Americans cheer Soros Rape Vans being Towed Away

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2020 Jul 3, 11:15pm   1,356 views  30 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Patrick   2020 Jul 3, 11:52pm  

Love it!
2   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 12:08am  

Observation: Historically, left wing groups have been broke. Sometimes, they have rich kids whose daddy/trust fund pays for the townhouse where the bomb is built, but that's about it.

Where are these Far Left groups suddenly getting funding to rent/buy vans to block a road? Not just here, but other protests they have comm gear, custom printed signs, jackets, etc.
3   AD   2020 Jul 4, 12:11am  


NoCoupForYou says
Observation: Historically, left wing groups have been broke. Sometimes, they have rich kids whose daddy/trust fund pays for the townhouse where the bomb is built, but that's about it.

Where are these Far Left groups suddenly getting funding to rent/buy vans to block a road? Not just here, but other protests they have comm gear, custom printed signs, jackets, etc.

Groups like Bend the Arc are organizing and funding the Antifa rioters.

Follow the $$$$
4   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 12:15am  

Right, a total Astroturf organization that has 70 employees in multiple cities, that nobody heard of a few years ago and was a declining organization of a dying demographic, but now is a big money distributor.

And who is now donating to Prog Causes openly? McDonalds. Google.

It's increasingly clear Big Corps and China are working with the Far Left.
5   Ceffer   2020 Jul 4, 11:39am  

Subversion is big business in election years. Stoke the phlegmatic screamers. The Chinese lobbyists demand value for money from their captive politicians? Whouda thought? After all, America has been on the auction block for a while, and the Dems are the contingency brokers.

Sprinkle money on every bug eyed oppositional defiant, voila, civic unrest.
6   goofus   2020 Jul 4, 12:12pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Observation: Historically, left wing groups have been broke. Sometimes, they have rich kids whose daddy/trust fund pays for the townhouse where the bomb is built, but that's about it.

Where are these Far Left groups suddenly getting funding to rent/buy vans to block a road? Not just here, but other protests they have comm gear, custom printed signs, jackets, etc.

I wish that were true. Unfortunately the links of leftism to high finance, from Bolshevism to BLM, are well established.

"The primary financier of the Russian revolutionary movement 1905–1917 was Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., New York. In particular Schiff had provided the money for the distribution of revolutionary propaganda among Russians prisoners-of-war in Japan in 1905 by the American journalist George Kennan who, more than any other individual, was responsible for turning American public and official opinion against Czarist Russia. Kennan subsequently related that it was thanks to Schiff that 50,000 Russian soldiers were revolutionized and formed the cadres that laid the basis for the March 1917 Revolution and, we might add–either directly or indirectly–the consequent Bolshevik coup of November. The reaction of bankers from Wall Street and The City towards the overthrow of the Czar was enthusiastic."

BLM of course has been funded since the Ferguson riots by Soros' Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, Borealis and others:

"For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour. The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition. That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress."

And every communist insurrection from the 1920's through the 1980's (including China's) was funded and logistically helped by the USSR.
7   Bd6r   2020 Jul 4, 12:14pm  

goofus says
I wish that were true. Unfortunately the links of leftism to high finance, from Bolshevism to BLM, are well established.

I recall that German High command was financing Lenin and Bolsheviks in 1917. May be one should look for foreign financiers of BLM as well...
8   Ceffer   2020 Jul 4, 12:23pm  

Soros is a double triple quadruple agent who the PTB pull off the shelf to induce the meddling with his protest mafia. Plausible deniability and all that. Soros is the beard.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 12:47pm  

rd6B says
I recall that German High command was financing Lenin and Bolsheviks in 1917. May be one should look for foreign financiers of BLM as well...

Exactly. Putting on another group

The Kaiser also funded terrorism against the Neutral USA during WW1, using Clan Na Gael to plant bombs on neutral, innocent US Ships, blow up nitrate storage (Big Tom), and poison the whole US herd of horses and other lifestock with Anthrax. And supporting Mexican bandit raids into the USA as well.

