Tucker out at Faux News

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2023 Apr 24, 9:43am   25,499 views  226 comments

by mell   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Last honest reporting gone at faux. They'll lose shit tons of viewers, prob. most popular segment together with the angry irish.

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203   HeadSet   2023 May 8, 6:36pm  

ad says

He can take off for 2 years and then come back strong anyhow.

2 years is a long time. Tucker will have dropped out of memory by then, and some new talent will have come along. Tucker better get back in the game soon if he wants to stay relevant.
204   PeopleUnited   2023 May 8, 8:16pm  

richwicks says

You just refuse to see the problem.

Dude, the problem is that people like you just bitch, but don’t get off your ass and do something about all the corruption.richwicks says

We had a stolen election. Good men, won't be coming through elections.

Wahhhh Momma, he cheated. I won’t play ever again because someone might cheat. Get over it and get better at stopping the cheaters. You have given up. So you just bitch. richwicks says

gets you closer to heaven doesn't it? It's your good deed. Look at a risk you take, you might be mocked for your beliefs,

Nope preaching or doing “good deeds” most certainly does not get you any closer to heaven.

So the problem is much bigger than criminals in our government. It is a global cabal of criminals in banking and satanic influences that are corrupting and leading the world into a satanic new world order that will control people like never before. It’s coming soon. You are not going to like it.
205   WookieMan   2023 May 8, 8:54pm  

mell says

One thing though - to be devils advocate - how can they do this? He must have accepted continued lavish payment in return, or, if they never formally exited him and just "benched" him, he could quit anytime, sure probably would lose a lot of severance, maybe there is a penalty for early exit, but he knew all that before signing, so he should be true to this word and quit so he can immediately start a better show outside of faux. He surely must have enough money by now to be able to afford this easily.

People don't realize that 90% of contracts are bull shit. As in they can't be enforced. If Tucker wants to do work he can. He's choosing not to. Either party can cancel a contract. Might cost some legal fees, employment contracts are pure bull shit though. Non-competes. NDA's. All that shit gets settled by who's willing to pay their attorney the most.

Tucker could have a podcast tomorrow. Doesn't matter what's in his contract. Unless the wording is specific to politics it doesn't matter. Maybe he starts a sports podcast where he talks politics. There are so many ways around a NC that it's laughable. I think there's more to this story than we'll know.
206   richwicks   2023 May 9, 4:37am  

ad says

Since when do you have that much faith that the USA is the (only) savior of the world, especially free world ?

We're the only one with guaranteed freedom of speech. That is the first amendment for a reason. When that fails, well, it's on to the next amendment.

We can only fix the world by leadership, by the carrot, not the stick. 20 years of stupid wars has alienated us to the entire planet. Our stupid criminal government has weaponized the dollar, and REPEATEDLY sabotaged nations, and overthrown them. This is not in the interest of this nation. Most of the illegal immigrants we get really are refugees, from this government's fuckery in their nation.

They aren't all coming to get along with us. Some of them certainly want revenge. Our government doesn't care if we get killed, or raped, or brutalized. They no longer protect or even represent the interests of the people of the United States.
207   richwicks   2023 May 9, 4:38am  

mell says

One thing though - to be devils advocate - how can they do this? He must have accepted continued lavish payment in return, or, if they never formally exited him and just "benched" him, he could quit anytime,

No, he's under contract. You have no idea what the contract says, but you can bet he can't compete against Fox "news".ad says

Can they force him to remain until the contract end of 2025 ?

I'm sure the contract has an expiry date.
208   richwicks   2023 May 9, 4:47am  

PeopleUnited says

Dude, the problem is that people like you just bitch, but don’t get off your ass and do something about all the corruption

What am I to do? Run for office, and have the ballot box stuffed?

PeopleUnited says

Wahhhh Momma, he cheated. I won’t play ever again because someone might cheat.

He didn't cheat, the intelligence agencies did. The DOJ refuses to investigate, the Supreme Court, in fact NO court will hear any cases. The entire government at this point is all swamp. They are all criminals. This is a banana republic. Been one for years. What keeps this going is spergs still believing that it ain't so.

PeopleUnited says

Nope preaching or doing “good deeds” most certainly does not get you any closer to heaven. The Catholic’s messed you up with their BS.

Oh? Are you one of those people there are like "I can be as big of a piece of shit as I want to be, Jesus will forgive me and I will repent 1 second before I expire". That's a terrible religion, entirely separated from morality and good behavior.

