Cops Strip Search Mom in front of her children, Forcibly Pull Tampon Out of Her

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2013 Jan 11, 3:39pm   18,706 views  54 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Because she allegedly didn't come to a full stop at a stop sign.


When the pro-gun people use their guns to bring these cops to justice, I'll buy all those arguments like this

Till then, I say it's bullshit. If raping a mother in front of her children isn't cause enough to pick up your gun and bring rouge cops to justice, then what the hell is. Arrest these cops and try them for rape in a citizen (not government) court. Otherwise, your guns do nothing to protect people from tyranny. You can't get any more tyrannical than being raped in front of your kids.

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1   Dan8267   2013 Jan 11, 3:47pm  

Oh, and pedo-rape to what the cops do as well.


These two stories justify legalizing all drugs. When the war on drugs causes such human rights atrocities in front of and to children, the war on drugs is far worse than anything drugs do. If Obama wasn't pure fucking evil, he'd issue an executive order making it illegal for any law enforcement to search for any drugs or perform any strip searches. And, yes, this goes the same to all the asshole politicians on both sides of the isle.

2   elliemae   2013 Jan 12, 5:37am  

They've gone too far - wayyyy too far. Strip searching both of them was inappropriate, no matter where. There was no arrest, no probable cause.

The "authorities" who did this should be strip-searched in front of an audience that made fun of them, then forced to spend time in prison.

3   mell   2013 Jan 12, 5:40am  

Dan8267 says

Oh, and pedo-rape to what the cops do as well.


These two stories justify legalizing all drugs. When the war on drugs causes such human rights atrocities in front of and to children, the war on drugs is far worse than anything drugs do. If Obama wasn't pure fucking evil, he'd issue an executive order making it illegal for any law enforcement to search for any drugs or perform any strip searches. And, yes, this goes the same to all the asshole politicians on both sides of the isle.

Agreed and agreed.

4   Dan8267   2013 Jan 12, 7:24am  

You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.

Missouri Police Taser Boy With Broken Back 19 Times
The boy is lying on the ground unable to even move after falling off a bridge and breaking his back. So, what do these police do? Call an ambulance? No, they electrocute him 19 times and then lie about him making threats, you know, like someone immobilized with a broken back can do.

Cops brutally beat a 15-year-old girl because they felt disrespected.
Felony assault, endanger the life of a child. These two cops should be jailed for life. No civilian would get away with such a crime.

Cop taser non resisting man in the neck until he passes out
This is pure torture. The police officer should be tased to death himself as punishment. This is one of the few cases where I would support the death penalty.

Police Brutality: Cop Kills Dog, Tries To Buy Owner's Silence!
Even if you think the shooting was justified, the coverup certainly wasn't and shows criminal intent.

75 Years in Prison For Videotaping Police
By the way, recording the police is legal by the First Amendment and federal courts have confirmed this. This trumps state laws that are Unconstitutional. It also shows that the police do not have good or lawful intentions. Anyone with good and lawful intentions would welcome additional evidence.

5   Dan8267   2013 Jan 12, 8:43am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Why do cops arrest annoying/guilty/inconvenient people or animals or kitchen appliances when they can just spray them with machine gun fire and let God sort them out?

The fact that cops get away with this shit is proof that there is no god.

6   deepcgi   2013 Jan 12, 9:10am  


All I am thinking is how great it will be when only those guys have the guns.

7   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 13, 1:01am  

Meh Cops have become uncivil autonomous lemmings, just doing what they are told. Their boundaries of what police can do and can't have been expanding unquestioned for decades.

I'm never impressed when Liberal bleeding hearts pick up the issue when a Blackman is beaten, pulled over for no reason, insulted and abused by some Police officer who has let his power go a little too far to his head. And now this woman, is supposed to be above the same treatment "I" would get if I were pulled over, or arrested by the police.
Do you think for one fucking minute any Liberal rag would print, that I have been arrested over unpaid tickets, and have had to strip down to nothing turn around and squat, while a 400 lb knuckle dragger instructed me on which body parts I should move from obstructing the view of all my glory parts? Not in a million years.
Or that the time I was pushed and shoved against a wall, for asking directions.
How about the time, I was chauffeured around port everglades in the back of a county limo, for an hour while they rigged breathalyzer that gave me a .08, when I hadn't drank a drop that day.

8   Dan8267   2013 Jan 13, 5:51am  

deepcgi says


All I am thinking is how great it will be when only those guys have the guns.

