A Thousand Points of White:

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2020 Jun 25, 9:12pm   2,425 views  45 comments

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A Thousand Points of White: One Strategy for Achieving White Nationalism

June 19, 2020/124 Comments/in Featured Articles, White Racial Consciousness and Advocacy /by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

This essay is intended as a response and follow-up to the excellent recent article by Giles Corey, “American Roulette.”  Corey’s piece is passionate, clear, and well-written.  He makes a powerful and inspirational case, in a short space.  My intent here is to build on his ideas and add some needed details.  The chaos of the past few months has given us new opportunities to move forward.  In the spirit of Corey’s piece, I will be concise and blunt; the time for niceties is fast coming to an end.
Herewith is a brief outline of an argument and a strategy for establishing a functional form of White Nationalism.  For sake of clarity, I will express it in a series of numbered paragraphs.  Let’s start with the big picture:

The United States is irredeemably corrupt. It cannot be salvaged and it cannot be saved.  The entire political and economic infrastructure is lost.  We have neither a democracy nor an oligarchy, but rather a Judeocracy: rule by Jewish power and Jewish money.  Jews are assisted at all levels by Whites (and others) who act as their willing front-men, and who thus disguise the deeper workings of the system.  Republicans, Democrats, Greens, Libertarians—they’re all the same.  No party has the guts to confront the Jewish power structure.  The media, of course, is also hopelessly corrupted by Jewish influence; witness the battle between CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News, to see who can display greater fealty to Jewish interests.[1]  Thus we can expect nothing but biased and malicious reporting from any of them.  The American system cannot be reformed; we should not even try.[2]

American corruption can work to our advantage. As the US continues on its path of decay and decline, more and more opportunities will emerge for White nationalists.  The American Judeocracy will inevitably destroy itself; it’s only a question of time.  Jewish misanthropy and kleptomania will consume itself and the whole federal infrastructure in the process.  However, the American system will likely not collapse in a sudden, catastrophic paroxysm.  Rather, it will be a slow and steady loss of integrity, of stability, of coherence, and of credibility.  This is what has happened in the latter stages of most all imperial-like political entities in history.  Eventually, the political system and the ruling authorities simply lose the willpower and ability to intervene against rebels or invaders.  We are seeing precursors of this in the Seattle “autonomous zone.”  This works massively to our benefit.

White Nationalists should assist the process of decline. The more ethnic diversity, more economic disruption, more political division, and more crime that we experience, the faster will be the process of decline.  As bad as it looks, “Black Lives Matter” is doing us a favor.  Arsonists and looters are doing us a favor.  The moronic liberal elites who defend these low-lifes are too ignorant to realize that such actions are undermining their very system of power.  Recent events are making clear to millions of Whites that a multiracial, Jewish-run America will be a catastrophe in the future.  And they can’t be too happy about it.

So, let’s help the process along:  More Latino and Asian immigration!  More Blacks in corporate America!  More Jews in Washington!  More aid for Israel!  More affirmative action!  More leftist street marches!  Defund the police!  More looting!  More arson!  We can use the liberal Zeitgeist against itself—use its own logic to drive it into the ground.

Washington is rapidly losing the moral and political basis for effective action. Trump’s various stupid proclamations and (in)actions and the paralysis in Congress are all good signs.  We are seeing federal dysfunction at all levels: in the response to the coronavirus, in various military conflicts around the globe, and in international relations.  The US is being pushed around by hostile nations, and our allies—even the Jewish-dominated ones in Europe—are increasingly ignoring us.  Again, this is all good news.

Whites deserve, and have the right, to self-rule. There is no good reason why Whites anywhere should submit to rule by Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or any combination of these.  This is not because such people are “inferior”; rather, every race and every ethnicity has its own values and its own culture, rooted in genetics, and these should not be imposed on unwilling Whites.  Whites have the right to be proud of their values and their cultural achievements, which comprise the highest and greatest achievements in human history.  Let the other races build their own nations and their own cultures, in their own lands.[3]  And let them live with the consequences.

