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58   socal2   2019 Jun 22, 11:08am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Actually solar and winds are already the cheapest form of energy in many places.
They are because we already invested a lot of money in these, and nothing bad happened to the economy.

I believe all of these places also rely on supplemental gas, coal and oil power plants to keep electricity on the grid during the peak hours in the evening or when there is no wind.

We will eventually get there in terms of renewables with good battery storage technology. But I think we have plenty of time to burn the shit out of our cleaner natural gas (reducing carbon emissions along the way) while the storage technology matures and is more reliable.
59   marcus   2019 Jun 22, 2:14pm  

Onvacation says
2. The last couple of years have been cooling in spite of co2 increasing.

This is consistent with what has been happening for the last century. Yes it's a trend. Higher highs and higher lows.

Onvacation says
3. 2018 was the 4th warmest year on record.

I wonder how far back you have to go to find the top 3 ? (again - it's called a trend )

Onvacation says
4. Co2 is essential to life.

This may be the stupidest of these. OF course the word scientific consensus means nothing to you.

Onvacation says
5. The predictions of Manhattan and Florida being underwater by now are false.

As if there were wide spread predictions like that. Most predictions have talked ranges of sea level rise, over the next century or longer time frames.

Onvacation says
7. Humans can adapt to a wide range of conditions.

Yes, humans also can and will get off of fossil fuels. The smart money is betting that the cost of expediting the transition actually saves us a lot including costs that are not strictly financial.

One pretty much has to be an employee of an energy company to deny this.
60   Onvacation   2019 Jun 22, 2:30pm  

marcus says

This is consistent with what has been happening for the last century.

So, you agree that all my facts are true?
61   Onvacation   2019 Jun 22, 2:36pm  

When it became obvious that the climate model predicted multi degree temperature spike was not happening, the alarmists renamed global warming climate change and started the narrative of " even a couple degrees can be catastrophic".

When people see the facts they usually start questioning the narrative.
62   HeadSet   2019 Jun 22, 3:50pm  

Why couldn't you have solar, wInd and 4th generation nuclear. THere are ways to do nuclear that are WAY safer than the reactors built 20 to 50 years ago.

Marcus, we agree here. We do NOT need AGW as a prompt to do this, as pollution and resource depletion are enough motivation. Still need to stabilize 1st World population to allow wind solar, new nuke tech, and conservation/recycling to be suffcient.
63   HeadSet   2019 Jun 22, 4:00pm  

Of course the word scientific consensus means nothing to you.

"Science consensus" should mean nothing to all thinking people. Science is determined by measurements and tested hypothesis, not by vote. No scientist wants to here "We like Relativity Theory because Einstein likes it." True scientists would say, "Lets see the numbers and reproducible proof."
64   Shaman   2019 Jun 22, 4:10pm  

marcus says
Yes, humans also can and will get off of fossil fuels.

This is happening, but our civilization needs time to make it happen. If we banned fossil fuels tomorrow, first people would ignore the ban, and then they would disband the government, and vote the bums who banned fossil fuels out of office. That’s because they’d be cold, hungry, and trying to fend off roving packs of looter gangs in the fucking dark!
You have no idea how terribly fragile our thin shell of civilization is on this stew we call humanity. Remove one layer, and the whole thing will fall apart in the most messy way imaginable.

The very best we can do is what we are already doing: developing our technology to address the energy problem. Eventually we will get there to your green utopia, but it is going to take time or else we will wind up in a Mad Max scenario with cannibal anarchy, yams, and everyone firing M130 at whatever moves. Oh and burning the fuck out of anything flammable.
Civilization takes time and effort to build and manage, but not much effort at all to topple back into chaos.
65   marcus   2019 Jun 23, 3:01pm  

Onvacation says
When it became obvious that the climate model predicted multi degree temperature spike was not happening, the alarmists renamed global warming climate change and started the narrative of " even a couple degrees can be catastrophic".

You should have been a politician. Total right wing bubble propaganda.

They renamed it climate change becasue half the country is below average in intelligence (FACT) and many of them are gullible idiots that don't know the difference between climate and weather. And becasue it's true that becasue climate is complex. We've been watching this for a while now. Worse floods, droughts, unusual cold pattern on one side of the planet while simultaneously multiple other parts are having 120 degree summers.

Turms out that's what AGW looks like.

THe only multi degree increase models were for a century or more out. OR possibly there was some wackos saying that, but it's never been what the climate science people in general have been predicting.
66   marcus   2019 Jun 23, 3:01pm  

When someone has to resort to big lies to make their argument, you know they are on very weak ground.
67   Shaman   2019 Jun 23, 3:07pm  

marcus says
THe only multi degree increase models were for a century or more out.

