years of Obozo's second term, it suddenly became Verbotten to have any assholes on ANY media.

It's unAmerican bullshit.

Even though Kanye is a nutty asshole and Fuentes has a gaping asshole. They have a right to be assholes.

What happened is the liberals sat with their thumbs up their asses while university professors turned the millenials into fascist assholes, who in turn co opted the media who then propagandized everyone all while calling the freedom loving opposition “fasci...

9   Tenpoundbass   2022 Dec 2, 8:01am  

mell says

Ye - who def is a bit cooky and has an ego - makes points many others have made before.

Yes but he isn't discussing it to create open dialog about the issue. He's building a hill to die on, and is trying to take the whole MAGA movement with him. Then and only then will the Liberals who have spurned and shunned him, will see his brilliance and offer him their open arms.
My hope is that the Supporters of a Patriotic Free America, will realize all of this, just quietly nod in agreement. But not take the bait and let it all crash back down on the fools trying to capitalize on this manufactured moment.

Understand, Ye is being the Manifestation of every vile nuance of everything the Left and RINOs have been projecting on us from the start. To now elicit open dialog about disdain for Jews, would be the smoldering gun that they need to send it over the edge. Understand all Ye has said, that Jews own 90% of the media, which within itself is not a hateful observation to make. The sins will happen when Patriots all start to chime in about hook noses, cheapskates, their abuses and crimes against the Goy. The media will have a field day brainwashing every Lemming in America that we're all sewing SS uniforms as they read that.

Just leave it be, let it be the shit on cracker on Ye's first amendment party tray, that nobody takes. Send it back to the kitchen.
10   mell   2022 Dec 2, 8:04am  

Tenpoundbass says

mell says

Ye - who def is a bit cooky and has an ego - makes points many others have made before.

Yes but he isn't discussing it to create open dialog about the issue. He's building a hill to die on, and is trying to take the whole MAGA movement with him. Then and only then will the Liberals who have spurned and shunned him, will see his brilliance and offer him their open arms.
My hope is that the Supporters of a Patriotic Free America, will realize all of this, just quietly nod in agreement. But not take the bait and let it all crash back down on the fools trying to capitalize on this manufactured moment.

Understand, Ye is being the Manifestation of every vile nuance of everything the Left and RINOs have been projecting on us from the start. To now elicit open dialog about disdain for Jews, would be the smoldering gun that they need to send it over the edge. Un...

Agreed, good point. Sending it back to the kitchen is prob best.
11   Tenpoundbass   2022 Dec 2, 8:06am  

I think if we do nothing, and do little to acknowledge his statements. Then the Liberals can't won't be repulsed by our response. Since they like to be out of phase with every action we take. They run right into Ye's rhetoric and red pill themselves against Jews.

That's the beauty of the curse of the Libtards trying to stamp out freedom of speech.
12   DhammaStep   2022 Dec 2, 8:15am  

Tenpoundbass says

I think if we do nothing, and do little to acknowledge his statements. Then the Liberals can't won't be repulsed by our response. Since they like to be out of phase with every action we take. They run right into Ye's rhetoric and red pill themselves against Jews.

That's the beauty of the curse of the Libtards trying to stamp out freedom of speech.

I have a very serious question for you: do you really believe you have any say in how you're portrayed in their media? Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it. There's more hate crimes against Jews in my "liberal utopia" city than anywhere in a Red place. "If we do nothing" would be acceptable if they didn't have a literal army of well-poisoners, GPT chat bots, and even Hollywood at their disposal.

We watched them use the very same tactic with vaccines on social media. They took a growing subreddit that was critical of the New Normal and manipulated it into looking like they were attacking other people in order to ban them. They even got caught planning it on chat apps but then nothing happened.

The idea that you're being forced to surrender at the idea that someone is having a breakthrough realization about Christ's love should terrify all of you, religious or not.
13   mell   2022 Dec 2, 8:31am  

DhammaStep says

The idea that you're being forced to surrender at the idea that someone is having a breakthrough realization about Christ's love should terrify all of you, religious or not.

