Trump lashes out at Muslim...

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2016 Jul 30, 8:13pm   20,698 views  124 comments

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73   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 2, 6:42pm  

BTW, McCain is not an asset.

"Even McCain said..." actually makes most independents and republican voters more committed, and turns off a few lefties too. McCain lost his "Independent Maverick" credentials before the 2008 campaign got underway. He's a toxic brand like the Bushes right now.

74   Strategist   2016 Aug 2, 6:43pm  

thunderlips11 says

No, the media coverage was skewed. CNN and others didn't even cover the State Workers' parents or only played a soundbite in passing. Moar of them covered Khan in his entirety.

No doubt the media is anti Trump.

75   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 7:02pm  

Hillary can be blamed for things, because she has been in the game. The only thing Trump has going for him, is that he doesn't have a record, so we don't have proof of how bad he will be. As for his lying, he's proven to lie far more than anyone else, unless you buy the conspiracy story that the press is out to get him.
Strategist says

No doubt the media is anti Trump.

Trump has been crying about the media from day one. He cries about everyone not treating him fairly. When one thinks that the whole world is out to get him, he ought to take a step back, and reevaluate the situation. The press loves his candidacy. He's made all sorts of money for them, and they've given him millions in free air time. If the press are coming out against him now more than not, it's because he keeps fucking up. That is the best way for them to make money - by selling a ticket to the circus. To a degree, he's still probably grabbing negative attention on purpose. There's no way he's so stupid that he's making mistake after mistake.

76   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 7:04pm  

thunderlips11 says

Moar of them covered Khan in his entirety.

Maybe Kahn's speech was better. It was a killer speech, possibly upstaging Clinton. They got most of their press after Trump went 'oh no you ditent' on them.

77   Y   2016 Aug 2, 7:17pm  

She was menstruating onstage. So what? That's what fertile women do.
It would be PC to say she had a 'zita' bite.
Trump however just calls it as it is.
The left has a voracious appetite for political correctness, but a bulimic twitch for the truth...

HydroCabron says

I also enjoyed "Fox viewers give low marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!" and "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever."

78   turtledove   2016 Aug 2, 7:23pm  

thunderlips11 says

Let's go back to 9/11. If we had a stricter Visa policy, and vetting actually meant something, 9/11 wouldn't have happened, then the kid wouldn't have had to die and would have been alive.

Don't freak out... I've not gone to the dark side... HOWEVER.... Seems like we wanted to assert ourselves over there in order to protect US oil interests... If it hadn't been 9/11, might it have been something else? Was the war really avoidable?

79   FortWayne   2016 Aug 2, 7:31pm  

Those people are out there murdering our soldiers, and if they could they would be murdering us all here. Yet, Trump is somehow a bad guy (according to liberals) because he says we shouldn't invite those assholes from middle east into our country? DNC and Hillary need their head examined!

81   Strategist   2016 Aug 2, 7:51pm  

FortWayne says

DNC and Hillary need their head examined!

They sure do. To be honest, so does the Pope.

82   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 2, 8:34pm  

Strategist says

DNC and Hillary need their head examined!

They sure do. To be honest, so does the Pope.

Just out of curriosity...and this may have already been brought up but I don't tend to read 100+ post threads where I am just starting so *grunch*

Why is the dad so pissed of at Trump, yet not pissed off at Hillary who voted to send his kid to fight the other muslims?

83   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 2, 8:35pm  

YesYNot says

'Dishonest demagogue' loses another prominent republican:


Yay another elite supports Hildebeast. Does anyone really need any other reason to vote against her?

84   Shaman   2016 Aug 2, 8:41pm  

The wrath of Khan is totally bogus. Khan is upset that Trump's proposed extra verification of Muslim immigrants will interfere with his business model. His firm specializes in getting special H3B visas for Saudis with money.
So he has an obvious lucre-based reason for attacking Trump. The DNC and the oligarch-owned media are giving him the platform, and hiding his blatant bias. Serves us all right for believing ANYTHING the media says! Especially about this election! Media bias is so blatant this election that it's completely unbelievable. News is no longer even fact-based, just opinion masquerading as reporting.
Fuck a bunch of that!

85   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 8:42pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Why is the dad so pissed of at Trump, yet not pissed off at Hillary who voted to send his kid to fight the other muslims?