Then we have little to worry about.
The planet can tolerate a degree of temp.
We can too.
68   marcus   2019 Jun 23, 3:27pm  

Quigley says
Then we have little to worry about

No we have plenty to worry about. Yes it's theoretical, but the amount of c02 already in the atmosphere will be affecting climate for a long time, and increases in temperature beget further increases in temperature, what with increasing ocean temperatures, and melting ice caps.

In a sane world, we wouldn't have to know with certainty exactly how this is going to unfold in order to feel a relative sense of urgency about getting off of fossil fuels.
69   HeadSet   2019 Jun 23, 7:03pm  

getting off of fossil fuels.

Agreed, although "weening" may be a better term. Now the how. That will involve solar, wind, geothermal, etc plus conservation.

Conservation like:
Stabilized population
No imports from high polluting manufacturing countries
Prohibit any HOA, or local gov, etc., from outlawing rooftop solar panels, solar water heaters, or clothes lines
Close businesses at night
Tiered energy prices
Raise gasoline taxes
70   Onvacation   2019 Jun 24, 8:23am  

The chart that started it all from the high priest of AGW Michael Mann.

20 years later and we got 2 feet of snow on the first day of summer in Colorado.
71   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 24, 11:49am  

Onvacation says
20 years later and we got 2 feet of snow on the first day of summer in Colorado.

72   Shaman   2019 Jun 24, 11:58am  

marcus says

In a sane world, we wouldn't have to know with certainty exactly how this is going to unfold in order to feel a relative sense of urgency about getting off of fossil fuels.

I’m already explained how going mad for this will mean actual worldwide insanity and civilization collapse. We have far too many people alive now to revert to 19th century technology. The population has grown ten times since then, and this increase is sustained only with advanced tech, which requires fossil fuels to energize at this time. To suddenly stop using them would trigger a collapse in every good humanity has achieved in the last century. And those excess 6 billion people will make a hell of a mess in their death convulsions. I doubt if half a billion people would be left worldwide once that was over.

The good thing is that people with obtuse and myopic vision aren’t actually in charge of much. Not that they would be for long anyway. They can’t! They’ll destroy whatever they’re leading with their stupidity.
73   🎂 rocketjoe79   2019 Jun 24, 12:03pm  

This chart is just like the charts about the world "running out of oil" and so on. Every time we think we have run out, Oil companies go explore and find more. As long as oil/gas are cheaper, cheaper wins.

This investment in wind simply isn't economic - Spain spends $150k per year to support every wind job that pays $70k. Who is paying the difference?

Texas overtook Cali in total installed wind base a few years ago. But Texas discovered the wind dies - sometimes right in the middle of the day, when AC demands are highest. So they built a ton of combined cycle "peaker" powerplants that run on natural gas that can fire up in less than 30 minutes to meet demand. And, boy, do we have plenty of natural gas. Cheap wins again.
74   HeadSet   2019 Jun 24, 12:28pm  

But Texas discovered the wind dies - sometimes right in the middle of the day, when AC demands are highest.

Eventually, that mid day is when Solar would kick in.
75   Onvacation   2019 Jun 24, 12:28pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Onvacation says
20 years later and we got 2 feet of snow on the first day of summer in Colorado.


Just goes to show that the cataclysmic, permanent drought, snow is a memory, global warming scientists were wrong.
76   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 24, 1:02pm  

Onvacation says
Just goes to show that the cataclysmic, permanent drought, snow is a memory, global warming scientists were wrong.

Show me a scientific article that predicted no snow in Colorado last year.
How are a couple degrees difference on average 100 yrs out - even 5 degrees in a catastrophic scenario - were ever going to prevent snow in mountains LAST YEAR?
These things are obvious and not worth talking about.
77   ForcedTQ   2019 Jun 24, 1:24pm  

The problem with analyzing this projection is we're missing a piece to the puzzle. Is this chart of electricity produced or electricity consumed? What is the total electricity in k or M/wh for each year. I have a sneaky suspicion total electricity is going DOWN.
79   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 24, 5:58pm  

Onvacation says
And yet here we are.

So you're mad because Newsweek published something overly dramatic?
80   socal2   2019 Jun 24, 6:25pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
So you're mad because Newsweek published something overly dramatic?

Do you seriously think it is illegitimate to point out the hyperbolic doom and gloom predictions that ALWAYS fail to pass?

It's not just Newsweek who has been overly dramatic. We have Al Gore, Hollywood, Media, Academia and the Democrat party running around like chicken-little's for nearly 20 years now.
81   Onvacation   2019 Jun 24, 6:35pm  

socal2 says
like chicken-little's

Like the original the sky is falling fable chicken little, not that stupid Disney remake.
82   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 25, 1:10am  

Global Warming is the Leftist Eschaton, that somewhat replaced "Three Generations of Idiots so let social workers sterilize people at their whim."
83   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 25, 10:54am  

socal2 says
It's not just Newsweek who has been overly dramatic. We have Al Gore, Hollywood, Media, Academia and the Democrat party running around like chicken-little's for nearly 20 years now.