White self-governance cannot be achieved at a national level in the US—not for a century, at least. We need to give up on Washington.  The federal system needs to end, and governance rebuilt at the local level.  A nation of 330 million is ungovernable, even of a single ethnicity; a multiracial nation of this size is utterly unsustainable.  Perhaps someday, many decades down the road, a kind of White American coalition or confederation will be possible; but not in our lifetimes.  Again, this is not bad news.

Start local, start small. Given that there will not be a federal White nationalist movement or party, we need to look for local or state-level groups advocating White self-rule—or at first, White identity and White self-interest.  Here’s one suggestion:  Start a local “White Lives Matter” group.  What’s good for the goose…  This process can be very small and very simple.  One person can reserve a room in a library, school, or church basement.  One person can reach out to friends, spread the word on social media, or print up flyers to post around town.  Pick a day and time, book a room, advertise—and see who comes.  Even a small turnout is a start.  We ought not forget that, in Germany many years ago, National Socialism began with weekly meetings of just seven or so men (“the same old seven,” lamented Hitler)[4].  If you get seven at first, consider it a victory.

“It’s just a club.” At first, any such “WLM” group will likely be a mere discussion group:  politics, news, local developments.  Think of it as a social club:  like-minded Whites getting together, on a regular basis, to discuss issues of common interest.  This alone, as innocuous as it might seem, is a radical step in today’s climate.  The sheer existence of a WLM group will likely draw negative attention; be prepared, stay cool, stay calm, stay rational.  You have a right to your own self-interest.  Use negative publicity to your advantage.  Remember: Anyone who accepts BLM but rejects WLM is an evil “racist.”

Become politically active. As the group grows, establish some structure:  take attendance, collect modest annual dues, have officers.  Watch out for spies and moles; they are inevitable, but can be managed.  Once the group is stable, then you are in a position to engage in local politics.  Write op-eds or post things on a local blog.  Make yourselves known; be open, be public.

Have definable and clear local objectives, moving toward a White society. It doesn’t matter if you live in a city, suburb, or rural area:  establish a group, meet regularly, and get engaged.  If your area is already mostly or all White, there should be little resistance.  If it is majority-minority, consider moving.  If your area, like mine, is a mostly-White suburb but with encroaching non-whites, put up resistance.  The larger objective is for White self-determination and self-rule, and this starts by making non-whites realize that they are no longer welcome here.  Pick a local geographic region—neighborhood, city, or county—and declare it White.  Don’t hold a vote, don’t look for a majority—just declare it.  This is essentially what a bunch of Seattle hooligans and degenerates recently did; again, that blade cuts both ways.  How outrageous!—a dozen (say) local folks declare their neighborhood or city to be White!  And then they have the nerve to say, publicly, that non-whites are not welcome, and should leave!  Revolutionary!  But that’s what it takes.  No ugliness, no violence, no cross-burnings.  Just a polite and civil statement:  This is now a White area, and non-whites are no longer welcome. Orania in America.

Develop a local identity. This will likely mean creating your own distinctive logo or slogan.  Put them on stickers, letterhead, flyers, T-shirts, flags, yard signs.  Spread them around.  You want to see these things on cars, houses, neighborhood kiosks, etc.  Even people who won’t attend a meeting might be sympathetic and put a sign in their window.  Public visibility has a tremendous effect.

Let’s pause here a moment.  By the above simple and elementary acts, Whites everywhere can take concrete steps to reassert their right to self-governance.  Groups need not adhere to any specific ideology, nor align with any particular White movement.  To be counted under the broad heading of “White nationalist,” groups need only endorse something like the follow general precepts:

The White race is of inherent value to humanity, and as such deserves protection and defense.

Whites have an intrinsic right to self-rule and self-governance.

Whites everywhere are under threat due to (a) declining numbers, (b) declining physical, mental, and moral health, and (c) loss of political autonomy and self-government. These threats are various and complex, and require action on several fronts to address.

The chief threat to White well-being comes from the global Jewish lobby, which has an inherent interest in seeing a general decline in White prosperity and a loss in White political power. Jews must therefore be confronted and challenged at all levels of society.

