The attempt at impeachment is the elites subverting democracy

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2019 Oct 3, 8:26am   2,539 views  74 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Impeachment is a regime counter-attack against a man elected to bring about change. ​And while impeachment is certainly constitutional, it is an elite procedure not a democratic one. The prestige media has passed the first judgment on whether it’s warranted in this case. (It is, they say.)

The Democratic House will investigate and then — inevitably, if they’re not to lose the faith of their own voters — bring articles of impeachment. Ultimately, the Senate will hold the trial (if Mitch McConnell can’t delay it until the election), and Trump will almost certainly be acquitted on a partisan vote. Instead of showing, as the Nixon and Clinton impeachments did, that party isn’t quite everything and some establishment cohesion remains, the failure of the Trump impeachment will deepen the divisions of 2016 and sharpen the question of regime legitimacy. A mistaken premise — overestimation of support for the ruling class and their rules — will lead to the regime losing rather than gaining credibility. This will be most obvious among the activist wing of the Republican party, but the effects won’t stop there.

​The old saying is that if you strike at a king, be sure to kill him. In this case, the regime is striking not a king but at the very idea that an elected official can challenge the establishment. This risks revealing just how weak the country’s ruling class really is: if 40 percent of the country remains with Trump through the ordeal of impeachment, that will show that 40 percent is anti-regime — revolutions are made with less. And that 40 percent would be a floor, not a ceiling; a starting point for a future anti-regime movement.

The moderate path here is the one that eschews impeachment and instead shows that the elite still has faith in elections. Let the voters decide whether they want to defend the ‘norms’ of the regime, and even if they decide not to — by re-electing Trump — the regime will have lost less credibility than it stands to through a failed attempt at impeachment. Legitimacy is bleeding away from American politics and society, and Trump is a symptom not the cause. The cause is the folly of America’s leadership class as a whole. Electing Trump was the public’s way of impeaching that class.

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35   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 4:46pm  

jazz_music says
Pathetic how many billions are spent to disinform people like you just so your cult members can let you get away with condescending.

What, precisely is "my cult"?

I want to point something out to you. You can literally talk to anybody on the planet. This means you can talk to a Ukrainian if you go through a little bit of effort, and find out what actually happened in Ukraine. Just for the fun of it, I'm going to list everything the US government has lied about, in the last few years.

Ukraine didn't have a revolution, it had a US led coup. It cost 5 billion dollars according to Victoria Nuland, of "fuck the EU" fame. This was primarily to stop the Nordstream II from going through - it's a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Europe going through Ukraine.

Assad wasn't gassing his own people, this was a false flag carried about by a either the US, Israel, Mi6, of a combination of those. This is because Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in 2013 to mine the oil resources of the Golan Heights which is Syrian land under Israeli occupation. The plan was to blow up Syria so the US could run a pipeline through Syria into Turkey then to the EU. On the "strategic board of directors" of Genie Energy sat Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Woolsey (ex CIA director), Jacob Rothschild, and a bunch of other government goons.

Remember when Turkey shot down, then murdered a Russian pilot in a Sukhoi Su-24 back in 2015? The pilot ejected, then was machined gunned to death as he parachuted to safety. This ended co-operation between Russia and Turkey with Putin simply demanding an apology. Initially Erdogan refused, and the result was the Russians stopped going to Turkey for vacation, killiing about 20% of Turkey's economy. This also ended the Turkish Stream pipeline from Russia to Turkey to the EU. When Erdogan relented and apologized, Erodgan face a coup (he defeated) two weeks later, and relations between Turkey and the United States cooled.

That's what is actually going on. It's so easy to talk to anybody on the planet today, I don't know how people can't have the slightest curiosity in knowing what is going on, and instead repeat the same stupid propaganda of their pathetic mafia government. You actually believe that Assad, a medical doctor by training, decided to murder a bunch of civilians with the ONE WEAPON that would guarantee the US would bomb Syria, because not only is he stupid, but his advisors are also that stupid, and he did it conveniently 9 months after Genie Energy signed their deal with Israel to mine the oil resources of Syrian land, occupied by Israel. You are either incredible ignorant (that's the most likely one), incredibly gullible, or incredibly stupid. I always have to laugh when some random jackoff thinks they are smarter than the leader of a nation. Would YOU have gassed a bunch of civilians knowing it would get your nation bombed, when you have a military and an airforce under your command? Of course not - but you believe Assad is that dumb. It's just weird people like you even exist.