Skip to 3:20 or so to skip the notorious HRC. Skip to 6:30 if you want to see the Trump takedown.

In a nutshell, he thinks Trump is a racist anti-american demagogue, who doesn't understand the constitution and hasn't sacrificed anything himself (skipped draft) and criticizes Muslim war heros. He said as much.

86   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 2, 8:58pm  

YesYNot says

In a nutshell, he thinks Trump is a racist anti-american demagogue

A fair reading of Trumps statement in context makes it clear that Trump was speaking about people illegally entering the US or illegally overstaying their visa's.

But instead of that context, you got articles with headlines like this from CNN, the Democrats idea of fair and balanced:

Trump's outrageous Mexico remarks

Liar Kohn says: In Trump's formulation, it's not just Mexicans who are evil -- they're all rapists and drug lords, Trump asserts without any facts to base this upon -- but Mexico the country is also evil, deliberately sending "those people" with "those problems."

Of course the actual statement below does not at all support Liar Kohn's out of context assessment. So Khizr Khan is lying, probably in efforts to support his financial well being, and he is wrong about Trump being a racist. Liar Kohn willfully takes comments out of context in an effort to promote a political agenda and is well deserving of a punch to her putrid baby maker.


Statement from Donald J. Trump:

I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This was evident just this week when, as an example, a young woman in San Francisco was viciously killed by a 5 time deported Mexican with a long criminal record, who was forced back into the United States because they didn’t want him in Mexico. This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican
government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.

The Mexican Government wants an open border as long as it’s a ONE WAY open border into the United States. Not only are they killing us at the border, but they are killing us on trade … and the country of Mexico is making billions of dollars in doing so.

I have great respect for Mexico and love their people and their peoples’ great spirit. The problem is, however, that their leaders are far smarter, more cunning, and better negotiators than ours. To the citizens of the United States, who I will represent far better than anyone else as President, the Mexican government is not our friend…and why should they be when the relationship is totally one sided in their favor on both illegal immigration and trade. I have pointed this out during my speeches and it is something Mexico doesn’t want me to say. In actuality, it was only after my significant rise in the polls that Univision, previously my friend, went ballistic. I believe that my examples of bad trade deals for the United States was of even more concern to the Mexican government than my talk of border security.

I have lost a lot during this Presidential run defending the people of the United States. I have always heard that it is very hard for a successful person to run for President. Macy’s, NBC, Serta and NASCAR have all taken the weak and very sad position of being politically correct even though they are wrong in terms of what is good for our country. Univision, because 70% of their business comes from Mexico, in my opinion, is being dictated to by the Mexican Government. The last thing Mexico wants is Donald Trump as President in that I will make great trade deals for the United States and will have an impenetrable border--only legally approved people will come through easily.

Interestingly, Univision has just announced they are attempting to go public despite very poor and even negative earnings, which is not a good situation for a successful IPO or high stock price—not to mention that I am currently suing them for breach of contract. Remember, Univision is the one who began this charade in the first place, and they are owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers. After the speech was made, there were numerous compliments and indeed, many rave “reviews”—there was very little criticism. It wasn’t until a week after my announcement that people started to totally distort these very easy to understand words. If there was something stated incorrectly, it would have been brought up immediately and with great enthusiasm.

The issues I have addressed, and continue to address, are vital steps to Make America Great Again! Additionally, I would be the best jobs President that God ever created. Let’s get to work!

87   FortWayne   2016 Aug 2, 9:03pm  

Now Meg Whitman is for Hillary? She was the only Republican out here in CA who even other Republicans did not want to vote for because she was just such a total bitch. Hell, even I voted for Jerry Brown over her. She and Hillary sure go well together.

88   Strategist   2016 Aug 2, 9:03pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Strategist says

DNC and Hillary need their head examined!

They sure do. To be honest, so does the Pope.

Just out of curriosity...and this may have already been brought up but I don't tend to read 100+ post threads where I am just starting so *grunch*

Why is the dad so pissed of at Trump, yet not pissed off at Hillary who voted to send his kid to fight the other muslims?

The Captain posted an article about the dad being a sharia lover. No sharia lover can ever like Trump.

89   marcus   2016 Aug 2, 9:12pm  

Strategist says

The Captain posted an article about the dad being a sharia lover.