Lenin, given Gold, and Guns, and a Sealed Train to Russia was entirely a Kaiser operation.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 12:50pm  

goofus says
"The primary financier of the Russian revolutionary movement 1905–1917 was Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., New York. In particular Schiff had provided the money for the distribution of revolutionary propaganda among Russians prisoners-of-war in Japan in 1905 by the American journalist George Kennan who, more than any other individual, was responsible for turning American public and official opinion against Czarist Russia. Kennan subsequently related that it was thanks to Schiff that 50,000 Russian soldiers were revolutionized and formed the cadres that laid the basis for the March 1917 Revolution and, we might add–either directly or indirectly–the consequent Bolshevik coup of November. The reaction of bankers from Wall Street and The City towards the overthrow of the Czar was enthusiastic."

Because the Czar was an old fart. They wanted a Liberal or mild Socialist ("Menschevik") government that would allow more foreign investment, not the Czar and his aged, arbitrary bureaucracy and military overspending while shitty muddy roads remained unimproved.

Like all the Leftist revolutions, the worse came out on top, and they lost it all. Interestingly, the Bolsheviks ("Majority") were actually a tiny minority, but they used the usual Leftist gaslighting propaganda to convince the public that they were the true majority.

But Germany was very happy for Russia to be knocked out of the war, and Lenin instantly gave them a very generous peace treaty. Unfortunately, Lenin himself was replaced by Stalin.

Same shit is happening here right now, Media, Academia, Hollywood, Big Tech, Dems are trying to convince the public that their radical Left views are widely held when it's perhaps 10% of the pop at best.
11   Ceffer   2020 Jul 4, 12:52pm  

Unleash the dragons, and they turn around and bite you in the ass. How disloyal, inconsiderate, and ungentlemanly.
12   goofus   2020 Jul 4, 1:04pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Because the Czar was an old fart. They wanted a Liberal or mild Socialist ("Menschevik") government that would allow more foreign investment, not the Czar and his aged, arbitrary bureaucracy and military overspending while shitty muddy roads remained unimproved.

Like all the Leftist revolutions, the worse came out on top, and they lost it all. Interestingly, the Bolsheviks ("Majority") were actually a tiny minority, but they used the usual Leftist gaslighting propaganda to convince the public that they were the true majority.

But Germany was very happy for Russia to be knocked out of the war, and Lenin instantly gave them a very generous peace treaty. Unfortunately, Lenin himself was replaced by Stalin.

I hate to be that person, but I will (and here's my personal caveat -- Russian Jewish grandfather who utterly repudiated communism). Schiff and family (Jewish) funded the "First Russian Revolution" of 1905 because of their ideology (Marxism, also Jewish), as well as the final revolution of 1917. According to Solzhenitsyn, 16 of the original 19 Bolshevik inner party were Jewish or partially Jewish. It was a power grab over a centuries' long grievance. Read 200 Years Together, still unpublished in english though translations can be found and downloaded.

The crimes of Bolsheviks surpass any in history -- entire classes of people wiped out, and the dead estimated within the +/- 10 million range. In my opinion, until (we) Jewish or partially Jewish people acknowledge those monstrous historic crimes, and stop funding more of the same (and the left today is more of the same, or would be if it could gain sufficient power), history will repeat.

Germans have dealt with their history (nazism). Americans have dealt with theirs (slavery). This is not a call for endless self-flagellation, but to recognize the actual history of communism and its promoters.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 1:48pm  

goofus says
According to Solzhenitsyn, 16 of the original 19 Bolshevik inner party were Jewish or partially Jewish. It was a power grab over a centuries' long grievance. Read 200 Years Together, still unpublished in english though translations can be found and downloaded.

First People's Commissars: Mostly not Jewish. There are Poles, Ukrainian Cossacks, and even Old Believers in it. And of course, the world's most famous Georgian, Stalin. Trotsky is the only clear person of Jewish heritage, Ivan Teodorovich was possibly Jewish although he was born into the Polish Gentry, so this is unlikely.

Note that Stalin was Commissar of Nationalities. In his purge, the Jewish membership of Communist Party went from 5% to 1%, and almost none of the original Revolutionaries survived it.

The largest ethnicity in the NKVD was Latvian, followed by Armenian, followed by Jews. They were also the most literate populations in the Russian Empire, too.

Solzhenitsyn is basically an old fashioned Reactionary Monarchist and Orthodox Fanatic. He didn't like the USA or Protestantism very much either, but wanted everybody (including Jews) to "Give up their resistance to the one holy and Catholic church" - which Eastern Orthodoxy believes IT is.
14   goofus   2020 Jul 4, 2:05pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Solzhenitsyn is basically an old fashioned Reactionary Monarchist and Orthodox Fanatic. He didn't like the USA or Protestantism very much either, but wanted everybody (including Jews) to "Give up their resistance to the one holy and Catholic church" - which Eastern Orthodoxy believes IT is.