I figure the US has a decade or two left before the corruption just implodes it. The propagandists, the shills, and the idiots made it inevitable. Rogue nations don't last forever, just ask the British Empire..
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 5:45pm  

richwicks says
Assad wasn't gassing his own people, this was a false flag carried about by a either the US, Israel, Mi6, of a combination of those. This is because Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in 2013 to mine the oil resources of the Golan Heights which is Syrian land under Israeli occupation. The plan was to blow up Syria so the US could run a pipeline through Syria into Turkey then to the EU. On the "strategic board of directors" of Genie Energy sat Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Woolsey (ex CIA director), Jacob Rothschild, and a bunch of other government goons.

This is incorrect. The Syrians launched countless attacks, including two invasions, from the Golan, mostly inhabited by Druze. The Druze are a gnostic monotheism seperate from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and are allied to Israel. Almost all male Druze volunteer for the IDF. Druze have been attempted victims of systematic genocide attempts by Lebanese Shi'a and Syrian Ba'athists, but like all highland people they are fierce fighters. Syrians are not Palestinians nor did any international body annoint the House of Assad as the liberators of Fakestine. The penalty for repeated attacks from the Golan Highlands was to lose that very small piece of territory. Perhaps if Syria pays a $100B indemnity and signs a non-aggression pact it might be restored.

ISIS was a consequence of Obama pulling out of Iraq too fast. The Ba'ath party existed throughout the Levant and included Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Assad is the Ba'athist of Syria, Hussein was the Ba'athist of Iraq. Assad murdered tens of thousands of Sunnis in Hama in 1982; when ISIS crossed into Syria the Syrian Sunnis themselves joined with ISIS in Revenge.

Assad was saved by the US, Russia, Hezbollah, Iran, and the GCC. The current situation in Syria is who will replace the murderous dictator dynasty of Assad. Naturally, Iran and Hezbollah and to a lesser extent Russia don't want anybody who will be 'soft' on Israel and the Gulf States, but an ally of their own.

Hezbollah, by the way, is an illegally armed political militia that was supposed to disarm over a decade ago but has not. Hopefully the GCC will prevail in arming and strengthening the Lebanese Army from a token force into the army of Lebanon, instead of Hezbollah.
37   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 5:52pm  

NoCoupForYou says
This is incorrect. The Syrians launched countless attacks, including two invasions, from the Golan, mostly inhabited by Druze. Syrians are not Palestinians nor did any international body annoint the House of Assad as the liberators of Fakestine. The penalty for repeated attacks from the Golan Highlands was to lose that very small piece of territory. Perhaps if Syria pays a $100B indemnity and signs a non-aggression pact it might be restored.

You believe that the US would care a bit if Assad murdered the entire Syrian population? Libya has literal slavery markets today and is still in civil war, and if you remember, the official reason the US bombed Libya was "to prevent a humanitarian crisis".

Grow up.

The Golan wasn't seized by Israel for any security consideration either, it's got a lot of water, and it's got a lot of petroleum. Israel is an expansionist nation, and will in time take over all of the West Bank, and then retake Gaza. The reason this should be obvious to you, is that Israel has the power right now to declare a two state solution, if they wanted one, and whatever was left over would be the defacto Palestinian state. They will never do that, because they will never allow a Palestinian state. They will either drive them out, stick them into reservations, or kill them.

ISIS was a consequence of Obama pulling out of Iraq too fast.

ISIS is simply a terrorist organization controlled by the West. Haven't you noticed it shows up anywhere it's convenient for it to be? It was even in the Philippines when Duterte was getting uppity with the United States. Remember that?


