by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Schokolade says
He would be the first nazi-jew that I know.
Fritz Haber was Jewish. He created the Haber process which is essential to modern farming, it makes ammonium nitrate. He also invented mustard gas, and a little known chemical called Zyklon B.
We are fed complete bullshit about WWII.
To troll is to make deliberately inflammatory remarks for the fun of watching people get angry, or to derail a conversation because it is converging on an unwanted conclusion.
Like Fritz Haber died in 1934 after deciding to leave Nazi Germany, en route to the Middle East, in a hotel in Basel, Switzerland.
And his Zyklon-A was invented and used as a fumigant in Grain Stores during the Weimar Era in the 1920s.
OK, false and inflammatory.
To troll is to make deliberately inflammatory remarks for the fun of watching people get angry, or to derail a conversation because it is converging on an unwanted conclusion.
When Putin said Ukraine was the same as Russia, and that it should be part of Russia, that made a lot of Ukrainians upset as they recalled Stalin had the same views as far as control and used the Holomdor to force submission. One was forcing people to work on collective or socialist farms.
Russia didn't care what Ukraine did, until they declared they were going to give up their independence, wanted to join the EU,
For instance: you said you are convinced user Bitcoin died of the jab.
What about Shokolwhatever? He's the bot.
For instance: you said you are convinced user Bitcoin died of the jab. Yet, there was no evidence and it’s obviously not true but you repeated this over and over.
You also made other statements like Russia never lost a war or France is lost (after the riots). You just need to keep in mind there might be another alternative (contrary to your belief) out there that you can’t see at the moment. Maybe look into “black and white thinking”?
What’s also upsetting is the fact that the US doesn’t support Maui residents more financially but sends billions to Ukraine.
Trollhole says
What about Shokolwhatever? He's the bot.
I do suspect he's someone paid to be here, or maybe AI, but I don't really know. Just going by his recent appearance and the straight war-machine party line he takes.
I have been changing names since the beginning. I don’t know why more people change their names. Maybe they love their names. I
Funny. You just recently posted that 90% of people are dumb shits, cattle, call people all kinds of names but not by their user name.
Then again, at some point that is actually trolling, because it's false and deliberately inflammatory.
Funny. You just recently posted that 90% of people are dumb shits, cattle, call people all kinds of names but not by their user name.
StillsearchingforagoodName says
I have been changing names since the beginning. I don’t know why more people change their names. Maybe they love their names. I
So people know who they are talking to. That's why people use names. If you change your name constantly, you may as well NOT have a name at all.
You think the interloper is Iwog, reincarnated as a malignant AI spreading baneful propaganda?
But until then, I won’t post on your Ukraine posts anymore so you all can calm the fuck down, lol.
Just changed my name. To make a point about this crap.
Patrick says
Trollhole says
What about Shokolwhatever? He's the bot.
I do suspect he's someone paid to be here, or maybe AI, but I don't really know. Just going by his recent appearance and the straight war-machine party line he takes.
OK, now that he's changed his name to Schwarzwaelder I think he's even more sus. Why the name change?
Why German names? I can speak German myself reasonably well, btw.
I never once denied I was user bitcoin. I confirmed it several times.
I think the true reason is: I said stuff about Ukraine/Russia that’s unpopular here.
No need to apologize:) I don’t take offense, I actually think it’s hilarious that you thought I am dead because I got the vaccine.
I wouldn’t read or engage in any Covid related posts. I would love a button to hide those along w/ the Ukraine threads.
even the dumbest in this crowd can have a good thought or idea from time to time.
An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."
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