Solzhenitsyn was given a Nobel prize in literature and revered for his historical research — until 200 Years Together, when he was Watsoned in the west. He tells an inconvenient truth, also about the composition of NKVD heads — 90% Jewish, until Stalin purged them following WW2 (Stalin began to distrust Jewish allegiance to Israel, which many fled to following the war, above the communist project).
15   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 2:07pm  

goofus says
Solzhenitsyn was given a Nobel prize in literature and revered for his historical research — until 200 Years Together, when he was Watsoned in the west. He tells an inconvenient truth, also about the composition of NKVD heads — 90% Jewish, until Stalin purged them following WW2 (Stalin began to distrust Jewish allegiance to Israel, which many fled to following the war, above the communist project).

No. Solzhenitsyn started to be disliked when he ranted about Capitalism and Individualism back in Harvard I believe in the 1970s. The controversy about his anti-semitism - which I don't believe, I think he's just an old fashioned Orthodox Bigot - began in the 80s, and he was defended by many, including Elie Wietzel.
16   Bd6r   2020 Jul 4, 2:09pm  

NoCoupForYou says
First People's Commissars: Mostly not Jewish. There are Poles, Ukrainian Cossacks, and even Old Believers in it. And of course, the world's most famous Georgian, Stalin. Trotsky is the only clear person of Jewish heritage, Ivan Teodorovich was possibly Jewish although he was born into the Polish Gentry, so this is unlikely.

Various minorities of former Russian Empire were over-represented among the Bolsheviks, no doubt because they despised Tsar empire. However, what difference does it make now? Water under the bridge, no need to self-flagellate because there was a Jewish or Polish commissar 100 years ago.
17   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 2:13pm  

rd6B says
Various minorities of former Russian Empire were over-represented among the Bolsheviks, no doubt because they despised Tsar empire. However, what difference does it make now? Water under the bridge, no need to self-flagellate because there was a Jewish or Polish commissar 100 years ago.

The falsehood was it was 80-85% Jewish. There was one Jew (maybe two) out of upteen, which is a big difference.

Of course, once the Liberals fell, it was the Communists or the White Army, which was full of Monarchists and Bigots conducting programs everywhere and putting Tzvi the Chicken Plucker to the sabre in his thatched hut for "usury".

goofus says
also about the composition of NKVD heads — 90% Jewish,

38.5% Jewish - Until Stalin took over. Then he purged the Jews including the despicable Yagoda - and yet, genocidal violence against Ukrainians and others increased, not decreased.

I don't deny that Jews, esp. those of an intellectual rather than entreprenurial bent, are attracted to the Left.
18   Ceffer   2020 Jul 4, 2:13pm  

I always thought it was funny in the day. Solzhenitsyn was lionized over here when he was protesting the Soviet Union in Russia and persecuted there for being a pain in their ass. When he was finally deported and came to USA, he didn't seem to appreciate the fact and then became a pain in our ass.
19   Bd6r   2020 Jul 4, 2:20pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The falsehood was it was 80-85% Jewish. There was one Jew (maybe two) out of upteen, which is a big difference.

Yeah, I know that. Had some Russian acquaintances of mine spout the same nonsense - and from old influential Bolsheviks only 5 out of about 20 were Jewish, nowhere near 80%.
But I don't see how this matters. Zero or 100% it was 100 years ago, times have changed. Should we reopen investigations about atrocities of Swedish Army in 30-year war in 17th century?
Edit: more precisely, I do not see how crimes of a few individuals should require self-flagellation of the whole nation, especially since these individuals were "internationalists".
20   goofus   2020 Jul 4, 2:27pm  

NoCoupForYou says
38.5% Jewish - Until Stalin took over. Then he purged the Jews including the despicable Yagoda - and yet, genocidal violence against Ukrainians and others increased, not decreased.

38.5% of officers, 90% of heads.

Much to say, but going hiking. Happy 4th!
21   Patrick   2020 Jul 4, 3:02pm  

ad says
Groups like Bend the Arc are organizing and funding the Antifa rioters.

Follow the $$$$

Can we trace it back further?