Yeah, this is a concern. Christians should not yield on this point.
14   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 2, 8:36am  

DhammaStep says

Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it.

This looks familiar...
15   DhammaStep   2022 Dec 2, 8:47am  


DhammaStep says

Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it.

This looks familiar...

Your point is a little too ambiguous for me, could you please elaborate?
16   clambo   2022 Dec 2, 9:48am  

Alex was on the radio KSCO in Santa Cruz at night years ago.
Does he have a podcast or something still?
He came once to the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium I think, my friend went to see him and brought his daughter along.
It's interesting that the Governor of California can call white males a problem but Kanye can't complain about Jews.
17   Tenpoundbass   2022 Dec 2, 11:51am  

DhammaStep says

I have a very serious question for you: do you really believe you have any say in how you're portrayed in their media?

Yep sure I do, I can play them a cheap worn out fiddle, with rubber band strings, and corn silk bow.

By not going in the direction the Media tries to usher the Americans(I'm just going to call our side Americans from here on out, it's clear that those commie fucks are NOT!),
Their base will jump in and wallow in the cesspit, the media dug for us. It happens all of the time. If we refrain from saying. "Yeah well fuck the Jews!" their base will do it for us, because they are programmed to do the exact opposite of us Americans.
18   DhammaStep   2022 Dec 2, 12:31pm  

Tenpoundbass says

DhammaStep says

I have a very serious question for you: do you really believe you have any say in how you're portrayed in their media?

Yep sure I do, I can play them a cheap worn out fiddle, with rubber band strings, and corn silk bow.

I suppose I'm more pessemistic because I know many of these people in real life and all of their beliefs about Republicans/Conservatives are essentially based on hallucinations and not at all what reality reflects.
19   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 2, 12:46pm  

DhammaStep says


DhammaStep says

Republicans have been lambasted as Neo-Nazi KKK supporters for almost a damn decade now and they didn't need a single real hate crime to do it.

This looks familiar...

Your point is a little too ambiguous for me, could you please elaborate?

Sure: remember "Ukrainians are Nazis and hence need to be attacked with the full might of the 2nd military in the world"? And what happened when supposed naziest of all Nazis surrenderd in Mariupol? They were sent home. Including the leaders of the outfit accused of some vague "Nazi hate crimes" evidence of which was to be revealed at the trial.... which never happened.

Same Commie pattern: accuse somebody of being a Nazi and commiting hate crimes, act upon the accusation, don't bother with evidence.
20   Patrick   2023 Jul 28, 11:18am  


I remember when people laughed at this…

Oh boy has it aged well

23   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 10, 1:18pm  

I may actually make a twit/X account now (1st time ever) that Jones is back simply so I can read all of the salty tears.
24   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 10, 1:29pm  

He's back... he went on a twitter-spaces podcast, and then Elon Musk joined in. Posobiec and others.

CELEBRATE! Alex is going to make the frogs... straight!
25   Booger   2023 Dec 10, 3:34pm  

Obligatory "Bill Clinton is a rapist Infowars.com" video:
29   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 4, 7:00pm  

NWO WARS: Alex Jones, the Game!

Actual Game Content


Reminds me of classic game "Contra" -

Like Duke Nuke 'em has his comments, Jones' character says "I will eat your ass" "You won't turn the frogs gay" while fighting the NWO on Epstein's Island
30   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 6, 11:52am  

Reminder: People who attack/discredit Alex Jones' patriotism and stances are Feds. Remember, Feds don't just run Wokies. They also run fake the FakeFed Front to make "White Supremacists" seem bigger than it is.
32   Patrick   2024 Jan 31, 11:48am  

Alex Jones in 2009. Sounded crazy then, but sounds quite plausible now. May have posted this before.

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