Super Best Friends Awesome Superior People Tree Fort Thread - no liberals

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2015 Sep 11, 11:16am   13,267 views  34 comments

by HydroCabron   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Discussion thread only for the above average & super duper.

Share your incontrovertible observations in this thread!

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1   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2015 Sep 11, 12:53pm  

Liberals suck because of X,Y,Z. We rep/con/teas are super civil and would never stoop to insulting people because that's a sign of stoopid.

2   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 11, 12:55pm  

I think liberals insult normal people because liberals are immature and have no experience in the world.

What was the point in your life when you realized you were truly superior to most people? Is maturity and intelligence a tough burden to bear?

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 11, 2:31pm  

Kill all the Indians and take their land, but respect my unlimited property rights, which includes banning my neighbors from having a satellite dish visible from the street.

Anything else is Obamacommunism!

4   Philistine   2015 Sep 11, 2:51pm  

Damn liberace's with their climax change, global warning, homesexical marriages, and forcing us to except the transgenitals. Ima go vote for a president next year and fix it ALL!

5   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 11, 4:56pm  

A lot of maturity on this thread - very constitutional. It shows the deep strategic element in conservative thought, sadly lacking in leftism, perhaps due to the weak nature of the liberal mind.

Good points all around. We're all doing great work.

6   racistsRpeople2   2015 Sep 11, 5:29pm  

It's true that we have to stick together. The most annoying thing liberals do is they start screaming "racist racist" if I or one of my friends make a simple observation such as "what George Zimmerman did was well within his rights and his instigating trouble with Trayvon Martin while being armed had NOTHING to do with Trayvon being black."

By the way, my handle isn't because I'm a racist, because I'm not. Quite the opposite. I judge people only on the content of their character. It is true though that I have some compassion for racists. Some of them such as my father I have a lot of respect for. He grew up in a different time, when a white man was supposed to be racist. Things have changed now, and that's just not cool anymore. Anyways, what I'm saying is I'm not a racist, and I hate those childish liberals that say I am. They'r actually the race baiters. But anyway, as I was saying, some of my best friends are in fact racists, and even if they are racists, I've found that they can still be for the most part really good people.

I mean we all have to choose some groups to hate ? Which of my fellow Americans would you have me hate, besides liberals and homosexuals that is ?

I know, that's kind of deep right ?

Not to change the subject, but did I tell you how much I love baseball ?

7   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 11, 5:38pm  

racistsRpeople2 says

Anyways, what I'm saying is I'm not a racist, and I hate those childish liberals that say I am

You are among friends, brother. We know your pain.

Why can't liberals stick to impugning people's patriotism, as good Americans do? Liberals just lack self-control, and always resort to personal attacks.

It's sad that they're not the good kind of people: us.

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 11, 5:46pm  

I believe Students are in school to study, not to defame America by sitting in a Campus Building chanting and waving signs.

That's why it's okay for the Police to smash their heads in and pour pepper spray down their throats.

9   racistsRpeople2   2015 Sep 11, 7:05pm  

Ted Nugent is a great American. Say, do you guys all like guns as much as I do ?

10   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 12, 11:43am  

Why not a conservatives-only category on Patnet, by invitation?

If we could get this working, it would surely be a haven of goodness and maturity. An oasis of strategic thought. Nothing but insights into the infantile and moronic nature of liberals, with no attacks or pejorative verbiage.

Have you seen this ugly case in NY City, where they are enforcing the law against a police officer?

11   Rew   2015 Sep 12, 12:06pm  

HydroCabron says

Have you seen this ugly case in NY City, where they are enforcing the law against a police officer?

That right there is a symptom of how far down the moral ladder America has fallen. This is the same problem with forcing that amazingly brave Christian woman to jail, because she stood up for what she believes in, not re-defining marriage for some people's warped sense of kink.

It won't be long before we can marry gerbils, and are getting surgery to put our genitalia on our noses. The kicker is, it will be covered by Obamacare, and condoms will be air dropped over every high school in America.

12   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 12, 12:18pm  

Rew says

It won't be long before we can marry gerbils, and are getting surgery to put our genitalia on our noses.

It's the dismal tide.