Hezbollah, by the way, is an illegally armed political militia that was supposed to disarm over a decade ago

The second that Hezbollah disarms, Lebanon will lose some property to Israel.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 5:55pm  

I should also add that the refugee Crisis was begun by Assad, who sought to rid himself of as many of the troublesome Sunni plurality as he could.

Turkey helped as moving Sunni refugees earned them Caliphate Leadership Points, since Erdogan backed ISIS.

They were against Hezbollah (which is Shi'a) and saw the house of Assad as oppressive (1982 Hama) Alawite heretics.

So he printed lots of fake passports, got hard currency selling them BOTH at home and abroad (Eritreans blacker than stovepipes showing up in Austria with Syrian Passports), and got rid of a troublesome, suspect large religious group.

Many "Antioch Apostolic Autocephalus" mini-church (more monks and metropolitans than lay members) Christian groups in Syria and Lebanon cling to the belief that pan-Arabism will save them from Islamic Oppression. "Hey, we're all Arabs". Of course, at the first sign of trouble, it's "Allah Akbar on the Crusaders!"

That's why Lebanon isn't Christian today - about half of them believe they are descendants of the Phoenicians, speak French proudly, wanted IDF help, the other were yelling "Filthy Christ Killers! We are Arabs like our Muslim Brothers. Come, Arab Brothers". Then the PLO and Hezbollah showed up at their camps and shot them all dead while screaming "Allah Akbar!" in brotherly love. The rest fled to Europe, South America, and even Africa, so the chances of Lebanon being a Christian majority were forever killed by Pan-Arabism and bad geopolitical decisions due to Judenhass.

Poor Saad Haddad. A real patriot and a victim of Palestinian-Hezbollah cruelty and violence.
39   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 6:01pm  

NoCoupForYou says
I should also add that the refugee Crisis was empowered by Assad, who sought to rid himself of as many of the troublesome Sunni plurality as he could.

Isn't it odd that he stopped using chemical weapons when the US stopped bombing him?

Isn't it odd Syrian refugees are returning since Assad is supposedly trying to kill them? Gee, it's almost like they left because they were avoiding a warzone, and weren't affraid of Assad at all..

Israel endlessly produces propaganda, just as the United States does. You can simply observe what happens, and I want to point out again, you can talk to anybody on the planet today, for free. It's easy to do.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 6:05pm  

richwicks says
Isn't it odd that he stopped using chemical weapons when the US stopped bombing him?

The chemical weapons story is a strange one. It's also highly likely some depot was bombed or robbed and the stuff just went off without anybody using it.

Isn't it interesting that Obama used to drop leaflets on ISIS letting them know they were going to bombed in advance.

richwicks says
Isn't it odd Syrian refugees are returning since Assad is supposedly trying to kill them? Gee, it's almost like they left because they were avoiding a warzone, and weren't affraid of Assad at all..

Syrian refugees are returning because European countries, under intense populist pressure, are finally stopping loopholes like this one:

Where the refugees were taking vacations to Syria to distribute their free Euromoney to relatives, before returning to Europe for more free shit.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 6:08pm  

richwicks says
Israel endlessly produces propaganda, just as the United States does. You can simply observe what happens, and I want to point out again, you can talk to anybody on the planet today, for free. It's easy to do.

So does the Bashar the Lion and Vladimir Putin.

You have to read everybody and come up with plausible event chains.

For example, Hassan Nasrallah likes to puff and strut about how Hezbollah is so badass, but spends almost every waking moment moving from one underground bunker to another to evade his enemies.

Assad is not a good guy, and his dad probably did Lockerbie using Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists, as all European and Israeli intelligence agreed at the time. He let Ghaddafyi claim credit for it . Why? He wanted the pressure and attention on him to exit his Invasion of Lebanon reduced by distraction elsewhere.



Benghazi was certainly Obama WH propaganda, and Secretary of State Clinton's TOTAL BETRAYAL of Ghaddafyi was disgusting.

