Should Racism Be Treated Like Alcoholism?

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2013 Aug 2, 4:26am   6,324 views  33 comments

by John Bailo   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

It's clear that in today's modern society Racism cannot be tolerated. There is no workplace, educational system, media venue where it cannot cause detriment. Racists in positions of authority or power create havoc and add extra costs and risks to business processes. Even people publishing comments on the Internet could be accused of "reckless driving" on the Information Highway.

Isn't it time we instituted nationwide health care programs to diagnose and treat racists? Shouldn't they be in 12 Step Programs to help them get back on the road to sanity? Shouldn't children be protected from their abusive words at home, in the office, and on the Web? It's a disease. And we have to cure it.

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1   MMR   2013 Aug 2, 4:55am  

First look in the mirror and admit that you have a problem. Admitting it is the first step in the road to recovery.

2   epitaph   2013 Aug 2, 5:38am  

Quentin Tarantino can be the first one admitted.

3   thomaswong.1986   2013 Aug 2, 6:19am  

John Bailo says

Should Racism Be Treated Like Alcoholism?

Define racism... that in it self will take 10-20 years to figure out.

for some Racism is a political tool they throw around.

Think about it for a while...

4   lakermania   2013 Aug 2, 6:57am  

We should start a program in DC, they have nearly 3 times more hate crimes per capita than the top state ranked. And although we here in California are known as progressive, I find it interesting that although we rank only #20, we have the highest number of hate crimes here


5   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 2, 7:04am  

If we all had the same abilities then we would all be same size, shape and color. Who said characteristics and abilities are necessarily a bad thing?

That is not the definition of racism at all?
A racist thinks one race is inferior either somehow or on every level.

"Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief."
that's a little closer to the truth as well. But even then it's slippery slope. If I was Asian, and I wanted to open a restaurant in America, I would only hire Asian kitchen help. Same as I would hire White and Black guys from Memphis for a BBQ joint.

Though I agree that no Government job on any level should be limited to one race or the other.

Our country is so diverse now, that Whites are the minorities of business ownership. Whites are far more likely to be discriminated in the Cuban good ole boy club of working in many of the IT departments in Miami. If you're not Latin, you wont get hired period. I doubt we'll ever see a law suit for it. And you want to know something, it doesn't bother me. Working there because they had to hire me. Would end up being pure hell on earth.
WHy would anyone want to force them selves on a private sector job is beyond me. It's not practical. It's just a petty excuse to sue people, and there's no shortage of Liberals white lawyers to make it their cause. Because hey, They want some too! And those White lawyers end up with the bulk of the settlement too.

7   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 3, 1:26am  

John Bailo says

"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...

Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief."

It's only considered racism according who's doing the pigeonholing.
I guess white Liberal educators are sanctioned to professionally recognize inferiority in Latinos and Blacks.


School leaders and advocates across South Florida are championing a complaint that alleges the state's race-based education goals for minority students violate civil rights law.

The complaint, filed Friday by the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County and the Southern Poverty Law Center, asks the U.S. Department of Justice to stop the state from implementing the disparate achievement goals set to kick in this school year.

In October, the state established reading and math targets for students that varied by race, with loftier standards for Asians and white students and lower ones for Latino and black students.

9   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 2:05am  

Your whole premise is flawed. Many studies have shown that racially homogenous societies are better off economically and happier than racially heterogeneous societies.

Diversity and multiculturalism is a sham and is the weapon that is currently being used by the powers that be to destroy what made the USA and Europe once great. These countries built modern civilization on the brains and backs of white males.

These weapons are used against white countries only. No one in India is begging for more sub saharan africans to come to their country. No one in china wants Mexicans and there is no push to bring them there. The Japanese are happy to stay on their small island and don't want to immigrate Egypt.

They attempt to destroy the white male by making him a minority in his own country. They created feminism to turn white females against the white males. Their tactics won't work.

10   rufita11   2013 Aug 3, 2:25am  

CaptainShuddup says

If I was Asian, and I wanted to open a restaurant in America, I would only hire Asian kitchen help. Same as I would hire White and Black guys from Memphis for a BBQ joint.

In CA, you would hire illegal or legal kitchen staff from Mexico. I believe Mexicans are actually the most diverse chefs/cooks in the world.

CaptainShuddup says

Working there because they had to hire me. Would end up being pure hell on earth.

Affirmative action is how my sister got to prove she could use/lift a jack hammer, pull cable, dig ditches and get labor related injuries just as well as any man. She became so valuable that she was rarely at the Union hall. After 20 years and a lot of wear and tear, they begged her not to leave. Now, she runs projects from the onsite trailers and advocates for the all male crews to make sure they are paid on time and are safe on the job. Yep. She put up with a few men wondering how a petite (yet muscular) woman got the job. But mostly she was highly respected because she worked hard and well! She even met her husband working side-by-side in the "trenches".