Still illiterate I see. IT was only Breitbart's and TPB's retarded headlines that made that inference. Khan went to Harvard Law school and enjoys being a U.S. Citizen. There isn't the slightest evidence he "loves" sharia law.

90   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 2, 9:15pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Liar Kohn says: In Trump's formulation, it's not just Mexicans who are evil -- they're all rapists and drug lords, Trump asserts without any facts to base this upon -- but Mexico the country is also evil, deliberately sending "those people" with "those problems."

Oh and just to be clear, Mexico is truly evil. At least the horribly corrupt Mexican government. And that I got from an American citizen who was born and raised in Mexico.

91   Strategist   2016 Aug 2, 9:16pm  

marcus says

Strategist says

The Captain posted an article about the dad being a sharia lover.

Still illiterate I see. IT was only Breitbart's and TPB's retarded headlines that made that inference. Khan went to Harvard Law school and enjoys being a U.S. Citizen. There isn't the slightest evidence he "loves" sharia law.

All Muslims love Mohammad and are required to believe in sharia laws.

92   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 9:17pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

A fair reading of Trumps statement in context makes it clear that Trump was speaking about people illegally entering the US or illegally overstaying their visa's.

I remember hearing Trump's words live. I drew the same conclusion Kahn did without any editorializing from the media. Lots of people see it that way. Lots of people don't. So, let the guy have his say, and be done with it.

93   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 2, 9:21pm  

YesYNot says

dodgerfanjohn says

A fair reading of Trumps statement in context makes it clear that Trump was speaking about people illegally entering the US or illegally overstaying their visa's.

I remember hearing Trump's words live. I drew the same conclusion Kahn did without any editorializing from the media. Lots of people see it that way. Lots of people don't. So, let the guy have his say, and be done with it.

Yeah, ok, lets just go with your on the spot reaction rather than an actual transcript. Say Toby, werent you the guy acusing me of thinking with my feelings? Lets go back to Trumps actual statement and go ahead and try to find the part thats racist:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”
What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This was evident just this week when, as an example, a young woman in San Francisco was viciously killed by a 5 time deported Mexican with a long criminal record, who was forced back into the United States because they didn’t want him in Mexico. This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican
government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.

94   mell   2016 Aug 2, 10:01pm  

The wrath of Khan is completely bogus and an affront for anybody with enough intellect to connect the dots, but it was nonetheless well played. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Identity politics is where it's at today with completely dumbed down, politically correct generations of (social) media drones.

95   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 12:26am  

dodgerfanjohn says

They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people!

This part.

96   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 3, 4:53am  

YesYNot says

dodgerfanjohn says

They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people!

This part.

Since you clearly don't understand context, I'll take it you now acknowledge that Trump never actually made racist comments and therefore Mr. Khan and your comments that Mr Trump is racist are without factual basis.

the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

97   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 5:40am  

dodgerfanjohn says

Since you clearly don't understand context,

Ok. Are you talking about the part about mexico sending it's people? What the fuck is that about? Do you feel like that is right, or is there proof that the people coming across the border really sent by Mexico. That's ridiculous.
When trump was offered a chance to clarify his remarks, he would only say 'i said what I said,' which means he gave up his chance to explain what he meant.
Until you can explain better why what he said was factually correct and not racist, I'll just assume it just feels right to you.

98   Y   2016 Aug 3, 6:02am  

Check the passport stamps. That usually tells it all...

YesYNot says

or is there proof that the people coming across the border really sent by Mexico.

99   Y   2016 Aug 3, 6:06am  

Rose colored glasses.
Both aisles of zealots can't see past their nose and will experience life's offerings differently dependent on how full their tank of guilt is. (is).

YesYNot says

I drew the same conclusion Kahn did without any editorializing from the media.

100   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 6:12am  

Ranina ranina says

Rose colored glasses.

It was the first thing he said in announcing his campaign. No one had formed an opinion yet. Plus, it was obvious that it would start a controversy. It wasn't just a little racist. Yesterday, I watched a commentator on tv say he knew not to get between two women having an argument, and he immediately followed it by saying that Trump has gone off the reservation. The first line is clearly sexist, and the next part about the reservation was insensitive. But it was just a dumb comment. It wasn't a jaw dropping racist comment, like Trump's. When Trump was talking on the escalator, I just wanted it to be over so i could here what the commentators said about the blatant racism in prepared remarks.