All humans are, by nature, best suited to live in social and environmental settings from which they evolved—societies that are broadly uni-racial and monocultural. Humans have little or no evolutionary experience living with diverse races or ethnicities, and doing so causes inevitable problems.  Therefore, racial and cultural diversity have profound negative effects on society.

The only long-term solution for many present-day problems is to restore human society to its natural and original conditions—uni-racial and monocultural, broadly speaking. This entails political separation and/or expatriation of minority peoples.

As a rough provisional goal, White regions of self-governance ought to aim for a minimum of 95% White populations, with all non-White minorities numbering, collectively, less than 5%. Jewish numbers ought to be severely limited, amounting to not more than 0.5% under any circumstances.

Only Whites will be fully enfranchised—that is, possess the right to vote, and to hold public office. All others will have minimal civil rights, perhaps on par with a foreign tourist today—basic legal protections, but little more.

Most any sane White person who wishes to live in a stable, secure, and prosperous community ought to accept these points.  Those who do not are likely either (a) paid to oppose them, or (b) brainwashed by our present Judeo-centric culture and academia.  The brainwashed can be educated, but the sell-outs, especially the White ones, are utterly contemptible; they deserve the harshest punishment we can muster.
Additionally, we need not worry excessively about who “counts” as White.  In the vast majority of cases, it is obvious:  those whose ancestry derives from indigenous European peoples and nations.  There are ambiguous cases, such as Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, that deserve more discussion.  More important, though, is who is not White:  Jews are not White, despite their own frequent proclamations to the contrary.  Arabs or other Middle Easterners are not White.  Hispanics and Latinos are not White.  ‘White’ is not simply a matter of skin color; it is also a question of heritage, of worldview, of culture, and of values.  Don’t be fooled by light skin or blond hair.[5]
This said, we can console ourselves in the fact that America is still a predominantly White nation, and will be so for many years to come.  White Americans currently number about 195 million, in a nation of nearly 330 million.  And even though our numbers are projected to decline slightly in the coming decades, we will still long be the numerically-dominant ethnicity.  Hispanics here could top 100 million by 2050, but that is roughly half of White numbers; Blacks will not number more than 55 million or so, and Asians not more than 45 million.  And we mustn’t forget that American Jews number only some 6 million.  One of our strengths is our numbers, and we must always bear this in mind.  Jews and other non-Whites certainly know it, and they fear it.  Large numbers of active Whites spell doom for them.
Still, based on combined effects, America will be a ‘majority-minority’ nation at least by 2045, and coalitions of non-Whites, led by Jews, could soon exercise even more power than they do at present.  And the trends for the end of this century are even more dire.  This is unacceptable, hence the urgent need for White action on many fronts.
Let’s conclude with a few final points, in our drive for White nationalism.

Gradually assume more power, quietly and nonviolently. As local White or WLM movements grow, and as intimidated non-Whites move out, White groups will be able to assume a greater civic role, just by default.  Volunteer groups can provide social services, self-police, and participate in local schools.  White nationalists will then naturally come to gain power in local politics, exercising yet more autonomy.  All the while, the autonomous zones should continue to grow, by declaration.

The biggest threat will come from local and state police, and potentially state National Guards. Small, decentralized White autonomous zones generally need not fear the feds.  Yes, we all remember Waco and Ruby Ridge, but those were anomalies of the past.  With a degraded federal justice system, and with (hopefully) dozens of White zones popping up around the country, the feds will be in no position to confront them.  The larger threat, I think, is from local and state authorities.  Fortunately, these groups are now being alienated on a large scale.  As current policemen resign in disgust, less and less qualified people will take their places, resulting in growing inefficiency and incompetence.  Eventually they will be unable to, or chose not to, take action against peaceful civilian groups who only seek self-governance.  Remember, the goal here, at least initially, is to create White autonomous zones which are self-governing and relatively independent from state or federal authorities.  The central tactic is to ‘walk away slowly,’ rather like you might do when confronted by a maniac with a large knife.  Don’t antagonize, don’t threaten—just walk away.