If you think that having guns will stop shit like this from happening than prove it. Find out the 5 male and 1 female cop that gang rape the woman in front of her children and arrest them, bring them before a citizen court -- not a government one -- and try them for rape, torture, assault, endangering the lives of children, exposing children to sex and crime, and all the other charges that would have been brought on any human being who committed such an atrocity and wasn't a government agent. Until then, you gun people are all hat no cattle.

Until I see these police criminals brought to justice, the pro-gun crowed is full of shit about guns making us safe from criminals in government. Had this woman actually possessed a gun, she and her children would probably had been murdered by the police. And if not, she would have been put in jail on trumped up charges.

Prove that guns make us safe from government by bringing these six specific criminals to justice. Otherwise, everything gun lovers say about us being safer from government if we have guns is utter bullshit.

9   Dan8267   2013 Jan 13, 5:57am  

CaptainShuddup says

Meh Cops have become uncivil autonomous lemmings, just doing what they are told.

No one told the cops to gang rape an innocent woman. That's bullshit.

CaptainShuddup says

I'm never impressed when Liberal bleeding hearts pick up the issue when a Blackman is beaten, pulled over for no reason, insulted and abused by some Police officer who has let his power go a little too far to his head. And now this woman, is supposed to be above the same treatment "I" would get if I were pulled over, or arrested by the police.

There is no mention of the victim's race or the races of the rapists. Your assumption that the woman is black is unwarranted and incorrect. The woman was in fact white. Does that make a difference to you, CaptainShuddup? It shouldn't. This is not a race issue. It's a human rights issue.

What's really fucked up about the various crimes listed in this thread is that the state actively protects the criminals working for it, thereby advocating and endorsing the crimes.

Oh, and one last thing. If conservatives are pissed off as fuck about a woman being gang raped by police in front of her young children, then conservatives are motherfucking assholes. Being appalled by this level of evil shouldn't be a "liberal" thing.

10   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 13, 6:25am  

She wasn't raped she was stripped search.
I don't give a damn, if you think this behavior is fine for anyone at all, then I'd expect YOUR grandmother to get the same treatment.
Either it's acceptable it's not.

11   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 13, 6:28am  

And I never mentioned her race either.
But this is another example of the Police state we tolerate, just as long as it's not a White male being roughed up. Name one example when a White person filing an excessive abuse case against a police ever making National news. I'm not saying there aren't any cases, I'm just saying it's not important, until a Minority/Woman/Child gives it legs.

12   Dan8267   2013 Jan 13, 6:40am  

CaptainShuddup says

But this is another example of the Police state we tolerate, just as long as it's not a White male being roughed up.

Dan8267 says

Missouri Police Taser Boy With Broken Back 19 Times

The very first YouTube video I posted in this thread was a white male being tased while lying incapacitated with a broken back after falling off a bridge.

Only in your fantasy world does the world have it in for white males. We "libduhs" are pissed off when anyone is raped, assaulted, or murdered by criminal police regardless of the race and gender of the victims or the criminals.

When I read these stories or see these videos I'm not even thinking about race or gender. Why are you obsessing over it? Just get pissed off that some scumbags are committing horrific crimes and using the power of the state to commit those crimes and get away with it. It's not a race or gender issue.

13   Dan8267   2013 Jan 13, 6:44am  

CaptainShuddup says

She wasn't raped she was stripped search.

Forcibly removing a tampon from a woman's vagina is rape. Rape does NOT require penile penetration of a body part. A woman can rape another woman just as easily as a man can.

What makes it rape is the forcing of a sexual act against a person's will. What this woman endured is every bit as traumatizing as having a penis forced in her against her will. It is rape. It has the entire essence of what rape is, as oppose to what law calls "statutory rape", which isn't even remotely related to rape.

14   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 13, 7:44am  

Making anyone strip down bare ass naked and squat is also rape then.
If the Cops job detail require they thoroughly examine everyone's orifice, then her tampon was an impediment for them to do their job. They shouldn't treat anyone like that, unless it's known they are violent ex-cons, or have reason to believe they pose a threat
But I also don't think people that are picked up on traffic infringements or license suspensions, should not be held in the same place with people picked up for felons.

It sucks to be that Lady but it's the way it is, "Meh, what are you gonna do?".

15   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 12:35am  

CaptainShuddup says

Making anyone strip down bare ass naked and squat is also rape then.

Agreed and it should be treated as such. If I can't do such-n-such to the president's daughters, then no cop should be able to do the exact same thing to an unwilling person.

CaptainShuddup says

It sucks to be that Lady but it's the way it is, "Meh, what are you gonna do?".