Certainly if you act like it's not a real problem there's a low chance people will do anything about it.
And it is a big problem - for 2100, 2200,...
The thing is: 100 yrs is way beyond what people can reasonably think about. But it is also a short duration with regard to even human history, itself a blink in the history of this planet.
84   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 25, 11:11am  

Heraclitusstudent says
The thing is: 100 yrs is way beyond what people can reasonably think about.

100 years is even further beyond what we can forecast.

Therein lies your original sin: trusting the cult of climate modeling.
85   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 25, 12:52pm  

CBOEtrader says
100 years is even further beyond what we can forecast.

Yeah, So let's do nothing. Let's watch temperature increase decade after decade, based on phenomenons we fully understand and observe taking place, and can easily project.

Because, you know... maybe some miracle will happen by itself and eliminate the problem before anything worrying happens.

That's great thinking.
86   Onvacation   2019 Jun 25, 8:02pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
phenomenons we fully understand and observe taking place

No and no.

We do not understand the super complex phenomenom we call weather much less climate. Too many variables. The observations in no way match what some climate scientists have predicted with their co2 models.

Michael Mann and AlGore talked about co2 as the imminent cause of the poles melting, and Florida and Manhattan flooding. Some even conflated climate change with imminent mass wetbulb death in India. Never happened.
87   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 25, 8:36pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
based on phenomenons we fully understand and observe taking place, and can easily project.

Which phenomenon is that? We have yet to produce a single accurate model. Not one.

The politicizing of this topic is about control , not about helping the planet.
88   socal2   2019 Jun 25, 9:06pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
The thing is: 100 yrs is way beyond what people can reasonably think about. But it is also a short duration with regard to even human history, itself a blink in the history of this planet.

Good luck convincing people to suffer high energy costs now for something that MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

When the pain is sufficient, people will react. Not before.

FFS - we can't even get people and politicians to do the right thing about our bankrupt entitlement and pension systems which are already causing pain now (States raising taxes and diverting infrastructure and general fund money to municipal union pensions). And unlike global warming models, the entitlement and actuarial math of the pension and entitlement systems is basic arithmetic.
89   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 5:50am  

socal2 says
And unlike global warming models, the entitlement and actuarial math of the pension and entitlement systems is basic arithmetic.

Lol. This is an amazing comparison. If you came up with it good on you. It's mostly blue states in these pensions holes. They can't do basic finance math, but are able to figure out extremely intense math/calculations that take into account land surface, water, air space, atmosphere, etc. on a massive ball flying through space.

The problem arises when ONLY CO2 is the cause of warming and that's it. I think that's what a lot of climate change pumpers don't understand and why they get so much resistance. What if your car doesn't start and you replace the battery (CO2 made it die) thinking that was the problem? Turns out it was the starter after replacing the battery. Sure you have a new usable battery (solar, wind, nuke), but now you've still got to replace the starter to get the car to work. You've spent money fixing the wrong problem.

That's the concern of the deniers. That THIS and ONLY THIS will save us. There's no nuance or balance to it. The scientists could be 100% right. Reduce CO2 and warming stops. And ice age maybe comes then which is likely as destructive as warming due to the food needs of the massive population we have. All of this will take place over thousands of years. So let's buy that new battery, wait 500 years to start the car and then realize we needed a new starter the whole time (less humans).
90   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 26, 9:53am  

Onvacation says
We do not understand the super complex phenomenom we call weather much less climate. Too many variables. The observations in no way match what some climate scientists have predicted with their co2 models.

This is where you are wrong: we don't need to understand climate - at least not 100% - to see that there is a problem.

As long as the heat that was leaking out into space as radiations is prevented from leaking out, and we can directly observed the reflected radiations, then the heat will stay and accumulate. This is 100% understood and this is the relevant bit.

The heat has to go somewhere. If you say it will somehow disappear, then either you have to explain why, or you believe in miracles.

Combine that with empirical evidence that no miracle is happening, and you'd have to be a lunatic to not see that there is a long term problem.
91   Onvacation   2019 Jun 26, 11:17am  

Heraclitusstudent says
then the heat will stay and accumulate.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, how much do you think the temperature has gone up the last century?
92   Onvacation   2019 Jun 27, 9:49am  

Onvacation says
Heraclitusstudent says
then the heat will stay and accumulate.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, how much do you think the temperature has gone up the last century?

I will give you a hint. The difference between the first and second hottest year EVER is 4/100ths of one degree.
93   Bd6r   2019 Jun 27, 10:16am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah, So let's do nothing.

As always, question is what to do. Taxes on carbon, solar panels in Canada, and corn-based ethanol are probably harming environment more than oil.

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