18 Wisconsin Senators Receive Death Threats

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2011 Mar 12, 1:00am   5,806 views  40 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm really shocked by this. I have been told for decades now that only the right wing is capable of hatred and violence ("just look at all those gun loving, hate-filled Teabaggers!"). The Left has always portrayed itself as "far more intelligent, peaceful, civil, etc." than the Right. Wisconsin has been a real case study into reality. The evidence is in and it isn’t pretty. The case has been sent to the Jury and the Verdict is in; the Left has been found Guilty as charged. The Jury has determined that the Left is filled with radical hatemongers that espouse violence and hatred in order to achieve their goals. Is it any wonder that Liberalism has been dignosed as a "mental disorder" by one Dr. Michael Savage? Maybe the sentence can be reduced if the Left pleads "innocent by reason of insanity?"


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1   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 1:28am  

RayAmerica says

Left is filled with radical hatemongers that espouse violence and hatred in order to achieve their goals

This could be one person who sent emails and messages to 18 senators. From that Ray gets "Left is filled with radical hatemongers."

Nobody is as good as Ray at writing such laughable Troll posts. 200,000 Wisconsin workers are affected by the recent bill which will hit them in their pocketbook. How surprising that of that many, a few crazies would react in this way.

I know a perfectly normal gentle person who jokingly said, take my pension away and I might end up with a rifle in some tower. It was a joke, but it doesn't have anything to do with right or left, it has to do with working your whole life with the understanding that part of your compensation was deferred, and then having that retracted. That's going to feel like a crime to some people.

I know, that hasn't happened in Wisconsin. But is it surprising that some hard core union organizers would feel that a crime has been committed against them ?
I'm not defending or justifying,... just saying, it's not that surprising. This is an isolated case of some crazed person or persons that got way too invested in this battle.

But representative of the left ? Give me a break.

But I do understand where Ray is coming from. With all the crazies on the right that he is constantly getting associated with, he is relishing what he perceives as a chance for some payback. Resentment ----> Gotcha. He's our favorite one dimensional troll.

2   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 1:31am  

marcus says

I know a perfectly normal gentle person who jokingly said, take my pension away and I might end up with a rifle in some tower.

You run with people that have a very funny sense of humor. Do you have any other rip-roaring tales from your "gentle person" friend?

3   elliemae   2011 Mar 12, 1:34am  

The only button I'm pressing is "ignore."

4   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 1:44am  

We should all thank Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Senators (GOP that is, not the Dems that are hiding in Ilinois) for standing up against the violent, mob rule of the Left. Thankfully, representative Democracy is alive and well in the great state of Wisconsin. Hopefully, this movement spreads across the entire nation.


5   FortWayne   2011 Mar 12, 2:24am  

Most likely these were sent by some PO'd government union workers. When someone gets told that they have to carry their own weight and not be a taxpayer liability .... some just don't take it well.

Out here in LA we have illegals and unions that have very heavy entitlement issues. It's so disgusting that I won't even go into it. Just every time a politician tries to do the right thing, and curb those entitlements, unions go up in arms with their radio/tv ads. Illegals just march around LA parading their LaRaza crap.

6   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 2:27am  

Chris ... it must be very difficult living in LA, CA. I don't see how CA will recover with all the issues they are facing. I predict CA will collapse under its own weight along the lines of the good old Soviet Union. When it does, the bankrupt federal government won't be there to bail them out.

7   bob2356   2011 Mar 12, 2:46am  

Violent mob rule? How many injuries and deaths in Wisconsin so far Ray? That "violent mob rule" quote is directly from the silly Christian Science Monitor article comparing Wisconsin to Egypt. The CSM claptrap article reminds me of the CNN idiot who called the Indonesia tsunami "a disaster of 9/11 proportions". I guess 3000 American deaths and 3 destroyed buildings are equal to 250,000 brown people deaths and billions of dollars in property damage when you work for CNN. I guess a protest in Wisconsin where the biggest problem so far is getting tape off the capital building is the same as the overthrow of Egypt"s government with 500 dead and 6000 seriously injured. Have you ever encountered the word PROPORTION ray? Look it up. Then get a grip.

8   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 2:53am  

ChrisLA says

Out here in LA we have illegals and unions that have very heavy entitlement issues.

Another deep thinker

9   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 3:51am  

bob2356 says

Violent mob rule? How many injuries and deaths in Wisconsin so far Ray?

When 18 elected officials receive death threats that are directly linked to their votes on an issue, I think that qualifies for the tag "violent." If it were the other way around, and Dem Senators were receiving death threats, you'd be having a cow.