The man had been cooperating and paid an indemnity and did everything we asked of him. Instead, the Brennan Muslim Brotherhood Symp and Hitlary replaced him with warring factions of Islamists. It's disgusting.
42   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 6:18pm  

Or, as another example, the Qatari-part-owned WaPo and most of the rest of the Western Media keeps pumping the Muslim Brotherhood Symp and Agitator Khashoggi, who was friends with OBL and thought Morsi was wonderful, pretending he was a real journalist. I don't know what happened, but the idea of Khashoggi being a "Journalist" rather than an Islamist Shill is laughable.

He was a classic example of the coming of age in the 70s-80s generation of exported Saudi Terrorists.

Useful idiot Dem voters believe it.
43   Hircus   2019 Oct 4, 6:53pm  

jazz_music says
Ohh, get over yourself sugar plum.

44   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 12:39pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Assad is not a good guy, and his dad probably did Lockerbie using Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists

Who cares?

There are no such thing as good guys. Who in the world do you think is a good guy that is also a leader?

The United States is simply run by thieves. That's the ONLY reason the US is in Syria. To steal. It wouldn't matter if Assad was a saint or a devil, that's irrelevant.

One thing I can say, is basically every place the United States goes in for a "humanitarian reason", they leave the population far worse off. Don't believe me? Go to a place the US bombed, and simply announce (in their local language) "I am proud to be a US citizen and we helped you".

See how long you live. Get a stopwatch.
45   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 12:47pm  

richwicks says
One thing I can say, is basically every place the United States goes in for a "humanitarian reason", they leave the population far worse off. Don't believe me? Go to a place the US bombed, and simply announce (in their local language) "I am proud to be a US citizen and we helped you".

Grenada. The Phillippenes.

Yes, I'm sure Italy and West Germany and Japan were worse off after Marshall Aid.

Der Linke may not like it, but our original plan was to turn West Germany into Pretzel and Beer making land, and eliminate all heavy industry - the Morgenthau plan.

Pity it wasn't adopted.
46   Bd6r   2019 Oct 7, 1:03pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Grenada. The Phillippenes.

Yes, I'm sure Italy and West Germany and Japan were worse off after Marshall Aid.

Der Linke may not like it, but our original plan was to turn West Germany into Pretzel and Beer making land, and eliminate all heavy industry - the Morgenthau plan.

Pity it wasn't adopted.

You omitted South Korea, in a way also Taiwan.

I am sure people of N. Korea are so much better off because they were protected from the American imperialism by Chinese and Russians... South Vietnam was not so lucky...and when I was there a few years ago, I noticed that people were very pro-American and I was told that "we did not ask to be liberated by N. Vietnamese"
47   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 1:46pm  

6rdB says
I noticed that people were very pro-American and I was told that "we did not ask to be liberated by N. Vietnamese"

Poland, Vietnam, and Israel are the most pro-American countries in the world.

Interestingly, some of the countries many Paleocons and the Far Left hate the most.

Whereas the average Russian, German, French, etc. hates America.
48   Bd6r   2019 Oct 7, 1:55pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Whereas the average Russian, German, French, etc. hates America.

That has been my observation as well.

Quite interestingly, many French who are in US keep thinking that they are superior to Americans, who are basically "unwashed barbarians", but same French work in US and will not go back to their Cradle of Civilization. Many Russians here in US tell me how badly US sucks and how it will collapse tomorrow, and how great Russia and their leader Putler is, e.i. they love their Motherland from distance while living in decadent West and enjoying US life quality. I usually tell them "suitcase, airport, Russia" and after that they stop talking to me. Seems they do not want to live in Russian police state and prefer to suffer in pervert-infested and soon-to-be-broke West.
49   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 2:15pm  

6rdB says
I usually tell them "suitcase, airport, Russia" and after that they stop talking to me. Seems they do not want to live in Russian police state and prefer to suffer in pervert-infested and soon-to-be-broke West.

The Apex of this is the Saker, the Czarist Absolutist pro-Assad, pro-Shia Russophile who will never move back to Russia from Tampa, Florida.

He thinks it's barbaric and idiotic to even ask him why he doesn't live in beloved Volgagrad or Crimea instead of St. Pete.

