Were Grass Roots Movements This Easily Co-Opted in the 60's?

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2011 Oct 12, 4:25am   5,800 views  18 comments

by NuttBoxer   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm a child of the 80's so I've only read about the 60's, but having studied groups like SNCC, and from what I know of hippies/anti-Vietnam protesters, these movements seem to have held pretty solidly to their founding beliefs. Modern day grass roots movements like the Tea Party, and the Wall Street protesters(a little hesitant to call that one grass-roots) seem to be co-opted almost as soon as they start. I know what the Tea Party stood for when it started, but now I have no idea what the modern day application of that term even means. For example, I'm told Herman Cain is a Tea Party candidate. Herman Cain who served as VP of a mega-food-corp(Pillsbury), and was chairman of the board for the Kansas area branch of the Federal Reserve. Herman Cain who supported TARP, supports the Patriot Act, opposes auditing the Fed, and as late as 2008 claimed the economy was doing just fine. That's what the Tea Party stands for!?

The stories coming from the media, mainstream, and alternative, regarding the March on Wall Street people, are just as varied and contradictory. I believe these movements started out with the intention of representing the American masses, and still contain people who hold to the founding principles of the movements, but either the leadership is not strong enough, or they are greatly underestimating the power of the opposition to distort and convolute their message into meaningless, defunct paradigms(think Left vs Right).

Without stronger commitment to preserving the freedoms this country was founded on, these modern day protest movements will go out with a whimper. Revolution... Try resignation.

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1   EightBall   2011 Oct 12, 4:51am  

Young people are stupid. The boomers were young in the 60s.

So are old people. The boomers are entering their 60s but this time it isn't the 1960's it is their 60th year on earth. Coincidence?

Just like when you were young and had delusions of grandeur, you'll grow old and have grand delusions. Something to look forward to, isn't it?

2   corntrollio   2011 Oct 12, 7:13am  

NuttBoxer says

For example, I'm told Herman Cain is a Tea Party candidate. Herman Cain who served as VP of a mega-food-corp(Pillsbury), and was chairman of the board for the Kansas area branch of the Federal Reserve. Herman Cain who supported TARP, supports the Patriot Act, opposes auditing the Fed, and as late as 2008 claimed the economy was doing just fine. That's what the Tea Party stands for!?

Actually, that is what the Tea Party stands for. The Teabaggers were astroturfed by big corporations and now are doing their dirty work under the guise of being a populist movement. It's genius, really.

What I don't understand are the Teabaggers who complain about Occupy Wall Street. Both have some of the same goals.

3   terriDeaner   2011 Oct 12, 7:16am  

corntrollio says

What I don't understand are the Teabaggers who complain about Occupy Wall Street. Both have some of the same goals.

Divide n' conquer...

4   leo707   2011 Oct 12, 8:55am  

corntrollio says

It's genius, really.

Yep, someone was thinking forward when they co-opted the tea party because as you wrote...

corntrollio says

What I don't understand are the Teabaggers who complain about Occupy Wall Street. Both have some of the same goals.

The teabaggers are so wound up in the propaganda the don't seem to realize that they are working against their own best interest.

So, now not only is the occupy movement missing out on bodies that would have joined them, those bodies have been transformed into a zombie army to fight against them.

5   terriDeaner   2011 Oct 12, 10:20am  

leoj707 says

So, now not only is the occupy movement missing out on bodies that would have joined them, those bodies have been transformed into a zombie army to fight against them.

Well, maybe yes, maybe no. This whole 'I hate big government' opposed by 'I hate big corporations' theme has been around probably as long a the big corporations have been in existence. No matter how much folks share in common, there will always be some that fail to act on the commonality, and will want to live in the margins.

6   WillyWanker   2011 Oct 12, 2:40pm  

This whole thing is being run by the AcornHolers. Marxists, Socialists, stupid young kids who don't even know what they want. All being guided by the AcornHolers who take taxpayer funds and then bite the hand that feeds them.

7   younkint   2011 Oct 12, 5:23pm  

1969. I remember my shock at seeing "leaders" of anti-war rallies who I personally knew were working for the federal government, so I will preface with that...

You can bet the OWS movement is under heavy pressure. I have no doubt that they have been infiltrated from the very beginning. Chances are very good that the organization - loose though it is - knows this also. Surly, they expect it. Knowing you have been infiltrated allows you to make certain moves that will totally disrupt the enemy, especially when you have a very good idea who those infiltrators are.

I've learned quite a bit in the last few days about the Tea Party. I knew they were co-opted, but now one can see very clearly. Fox News stands out as absolute liars. I though maybe some of the right-wing radio broadcasters might actually stand up, but every one of them I've listen to is promoting the same propaganda - line for line - as Fox News. A list of these propagandists would be highlighted by the worst of them: Beck. Right behind Beck would be Mark Levin. Even Limbaugh can't hold a candle to the lies that these two are spouting. Levin is a master of half-truths, but Beck is foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog in comparison. I can hardly stand to listen.