Undermine Jewish financial power. Jewish power derives almost exclusively from their vast wealth; 6 million American Jews control some $50 trillion in assets.[6]  But this is denominated in corrupt, inflated, debt-ridden, and intrinsically valueless US dollars.  Therefore, we need to declare the US dollar worthless, and move our financial assets into new, local currencies—perhaps something we might whimsically call ‘Aryan Bucks.’  AB’s could, by law, be held and spent only by Whites.  They would be declared worthless and illegal in the hands of Jews or other non-Whites.  At first, both currencies would have to circulate in parallel, but as quickly as possible, Whites would want to migrate to their own financial system.  The political and economic benefits from this step alone would be enormous.[7]

Accelerate growth of autonomous zones. As White zones grow, and as disaffected Whites move into the newly-declared regions, the remaining areas will grow darker in complexion.  This will only accelerate the decline of multiracial America.  Ideally, a positive feedback situation will emerge in which Whites rapidly move into local safe-zones as the other regions collapse.  This makes expansion all the easier.

Numerous local White zones, incidentally—meaning, several in each state or large city—make for a much more practical strategy than, say, picking a few large rural areas.  There aren’t many White Montanans or Californians ready to move to rural Arkansas, but they might be willing to move an hour or two away to a local zone in a familiar area.

Be prepared to fight, as a last resort. If we are smart, we can achieve nearly everything we want non-violently.  But sadly, that may not always be the case.  Therefore, as Corey states, we will need to be armed.  At present, something like 35 million White households own at least one gun; presumably, most by the man in the family.  So let’s say we have 35 million armed White males in this country—an awesome force, indeed.  If there is one thing Jews and Blacks fear more than White men, it’s White men with guns.  I wouldn’t hesitate to state that armed White American civilians constitute the most formidable fighting power on Earth.  No one—not even the Jewish-run American military—could defeat them.  If the US military can’t subdue a few thousand low-IQ Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, they haven’t a prayer against millions of pissed-off Whites.  This is our ace-up-the-sleeve.  But we need to use it judiciously.

Ideally, White autonomous zones would pop up like mushrooms around the country:  a few in each major city, several in the rural areas of each state.  Under good circumstances, they might grow and join together, combining their collective power.  These “thousand points of White,” as I like to think of them, would pose an insurmountable problem for federal and local authorities, especially if they were peaceful, and especially at the early “club” phase.  Being decentralized, there is no single pressure point for the feds to squeeze; they would have to address multiple, simultaneous local issues at once.  And if there were still on-going riots, or economic chaos, or some new pandemic, …well, the authorities will quickly reach the end of their rope.  And then we win.

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5   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 26, 4:33pm  

I don't like the victimization stuff; there's nothing to apologize FOR or demand recognition FROM.

Western Civ is the very best. All we need is to go back to a merit-based society, and everything will fall into pace.

Let's not flop between one extreme and the other (Muh Superrace vs. Whip Me, I'm a bad Soyboy, beautiful fat POC).

I found a great link I'm gonna put up that shows the truth about Affirmative Action, Colonialism, etc. when I get a minute
6   Ceffer   2020 Jun 26, 5:09pm  

I'm just as afraid of the whackadoodle white supremacists and their hate driven scapegoats as I am of the idiotic BLM Bolsheviks. i would wind up equally dead from either group.
7   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 26, 5:40pm  

Ceffer says
I'm just as afraid of the whackadoodle white supremacists and their hate driven scapegoats as I am of the idiotic BLM Bolsheviks. i would wind up equally dead from either group.

Thankfully white supremacists are amongst the lower intelligence portion of the curve. They usually find a way to do themselves in literally or legally before they can cause too much trouble. Anyone who thinks their tribe is better than all the other tribes is in for a serious letdown.
8   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 26, 5:40pm  

You lost me at Joos = bad.

Grow up. The globalists include people of all ethnic backgrounds, and the globalists are the enemy of liberty. We don’t need another Holocaust to prove the Jews are NOT the problem. It is the globalists that need to change or get out of the way.
9   EBGuy   2020 Jun 26, 6:30pm  

No thanks. I'm going to stick with liberalism.
10   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 27, 12:22am  

I agree EBguy.