Fellah down the street just applied to marry an electrical substation; another woman is engaged to an abstract concept.

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 12, 12:38pm  

Don't you stupid Liberals realize ISIS is like Nazi Germany?

They have transformed the Syrian Desert into the world's third most powerful industrial base and have trained and built 20 Panzer Divisions; they are laying the keel of the ISS Bismarck and built 50 new submarines in the Desert!!!

Libbies need to wake up. It says Libby on the Label!!!!!


14   marcus   2015 Sep 12, 1:20pm  

True, and I've heard the ladies there get weak at the knees over a pimped out pickup truck.

15   racistsRpeople2   2015 Sep 12, 1:27pm  

You poke fun of the south, but in my experience the women there like their men patriotic and conservative. Latent homosexuals, metrosexuals, hipsters, hippies, and "intellectuals," need not apply. It's also pretty much a requirement that your primary genre of music is country.

16   Patrick   2015 Sep 12, 1:49pm  

the liberal/conservative split is basically the urban/rural split.

urban people have replaced tradition and human connection with money. the economy is the community in cities. if you have money, it doesn't matter what your urban neighbors think of you. city people are also better educated and more creative because they need those skills to get the more intellectual (and higher paying) jobs available in cities. they are more in favor of government, which provides continuous services to them, not least the protection against the many other people they live near.

rural people are more traditional and maintain more family and friend connections over their whole lives, because those traditions and that social network are very useful for living in the countryside. for example, if there's just one store and you piss off the store owner so that he won't sell anything to you anymore, you're fucked. you can't just go down the street to another store. rural people are not as well educated or as creative because it does not matter as much for the kind of work available in rural areas, and the intellectual people move to the cities. rural people tend to be anti-government because they historically needed to be self-reliant in the countryside and didn't really see the government doing all that much for them.

a simplification, i know, but the urban and rural communities have always had this kind of split, and always will as long as there are cities and countryside. they need each other, but don't trust each other.

17   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 12, 1:53pm  

for example, if there's just one store and you piss off the store owner so that he won't sell anything to you anymore, you're fucked. you can't just go down the street to another store.

Or you can go on Amazon or if he pissed of enough people. You can open your own store and get all of the other customers he pissed off. A hell of a lot easier than in a city with LIberal policies where policy is made based on what the richest companies tell them to make. So they can protect their interests by getting the city to place impact studies, compliance regulation, a potentially biased licensing board. You don't get that in small towns, or the councilmen would get their asses beat, voted out and ran out of town on a pole.

18   racistsRpeople2   2015 Sep 12, 2:06pm  

a simplification, i know

So you're saying it's because liberals are more intelligent and have more money that they are so much less mature when it comes to online conversations/arguments ?

19   racistsRpeople2   2015 Sep 12, 2:10pm  

Besides, don't take this the wrong way, Marcus (the emotional midget), thunderhips, Patrick, but I do believe this thread was a *no liberals* thread. I'm not the moderator, but I'm just saying. The point I think was about us conservatives backing each other up, and having a good laugh about the way that liberals are so immature, less street smart, less wise, and generally inferior to us conservos.

20   Patrick   2015 Sep 12, 2:17pm  

racistsRpeople2 says

So you're saying it's because liberals are more intelligent

didn't say that. said "better educated".

racistsRpeople2 says

and have more money

liberals do tend to have more money because they have better jobs.

Mr Happygoluckofus says

Or you can go on Amazon or if he pissed of enough people

now you can, sure, because of the mostly liberal people up in seattle who created amazon. note that all the amazon creative types are up there, but all the amazon fulfillment centers are in rural areas.

not trying to piss you off, just sayin that basic attitudes are shaped by life conditions, and that it's always been that way. if you're in a rural area and choose to get super-educated, guess what? you're going to go to a city or some liberal university town to do it, and then your jobs are going to be in the same mostly-liberal places.

21   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 12, 2:18pm  

racistsRpeople2 says

but I do believe this thread was a *no liberals* thread. I'm not the moderator, but I'm just saying. The point I think was about us conservatives backing each other up, and having a good laugh about the way that liberals are so immature,


And just because conservative women love pickup trucks, it don't mean they wanna marry 'em!