No doubt they are trying to obscure the money.
22   Patrick   2020 Jul 4, 3:03pm  

NoCoupForYou says
And who is now donating to Prog Causes openly? McDonalds. Google.

It's increasingly clear Big Corps and China are working with the Far Left.

It is clear that trillions in outsourcing profits are at stake here.

You should be paranoid in proportion to the amount of money involved, and these are intergalactic amounts of money.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 4, 4:51pm  

goofus says
38.5% of officers, 90% of heads.

Cheka (1917-1922)
Felix Dzerzhinsky - Polish Nobility
Jekabs Peters - Latvian

OGPU (All State Political Board, to 1922 to 1934)
Felix Dzerzhinsky - Polish Nobility
Vyacheslav Menzhinsky - Polish Nobility

NKVD becomes main branch of Internal Security, 1934
Genrikh Yagoda - Jewish (1934-1936, executed by Stalin)
Nikolai Yezhov - Lithuanian/Russian (1936 - 1938, undermined by Beria and executed)
Yavrenty Beria - Georgian/Mingrelian (1938 onwards)

Vsevolod Merkulov - Georgian

And of course, Stalin, Russian-Georgian, who preferred Fellow Georgians to hold the highest positions, esp. of State Security.

So... of the heads of the Internal Security Apparatus of the USSR to WW2: 1 Jew of 7 Individuals.
24   goofus   2020 Jul 5, 3:32pm  

No Lazar Kaganovich, the architect of the Ukrainian famine (Holodomor), dekulakization, the Great Terror, and Stalin's key deputy? Apart from Beria, Stalin's inner circle was heavily Jewish, until he became paranoid about dual loyalties post-war.

Your summation is incomplete at best, but I'll need more time (today won't do it).
25   goofus   2020 Jul 6, 8:06am  

NoCoupForYou, let's let wikipedia refute wikipedia (and you). Your position would be the first entry presumably, that Jewish over-representation in the First Politburo is a "canard":

"Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard, which alleges that the Jews were the originators of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and that they held primary power among the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. Similarly, the conspiracy theory of Jewish Communism alleges that Jews have dominated the Communist movements in the world."

However, five of the first seven Politburo members were Jewish or partially Jewish, and the sixth was Georgian. Ethnic disaffection, rather than class alliance, was a driving force. The seven are as follows:

(1) Lev Kamenev – Born Leo Rosenfeld, he was one of the seven members of the first Politburo, founded in 1917 to manage the Bolshevik Revolution: Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.[1] He was the son of a Jewish railway worker and a Russian Orthodox Christian mother.
Kamenev was the brother-in-law of Leon Trotsky. He served briefly as the equivalent of the first head of state of Soviet Russia in 1917, and from 1923-24 as acting Premier in the last year of Vladimir Lenin's life.

(2) Leon Trotsky – Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein of Ukrainian Jewish parents, Trotsky was a leading figure in the Red victory in the Russian Civil War. Once in government, Trotsky initially held the post of the Commissar for Foreign Affairs and was involved in the Brest-Litovsk negotiations with Germany as Russia pulled out of World War One. Trotsky became more prominent from March 1918 to January 1925 as the leader of the Red Army in the post of Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. Trotsky was one of the seven members of the first Politburo.

(3) Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev – Born Hirsch Apfelbaum, Zinoviev is best remembered as the longtime head of the Communist International and the architect of several failed attempts to transform Germany into a communist country during the early 1920s. Born in Yelizavetgrad, Russian Empire (now Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine), to Jewish dairy farmers.
Zinoviev said: "To overcome our enemies we must have our own socialist militarism. We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia's population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated."[8]

(4) Grigori Yakovlevich Sokolnikov – Born Hirsch Brilliant, he was a Russian old Bolshevik revolutionary, economist, and Soviet politician. He was the son of a Jewish doctor employed by the railways.

Late in 1917, Sokolnikov supervised the seizure of Russian banks, and the creation of new centralised banking system.[10] In March 1918, he was appointed an editor of Pravda, but he spent almost the entire Russian Civil War on the front line, firstly as Political commissar with the Second Army, which was responsible for putting down anti-Bolshevik rebellions on the western side of the Ural mountains, around Vyatka and Izhevsk. Two months later, after the rebellion had been crushed, he was transferred to the Southern Front, as commissar for the Ninth Army and later the Thirteenth Army, for the campaign against the Don Cossacks who had rebelled against Bolshevik rule, and the White Army of General Denikin. Later, alongside Rosalia Zemlyachka, he became commissar of the Eighth army, using this position to order mass shootings during the Russian Civil War.