And we need to call out racism when we see it. For example, nobody but your doctor has need to know your “race” or ethnicity. There should not be questions asking your race on: drivers license, job and college applications, the US Census does not have the right to know your race, etc... pretty much anyone who asks for your race (other than a medical professional) is likely using the information to promote racism.
11   GlocknLoad   2020 Jun 27, 10:09am  

EBGuy says
No thanks. I'm going to stick with liberalism.

The cohesion you seek is not possible.
12   GlocknLoad   2020 Jun 27, 10:11am  

EBGuy says
No thanks. I'm going to stick with liberalism.

Innocent until proven racist? Innocent? Racism is not a crime and never should be. Wanna know why? EVERYONE is a degree of racist.
13   elliemae   2020 Jun 27, 10:15am  

Thanks for an interesting albeit offensive point of view.

Patrick, this Jew is gone from your site forever. I'm obviously not welcome.

14   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 27, 10:38am  

elliemae says
Thanks for an interesting albeit offensive point of view.

Patrick, this Jew is gone from your site forever. I'm obviously not welcome.


Some people need a thicker skin too. Lighten up, most of us here are defending Jews. Antisemites are right up there with white supremacists with their low intellectual capacity.
15   elliemae   2020 Jun 27, 4:22pm  

PeopleUnited says
Some people need a thicker skin too. Lighten up, most of us here are defending Jews. Antisemites are right up there with white supremacists with their low intellectual capacity.

"Lighten up, most of us are defending Jews..." Why don't you say, "Some of my best friends are Jews.." - because that is equally offensive. I've done nothing that warrants other people needing to "defend" my religion and my heritage. The reason that I hung it up on this site several years ago was that I was ill. The reason that I'm hanging it up now is because I'm well, and although I like and respect Patrick this site has devolved into a white privilege whine fest.

You don't believe that you are racist?
"We have neither a democracy nor an oligarchy, but rather a Judeocracy: rule by Jewish power and Jewish money."
"Jewish misanthropy and kleptomania"
"Jews must therefore be confronted and challenged at all levels of society.""As a rough provisional goal, White regions of self-governance ought to aim for a minimum of 95% White populations, with all non-White minorities numbering, collectively, less than 5%. Jewish numbers ought to be severely limited, amounting to not more than 0.5% under any circumstances."

It's obvious that you believe that Jewish people are horrible and that you and your fellow white people should do something about it so that you and your white supremacy friends can rule the world again. That's what you said in your post. I'm not thin-skinned, I would be in physical danger if I were to be around someone who believes that I'm inferior simply because of my religion and my heritage. You insist that I'm not "white." But if I stand next to you, my skin looks the same. Even if it were different, it wouldn't mean that you are "better" than me. Although, that's obviously what you believe.

Patrick entitled this "News Links and Civil Debate." Your post shows that this site provides neither.
16   Kepi   2020 Jun 27, 4:39pm  

elliemae says
Patrick, this Jew is gone from your site forever.

Apparently "forever" these days lasts for 6 hours and 7 minutes.
17   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 27, 5:29pm  

elliemae says
Why don't you say, "Some of my best friends are Jews.." - because that is equally offensive.

Im offended by your offense. Do i win?

elliemae says
I would be in physical danger

Haha omg i'm choking on your smug.
18   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 27, 5:35pm  

elliemae says
Thanks for an interesting albeit offensive point of view.

Patrick, this Jew is gone from your site forever. I'm obviously not welcome.


Mein Kampf is sold on Amazon. ($19.95 for a paperback, has 4.5 star rating).

Does this mean that you're not welcome there too?
19   Kepi   2020 Jun 27, 5:45pm  

CBOEtrader says
Im offended by your offense. Do i win?


elliemae says
The reason that I hung it up on this site several years ago was that I was ill.

There is nothing like playing the pity card. Hey, if someone is ill everything changes, right? Oh, wait a minute, no. Better go back to whining, more prospect there.
20   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 27, 7:20pm  

elliemae says
Lighten up, most of us are defending Jews..." Why don't you say, "Some of my best friends are Jews.." - because that is equally offensive.