"Nevermind why Gorky Bank collapsed and the USDs I had secreted in it completely disappeared. America is the ziodominated Empire! May it crumble. Now let me tell you about Bashar the Lion, after I order from Peking Moon using my SunTrust Visa Card."

Dmitri Orlov as well.
50   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 3:52pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Poland, Vietnam, and Israel are the most pro-American countries in the world.

Interestingly, some of the countries many Paleocons and the Far Left hate the most.

Vietnam does not love the United States and the government is hardly "pro-American". Go to Vietnam, ask.

Israel is a drain on US resources. We're mainly blowing up the Middle East for them. We've wasted about 10 trillion dollars in 18 years there. What has it gotten you?

Poland likes Trump, most of Europe does - meaning the people, because they are starting to realize the EU is a gulag and the Polish remember well Soviet Occupation.

I don't see why any Paleocon would hate a former Soviet satellite state or communist state. Heck, a lot of Paleocons are pretty happy with Russia - it's got it's problems, but it's far far far better than the USSR was. Russia is going to be like the United States was - in 1950.
51   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 4:09pm  

NoCoupForYou says
richwicks says
One thing I can say, is basically every place the United States goes in for a "humanitarian reason", they leave the population far worse off. Don't believe me? Go to a place the US bombed, and simply announce (in their local language) "I am proud to be a US citizen and we helped you".

Grenada. The Phillippenes.

Yes, I'm sure Italy and West Germany and Japan were worse off after Marshall Aid.

Der Linke may not like it, but our original plan was to turn West Germany into Pretzel and Beer making land, and eliminate all heavy industry - the Morgenthau plan.

Pity it wasn't adopted.

The Philippines? That was 1902. We are NOTHING like that country in 1902 that bombed it, also the Filipinos are nothing like they were in 1902.

Grenada was 4 day war. We didn't level the entire nation, and it was taken over by a communist dictatorship just 4 years before.

Marshall Plan was simply concocted to prevent the USSR from taking over Europe, that was Stalin's grand plan - let Hitler destroy Europe, take over the mess when done. Only cost us 8 billion dollars - oh, and our monetary system, to prevent that. Charles deGaulle called BS on the Federal Reserve in the 1960s, and sent 3 warships to NY to exchange their dollars for gold, suspecting the Fed had been counterfeiting, and they were.

Germany is still run by us, which is why their "leader" Merkel didn't say anything when she found out the CIA was tapping her phone. Japan is still controlled which is why they have been doing 0 interest rates and have dumped their entire nation's savings into US Treasury bills.

I'm pointing out that you wouldn't be safe if you visited, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, or Pakistan. None of these countries we attack is for the benefit of the people there, or even the people in the United States. Makes some defense contractors rich, sometimes a few corporations connected to the rebuilding (Halliburton for example) maybe an energy company or two (Genie Energy for example).

Everything we've touched turns to shit for an entire generation. But keep doing the same goddamned thing, you're not crazy.
52   Bd6r   2019 Oct 7, 4:39pm  

richwicks says
Vietnam does not love the United States

Actually, they do. I live in a city with a YUUGE Vietnamese population, and they are among the most patriotic minorities in US. I also travel to Vietnam occasionally and, at least from Hue south, population loves US.


No argument that Middle East has to be left alone.
53   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 4:42pm  

6rdB says
richwicks says
Vietnam does not love the United States

Actually, they do. I live in a city with a YUUGE Vietnamese population, and they are among the most patriotic minorities in US. I also travel to Vietnam occasionally and, at least from Hue south, population loves US.


No argument that Middle East has to be left alone.

What color is your skin?
54   Bd6r   2019 Oct 7, 4:47pm  

richwicks says
What color is your skin?

Irrelevant, I believe. I don't really like to be subjected to skull measurements
55   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 4:56pm  

6rdB says
richwicks says
What color is your skin?

Irrelevant, I believe. I don't really like to be subjected to skull measurements

I'm white and blond haired. I have been told I would not be welcome, but I may be out of date with the information by over a decade. Vietnam was basically closed to me for at least 1/2 of my life.

