Left wing show The Young Turks accuse Mayor Eric Adam of weaponizing race

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2023 Jul 8, 11:57am   861 views  4 comments

by AD   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  



go to 1:45 into video and watch for about 1 minute


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1   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 11:59am  

The Young Turks are irrelevant. They took a huge amount of money, like 20 million, to promote the DNC, they have been partisan whores ever since then. They haven on real listeners anymore - seriously:


Try to get into a conversation on ANY of their videos. Most the commenters are machines, not actual people.
2   Ceffer   2023 Jul 8, 12:50pm  

Female talking head said Adams weaponized race, but whathisname cucked out big time and even acted the victim role himself.
3   AD   2023 Jul 8, 2:10pm  

Ceffer says

Female talking head said Adams weaponized race, but whathisname cucked out big time and even acted the victim role himself.

Cenk had to "cuck out" because one-half the audience are militant Left (purple haired, violent AntiFa, etc.) who likely were triggered by Ana's comment about Adams weaponizing race.

Like Rich Wicks said, Cenk was just reading what was fed to him on the teleprompter as if a figurative AI machine.

So there was damage control and walking back a little, even if the genie came out of the bottle as far as Woke cognitive dissonance and paradox

4   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 2:37pm  

ad says

Ceffer says

Female talking head said Adams weaponized race, but whathisname cucked out big time and even acted the victim role himself.

Cenk had to "cuck out" because one-half the audience are militant Left (purple haired, violent AntiFa, etc.) who likely were triggered by Ana's comment about Adams weaponizing race.

Like Rich Wicks said, Cenk was just reading what was fed to him on the teleprompter as if a figurative AI machine.

So there was damage control and walking back a little, even if the genie came out of the bottle as far as Woke cognitive dissonance and paradox


Nobody watches The Young Turds. I've tried, repeatedly to engage with their "audience", there is none. The ONLY people that engage with me on their youtube channel are people that agree with me. All of their supporters are bots.

I think it's been determined that people don't have to believe propaganda anymore, only that people have to believe OTHER people believe propaganda. That you're in a minority, when you're not. Everybody thinks Biden was elected, right? I don't think so. The MAJORITY of the left think that Trump is a racist and a fascist? I don't think so. That's what our "news" tells us.

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