PeopleUnited says

If you want to know about the true Catholic Church

The Catholic Church was basically the leadership of Europe, basically the head of the Roman empire. Europe was a bunch of states underneath it. It was, and still is, a political entity, not really religious which used religion for centuries to maintain control. It's very cynical.

PeopleUnited says

So the problem is much bigger than criminals in our government. It is a global cabal of criminals in banking and Rome that are corrupting and leading the world into a satanic new world order that will control people like never before. It’s coming soon. You are not going to like it.

Our government should have as little to do as possible with the rest of the world.

We don't need to cooperate with them, we can't be invaded, we have nuclear weapons, we don't need to put up with the rest of the world's shit. We're not the world police either, and never have been, we're the world's thugs, and by "we", I mean the US government.

Put those fuckers on a short chain, and beat them mercilessly when they get out of line.
209   WookieMan   2023 May 9, 7:43am  

richwicks says

No, he's under contract. You have no idea what the contract says, but you can bet he can't compete against Fox "news"

This is not true. He can make a podcast tomorrow. Tucker can deny payment. It's a contract, both sides can break it. This is what I'm talking about in the housing thread. People are led to believe they can't do something by the power structure. Contracts can be broken.

I'm not getting into details but I've read a non-compete from a family member in a prominent job, TV specific. It was absolute bull shit. They're unenforceable unless it's proprietary info. I don't eat fast food, but say you have the secret sauce to the Big Mac and use it. Sure, that's illegal. Doesn't mean McDonalds can stop you from working for Burger King the day you leave/quit. I can work for whoever I want. Attorneys have scared people into this NDA and non-compete shit because it makes them $200/hr.

If whatever Tucker is doing is legal, like a podcast is, he doesn't have to answer to anyone. Fox will just sue him and he'll have to pay attorneys. That's the game. Most don't have the ability. He does. I think he's too much of a pussy to challenge it. He has a great lifestyle I'm sure. He can get paid and not work. 99% of us would do the same.

This story is being blown up too much. Tucker would have started a podcast yesterday if he had balls. It doesn't matter what's in the contract. A private employer cannot stop you from speaking words on your own. Hell, it's doesn't even have to be monetized. He can just talk, not make money and stay relevant. He clearly doesn't want that. He's not some knight in shining armor. He's your classic rich bitch commentator.
210   HeadSet   2023 May 9, 7:47am  

WookieMan says

He can get paid and not work.

This. If he works, he loses the multi-million dollar payday from Fox.
211   richwicks   2023 May 9, 7:59am  

WookieMan says

This is not true. He can make a podcast tomorrow. Tucker can deny payment. It's a contract, both sides can break it. This is what I'm talking about in the housing thread. People are led to believe they can't do something by the power structure. Contracts can be broken.

The contract might stipulate that if he violates it, the penalty is returning all of his salary since he began working at Fox.

Yeah, he CAN break it, but at what cost?

WookieMan says

This story is being blown up too much. Tucker would have started a podcast yesterday if he had balls. It doesn't matter what's in the contract. A private employer cannot stop you from speaking words on your own.

Look, for all I know Tucker still works at Fox and wasn't fired, he was just taken off the air.

I don't think it matters much really, I don't think anything on television is worth consuming.
212   PeopleUnited   2023 May 9, 7:43pm  

richwicks says

Oh? Are you one of those people there are like "I can be as big of a piece of shit as I want to be, Jesus will forgive me and I will repent 1 second before I expire".

Nope, not exactly. You see there is a time to be born and a time to die. God is faithful and just. While He can forgive anyone’s sins, He won’t tolerate rebellion indefinitely. The person who makes a choice to sin with the idea that God will forgive them at the last minute, likely has made their choice not to repent, and therefore I highly doubt that God will offer a second chance to that person. If God speaks to you, and tells you to repent and you say no, that could very well be your last chance,
213   PeopleUnited   2023 May 9, 7:49pm  

richwicks says

He didn't cheat, the intelligence agencies did.

Biden knew the fix was in. That’s why he didn’t bother running a campaign, they hired enough voters and paid enough illegal ballot harvesters and they brainwashed enough useless idiots and they mailed out enough ballots to people that never voted to add tens of millions new voters and votes. That is cheating, but it is also politics. They just played the game slimy better. But no the DOJ won’t investigate because they got the outcome they wanted. Intelligence agencies were not needed. But since you insist that they were, where is your evidence?
215   richwicks   2023 May 10, 12:28pm  

PeopleUnited says

Intelligence agencies were not needed. But since you insist that they were, where is your evidence?