Oh no, you are offended that many Americans would literally give their lives to defend and protect Jewish people. Wow, that is a new level of pride and arrogance. Several of my family members fought and some even gave their lives to defeat the Axis powers and liberate the Jews. And you know what, even with your pride and arrogance we would do it again for you if need be. So grow up and realize that sometimes Jews (or any persecuted group) might need defending, that is not an insult that is a fact.

elliemae says
You don't believe that you are racist?
"We have...

This are not my words. Accusing me of racism is unacceptable. Take it back and your mistake will be forgiven.
21   Patrick   2020 Jun 27, 7:43pm  

Huh, now I'm running a "white supremacist" site? News to me.

OK, if elliemae wants to descend down into the mud of identity politics, then I claim victimhood points as someone who is technically Jewish.

Therefore I can't be running such a site, in exactly the same way that black people "can't be racist".
22   ignoreme   2020 Jun 27, 7:54pm  

Patrick says
in exactly the same way that black people "can't be racist".

Black people can be racist. If you vote for Trump you aren’t black and since all trump voters are racist therefore you must be. Nice how that works huh?
23   ignoreme   2020 Jun 27, 7:59pm  

Also, elliemae. Grow the fuck up. I see offensive shit against Catholics on this site and every other every day. The op was written by a slavering moron. I’d pick it apart but it isn’t worth it. The cancel culture that you illustrate is far more corrosive then anything the op moron posted. Having idiots being able to spew their opinion is far less concerning to me then not being able to have mine.
24   ignoreme   2020 Jun 27, 8:03pm  

Patrick says
in exactly the same way that black people "can't be racist".

Thought of another. Black cops are automatically racists since they’ve bought into the “system”. It’s actually easy to be racist if your black. Apparently all you have to do is not vote Democrat
25   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 27, 8:22pm  

Patrick says
Huh, now I'm running a "white supremacist" site

You and Jeff Bezos.
26   Kepi   2020 Jun 27, 9:16pm  

Patrick says
I at least want to hear all points of view, especially the ones I disagree with.

Oh yeah! Me too.
27   GNL   2020 Jun 28, 7:23am  

PeopleUnited says
sometimes Jews (or any persecuted group) might need defending

Except white people, of course.
28   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 28, 11:47am  

Patrick says
in preparation for genocide.

Good thing im black. I mean, if talcum X can do it
29   Bd6r   2020 Jun 28, 12:08pm  

OP is insane and very harmful. If Hispanics, Jews, and blacks will be slandered just because of who they are, they will keep living on plantation of party of big government. I'd rather be in company of TX Hispanics than CA fucking librul whites who are the scourge of humanity. I'd rather be with most African immigrants (not MN ones) than CA or Minneapolis whites. P-antifa are largely white. The fault line is not race, it is ideology.
30   steverbeaver   2020 Jun 28, 9:38pm  

Jews are not beyond criticism and the complaints should not be simply dismissed. Isn't this what we expect when the perpetrator is a "racist white"? I also find it interesting that so many are conditioned to be that way, particularly boomers. If they were so great, just, and fair... why have they been loathe to so many, even those within those groups? A person of "jewish" genetics does not make a kike much as a person of african genetics does not make a nigger. Maybe it's a culture / traditions thing. But I do find both of the aforementioned disliked groups' "victimhood" complex to be peculiar. People should look into both sides.
31   GNL   2020 Jun 29, 10:35am  

rd6B says
If Hispanics, Jews, and blacks will be slandered just because of who they are

Are you suggesting this is NOT what is happening to whites TIMES 10 right now?
32   Bd6r   2020 Jun 29, 7:41pm  

WineHorror1 says
Are you suggesting this is NOT what is happening to whites TIMES 10 right now?

It is, but do you think it can be fixed by slandering black people, Jews, or anyone else because of their race, ethnicity, etc? Persons who do that are as idiotic as SJW's, and about as right. I should go to my Texan Jewish friends and call them names, despite them being hard-working people? What about Hispanics here, who are 10000 times more reasonable as a group than California fucking liberal whites?
33   EBGuy   2020 Jun 29, 8:24pm  

GlocknLoad says

The cohesion you seek is not possible.