It is interesting that one of the primary founders of the Tea Party movement (who later denounced it as totally co-opted) - Karl Denninger - appears to be supporting the OWS movement. He published a powerful article Wednesday regarding OWS. I'm seeing many true Conservatives supporting OWS; Neo-Cons ...not so much.

8   ArtimusMaxtor   2011 Oct 12, 6:27pm  

Very slick Patrick. I missed ole Herman. Thats why your editor. Black people have their own way. Always been like that. They travel their own roads and do things in their own way. Black people it is said in the credit industry. I used to pull landlord credit reports. Have the worst of credit. Believe me it's worse than you think.

I'll title the about last sentances past the comment on Herman. I ain't no ones fucking slave. People that deal with credit look at it one way. I guess black people look at it another. I will take this on because Black people do indeed have their own way. They have their own way of surviving. True it ain't your way of surviving but a way of surviving.

Credit wise. They are not good at it. I can testify to that. However it's smart not to be a slave to some lender. That brings up things like public housing etc. Which I don't consider all that smart either.

However let me bring up Africa and many other places. Where all you have to do is build your own place. Go out to where their is fruit and food pick it and go take a nap.

It's not a very attractive life to the lenders and creditors that need your slave labor. See many at their masters direction might discourage the absoulute autonomy of and individual that does not have to answer to anyone for any reason. The people that deal out credit. That give you a house. That give you little credits to go buy food and a car and some extras. That make sure you are in debt most of your life. That make sure you run out of little credits. So you have work for them endlessly.

Patrick more or less has found a hole in the system. He is a perfect example of someone that has found a way to do life for himself. Patrick how is life? Patrick would answer I am sure. It's wonderful I more or less do what I want when I want. See I understand Patrick. So while everyone else was sleeping. Patrick was able to think for himself. No one demanding or telling him what to think. Or what not. Patrick came up with his own thought on ole Herman. See I understand.

I don't like Herman or Obama or Newt or any of them. Because they are owned. Not through bribery. But mostly they they are up to their ass in debt to their masters. Even the cops that toss the occupy people in a cage. Owe and Owe and Owe. See when your a slave you owe master first. Not the country, state or city where you work.

Go look it up in the Chrisitan bible. The borrower is the slave to the lender. Very clearly stated. Another stated, when translated from the original Hebrew. No one of Jacob shall lend at usury. When you have the usury machine going, however you can print all the bibles you want. Which of course the interest sucking bastards, did they picked and chose what they wanted and what they did not want in the Chiristian bible. So the people of usury pretty much created the news, financial news. Things like google all of that is so fucking obvious its not funny. Shopping malls etc. When you have all that labor based on giving out credit. It ain't that hard to get all of that done.

9   taxee   2011 Oct 12, 8:09pm  

Back then they had something called THE DRAFT. That meant they would ship you to a steaming jungle on the other side of the world to get killed. When we stood up and said no they invented the lottery to divide the movement in half. Half had to go and half didn't. Then came the all volunteer military so all protest stopped.

10   notsofast   2011 Oct 13, 12:55am  


I too remember the early Tea Party days. Most were sensitive to the views held by Ron Paul. Namely, No War-No Fed. It has now most certainly been co-opted by the despised Neo-Con Republican establishment (Think Rick Santelli's rant on the floor of the Chicago Merc. Exchange). The same fate awaits OWS as the Democrat Establishment seeks a counter balance to the Neo-Con Tea Party. Folks need to stop looking for political heros, there aren't any (well I still happen to enjoy Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich). Free yourself from the parasitic Banking Class and embrace some true heroes... Some of mine include Joel Salatin (Polyface Farms), Naomi Wolf (writer/political activist), William K. Black (Professor "the best way to rob a bank is to own one") Charles Hugh Smith (Blogger).

Keep up the good work Patrick.

11   wbblair3   2011 Oct 13, 1:06am  

Watch the Wed., 12 Oct Charlie Rose show once it's available on-line. I don't think this movement will be as easily co-opted as the Tea Party was. It's too diverse and most participants seem to realize that BOTH major parties are corrupt to the core.

12   NuttBoxer   2011 Oct 13, 2:10am  

I hope at least one of these movements will prove me wrong. But I think the media is intentionally jumping too far ahead by labeling this "Revolution". The powers that be don't want this to gain momentum, so they're telling us the party's in the 11th hour when it's barely started. No movement that sought change in recent history has unseated the central authority without first suffering hardship, loss, and bloodshed. The Civil Rights movement didn't gain steam until people were beaten half to death on bus rides, and attacked by dogs, police, and water cannons. Gandhi didn't overthrow the greatest empire in the world without the death of more than a few of his countrymen. If we think entrenched power like the Federal Reserve can be overthrown with a month long picnic, we need to reassess and prepare for the storm... If we get that far.