You're right, it was improper for me to ask.
56   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 5:36pm  


Filipinos, Koreans, and Israelis like us better than we do ourselves.

Whereas Mexico, Greece, and other countries we've helped continuously are near the bottom, as is Germany and Russia.

Reuinification of Germany was stupid, we should have demanded a pound of flesh.

MacArthur wasn't wrong, it is in the Pacific, not Europe, where our future friends live.
57   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 5:42pm  

richwicks says
The Philippines? That was 1902. We are NOTHING like that country in 1902 that bombed it, also the Filipinos are nothing like they were in 1902.

1945. It was already half free and on the way to independence when Japan conquered it and treated the Filipinos like trash.
58   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 5:43pm  

richwicks says
Everything we've touched turns to shit for an entire generation. But keep doing the same goddamned thing, you're not crazy.

My point is that it's not a coincidence that the countries that are among those dislike us most, the Left wants us to imitate.

The countries that like us the most, the Paleocons want us to abandon the Most.
59   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 6:21pm  

NoCoupForYou says
My point is that it's not a coincidence that the countries that are among those dislike us most, the Left wants us to imitate.

I'd say they have no clue about those countries.

The countries that like us the most, the Paleocons want us to abandon the Most

I'd say Paleocons want don't want to support ANY nation. We have have friendly relations, but if a company goes into Crappastan or Vomitoria makes a major investment, gets their butts kicked out by the next socialist government, they made an economic mistake and it's not the US Federals' government to clean up your mispricing of risk.

Israel costs 4 billion dollars a year in aid now, THEY have a wall, they don't have extradition, they spy on us constantly, they cause problems with all their neighbors, we have to clean up shit they start CONSTANTLY, we're somehow responsible for their defense, they spy on US directly, they steal and resell our technology, they have an illegal nuclear weapons programs - why are we "friends"?

The best explanation is Jeffrey Epstein worked for Mossad and has a lot of people compromised, and there's unrelenting propaganda about how Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. No, it's not, Syria is. Believe that poppycock about Assad being a mean old dictator? Well, all the refugees that CIA/Mossad/Mi6/ISIS created were returning, we'll see after today.

Engh, whatever. We'll be this stupid and compromised until we collapse.
60   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 7:47pm  

richwicks says
Israel costs 4 billion dollars a year in aid now,

Out of a ~4T budget, or wayyy less than of 1/10% of the US budget. We give more to Afghanistan and Egypt, but Paleocons mention Israel 1000 times everytime they mention those other countries, which reasonably brings motives to question because it's the Paleocon's most hated Government expenditure.

Furthermore, almost 100% of that $4B goes to General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, etc. to support jobs.

Also, did you know the $4B is really not important to Israel? Their annual Gov't Budget (NOT GDP) is ~$100B USD. So if we completely cut off the aid, they would simply raise taxes and cut expenditures a notch.

One of the things they'd probably cheap out on though, is that very expensive F-35. Probably buy a Saab Grippen or Mitsubishi instead. So there goes jobs and exports.

richwicks says
THEY have a wall

As does Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The Vatican. Mexico with Guatemala. In fact, the Jordan Wall was paid by Obama and the US Taxpayer, while Congress refused to build anything on the US-Mex border.

The Neoliberal Open Borders people not wanting to control entrance into the US via land border barriers has bupkiss to do with Israel.

richwicks says
they don't have extradition

Wrong. Extradition treaty signed 1962, came in force 1963.

Interestingly, among crimes like Murder, Burglary, Fraud, etc. it includes Abortion. Oh, how far we've fallen.

richwicks says
they cause problems with all their neighbors,

Their neighbors declared war on them the day they were declared an independent state and recognized by the UN. Apparently 22 Arab Muslim States aren't enough.

If you want to speak of exceptionalism, Palestinians are the only refugees in the world that are considered permanent, even if they have multiple nationalities and properties and have been settled in Jordan, UK, USA, or anywhere else for generations. Rashida Talib and Cockroach are literally refugees even though they were born in the USA, as are their kids, even though THEIR parents were born in Jordan and were fully naturalized US citizens and own multiple properties and businesses in the USA.