Let's hope that's not the case, as the American project would fail.
From these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
34   Patrick   2020 Jun 29, 8:40pm  

rd6B says
California fucking liberal whites

I have to agree. California liberal whites seem barking mad to me.

Trying to explain it to myself. Maybe they simply lack all tradition and rootedness, so they are looking for meaning in the new religion.
35   Bd6r   2020 Jun 29, 9:03pm  

Patrick says
I have to agree. California liberal whites seem barking mad to me.

Trying to explain it to myself. Maybe they simply lack all tradition and rootedness, so they are looking for meaning in the new religion.

Most never had to work hard for anything. Like in oil field or farm.
36   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 29, 9:11pm  

rd6B says
Most never had to work hard for anything. Like in oil field or farm.

Some of my California ancestors picked peaches, prunes, etc., in NorCal and worked at the cannery near Sacramento. They told me stories about the mexicans along side them who'd been brought in. The mexicans worked a few months of the year on whatever specific crop they were brought in for. Then they'd get state support for the remaining nine. The democrats started passing laws to make their work-life better. Like 'long handles' for strawberry pickers. You'd then see people squat down with a rake handle sticking way up in the air. The males all became silicon valley tech multi-millionaires in the 80s-90s and the females married and had fulfilling careers in health care.

These were Cesar Chavez days.

One of my Texas ancestors picked cotton along side black people. She said it was so lovely to hear them sing while they were all working (together).

That was a generation or two before Chavez days.

She died several years ago at 101. The prior 15 years her best friend was an 80 year old black lady across the street. They did their shopping trips together.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 29, 11:03pm  

rd6B says
Most never had to work hard for anything. Like in oil field or farm.

Enervating Luxuries, just like Tacitus the Taciturn said. Need a little frost and fire to season the human.
38   WookieMan   2020 Jun 30, 9:16am  

rd6B says
Most never had to work hard for anything. Like in oil field or farm.

Everyone needs to experience winter. Not going to the mountains and snowboarding/skiing for the afternoon and chilling in a lodge. Like experience it day after day for months. Makes people tougher. You have to shovel or plow in shit conditions. You get cold. You get wet. This is one area where warm weather people are just soft. Fucking even TN shuts down for 1/4" of snow. It should be like algebra, you have to live for one winter season in a cold place to become a man.
39   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 30, 9:21am  

Fuk Dat

I'll take sweltering heat with mosquitoes instead please.
40   socal2   2020 Jun 30, 9:28am  

WookieMan says
Everyone needs to experience winter. Not going to the mountains and snowboarding/skiing for the afternoon and chilling in a lodge. Like experience it day after day for months. Makes people tougher. You have to shovel or plow in shit conditions. You get cold. You get wet. This is one area where warm weather people are just soft.

Yeah - no thanks. I experienced that for 22 years in Illinois and Indiana before I got wise and moved to a Mediterranean climate in California. Me and a buddy would shovel driveways for $5.00 in the winter. I would spend an hour doing back-breaking work in the cold to earn $2.50!

I didn't mind the snow so much. It was 4-5 months of cold and dark days followed by a few months of muggy and buggy shit-hot weather. You only get 1-2 months of nice Spring/Fall weather which is what I get 11 months a year in SoCal.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 30, 1:29pm  

socal2 says
Yeah - no thanks. I experienced that for 22 years in Illinois

That's why you're not FOS.

Imagine you were a lifetime California Snowflake. "I can't understand why people can't live in a tiny 120 sq ft house 365-24-7! They just must hate mother Gaia!"
43   Booger   2020 Jul 1, 2:36pm  

WookieMan says

I think everyone here has. Personally, I'm too fucking old to shovel serious snow.
44   just_passing_through   2020 Jul 1, 7:15pm  

Booger says
I think everyone here has. Personally, I'm too fucking old to shovel serious snow.

Not me I can't stand the stuff. But. If you've ever driven cross country on I-10 and seen the barbed wire fences with cedar posts. Well, I was working and sweating with a chainsaw cutting those for $ on a pals ranch long before I was 16 and able to get a job in TX AC. Many other labor jobs too. In the heat.

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