(5) Vladimir Illych Lenin – Kalmyk or Chuvash, Russian, and Jewish.

(6) Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - Georgian

(7) Andrei Sergeyevich Bubnov – The only ethnic Russian of the group, he was a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leader, Soviet politician and military leader and member of the Left Opposition. He traveled to Guangzhou, China, to lead a team of Soviet advisors to the Nationalists,[2] then in close cooperation with the Communists. Following the Canton Coup on 20 March 1926, he worked out an agreement with the new Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek. He was recalled at Chiang's request the next month. He then worked with Grigori Voitinsky and Fedor Raskolnikov on the "Preliminary Theses on the Situation in China", which was presented to the ECCI in November and December of that year.
In 1929, he replaced Lunacharsky as People's Commissar for Education.

I can see why people would want to disassociate from these mass murderers, whose ideology continues to this day. But it's not intellectually honest. I could go into the Jewish disproportion of those involved with the 1919 Communist Insurrection in Germany, the Chinese Communist party origins in 1920, or of those advising Stalin (many of whom were eventually killed in show trials), but this should suffice for now.

Additionally, 38.5% of NKVD officers is nothing to sniff at. Jewish population share in Russia was 4%: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Empire_Census#By_religion
26   goofus   2020 Jul 6, 9:23am  

A bit more. Jewish influence on the Chinese Communist Revolution:

July 9, 2012 By Laura Goldman
Even when I have been disenfranchised from God and synagogue, I have always been culturally proud to be a Jew. A source of that pride is the Jewish tradition of helping the oppressed, and our involvement in social movements such as labor and civil rights.

Until I saw the documentary “The Revolutionary” at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.


I wouldn't be so proud if I were her, given the Cultural Revolution, engineered famines, and other atrocities that followed the Maoist takeover.
27   goofus   2020 Jul 6, 10:24am  

Last one. I think the point's been made:

28   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 6, 11:55am  

goofus says
No Lazar Kaganovich, the architect of the Ukrainian famine (Holodomor), dekulakization, the Great Terror, and Stalin's key deputy? Apart from Beria, Stalin's inner circle was heavily Jewish, until he became paranoid about dual loyalties post-war.

Stalin began purging all the Jewish Bolsheviks immediately upon gaining control in the mid 30s. Almost no old Bolsheviks of Jewish ancestry survived Stalin's reign, with those who had been his peers, and wiping up the remainder during the "Cosmopolitan Campaign" and the "Doctor's Plot". See Below.

goofus says
However, five of the first seven Politburo members were Jewish or partially Jewish, and the sixth was Georgian. Ethnic disaffection, rather than class alliance, was a driving force. The seven are as follows:

Not the first Soviet Government, which was the Original Oktober Government of the People's Commissars. This is "Picking and Choosing" among various early Soviet Governments until one is found with many Jews, fitting the facts to the theory of JB.

goofus says
No Lazar Kaganovich, the architect of the Ukrainian famine (Holodomor), dekulakization, the Great Terror, and Stalin's key deputy? Apart from Beria, Stalin's inner circle was heavily Jewish, until he became paranoid about dual loyalties post-war.

Here's the outcome of people on your list:
Kaminev - Broke with Stalin, 1925, executed by Stalin 1936.
Sokolnikov - Executed by Stalin, 1936
Zinonev - Executed by Stalin, 1936
Trotsky - Stripped of powers in 20s, fled in 1929, assassinated on Stalin's Orders, 1940
Lenin - Dead by 1924 and sidelined before that (complications of TB) Only his Maternal Grandparent was Jewish, who converted as a Young Man before meeting his Protestant German-Swedish Grandmother. Lenin himself, nor anybody else, including his sister, knew they had Jewish ancestry until he died. His Sister discovered it in Switzerland in the 1930s, after Lenin's death, encountering the Blank Family who identified a family heirloom, a cup, as being a "Blank" and that all Blanks in Switzerland were Jewish. All of Lenin's other grandparents and parents were Protestant or Russian Orthodox at birth, in fact his father Ilya was especially pious and seldom missed Sunday Mass. Of course, this is only of interest to those who think there is something magical in Jewish Blood that makes them bad people

All were executed at the start of Georgian Stalin's Great Terror, which killed around a million people between 36-38.

