by Booger ➕follow (4) 💰tip ignore
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All campus life in every college in America is exactly like being forced to join the Hitler Youth.
Prospective hires have to write multi page essays on the importance of diversity?
There are 4000 or 5000 institutions of higher learning in the states and if you pick 100 at random you will likely experience nothing but people scrambling to keep up with the demands of living in a country owned and operated by the fucking banks and no Title IX spear-gun snipers like UC Berkeley, as much as the crazy days right wants to prove every single college is owned and operated by stalinists stomping on the throats of white men and forcing them to wash the cars of IHLs and gangbangers.
You might as well equate the death metal band Krisiun with Paul Anka and categorize them together as 'popular music' and, of course, therefore the stuff of SATAN!
For the record I taught at two, a public community college and private university and mostly it was struggle at both, for the public university just to pay the staff and, at the private, for the kids to figure out how to package aid, debt and parent's contributions and jobs, summer gigs, in a way that would allow t...
Watch this vid from Janice Fiamengo about the bizarre powers of the inclusivity overlords and their intellectually subversive, overbearing presence in a field previously 'academic scientific' at UC Berkeley.
Prospective hires have to write multi page essays on the importance of diversity?
The righteous intolerant attitude of the left is indeed similar to the Nazi attitude.
Maybe it's more properly compared to the Stalinist attitude, but they are essentially identical.
Hitler have orders that any communist who desired to become a Nazi be accepted immediately and unconditionally, because he recognized that the attitude is the same. Good communists make good Nazis.
This is not left that fights for worker's rights, this is pseudo-left that wants to get paid for pushing GLOBO!HOMO! narrative and be paid $MILLION for doing thatThis was the work of people like Todd Gitlin and Tom Hayden and the New Left. They despised the Old Left and their support of the "workers of the world"--that great grey mass of interchangeable cogs in a big wheel. They are the ones who invented the identity politics that is everywhere today.
Just copy and paste something that you find on the internet.
A kid was here last night at the door trying to promote voter registrations for progressive candidates and it was exactly like being stuffed in a shower and hearing guards screaming RELEASE! THE! ZYKLON! B!
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