22   Patrick   2015 Sep 12, 2:23pm  

sorry, killing the buzz with my spergy ways of thinking.

23   racistsRpeople2   2015 Sep 12, 5:55pm  

on an unrelated note, go Dodgers !

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 16, 8:13pm  

Obamaromneycare, which consists of massive subsidies and benefits to the Insurance Industry, is a Bolshevist plot to destroy the innovative large capitalist corporations of our country!

25   Vicente   2015 Sep 17, 7:28am  

the liberal/conservative split is basically the urban/rural split.

Yes, the rural people are arch-conservatives totally against welfare handouts....paying people to sit around on their butts.....I recall those farm subsidy protests.

26   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 17, 8:49am  

I find that most people in rural areas devote their days to hard honest work - about 15 hours - and then a few hours of study of the Bible and the Constitution before sleep. Weekends is mostly church: once on Saturday and twice on Sunday.

Rural Americans have constantly fought to end farm subsidies, close down unprofitable rural post offices, and shut all military bases and federal contractors in their states because they don't want net inflows of federal spending to their state.

27   Vicente   2015 Sep 17, 3:15pm  

HydroCabron says

I find that most people in rural areas devote their days to hard honest work - about 15 hours - and then a few hours of study of the Bible and the Constitution before sleep. Weekends is mostly church: once on Saturday and twice on Sunday.

When do they find time to watch TV? Attend PromiseKeeper rallies? Pick up Grandy's bottles of hooch? Inquiring minds want to know......

28   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 17, 6:40pm  

Trump is a plain spoken man of the people!

29   Vicente   2015 Sep 17, 9:21pm  

thunderlips11 says

Trump is a plain spoken man of the people!

SS codename: Humble

What more needs to be said?

30   mell   2015 Sep 17, 9:48pm  

Vicente says

thunderlips11 says

Trump is a plain spoken man of the people!

SS codename: Humble

What more needs to be said?

Yet zero is the number of fucks given by Teflon-Don. The era of PC bullshit and pretend-humble politicians lying through their teeth has come to an end - for progressives and cuckservatives. The fiefdom of the one-party system is trembling.

31   marcus   2015 Sep 17, 9:56pm  

mell says

The era of PC bullshit and pretend-humble politicians lying through their teeth has come to an end - for progressives and cuckservatives. The fiefdom of the one-party system is trembling.

More like a step up to a new level of single party system. We're graduating from using terrorism and fear of terrorism to a simpler form of manipulation that rough economic times has made possible: using hate and fear mongering to get blind allegiance and loyalty from the masses to the demagogue of the hour.

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 17, 10:09pm  

mell says

The fiefdom of the one-party system is trembling.

Yes, neoliberalism is on the way out. Bush II was just Clinton terms III and IV. You bet it was! The only difference was the Clinton didn't have a 9/11 to invade Yugoslavia with. Third Way Democrats have never shown the slightest concern for civil liberties and the prison complex. That's where they "Triangulate" and outflank the Law and Order Republicans on that very point of contact.

33   Patrick   2015 Sep 17, 10:26pm  

marcus says

using hate and fear mongering to get blind allegiance and loyalty from the masses to the demagogue of the hour.

i don't think it's just hate and fear mongering. the donald has hit a nerve he could not have hit were it not primed and waiting for him.

so what primed the situation for the donald? personally, i think it's the fact that straight white men (still a rather large group) are shamed for looking out for their own group. they lose public respectability as soon as they even so much as mention that that is who they are and that they're proud of it. there is a PC straight-jacket on them, forcing them to self-censor simply to be allowed to speak in the mainstream media at all.

the donald does not self-censor, since he doesn't have to. that demonstration of power over the media is what attracts followers, and the media reports on it, giving him a virtuous cycle of publicity with every provocative statement.

34   anonymous   2015 Sep 18, 4:36am  

I blame Obama for making me watch this gay porn, and the Faggot fucking liberals for duping me into getting a raging hard on while watching

What's next? Y'all gonna persecute the police officers for gunning down any and every black they see, for fear of their lives? No, we can't let you ruin this great country. What we need is more unionized militarized police with unchecked power and unlimited munitions, gunning down any asshole that moves. That's what small government and freedom is all about

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