Because this is how the CIA overthrows a government

1) demonize the leader they want to get rid of. They do this by planting stories in the media and buying off (or blackmailing) people into turning against the leader, fake scandals and so on.

2) create astroturf protests. They get gullible fools, or they pay off people to create the protests. Some of them might be authentic protesters because they believed the media.

3) convince the population that the leader is hated or distrusted and present another leader to replace the old one.

Now if that works, the public will vote in the puppet they want. If it's really a dictatorship or they don't have control of the ballot box, they will will do a direct coup.

They just did this in Ukraine. This is what BLM and Antifa are, they are astroturf protesters, they were obviously paid, they were bussed in, our government wouldn't prosecute them because DAs were bought out, and they rioted in cities that the intelligence controlled.

This is been done in Operation Ajax, and PBSuccess, and something like 80 more nations. This is typical.

Operation Ajax has been declassified, I should go through the entire thing and explain it point by point. It's been over a decade since I've gone through them, and I didn't go through it in detail. I have no doubt we had a coup. I know the CIA isn't supposed to work within the country, but they do it all the time. They should be disbanded, they really are traitors.
217   PeopleUnited   2023 May 10, 6:10pm  

My point is that while Alex Jones might be intelligence, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, Twitter, Google, etc.. are run by liberals who would destroy any candidate who is not woke enough for them. The propaganda machine is not run by the government, it is run by the new world order globalists. The new world order globalists give money to antifa, and BLM, and to the corrupt DA’s campaigns. It the money that is controlling the propaganda. The banksters buy everything they want. And if they can’t buy it, then they use force.
218   richwicks   2023 May 11, 3:31am  

PeopleUnited says

My point is that while Alex Jones might be intelligence, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, Twitter, Google, etc.. are run by liberals who would destroy any candidate who is not woke enough for them.

MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, Twitter, and Google are intelligence.

I know people have hope with Twitter because Musk owns the company, but he's just the best government welfare whore ever and he works for the DOD as a military contractor.

People in establishment legacy media don't realize that "ex" intelligence officials OPENLY work for these companies now. Project Mockingbird was complete 20 years ago.
219   PeopleUnited   2023 May 11, 4:16am  

You give “intelligence” too much credit. They are as inept as they are corrupt. But it is the globalist bankers who pull the strings. They have been teaching people to be stupid for generations. The globalists run the universities (and by default therefore the elementary and secondary schools and most churches), they run the corporations which’s means they run the media narrative and the corporations influence the government. The problem is so much bigger then any government corruption issue. It’s a global cabal of satanic globalists, hell bent on controlling the world.
220   richwicks   2023 May 11, 5:51am  

PeopleUnited says

You give “intelligence” too much credit. They are as inept as they are corrupt.

No, they aren't. They are very corrupt, but don't underestimate their competence in being corrupt. Never underestimate your enemy. They always, ALWAYS, play the incompetence card. They did it with 9/11, they did it with the Iraq War, they did it with the Syrian war, they did it with the Libya's bombing. They always claim "incompetence", always. They're not incompetent, they are lying.

If they were incompetent it would be trivial to show what bullshit they are up to, and it's not. You have to spend a great deal of time to find out what bullshit they've pulled, and when you're done, NOBODY will listen to you. They're very competent. Incompetent people are fired, and they ARE fired - there was a purge in the CIA of people who were warning that the claims of "weapons of mass destruction" were incorrect with regard to Iraq - THEY were fired, not the people that went along to go along. It was pretty quiet, but it happened.

PeopleUnited says

hey have been teaching people to be stupid for generations. The globalists run the universities (and by default therefore the elementary and secondary schools and most churches), they run the corporations which’s means they run the media narrative and the corporations influence the government.

The intelligence agencies are underneath the banking system. It's the intelligence agencies that create the propaganda, our "mainstream news" is infested with these agents and sellouts and traitors. They're happy to lie, that's all they do. Their job is to infiltrate a group, either ideologically or physically, to destroy it. Richard Spencer is an intelligence asset.

When a group starts to gain traction, they insert themselves into it. Who was the leader of Occupy Wallstreet? They had no leader, so the media created a few, that were making insane demands which didn't align with the actual demands of the group. Richard Spencer is likely to become "the leader" of "the alt-right", or somebody like him. They make a strawman leader, the strawman leader has nothing to do with the group, but pretends to be, in order to destroy it.