No other refugees - from Korean War to Congo to Rohinghya to Serbians illegally expelled by Croatia from the Krajina - or anyone else - is considered to remain a refugee after merely being "Settled" (temporary residency) somewhere else. Palestinians are refugees forever, they keep it regardless of whether they have gotten full citizenship elsewhere or in multiple nations, and their children inherit the status like a title of Nobility granted by the UN.

richwicks says
clean up shit they start CONSTANTLY

For Instance? Certainly not the Afghan or Iraq Wars. And the Muslim Brotherhood's key member, a guy named Al-Qutb, became radicalized against the West after he saw square and ballroom dancing in Greeley Colorado (now Northern Colorado University) in the 1940s.

Now do Saudi Arabia.

we're somehow responsible for their defense

The only time US forces have been deployed to defend Israel was 1991, during the Gulf War, which was done when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and then attacked into Saudi Arabia. Only when the world responded did Saddam try to distract by launching some Scuds into Israel.

I remember Helen Thomas : "Why are you deploying Patriots Missiles to Israel, Bush Senior?"
"Because they're neutral but being bombed anyway, Helen."
That shut her ass up.

richwicks says
they spy on US directly

Debatable; but all our allies spy on us just like Obama and Bush spied on NATO members like Germany. The worst US spy in recent years was an FBI guy named Hansen (no-stein).


richwicks says
they have an illegal nuclear weapons programs - why are we "friends"?

Illegal according to whom, the non-existent world registration of nukes? If you mean the Proliferation Treaty, India and Pakistan also aren't signatories. We had no problem giving Pakistan billions for about two decades after they developed nukes (only recently stopped by Trump, went on for decades), and we have no shortage of cooperation, trade, and relations with India, also.

Obviously it would be nuts for India and Israel to allow Arabs and Muslim states using UN Personnel as cover, to inspect their arsenal.

I actually would love Israeli aid to be cut totally and replaced with an obligation to buy some portion of US Products relative to their trade surplus with us.
61   marcus   2019 Oct 7, 8:28pm  

Patrick says
The attempt at impeachment is the elites subverting democracy

I don't need to read this to tell you why this is total rubbish.

1) EVen if he's impeached, which he probably won't be, it doesn't mean he has to leave office. (See Clinton - who actually finished very popular).

2) Many people think that a Trump impeachment is the best thing that could happen to TRump politically, realative to the 2020 election. Pump up the HATE baby !! "how dare they ! Your posted essay is an example of what I mean. I know this without reading it.

Those that are pursuing impeachment are just showing Trump that there are consequences for his behavior, and that getting the dictatorship that he wants is not going to happen.

And actually rather than subverting democracy, it's democracy in action, to the extent that we even have democracy in this republic. THat is, it wouldn't happen if it weren't popular.

Popular is the rather perverse reason TRump is POTUS in the first polace. So how can you complain about a popular impeachment of the guy - based on legit wrong doing.
62   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 9:10pm  

marcus says
1) EVen if he's impeached, which he probably won't be, it doesn't mean he has to leave office. (See Clinton - who actually finished very popular).

I thought Clinton was impeached, he wasn't.

marcus says
2) Many people think that a Trump impeachment is the best thing that could happen to TRump politically, realative to the 2020 election. Pump up the HATE baby !! "how dare they ! Your posted essay is an example of what I mean. I know this without reading it.

I think it will hurt the Democrats worse than it hurt the Republicans with Clinton.

Democrats don't understand that the Public, outside the Beltway and Lib Prog enclaves, are getting tired of the ceaseless impeachment.

They are beginning to contrast the jovial, jocular Trump with the pinched face Karens and Soyboys who drama queen every pathetic accusation.

marcus says
Those that are pursuing impeachment are just showing Trump that there are consequences for his behavior, and that getting the dictatorship that he wants is not going to happen.

