China's plan to be only superpower by 2049

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2019 Mar 30, 2:05pm   1,214 views  13 comments

by AD   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   AD   2024 Feb 7, 10:26pm  


makes one wonder how many Chicom spies are there in the USA and Europe

A US researcher has been arrested on charges of stealing trade secrets, including technology used to detect nuclear missile launches, the Justice Department said Wednesday.

Chenguang Gong, 57, of San Jose, California, was arrested on Tuesday, the department said in a statement.
Gong, who was born in China but became a US citizen in 2011, is accused of transferring more than 3,600 files from the research and development company where he briefly worked to personal storage devices.

The company was not identified.

According to court documents, the files included blueprints for infrared sensors used in space-based systems to detect nuclear missile launches and track ballistic and hypersonic missiles.


2   EBGuy   2024 Feb 7, 11:48pm  

This interview with Bret Weinstein freaked me out as he's fairly level headed. He went Panama to see the various immigrant camps and noted a significant difference between the Chinese and everyone else on the trail to cross into the United States.


3   AD   2024 Feb 8, 12:06am  


Yeah Chicoms sending their eyes and ears (or spies) ... so not all of the Chinese immigrants may be coming with the best of intentions

4   Misc   2024 Feb 8, 12:09am  

The Iranians are simply fleeing the oppressive regime same with the Somalis and those from Yemen.
5   Misc   2024 Feb 8, 2:22am  

Back to the OP:

China has a bunch of unsurmountable problems right now. A biggie that nobody is talking about is the threat of bank runs. You see hundreds of millions of Chinese have put their hard earned money into Wealth management products. Generally these instruments pay a guaranteed fixed rate of return (similar to what one would expect by investing in stocks here in the US) and are short term in nature, maturing over just a few months. The marks (Chinese savers) have simply rolled them over every time they expire. The day of realization is coming. The Chinese stock market is in the dumps, Chinese real estate companies are going bankrupt (in a Great Financial Recession sorta way) and some real estate holdings ain't ever gonna be completed.

The funds in these Wealth Management Products are simply numbers on the account holders' statements. The underlying value just ain't there. One day (probably all at once) the marks are simply not going to renew their contracts and POOF all their savings whether in WMPs or other financial assets are simply gone. Social upheaval would probably ensue, but be brutally put down.

For now belief in fiction is alive,

China runs a 45% savings rate for households. - Idiots
6   WookieMan   2024 Feb 8, 3:05am  

China is fucked. Travel a bit around the country. Hell most you guys could drive to AZ, just north of Phoenix by Anthem, AZ. I'll give anyone credit where it's due. The CHIPS act is and will be a hit. Biden sucks, but there's never been a POTUS that's a 100% failure. It's a massive plant. I don't want him re-elected but he's done a few good things. No different than Trump allowing little shit Fauci run Covid. That was a fuck up.

One child policy screwed China. We're moving basic chip making back here. Once that leaves China is fucked. Border issues aside, we have plenty of people that will work for $18/hr. No dealing with cargo ships across the Pacific. West coats unions at ports. It really makes no sense to produce a damn thing in China at this point. The tides are turning.
7   AD   2024 Mar 25, 5:55pm  


Another Chicom hacking story, and what concerns me is they stated they could "compromise" a home router and home computers. How can they do this if there are firewalls in place, unless the router and computer has built-in backdoors ?


The emails they are accused of sending targets often appeared to be from prominent news outlets or journalists, containing hidden tracking links. If a person opened the email sent to them, their information - including their location and IP addresses - would be sent to a server allegedly controlled by the seven defendants.

This information was then used to enable more "direct and sophisticated targeted hacking, such as compromising the recipients' home routers and other electronic devices", US prosecutors said.

8   richwicks   2024 Mar 25, 6:50pm  

WookieMan says

One child policy screwed China. We're moving basic chip making back here. Once that leaves China is fucked.

No. Chip manufacture is largely automated, it's a MAJOR INVESTMENT to build a plant, but look at where we are. In 20 years, a computer chip isn't going to be as much of an improvement as it was from a chip 20 years ago.

It's not going to be going from like 1980 to 2000 in terms of computing power in the next year years, it hasn't been in the last 20 years. We have lower power chips, but I wouldn't say computer chips have VASTLY improved in the last 20 years. A machine from 2010 is fine to use, it's just kind of bulky.
9   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 25, 7:12pm  

The fact that we don't have enough power generation for the AI server farms is going to put a kibosh on demand anyway.
10   Eric Holder   2024 Mar 26, 2:44pm  

Misc says

The Iranians are simply fleeing the oppressive regime

.... leaving their relatives as hostages behind.
11   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 3:08pm  


The New York Post made a map of Chinese-owned farmland ... why is so much of it next to US military bases?

The New York Post has released a disturbing report showing 19 sensitive military installations in close proximity to farmland recently purchased by the Chinese.

Per the report:

Robert S. Spalding III, a retired United States Air Force brigadier general whose work focuses US-China relations told The Post: "It is concerning due to the proximity to strategic locations... These locations can be used to set up intelligence collection sites and the owners can be influential in local politics as we have seen in the past... It is alarming we do not have laws on the books that would prevent the Chinese from buying property in the US."

Take a look at this map and see for yourself.

I don't get the map though. The red areas are crazy large, including the whole Big Island of Hawaii. Can't be right.
12   RC2006   2024 Jun 22, 3:16pm  

Chinese and US are both in a fight to see who can keep from going into a civil war the longest, winner take a all.
13   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jun 22, 3:44pm  

Patrick says

I don't get the map though. The red areas are crazy large, including the whole Big Island of Hawaii. Can't be right.

The Big Island's vast interior is volcanic wasteland. Most of the farms are on Maui, I believe.

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