That's what Jesse Jackson is, what Al Sharpton is. Both were on the FIB payroll.

PeopleUnited says

The problem is so much bigger then any government corruption issue. It’s a global cabal of satanic globalists, hell bent on controlling the world.

Could be, but fix problems where you can, by exposing them.
221   PeopleUnited   2023 May 11, 8:07pm  

richwicks says

Could be, but fix problems where you can, by exposing them.

Exposing a problem doesn’t fix it, and that is primarily because this problem is much bigger than “intelligence “. Shut down the FBI, CIA, Mossod, FSB, MI6, and that would barely slow these globalists down. All the spooks would continue doing their work because they don’t need the government salaries nor equipment to do their dirty work.

What you said is true. Every major organization has been infiltrated to ensure controlled opposition. They want to remain one step ahead. And they are. So when they say they are going to have a world government by 2030, it’s likely they believe that they will achieve it.
222   richwicks   2023 May 12, 4:11am  

PeopleUnited says

Exposing a problem doesn’t fix it

The reason problems are hidden is so you don't even know they fucking exist, that's the purpose of propaganda and government lies.

WHY do you think our government will NEVER admit they overthrew Ukraine? Why do you think our government will NEVER admit they lied about weapons of mass destruction? Why do you think our government will NEVER admit they lied about the Douma chemical attacks in Syria?

You can't even fucking start to fix a problem until you goddamned know about it, and people don't know.

The FUNDAMENTAL problem is people don't know, and the solution to this problem is to destroy our propaganda called "the news". We're doing a good job. I'm not the only one, and I don't just post here either. Just took us WAAAAAY longer than we expected.

PeopleUnited says

So when they say they are going to have a world government by 2030, it’s likely they believe that they will achieve it.

They won't. The plan was 2020. The plan is now 30, next will be 50, and so on and so on and so on. The UN is leading this charge and OUR GOVERNMENT is the UN. Our nation created it, why do you think that is? There's OPEN PEDOPHILES in the UN, and it's our government.

The only fucking thing that Bolton EVER did in his fucking worthless life that was worth anything, was attack that institution, mercilessly.
223   PeopleUnited   2023 May 12, 2:05pm  

richwicks says

The FUNDAMENTAL problem is people don't know, and the solution to this problem is to destroy our propaganda called "the news".

I would think the solution is to restore honor and truthfulness to the media. Restore honor and truthfulness and accountability in government.

richwicks says

The UN is leading this charge and OUR GOVERNMENT is the UN. Our nation created it,

The Republic did not create the UN. The shadow government created the UN. And the UN is part farce/distraction and part the public face of the shadow government.
The UN is not leading this charge, the UN is doing what it was created to do, weaken the Republic as well as promoting and normalizing the idea of world government. The New World order kind of became visible with the UN, but pulling the strings behind the scenes are the big banking satanists who hide behind the peace and equity banner while simultaneously promoting war and hoarding everything for themselves.

In 1939 the world had no idea that by 1944 we would have a new world order, but we did. 2023 is just like 1939. We are on the precipice of major change and upheaval. By 2030, 2035 at the latest, they will have the ability to track every person on the planet, what they buy and sell, their travel, their health records. We have the technology basically to do so now, but not everyone has it. When they take full control everyone will have it, and it will be mandatory. Probably a lot of people will die unfortunately before that happens, but it will make it easier for them to implement their system of totalitarian control. That is why they are also pushing for depopulation.
224   Booger   2023 May 14, 5:31am  

Fox News suddenly wants to cover Trump rallies again now that they’ve tanked in the ratings for foolishly getting rid of Tucker.
225   Patrick   2023 May 14, 7:55pm  

Maybe posted before:

226   Patrick   2023 Jun 19, 2:30pm  


9 Fox News Staffers Dump Network to Join Tucker Carlson’s Team ...

In a series of tweets, Carlson’s biographer Chadwick Moore claimed that multiple Fox News employees have now jumped ship.

Moore says nine staffers have now quit their jobs at Fox to join Carlson.

“My sources have now told me NINE former Tucker Carlson Tonight staffers have left Fox News to join Tucker on his next venture,” he wrote on Saturday.

“There are others who are waiting to leave as soon as a role opens up for them with Tucker. Each of the 9 approached Tucker, not the other way around.”

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