11   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 3, 2:58am  

rufita11 says

Affirmative action is how my sister got to prove she could use/lift a jack hammer, pull cable, dig ditches and get labor related injuries just as well as any man.

Who said anything about gender in this thread?
Your Sister showed some moxy and obviously had it in her to rise above. She would have done well at anything she done. My step daughter is going to be one of those people. She was a rotten teen, and and full fledge Welfarequeen, until she was 22. Then out of the blue she got a job and is managing a major national Store, with in a year and half of getting her first job. At 24 she's already making more than my Sister who thanks to Affirmative action, got into the Merchant marines, maritime Union. Works in the engine room, and between her bouts of dealing with swinging hormones and monthly raging PMS cycles. She's now having a hard time not being thrown off ships before her run is over. Let alone getting another ship back out.
My moms cousin, became a millwright, working in the Jacksonville pulp mills through out the 70s and 80s, she now crawls around her house when she's at home. Because her back is shot out.

But this is a whole other topic. I know we should let women work any job but should we, just because we should?

There are women who will naturally have the ability to out do most of the men, given the sample they have to work with. But let's be real, they are the minority, and business will always hire the best suited for the job. Even if that person is Calamity Jane.

12   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 3, 3:06am  

John Bailo says

The people of North Italy and Southern Italy tread each other like different races. Calling each other names, using slurs, considering each "stupider" than themselves.

With Cultures comes differences even when the skins is the same color and they speak the same language. We have that in America as well. Northerners think they are superior to southerners, and Californians think they trump everyone else.

That's what I don't get about this whole politicizing race and bigotry thing, when prejudices between classes, cultures, and geography, is perfectly acceptable.

13   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 5:14am  

one of the many "hidden" dirty secrets in the job market no one talks about is the fact that a lot white hiring managers also discriminate against WHITES.

at least in my experience it is a trend here in Los Angeles, CA.

white people out here are here for a reason: they are sick and tired of working with other white people who have a strong sense of entitlement (i'm white, my people built this country so i deserve this and that) & insane, insufferable politics. not to mention many whites are neurotic and difficult to work with!

i know a company where half of the managers are white and none of them hires whites ha ha ha! you think Indian is the cause? Nope there are only 2 Indians in the Engineer department that has about 100 people. no H1-B visa workers there.

they only hire minority. Americans but minority.

14   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 5:17am  

John Bailo says

Anti white jibberish

You missed the point.

Light skinned Indians are considered to be a higher class than darker skinned Indians. Their caste system is based on a lot of things but skin color is one of the major factors.

It doesn't matter what the racial history of the country is. Today, right now, no one is calling for mass immigration into non white countries. The main reason being is that white countries are better off in every aspect and more giving, to the native born citizens detriment.

15   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 7:08am  

foxmannumber1 says

Today, right now, no one is calling for mass immigration into non white countries.

if whites stayed in Europe and didn't invade and take resources from foreign lands, they would have been just as poor as the rest of the world. and this would not have been an issue.

16   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 7:10am  

the Industrial Revolution happened in Europe because Whites took natural resources from America and exploited cheap slave labor provided by black slaves.

17   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 7:31am  

1.6% of americans at the time owned slaves. The other 86.4% didn't sit idly by.

There is a difference between immigrating to a country to live because your current homeland is horrible in comparison and forcefully invading another land.

If those invaded countries were not so weak when compared to the modern technology the Europeans invented then they would have been able to keep their natural resources and land. They were defeated by white intelligence in the end.

For instance, if the native American indians were not disjointed groups of feral wanderers and had invented the gun for instance, they would have had much better odds of being able to keep their land.

18   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 7:47am  

foxmannumber1 says

1.6% of americans at the time owned slaves.

and now the country is owned by 1%.

my point is that if you can't really complain about multiculturalism when you brought minorities here to exploit (black slaves, Chinese railroad workers, Japanese plantation workers, skilled immigrants from Asia etc.) and you are yourself living in foreign lands.

by the way if white intelligence is superior then why is everyone so afraid of China becoming #1? maybe they know it's not really "superior"?

19   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 8:08am  

Mark D says

when you brought minorities

I brought no one here. My parents brought no one here. My grand parents brought no one here.

I was unaware everyone in the USA were scared of china being #1. Whatever #1 means.

20   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 8:23am  

foxmannumber1 says

I brought no one here. My parents brought no one here. My grand parents brought no one here.

i'm sure none of them protested slavery and slave laborers the way you are protesting multiculturalism now.

easy for you to say that after enjoying taken resources and the fruits of labor from slave workers for generations.

21   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 8:29am  

To the victor go the spoils.