101   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 6:15am  

General who's family has voted Republican since the Hoover administration says at the very least Trump owes the Kahn's an apology. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/02/captain-khan-s-brigade-commander-in-iraq-the-khan-family-is-our-family.html

102   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 6:16am  

Trump issues talking points for surrogates as he tries to pivot and blame others for Kahn-troversy.

103   Strategist   2016 Aug 3, 6:20am  

YesYNot says

General who's family has voted Republican since the Hoover administration says at the very least Trump owes the Kahn's an apology.

Attacking grieving parents of a military hero was a major error by Trump. He just can't STFU when he needs to.

104   Y   2016 Aug 3, 6:31am  

Trump is a Billary plant, injected as part of a long term scheme to assure a 2017 democratic presidency, timed to coincide with the herd of Supremes dying off, assuring the liberal agenda remains on course for decades.
There is no other reasonable explanation, other than alzhimers or demetia on trumps part.

Strategist says

Attacking grieving parents of a military hero was a major error by Trump. He just can't STFU when he needs to.

105   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 3, 6:33am  

Ok. Are you talking about the part about mexico sending it's people? What the fuck is that about? Do you feel like that is right, or is there proof that the people coming across the border really sent by Mexico. That's ridiculous.
When trump was offered a chance to clarify his remarks, he would only say 'i said what I said,' which means he gave up his chance to explain what he meant.
Until you can explain better why what he said was factually correct and not racist, I'll just assume it just feels right to you.

Ok Toby, You claimed that Khan believes Trump to be racist and you said you felt the same way after hearing Trumps speech. I posted a transcript challenging you to find the racist part. You cite one passage taken out of context. I call you on it. Your counter is to state Trump is making false statements and to acuse me of thinking with feelings?


106   Y   2016 Aug 3, 6:33am  

Wait and see. The picture above will be relived once Hillary is crowned...

108   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 7:03am  

dodgerfanjohn says


My counter was to try to figure out what context you were talking about because you are to lazy to make the point yourself. You share that trait with tRUMP. You can't fault me for not reading your mind.

109   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 7:07am  

neplusultra57 says

Why Not? Why Not? Whyyyyyyy? Whaa! Whaa! I Wanna! I Wanna! I Wanna!!!!

Trump can say anything he wants. It won't adversely affect non proliferation efforts, because trump.

110   Strategist   2016 Aug 3, 7:38am  

Ironman says

YesYNot says

Yesterday, I watched a commentator on tv say he knew not to get between two women having an argument, and he immediately followed it by saying that Trump has gone off the reservation. The first line is clearly sexist, and the next part about the reservation was insensitive.


You think the statement "not to get between two women having an argument", is a sexist comment?

Really? For most people, specially men, it's common sense. Go ask your husband, he'll tell you.

I won't even get in the way of one woman having an argument or yelling at me.
Stick around YesY, and in no time we will make you an expert in dealing with women.

111   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 3, 8:53am  

Ironman says

You think the statement "not to get between two women having an argument", is a sexist comment?

Here's your daily reply. Yes, of course it's sexist, especially in a professional environment. It's hard to imagine someone not understanding this. How can you claim to treat women equally if you refuse to engage them in a normal debate. I can just see Trump on a debate stage with Clinton and Jill Stein. Clinton and Stein engage in an interesting policy exchange on global warming and Trump uses his rebuttal to say that he knows better than to get between two women who are arguing. Oh, and then he could tell Clinton that she went to the bathroom, which is totally disgusting. Trump supporters would probably love that.
To spell things out further, when the guy said he knew better than to get between two women arguing, he implied that women are irrational beings and it's best to stay away when they go crazy. I'm half interested to see if you have a response, but think you are probably just trolling anyway.

112   Strategist   2016 Aug 3, 9:15am  

YesYNot says

To spell things out further, when the guy said he knew better than to get between two women arguing, he implied that women are irrational beings and it's best to stay away when they go crazy. I'm half interested to see if you have a response, but think you are probably just trolling anyway.

No, he implied getting in the middle of a cat fight results in both cats attacking you.
And women can get extremely irrational, a lot more than men.

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