Well, if the "guns save us from government" argument was valid, then the answer would be to use guns to bring those rapists to justice.

16   TechGromit   2013 Jan 14, 12:41am  

Hey a Police state is Great...if Your the police.

17   leo707   2013 Jan 14, 1:09am  

Dan8267 says

CaptainShuddup says

Making anyone strip down bare ass naked and squat is also rape then.

Agreed and it should be treated as such. If I can't do such-n-such to the president's daughters, then no cop should be able to do the exact same thing to an unwilling person.

MMMmmmm...yes, making someone squat and cough on the side of the highway, then letting them go with a citation, would also be rape.

However, it sounds like Shuddup has a warrant for his arrest and was strip searched while being processed into jail. That is a huge difference from being strip searched in plain view of your children and passing motorists on the side of the highway, and with no probable cause.

Violent actions (strip searches, killing, tazing, etc.) have their place and are necessary tools for police work. It is the over application of these techniques in situations where they are uncalled for that are the hallmarks of tyranny.

Stripsearch on the side of the road with no cause = tyranny.

Strip search while being processed into prison/jail = necessary.

Unjustly processing people into prison/jail thus subjecting them to strip search = tyranny.

18   lostand confused   2013 Jan 14, 1:44am  

leo707 says

Unjustly possessing people into prison/jail thus subjecting them to strip
search = tyranny.

I thought that was just all in a day's work for the TSA.

19   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 2:19am  

Being nude in public is illegal, but the state can force you to be nude and assume sexual humiliating poses. Yeah, our laws make a hell of a lot of sense.

20   anonymous   2013 Jan 14, 3:02am  

My first reactions to this thread were wholly apolitical, however, as I read on, the topic became politicized (imagine that!). Dan blames conservatives, captain plames liberals. As if 90% of the voting population even understand how to identify the differences between the two, or why they like their team and dislike the opponent. Its devolved to futbol fandom status at this point, and now I wanna join in and point fingers at why team blue and team red both fucking suck.

I agree that the anti gun control crowd is bullshit when they say we need guns to protect us from the state, because we have a shitton of guns and NOBODY with the balls to turn them on the real enemy, The State, to protect freedom from tyranny. Their constant failures by saying one thing (freedom!), while demanding the opposite (authority) has become mind numbing

However the opposition is no better, and imo worse. The left begs for more statism at every turn. The State itself is most wholly democrat, and while they love to pat themselves on the back about how much smarter they are than the stupid republicans, there's a special place in hell reserved for their passive pleasure for playing bystander. Not to mention, the entire concept of lawyering and law for profit is inherently corrupt, and THAT IS WHAT LEADS TO THIS POLICE STATE! If lawyers and judges positions of power and means of accruing "wealth" wasn't reliant on this kind of shit happening, and the war on drugs, it wouldn't exist.

Affordable healthcare shmelthcare insurance company racket, we all need healthcare is pure bullshit in the form by which the democrats present it. I want affordable law care, and we most certainly all need that before we can begin a discussion on what it takes to be healthy. FIRE is currently under scrutiny, and well everybody knows that lawyers are scumbags, but where is the outcry to do something about the grip they have on our ability to be free?

Why do we need lawyering for profit? If you removed the profit motives from the corrupt judges that send our young away to detention centers (cash for kids) or the slimy, unproductive economic terrorists that hold certificates for practicing law in this country, could we possibly be any worse off? What is the benefit returned to society for allowing our court houses and law systems to be means to extort profits from the public? What are they providing in return for trading their for-profit law services that have brought about this police state?

21   anonymous   2013 Jan 14, 3:04am  

Dan8267 says

Being nude in public is illegal, but the state can force you to be nude and assume sexual humiliating poses. Yeah, our laws make a hell of a lot of sense.

And this police state is the stupid republicans fault! Now there's a funky knee slapper, ha ha thanks for the laugh, dan

22   rdm   2013 Jan 14, 3:20am  

The basic problem is the quality of people that are attracted to police work and given power and authority with little internal constraint. The example(s) given are hideous and the cops should be removed from active duty pending being prosecuted and removed from the police force and jailed. The problem is cops are generally, if found guilty often get off easier then anyone else doing the same crime, they know this and this affects their actions IMO What if a gang of men (not cops) did the same act of stripping and tampon removal I guarantee they would fare far worse then these cops will.