22   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 8:39am  

foxmannumber1 says

To the victor go the spoils.

then you can't complain about blacks, Hispanics or being here, especially in a public forums. unless you want to look really foolish.

if your attitude is you take what you can because no one can stop you then who are you to tell others not to come here taking a piece of the pie you stole from someone else?

23   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 8:46am  

Mark D says

then you can't complain about blacks, Hispanics or being here, especially in a public forums. unless you want to look really foolish.

I was unaware I was complaining about black or Hispanic populations in the USA. If I was, a public forum would be the best place to do so.

I've taken nothing from anyone. My parents took nothing from anyone. My grand parents took nothing from anyone. You keep stating that I, or the average American citizen, has done something inhumane or criminal when the people who possibly did anything died hundreds of years ago.

The world hundreds of years ago was a much more dangerous, slow and different place when compared to today. War, and taking the land/natural resources was a much more common event than today. Literally everyone did it. You defended what you had because there would be someone coming along to take it. If you're not strong enough to keep it, you lost it.

There was no pie to be had in the USA before the Europeans came and baked that pie. Europeans baked another pie in South Africa a few decades ago and returned it to the natives. It's been rotting since.

24   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Aug 3, 9:04am  

foxmannumber1 says

I've taken nothing from anyone. My parents took nothing from anyone. My grand parents took nothing from anyone. You keep stating that I, or the average American citizen, has done something inhumane or criminal when the people who possibly did anything died hundreds of years ago.

you don't need to mention specific races. at least have the balls and admit you are a racist like CaptainShuddup.

will you stop going back and forth between "I take what I can because I'm superior" and "Poor me and family have not taken anything from anyone we don't deserve to be among the coloreds Boo Hoo Hoo."

a lot of natural resources have been extracted from America, Australia and New Zealand. a lot were also taken from Asia and Africa as well during the colonial period.

if you gave all that back to the natives, went back to Europe and maybe you have the right to tell people not to come to your country. living in stolen land, enjoying the fruit of labor from slaves, who would take your complaint seriously? maybe other racists.

25   marcus   2013 Aug 3, 9:16am  

CaptainShuddup says

In October, the state established reading and math targets for students that varied by race, with loftier standards for Asians and white students and lower ones for Latino and black students.

Typical BS interpretation or oversimplification by people outside of the education world. Schools look at statistics by ethnic groups which correspond with socioeconomic groups. They look at this so called disaggregated data because while it's important for all students to improve, it's especially important to improve the gap between lower performing groups (lower socioeconomic) and higher performing groups.

Typically white and asian groups do better than black or latino groupings, and then since all goals are based on improving all individual students scores students scores (as well as any possible grouping of students scores) compared to previous years, it's possible for idiots to twist this around to imply:

"loftier standards for Asians and white students and lower ones for Latino and black students."

The problem is when individual goals for improvement get talked about as pertaining to statistical groupings. The suit is BS, unless individual black or latino students who performed well in previous years are being subjected to lower goals than similar performing white or asian kids based on race.

Let's say a school is 50% black and 50% white, and ON AVERAGE the black students are from poorer families and a rougher part of town. IF the school then looks at test results by ethnic group, there is going to be a gap between the white kids and the black kids.

When they then define a goals for all student scores on average to improve, if they further define goals for improvement (OF AVERAGE SCORES) by group, then it might appear to someone (looking for trouble) that goals are lower for black kids than white kids. But it's only because they are looking at averages of lower performing students and realistic goals for improvement ON AVERAGE.

An individual student might go from low performing to high performing in one year, but averages of hundred of students don't go from low scores to high scores in one year.

THe alternative is to not even do disaggregated analysis of data to try to make sure that lower performing groups are improving sufficiently.

CaptainShuddup says

I guess white Liberal educators are sanctioned to professionally recognize inferiority in Latinos and Blacks.

As I said,...typical.

26   foxmannumber1   2013 Aug 3, 10:38am  

Nothing wrong with being racist.

Mark D says

will you stop going back and forth between "I take what I can because I'm superior" and "Poor me and family have not taken anything from anyone we don't deserve to be among the coloreds Boo Hoo Hoo."

Both of those quotes are not remotely accurate.

Mark D says

if you gave all that back to the natives

Once again with the word "you". I did none of these things.

Mark D says

if you gave all that back to the natives, went back to Europe and maybe you have the right to tell people not to come to your country. living in stolen land, enjoying the fruit of labor from slaves

Let's press the global reset button. We all, whites and nonwhites included, go back to where we came from before slavery and even before the Europeans devised technology to go out and conquer the world and mold it to their liking.

I personally don't see it as being plausible.

Slavery has been around since the beginning of humanity. It still exists today, mostly in nonwhite countries.

How many hundreds of millions of sub saharan africans would we be killing in this process? They can't sustain themselves today by producing enough food or virtually any medicine at all. They are completely reliant on the generosity and prosperity of white nations for their survival.