10   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 4:06am  

marcus says

With all the crazies on the right that he is constantly getting associated with, he is relishing what he perceives as a chance for some payback. Resentment —-> Gotcha. He’s our favorite one dimensional troll.

See what I mean..

From another thread:

RayAmerica says

It’s a real stretch to attempt to associate an anti big government type like me with the nutcases that you cite in your post.

11   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 4:18am  

marcus says

From another thread:
RayAmerica says
It’s a real stretch to attempt to associate an anti big government type like me with the nutcases that you cite in your post.

Cite one single post at anytime in which I have advocated violence. Put up or shut up.

12   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 5:20am  

Nomograph says

California is the eight largest economy in the world

It made another "Top 10" list that tells the real story:


13   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 5:48am  

Nomograph says

California is the eight largest economy in the world, and supports Ohio in terms of tax dollars paid vs. received.
Instead of worrying about CA, you should be figuring out how to get off welfare. We can’t afford you anymore.

Nomograph says

The real story is that CA has the eighth largest economy in the world, while Ohio is a welfare state.
Instead of worrying about CA, you should be figuring out how to get off welfare. We can’t afford you anymore.

Repeating oneself is a sign of senility. I suggest you get yourself checked out and quick.

14   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 6:03am  

An older article on California's solvency. If anything, it is far worse than when this was written.


15   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 6:06am  

RayAmerica says

Cite one single post at anytime in which I have advocated violence. Put up or shut up.

If you can't understand what I am saying, just move on to the next comment. Otherwise you make yourself look like an illiterate boob. Wait,...

16   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 6:26am  

Ray sounds to me more like someone who inherited or married wealth. He fits the description to a T. Except for the golf and the country club, which he just doesn't talk about that, but it is surely is what he does between posts, when the weather is decent.

We always think he gets his stuff from Fox news and AM radio, but another slightly indirect source of the same drivel would be his buddies at the country club.

How's your golf swing Ray ?

17   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 6:38am  

marcus says

How’s your golf swing Ray ?

It's quite good but I'm having a little problem with my power fade off the tee. The butter knife could be a little better .... even Tiger's struggling with his putting. Thanks for your concern.

18   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 6:46am  

shrekgrinch says

Oh man…the real world is coming to town for these union folks who have lived in a total alternate reality for way too long. It’s going to be fun to watch.

I knew this country was in big trouble way back in the early 80's. I talked to a blue collar union worker for Towmotor and we got on the subject of unions, etc. I asked him if he saw something on the floor that posed a danger, would he pick it up? He looked at me like was totally nuts and said "not a chance ... that's not my job description." It seemed the union was always calling for a strike back then. Not too long after our conversation, Towmotor closed up and moved to Mexico. Teddy Towmotor was out of work and couldn't figure out why. The same scenario has played out all over America, and yet the union workers still think unions are great. How dumb is that?

19   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 6:46am  

Nomograph says

The staunchest conservatives are poor white trash.

True, and certainly his intellect fits that picture better.

20   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 6:51am  

shrekgrinch says

(The trick to winning is to periodically clean all the bits of meat and bone that clog up the tire treads and thus make the wheels spin uselessly in all that blood)

It's just terrible. Why don't they get out of the way when I hit the horn? You'd think they own the sidewalks and they actually don't realize sidewalks are a passing lane in traffic jams.
When I have to be at the club for my starting time, nothing, and I do mean nothing, gets in my way (wink, wink).

21   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 7:06am  

shrekgrinch says

So the ends justify the means for you Marcus…especially if the ends align with your beliefs and interests?

That only proves that the Left is far more guilty of hypocrisy than anything else.

Actually the guy who said that he might end up on a tower with a rifle if they steal his pension is a history teacher and a conservative republican (but you know, the intelligent kind, which as far as I can tell, on this forum is Ronnie Honduras and,.....hmm, .....I'm drawing a blank,.....maybe that CBOE guy).

22   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 9:10am  

Nomograph says

Nobody fades off the tee because you won’t get any distance

That's funny. Jack Nicklaus won 18 Majors with his "power fade." He also consistently hit 300 yard drives with his old persimmon MacGregor. Trevino couldn't hit anything but a fade and he won about 6 Majors. Do you actually try to be wrong or does it just come naturally?

PS: I'll bet you pound the ball off the tee at about 140 yards and slice the ball like a banana.

23   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Mar 12, 9:11am  

Death threats to politicians, regardless of their personal politics, is unequivocally wrong.

