Woman Born in Hitler's Germany Says Liberals Remind Her of Nazis

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2020 Jan 23, 5:18am   3,560 views  13 comments

by Booger   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Bd6r   2020 Jan 23, 9:03am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
All campus life in every college in America is exactly like being forced to join the Hitler Youth.

They do suggest book burning these days.
2   Ceffer   2020 Jan 23, 10:29am  

Watch this vid from Janice Fiamengo about the bizarre powers of the inclusivity overlords and their intellectually subversive, overbearing presence in a field previously 'academic scientific' at UC Berkeley. There's one school that's down the crapper. Prospective hires have to write multi page essays on the importance of diversity? It's all the deepest, pure Commie crap imaginable. Academic qualifications have gone by the wayside, only conformity and repetition of stale political dicta required:

3   Shaman   2020 Jan 23, 11:09am  

Ceffer says
Prospective hires have to write multi page essays on the importance of diversity?

That might be all or most California colleges and universities. My wife had to write one of those as well when she was applying for her job as a professor. I think it’s like an ideological test given to ensure that the candidate is woke enough to be considered.
She is a racial minority, and had some experiences to relate and some authentic things to say.
4   Bd6r   2020 Jan 23, 12:48pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
There are 4000 or 5000 institutions of higher learning in the states and if you pick 100 at random you will likely experience nothing but people scrambling to keep up with the demands of living in a country owned and operated by the fucking banks and no Title IX spear-gun snipers like UC Berkeley, as much as the crazy days right wants to prove every single college is owned and operated by stalinists stomping on the throats of white men and forcing them to wash the cars of IHLs and gangbangers.

You might as well equate the death metal band Krisiun with Paul Anka and categorize them together as 'popular music' and, of course, therefore the stuff of SATAN!

For the record I taught at two, a public community college and private university and mostly it was struggle at both, for the public university just to pay the staff and, at the private, for the kids to figure out how to package aid, debt and parent's contributions and jobs, summer gigs, in a way that would allow t...

You are right to a point, but as someone who teaches at university now, I can attest that PC bullshit sensitivity nonsense is increasing exponentially. It is not driven by students or some communist/left wing conspiracy, it is driven by administrations trying to hire more administrations to justify their worthless, tuition-sucking existence, with some input from State legislatures (and supposedly conservative right wing TX legislature is introducing crap that their liberal colleagues on East and West coast would be proud of).

Can there be a better use of student money than to create Office of LGBTQIAPPPP1233444+-*()? Or five offices of student success, whose purpose is to pressure profs to inflate grades and not tell the little snowflakes that they should study instead of being lazy? Or bloated diversity offices, which is the source of book burning and mandatory thought exercises? Or "mandatory reporting of sexual harassment" - don't report it, and get fired? All of this administrative bloat takes away faculty independence, and the end result is that if we get a faculty member expressing non-woke opinions, administrations will get rid of him, not to change everyone to Stalin- and Bernie-worshipping communists, but simply to avoid any controversy and bad publicity. You know, discussion of controversies and free exchange of ideas was the reason why Universities were created in first place...not any more. Now it is collection of tuitions, football teams, and paying as much as possible to worthless bureaucrats who don't know their ass from elbow.
5   Ceffer   2020 Jan 23, 1:27pm  

Diversity crap has been going on for over fifty years now. That's multiple generations of stage props and fake wannabe wishful thinking based on ludicrous theories. If the boat doesn't float by this time, it ain't going to, so just go back to quality and performance, period.

Now, it is just a tool of subversion, putting in lame brains and retards so organizations can no longer function and are perpetually bound up in conflict, ignorance and controversy.
6   Hircus   2020 Jan 23, 7:38pm  

Ceffer says
Watch this vid from Janice Fiamengo about the bizarre powers of the inclusivity overlords and their intellectually subversive, overbearing presence in a field previously 'academic scientific' at UC Berkeley.

Holy shit. They have absolutely seized power at Berkeley.

With a hiring filter like that, where only the most woke of the woke can play ball, they're creating an alternate universe of pure nazi-esque wokeness.

It's a pretty damn good strategy, because highly qualified and ambitious students go there for the reputation, and those same students will get brainwashed, then go on and likely lead influential careers where they can spread wokeness onto many others.

I can hope the school might might lose its prestige and reputation by putting wokeness above merit, but that may take a long time, and not matter much.
7   Booger   2020 Jan 24, 3:08am  

Ceffer says
Prospective hires have to write multi page essays on the importance of diversity?

Just copy and paste something that you find on the internet.
8   Patrick   2020 Jan 24, 7:50am  

The righteous intolerant attitude of the left is indeed similar to the Nazi attitude.

Maybe it's more properly compared to the Stalinist attitude, but they are essentially identical.

Hitler have orders that any communist who desired to become a Nazi be accepted immediately and unconditionally, because he recognized that the attitude is the same. Good communists make good Nazis.
9   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 24, 7:58am  

Hell I was born in Fitzgerald Georgia and I could have told you that!
10   Bd6r   2020 Jan 24, 8:23am  

Patrick says
The righteous intolerant attitude of the left is indeed similar to the Nazi attitude.

Maybe it's more properly compared to the Stalinist attitude, but they are essentially identical.

Hitler have orders that any communist who desired to become a Nazi be accepted immediately and unconditionally, because he recognized that the attitude is the same. Good communists make good Nazis.

I think the "left" can better be described as "corporatist" these days. This is not left that fights for worker's rights, this is pseudo-left that wants to get paid for pushing GLOBO!HOMO! narrative and be paid $MILLION for doing that, so they can enjoy living in luxury while virtue signalling. The are in cahoots with big companies.
11   NDrLoR   2020 Jan 24, 8:54am  

rd6B says
This is not left that fights for worker's rights, this is pseudo-left that wants to get paid for pushing GLOBO!HOMO! narrative and be paid $MILLION for doing that
This was the work of people like Todd Gitlin and Tom Hayden and the New Left. They despised the Old Left and their support of the "workers of the world"--that great grey mass of interchangeable cogs in a big wheel. They are the ones who invented the identity politics that is everywhere today.
12   zzyzzx   2020 Jan 24, 10:41am  

Booger says
Just copy and paste something that you find on the internet.

I'm sure that websites for Bernie / Pocahontas / Creepy Joe / Buttplug and/or the Communist Manifesto are all good sources for material to plagiarize.
13   Patrick   2020 Jan 26, 1:49pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
A kid was here last night at the door trying to promote voter registrations for progressive candidates and it was exactly like being stuffed in a shower and hearing guards screaming RELEASE! THE! ZYKLON! B!

A similar comment could and should be made about comparing Trump to Hitler, as Democrats are wont to do:

Wearing a red hat, arguing for traditional values, and protecting the poorest US citizens from globalization and competition from illegals is exactly like being stuffed in a shower and hearing guards screaming RELEASE! THE! ZYKLON! B!

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