Here is the First Politburo established after the Revolution:

Of 21 Members, 7 were Jewish or half-Jewish. 8 were Russian, and the rest were other ethnicities. So majority non-Jewish.

If you mean the very first Politburo, it secretly met in a house in 1898, attended by a handful of people, and was dominated by Social Democrat Menscheviks and Labor Unionists, non-Communists. Nothing was accomplished, not even a charter or statement of principles, and several members were promptly arrested by the Tsar's Secret Police and sent to the Tsar's Gulags (often forgotten and often just as bad).

goofus says

I can see why people would want to disassociate from these mass murderers, whose ideology continues to this day. But it's not intellectually honest. I could go into the Jewish disproportion of those involved with the 1919 Communist Insurrection in Germany, the Chinese Communist party origins in 1920, or of those advising Stalin (many of whom were eventually killed in show trials), but this should suffice for now.

goofus says

Additionally, 38.5% of NKVD officers is nothing to sniff at. Jewish population share in Russia was 4%:

Russia was a country with a literacy rate of 25% in 1900. Guess who was Literate? Jews. Like Presbyterian Scots, they believed they had to read their Holy Books, so if a Jew had two zlotny to rub together, it was spent on literacy. Not a surprise that NKVD officers would be disproportionately from a group with extremely high literacy, I can accept about 35% in the early Revolution.

Scots completely dominated the East India Company and British Bureaucracy in the 1700s-1900s, despite being only 10% of the British Population, for similar reasons of literacy - near universal among Scots thanks to mandatory Schooling by the Presbyterian Church, very low among the English and Welsh generally (less than 50% until the late 19th).

Additionally, Jews were from the Pale, and likely to be multilingual in Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian, etc. making them more valuable candidates for leadership. Along with the Latvians and Poles, they were more likely to speak English, French, and German, also making them useful as counter-intelligence/internal security officers.

The typical Russian was unlikely to be literate in Russian.

There are several figures there from 1919 and 1917. Did the Soviets give a British Capitalist foreign reporter stacks of documents of Internal Security Agents to sort through, qualify their ranks and responsibilities, and quantify by ethnicity during the Russian Revolution/Civil War?

As for the Gulag Commander number is provided by "Hermann Greife", writing in 1937. That's an odd name for a Russian.
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 6, 12:23pm  

goofus says
Last one. I think the point's been made:>


Yes - the majority of deaths happened under Stalin, Jews were always a minority (though a disproportionately large one) of Early Soviet leadership, and that Stalin, as soon as he got control after purging the "Left Opposition" and "Right Opposition" in the 30s, began systematically removing Jews while taking his Great Terror to new heights, with his primary henchman, the master of NKVD and Internal Security, Lavrenty Beria.

As for Stalin delegating to underlings, anybody who read a biography of Stalin knows he was an incredible micromanager, utterly dominated everybody, and created such fear that when he was dying of a stroke, at any sign of movement or sound, those around him groveled and whinged lest he heard them talking about what to do next and was displeased.

Judeo Bolshevism has large grains of truth, but mostly it's simply the re-direction of "Jews poisoned the Wells and eat the babies" from Medieval Central Europe to Psychology, Communism, Global Commodity Markets, etc. during the 19th Century.

The Ultimate Origin of Modern Left Wing Authoritarianism and Terror was born in the French Revolution by Jacobins and Robespierre, not in the Soviet Union, which was just another wave of it.

Another utility of JB is to deflect any responsibility from Russia or Poland or other Central/Eastern European countries' populations.
"We dindu Nuttin'! It was all the Jews!"
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 6, 12:34pm  

goofus says
I wouldn't be so proud if I were her, given the Cultural Revolution, engineered famines, and other atrocities that followed the Maoist takeover.

Now that IS indeed a JB writing for the Backward. Of course, she's not a practicing Jew and announces that right off the bat. In fact, there's a case that Jewish Bolshevism is the replacement of Judaism with Left Revolutionary Ideology. Not unlike what is seen in Unitarians and other liberal denominations (and eventually abandoning religion all together for Leftist Eschatology). The connection between Intellectualism & Liberal Religion

Here is a non-Jewish Mao Booster, a New Zealander who was friends with a Colonel Edson of the USMC. From their friendship, "GUNG HO!" was popularized when Edson used it for his Raider Battalion.

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