(I hope we do)

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Oct 13, 2:41am  

notsofast says

I too remember the early Tea Party days. Most were sensitive to the views held by Ron Paul. Namely, No War-No Fed. It has now most certainly been co-opted by the despised Neo-Con Republican establishment (Think Rick Santelli's rant on the floor of the Chicago Merc. Exchange). The same fate awaits OWS as the Democrat Establishment seeks a counter balance to the Neo-Con Tea Party. Folks need to stop looking for political heros, there aren't any (well I still happen to enjoy Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich). Free yourself from the parasitic Banking Class and embrace some true heroes... Some of mine include Joel Salatin (Polyface Farms), Naomi Wolf (writer/political activist), William K. Black (Professor "the best way to rob a bank is to own one") Charles Hugh Smith (Blogger).

Hear, hear. In a leaderless organization, there is no leader to co-opt, smear, or scandalize. It's one less tool.
NuttBoxer says

The powers that be don't want this to gain momentum, so they're telling us the party's in the 11th hour when it's barely started. No movement that sought change in recent history has unseated the central authority without first suffering hardship, loss, and bloodshed.

One of the big pushes by most Pundits (on all sides of the mainstream spectrum) is to smear the protesters as "Not being clear" or "Having a clear list of demands." They know damn well that the one thing the protesters clearly agree on is the overly cushy relationship of corporations with government. They don't want to discuss that (esp. since many of them draw salaries from media corps as well as consulting fees from others), they prefer to Handicap the baloney Presidential Race that won't mean diddly, at least in terms of this particular issue.

14   terriDeaner   2011 Oct 13, 3:25am  

It is quite possible that these protest movements (Tea Party, OWS) go through a natural process of assembly, organization, co-option, and then institutionalization. But every time, there are plenty of folks that are purged from the movement that are still angry with the establishment. For instance, I do know some Tea Partiers who gave up on their movement shortly after Scott Brown got elected and started voting in his own best interests.

It may just take a few more of these movements to cement the folks, right AND left, who are serious about ending the incestuous relationship between big government and big corporations.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Oct 13, 3:54am  

Adam Curtis has an interesting idea that the 60s movements were co-opted in the 70s by the self-help/self-actualization movements, which led to the rise of self-centered hyper-individualism, which led to a resurgence in conservatism.

Maybe too much of a "just-so story" there, but I think there is something to that idea.

16   ArtimusMaxtor   2011 Oct 13, 4:21am  

Very true terri. Basically you want some people there that don't owe. Then it's taken. Count on that. Your a nice guy Terri. However are some sniveling, boot licking, new car sniffing people that are in debt or want to be. That will do anything to get closer to the masochistic thrill of being a slave to a creditor.

See the whole point here is this. I saw a student on the occupy, rather CNN talking about he didn't want to pay a student loan for the rest of his life. I saw a shitload on the same CNN page of people thrown out of work by the swindlers that had their house taken from them. They are all over Detroit to you betcha. Work a lot they gave you a little. Just enough to get you to the next month. Funny thing is people don't or may not get they adjust the goods to the credits. "Think it's inflation it ain't." Someone thats been around like you Terri will understand that of course. A 800 HDTV that costs 35 to make. Things like that. Food to. Heres the deal your not going to stop working. You will keep working as long as you want our credit.

What you don't know is you can walk into one of the plains states. Get yourself a piece of land for nothing. Not pay tax. Dig a well. Grow food and hunt and get livestock. ALL your labor for you.

The land swindlers had to go through a lot of BS just to get people into the cities. Extend credit. Set up the tax swindles. Get them to parcel land where no one lived. If you went to inquire they sure could find you an owner.

Pa, Hoss and Little Joe not to mention John Wayne and the entire fucking cast of OKLAHOMA! are still scratching there heads. SEE WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN HERE AND THERE. You have to live on the land. NOT, just CLAIM the land to live on it. Way it is all around the world. Its a universal God given principle. They conviently left out of the Christian bible they paid for and have distributed for free in many cases.

So what you again have is a bunch of people really upset because deep, deep down they know they have been taken. Its there start, looking in the right places.

17   Mikhail   2011 Oct 13, 5:08am  

I stand for little government, little regulation, low taxes, a small military that doesn't get enmeshed abroad, NO BAILOUTS and open borders for immigration and trade.

Unfortunately, neither the Tea Partiers or the Occupy Wall Street crowds believe in what I do. I don't want to see more regulation or taxation for big business or businessmen. I don't want to see tighter control on immigration. I don't want to see the contination of a bloated military and foreign conflicts.

Tell me a group that believes what I do and I'll sign up.

18   Bob S   2011 Oct 13, 12:21pm  

They are all pussies.

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