Drudge got Trump elected, then cashed out and took the money and ran. The site lost who ever bought millions. I'm surprised they haven't shutdown yet. Liberals won't read it because the site is still Larping as a conservative outlet. Conservatives don't go there. I don't blame Matt, had he not sold it when he did, he would have certainly became the focus of the FBI to take him down. Perhaps he knew before anyone else just how oppressive and corrupt they are and the weaponization they will use against their enemies. The fact he hasn't gone on to make another site, seems to point to his cunning ability to avoid such pitfalls. He's not a CNN host so perhaps he's not a turncoat just calculative.
Ever since Breitbart's murder, Drudgreport has gone downhill. Increasingly so in the past few years(when I stopped using it). Never underestimate the power of threatening someone's life or loved one...
Who knows who fucking Jill is. She's is probably another CIA prop actress. She/It doesn't act like any natural wife or woman. Maybe she'll deliver the coup de gras if they decide to 'assassinate' Biden Actor for some false flag.
Drudge was on the Trump Train until just before COVID.
Did Drudge's sources tell him about COVID, and Trump didn't react the way Drudge wanted him to?
Drudge seemed not let money get to his head, was a millionaire by the end of the 90s yet kept ticking for many years after, enjoying what he did. Aside from his site, he was a private guy who lived privately.
But he did extensive travel - did he get honeypotted on one of those trips?
The two best theories IMHO are:
Trump didn't heed or comply with his advice/warning and he felt slighted (possibly re: COVID incoming)
He was busted doing something embarassing and had to toe the line afterwards.
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