The senders of these threats need to be prosecuted. Period.

24   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 9:12am  

marcus says

Actually the guy who said that he might end up on a tower with a rifle if they steal his pension is a history teacher and a conservative republican

Sure he is. LOL !!!

25   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 9:14am  

SoCal Renter says

Death threats to politicians, regardless of their personal politics, is unequivocally wrong.
The senders of these threats need to be prosecuted. Period.

I totally agree. And I think Marcus should turn in that liberal friend of his that wants to take a rifle up into a tower if they take away his benefits.

26   elliemae   2011 Mar 12, 9:21am  

Nomograph says

RayAMerica might be seen at a NASCAR event, but nowhere near a country club.

I'm pretty sure I saw him at work during the last nascar race. It was right around starting time.

27   Vicente   2011 Mar 12, 9:39am  

Wait, I thought right-wingers welcomed all forms of shooting at Redcoats and Tories? Marching around with their 3-cornered hats and rifles over their shoulders certainly does seem to support that. Not much meat on this except some PO'd people made some cartoony threats. All attempts to compare it to various violent mobs are pure overreach.

28   marcus   2011 Mar 12, 2:10pm  

Ray had to take decades of asshole training to get to the level he's at today. That's right, I said it.

29   elliemae   2011 Mar 12, 10:48pm  

Marcus, I have several points to make in my response to your comments about rayray's formal education:

1) I don't believe that referring to his educational pursuits is a direct violation of the rules - for instance, if I said, "Marcus, kudos! Your studies as a nincompoop paid off..." is merely an observation of the higher education opportunities you chose to pursue, rather than to state, "Marcus - you, sir, are a nincompoop!"

The latter is a blatant misuse of the policy, for which I apologize. I drank too much coffee and have been watching 24-hour coverage of the tsunami. My point is that I'm suffering video shock as a result of the 24-hour coverage, and claim shelter under the ADA in this regards. But there's a difference between discussing his educational endeavors and personally calling him such a name - there are many liberal arts majors out there asking if someone wants fries with their order, and their studies don't relate at all to their chosen career path.

Once again, I believe that my claiming that a disability caused me to call him such a name protects me in this regard. If not, then the devil made me do it because I was busy drinking tiger blood and winning. And if that doesn't fly, I should point out that there are many famous quotes about nincompoops - including some guy who said, "Creation science is an attempt to give credibility to Hebrew mythology by making people believe that the world's foremost biologists, paleontologists, and geologists are a bunch of incompetent nincompoops.”

2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll#Trolling.2C_identity.2C_and_anonymity
This link describes internet trolls in detail, including the anonymity that affords them the opportunity to say horrible, nasty things without accepting any personal responsibility. The article does say, "...being branded a troll is quite damaging to one's online reputation." I would point out that his reputation is to be a troll, and that rayray is secure enough in his feminity to wear such an honor like a badge. Kudos to him.

I admire a person who embraces one of the many things that sets him apart from the rest of society. It shows spunk, and I would not only buy his cotton candy but I'd also allow him to clean my restrooms in his down-time.

3) Education is nothing without raw talent, years of practice and continuing education. Not sure where one can get ceu's, but I'm not working in that field so there's much that I don't know. For example, is there a professional license to be had? Is there the possibility of a real job - or have Rush Limbaugh & Glenn Beck taken the only two positions available? (Rush will probably OD on prescription pain killers, so there's a possibility of moving up someday)

So, Marcus, I believe that you were performing a public service by informing us as to another career path that none of us ever considered. With so many people out of work, there are amateurs in this field and it's admirable that one would work so hard to maintain such a reputation.

30   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 12, 11:35pm  

An excellent post that needs to be repeated:

SoCal Renter says

Death threats to politicians, regardless of their personal politics, is unequivocally wrong.
The senders of these threats need to be prosecuted. Period.

31   elliemae   2011 Mar 13, 3:55am  

Nice attempt to make this thread about nonviolence, rayray. It's almost as though you have compassion for the politicos who were threatened - but your post isn't about how awful it is that someone made death threats toward the Wisconsin Senators, it's an attempt to blame the threats on the Libs:

RayAmerica says

The Jury has determined that the Left is filled with radical hatemongers that espouse violence and hatred in order to achieve their goals.