What evidence that Trump is seeking a dictatorship? If you mean civil servants don't like him, that's tough cookies, executive power rests with the President, not unelected government bureaucrats. We do indeed need insubordination as a reason to sack a civil servant. They don't have to like it, but they have to follow instructions like any employee; they don't make corporate policy unless otherwise directed.

Now I wonder if there are laws - I'd be shocked if not - against Bribing Public Employees.

Of course, the media would spin this subversion as a "war on the press."
64   Onvacation   2019 Oct 8, 5:53am  

marcus says
I'm don't need to read this

Willful ignorance.
65   WookieMan   2019 Oct 8, 7:20am  

marcus says
So how can you complain about a popular impeachment of the guy - based on legit wrong doing.

What wrong doing? If he's done anything wrong, then the entire legislative branch needs to be impeached as well, lol. For doing the same things Trump does. He's exposed their game and they're freaking out. If anyone cared to investigate, pretty much our entire Congress would be gone tomorrow if it could happen that fast.

If I'm right on Trump's personality, everyone in Congress should be watching their backs. He's digging up dirt and had dirt before he even decided to run on a ton of these people. It's not illegal to find out facts on other people unless you're bribing them or threatening physical harm. Neither of which Trump has done most likely (not as POTUS at least) and if he had would have been impeached already.

Still amazes me no one can get the shit to stick to the wall on an NYC real estate developer. Given the origins of this site, I'd guess some of you would have been in or dealt with real estate people. I guess not.
66   Bd6r   2019 Oct 8, 8:28am  

WookieMan says
Still amazes me no one can get the shit to stick to the wall on an NYC real estate developer.

That I find extremely interesting as well. Three possible explanations...

1. If they dig something up, it will smear a lot of people in "political elite" - kind of like Epstein case but with mafia instead of underage girls
2. To win elections, D's need to keep up noise without actually indicting anyone (impeach and then R nominee is Pence who will win)
3. People doing digging are fucking stupid and incompetent.
67   Patrick   2019 Oct 8, 8:32am  

4. Trump always planned to run for office one day, and knew they would come looking, so was careful not to give them any ammo.
68   Bd6r   2019 Oct 8, 8:46am  

Patrick says
4. Trump always planned to run for office one day, and knew they would come looking, so was careful not to give them any ammo.

I don't see how anyone in NY real estate could survive (and not fertilize Hudson river while wearing cement boots) without connections to mafia in 70's.
69   mell   2019 Oct 8, 8:53am  

6rdB says
Patrick says
4. Trump always planned to run for office one day, and knew they would come looking, so was careful not to give them any ammo.

I don't see how anyone in NY real estate could survive (and not fertilize Hudson river while wearing cement boots) without connections to mafia in 70's.

Exactly. And they knew this back then as well when they cheered orange man in the Oprah show, he was their mobster back then. Say what you want but Trump has been one of the most consequential people, doing exactly what he said he would do 30 years ago. The leftoid screeching is the real embarrassment, they swing their opinion daily as long as its against bad orange man. Syria war good, Syria war bad, NK war bad, NK talks bad. lol
70   marcus   2019 Oct 8, 4:51pm  

Onvacation says
Willful ignorance.

It's easy to get where he's going with it. You didn't read the rest of my comment, which is also an opinion piece.

SO by your reasoning that's just as much willful ignorance.
71   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 8, 10:56pm  

mell says
The leftoid screeching is the real embarrassment, they swing their opinion daily as long as its against bad orange man. Syria war good, Syria war bad, NK war bad, NK talks bad. lol

NeverTrump also. Jennifer Rubin was against the Iran Deal, until Trump cancelled it. Then she was for it.
73   clambo   2020 Feb 6, 2:38pm  

November 2016 was a bloodless revolution, and the rebels won.

The evil Empire tried to strike back, and has failed.

I hope that the rats like Comey, Brenner, McCabe and their ilk get their just desserts after November 2020.

At least McCain’s dead, now Romney is the traitor senator.

When or if Trump wins this November, I’m gonna drown myself and maybe someone else in Pol Roger, Tattinger, Bollinger or similar.
74   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 6, 3:25pm  

1 Corinthians 1:27
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

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