27   CMY   2013 Aug 3, 4:43pm  

John Bailo says

Isn't it time we instituted nationwide health care programs to diagnose and treat racists?

I grew up in SoCal. I've been surrounded by people of various races my whole life. My red-headed grandmother's last name is Garcia--and she was married to an Armenian before that (until his untimely death).

I could go on, but my point is simple: as I've gotten older my respect for certain cultures has dipped into the negative. I understand that I can draw lines in the sand and say "that's not for me". I view every person as an equal.until proven otherwise. I'm ok with some bias, and I accept that others will exercise that same right against me.

I think this is logical, and probably closer to what most people under 40 have experienced. Sorry, but the 'racism' blanket just doesn't fly anymore. It's not that simple.

28   mmmarvel   2013 Aug 3, 11:58pm  

marcus says

Schools look at statistics by ethnic groups which correspond with socioeconomic
groups. They look at this so called disaggregated data because while it's
important for all students to improve, it's especially important to improve the
gap between lower performing groups (lower socioeconomic) and higher performing

Um, no, the above is where the BS is. I can not, should not and will not compensate for the fact that you may have abilities or talents that I don't have and vice-versa. Maybe you're better at sports than I am - in that arena you're called a winner and I'm called the loser. Maybe the world and concept of airplanes is very clear to me but leaves you wondering. In that arena, I get my degree and get a high paying job, if you choose to play in that arena, the best you will do is be a baggage handler.

When will we do what Dr King said in his speech so long ago? Quit judging a person by the color of his skin but judge him on his merits. And more goes into merits beyond his intelligence, beyond his God-given talents, even beyond his morals. It has to do with the whole person, how DO you conduct yourself? Do you spend your spare time doing drugs and hanging with the homies? Or in your spare time do you take courses to better yourself, or in your spare time do you work at helping others (soup kitchens, volunteering to help those who can't help themselves).

We are all born with certain advantages when compared to the next human being. The question is what do we do with those advantages? Do we spend the time flailing away that things we can't change? "I'm black, THAT is why I'm in this position in life!" or do we look at what we can do "I'm black, I can't change that, but I can change the way people look at me. I can start by not wearing baggy pants that show my underwear. I can start by getting educated and using proper english rather than saying things like 'axed', when I mean 'asked' and the term 'ya know what I mean' after every third word.

We all have our pluses and minuses. Yes, to start life socio-economically poor is a minus. But so is starting life with no limbs, but here is what he did.


29   NDrLoR   2013 Aug 4, 1:07am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Define racism

Human nature.

30   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 4, 1:10am  

Mark D says

one of the many "hidden" dirty secrets in the job market no one talks about is the fact that a lot white hiring managers also discriminate against WHITES.

You better believe it!

Mark D says

you don't need to mention specific races. at least have the balls and admit you are a racist like CaptainShuddup.

I'm not a racist, I'm equally disgusted with all races.
I cringe more at Whites I don't understand than I do at any race.
At least I admire and respect other races and cultures.
Whites have lost our soul. Instead of having a culture of our own, we've become arbiters of other cultures.

You guys might not believe this, but every White person I know is an acquaintance.

All of the people I consider friends, are Latin, Italian, Jews or Black.

It's easy to take what is said in an internet forum out of context.
If you actually knew me, you wouldn't call me a racist, or if you did. Racisim has become a broad brush, Liberals like to use, to stop people from even engaging in a productive conversation about race, class and socioeconomic issues in this country, less you be labeled a racist.
They want to own the topic, and if anyone dares engage in the subject that is not with the Liberal agenda, then they'll get social shit all over them selves.
To which at that point, I don't give a fuck if some white ass clown labels me a racist. Because there's a greater chance that I have a greater respect for those other races than they give them credit for.

Sure I'm not afraid to openly discuss cultural differences and races, but I challenge anyone to find one instance where I declared any race inferior to another. Other than white Liberals, they aren't even human.

31   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 4, 1:15am  

marcus says

Typically white and asian groups do better than black or latino groupings,

Only in America! Do you want to guess why?
I'll give you hint, the initials begin with "Liberal Democrats" setting education standards, that stack the deck for their kids in the "Good School districts"
They get new updated computer labs every summer, while the schools in the Latino and black neighborhoods, get upgraded security and metal detectors.

32   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 4, 1:17am  

foxmannumber1 says

Light skinned Indians are considered to be a higher class than darker skinned Indians. Their caste system is based on a lot of things but skin color is one of the major factors.

Nuh-Uh! Only white south Africans and White Americans are racists, Patnet liberals told me so.

33   Dan8267   2013 Aug 4, 3:18am  

John Bailo says

Should Racism Be Treated Like Alcoholism?

Sure, as long as acting on racism is treated like drunk driving.

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