Can your "jury" prove that the threats were made by Liberals, rayray? There was nothing in the story that provides the identity of the angry extremists who made the threats - and I'm willing to bet that the republican union members who work for the state are just as angry as are the democrats. This is yet another example of your starting with a thesis (conservos good, libs bad) and then finding a story that you can manipulate into supporting your position. But blaming the ills of the world on Liberals is a lie, and according to you in May 2010:

RayAmerica says

It must be a very bitter experience waking up in the morning knowing that your whole life is based on a lie. That is not a baseless claim. If you are willing to blatantly lie on a meaningless site such as this, I’m sure you lie constantly in whatever you do.

32   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 13, 10:31am  

elliemae says

Can your “jury” prove that the threats were made by Liberals, rayray?

Death threats were made to 18 Wisconsin state senators that just happened to be Republicans. I know it must be an incredible leap of logic for you to arrive at the conclusion that the threats came from the Left, and not from the Right (which supported the position of those senators that received the threats). A detective you are not. LOL

33   elliemae   2011 Mar 13, 11:21am  

RayAmerica says

A detective you are not. LOL

Nor are you, rayray. You assume that the lawmakers were the victims of death threats by people who belonged to a different political party - and assuming things is what you do best. They were voting against the union, so perhaps it was a union member who threatened them. The union is made up of members of both political parties, but you choose to believe that's not it.

The story even states that this type of intimidation is an example of anger being spewed by the government unions. That makes more sense than your (tired) continued complaints about being a victim of the liberals. You do realize that no one takes you seriously, don't you?

Are any of the lawmakers serial killers? Perhaps it was a serial killer who threatened them. Do any of them drive blue cars? Maybe it was someone who drove a blue car and has Geico insurance that threatened them. ;) A detective you are not.

34   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 14, 4:07am  

RayAmerica says

A detective you are not.

elliemae says

A detective you are not.

Isn’t' there a saying that goes something like: “imitation is the highest form of flattery?”

Whatever, I'm really, really flattered. And I really, really mean that.

35   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Mar 14, 5:49am  

Without knowing who or what groups made the threats, we can make endless assumptions about the perps. It's rather pointless.

My personal opinion is that its 50% likely it is radical left-wing elitist screwball students. But there is a 50% chance it's ultra-conservative, tobacco loving, gun loving, beer swilling Union folks who are seeing their livelihood and future destroyed by corporate sell out Republicans.

Everyone remembers the students of Tiananmen Square. But what people don't remember is the ass-whooping the factory workers who joined the students gave the PLA in the initial days of the crackdown. There is a reason the PLA ended up using heavy armor to break up the protests. Workers don't fuck around.

Just to reiterate my point though, death threats are not acceptable forms of civil disobedience. Whoever is making these threats are hurting their cause far more than helping it.

36   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 14, 5:52am  

SoCal Renter says

Just to reiterate my point though, death threats are not acceptable forms of civil disobedience. Whoever is making these threats are hurting their cause far more than helping it.

I agree. The high cause of liberalism has certainly been hurt by these death threats.

37   Vicente   2011 Mar 14, 6:07am  

So far this is is not a GUILTY CONVICTION of "liberalism" in any mind but yours Ray.

AFAIK they have interviewed one female suspect who sent 2 threatening emails and that's all it amounts to. At last report no charges had been formally filed, and there is no reason for us to believe it was more than cartoony threats. Which ordinarily, anyone in the public eye gets a certain amount of.

I've been threatened with death right here on this forum, I didn't call the authorities though or launch efforts to establish my "victim" cred.

38   elliemae   2011 Mar 14, 9:49am  

RayAmerica says

Isn’t’ there a saying that goes something like: “imitation is the highest form of flattery?”

Yes, rayray. There is a saying that goes something just like that. However, if you're attempting to flaunt your intelligence, you've fallen woefully short. Even though imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, repetition is not. ;)

But the rest of us are flattered, because you try to relevent - even though you fall short of that too. Perhaps you made the threats against the Republican Senators in an attempt to implicate the liberals, of whom you are so fond that you speak of them in just about every thread. They should check your IP address to see if it was you - the grammar is certainly comparable to yours.

Isn’t’ it?

39   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 20, 1:22am  

Just a little update on the death threats against GOPers in Wisconsin. Here's a sampling:

"We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We will drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square. This is your last warning."

another ...

Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!

We feel that you and your republican dictators have to die. This is how it's going to happen:...We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, this isn't enough...So we have built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent. This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't tell you all of them because that's just no fun.

For more, check out:


40   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 20, 4:38am  

I seem to be missing something. Where are the "death threats" in your post Nomo? I'm sure you can't mean those silly little target thingys because some of the Democrats out there have used the very same type of childish graphic.


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