23   anonymous   2013 Jan 14, 3:31am  

So now its a quality issue. We just need better cops, than wed fare much better in this police state lmao

Its both the quantity and quality of laws, that are the problem. Where's all the gun control folk crowing to take the glocks away from the police? I won't bother crashing patricks server with all the instances of police wrongly shooting, maming, murdering innocent folk in this country,,,

There just isn't any need for this hierarchial system of subordinates and their authorities, granted false empowerment from The State.

24   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 3:40am  

errc says

Dan blames conservatives

Actually, I blame the cops and the state for those crimes. Although I do believe that "lock-them-up-and-throw-away-the-key" conservatives are more likely to accept police violence and crime than liberals even when that crime is perpetrated against innocent individuals. I wish I was wrong about that, but "social conservatives" really don't seem to care how many innocent people suffer in the name of punishing guilty people.

That said, I have called b.s. on any argument that states that unrestricted access to guns makes us safer from government abuse as clearly this isn't the case for the outright insane level of abuse we are already enduring. However, just because this argument is bogus doesn't mean I do not believe there are other legitimate arguments in favor of reducing restrictions on guns. I just don't buy the "militia" argument.

25   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 3:43am  

errc says

the topic became politicized (imagine that!).

true, true

26   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 3:47am  

errc says

I agree that the anti gun control crowd is bullshit when they say we need guns to protect us from the state, because we have a shitton of guns and NOBODY with the balls to turn them on the real enemy, The State, to protect freedom from tyranny.

Exactly my point. There may be very legitimate reasons to allow civilians to have semi-automatic weapons, even fully automatic assault weapons, but protection from the state isn't one of them. That's the whole point of this thread.

27   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 3:50am  

errc says

The left begs for more statism at every turn.

I think both the left at the right are in favor of more government despite what both sides say. The left wants the government to be responsible for more of the economic activity in terms of both employment and services. The right wants the government to spend more on military, spying on civilians, and even law enforcement at the federal level (TSA, FBI, CIA, DHS). I think both types of spending are bad, but the later is scarier.

28   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 3:53am  

errc says

Dan8267 says

Being nude in public is illegal, but the state can force you to be nude and assume sexual humiliating poses. Yeah, our laws make a hell of a lot of sense.

And this police state is the stupid republicans fault! Now there's a funky knee slapper, ha ha thanks for the laugh, dan

Actually, I think most people on the left are against public nudity and prostitution while being for strip searches in jails. So the left clearly isn't liberal.

If you can make the White House and Congress secure without strip searching all the people who enter it including the president and senators, then you can make a jail secure without strip searches.

29   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 3:57am  

errc says

We just need better cops,

There are only two ways I see of getting good cops.

Option 1

Fire all human cops and use robocops who's software source code is public domain. This, of course, will require many years of development before it is even plausible.

Option 2

1. Video record all police at all times when they are on duty or in possession of their badges or guns.

2. The video must be open to the public without any restriction.

3. Establish a civilian court system that has full authority to prosecute police and government agents for any crime. This court system does not use government employees including judges. The court can convict and sentence police and government agents with the same authority as a government court. The civilian court system will have an appeals process, but no government court, agency, or personnel can override or interfere with the civilian court's affairs.

30   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 14, 4:01am  

We need pics of the mom to better assess the situation.

31   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 4:05am  

zzyzzx says

We need pics of the mom to better assess the situation.

Dude, if this happened to your mom, would you be so callous?

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Jan 14, 4:33am  

Dan8267 says

Missouri Police Taser Boy With Broken Back 19 Times

Just to give a bit more backstory about this.

Kid was walking home from a friends house. Forgot to take his diabetes meds. Leaned up against a bridge rail as his insulin crashed. Passed out, Fell off and broke his back. Laughing cops then tased him as he was in a Diabetic Daze with a Broken Back, Ass/U/Meing that he was a druggie. Even if he was a drug addict, it's torture.

Natch, when called in front of the stand, the cops claimed his groping out for help was him trying to punch them.

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Jan 14, 4:35am  

Dan8267 says

3. Establish a civilian court system that has full authority to prosecute police and government agents for any crime. This court system does not use government employees including judges. The court can convict and sentence police and government agents with the same authority as a government court. The civilian court system will have an appeals process, but no government court, agency, or personnel can override or interfere with the civilian court's affairs.

Cops HATE independent boards overseeing their behavior. They want to police themselves. I think we've had plenty of experience with self-regulation of industries and organizations to know it's crap.

34   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 5:55am  

thunderlips11 says

Kid was walking home from a friends house. Forgot to take his diabetes meds. Leaned up against a bridge rail as his insulin crashed. Fell off and broke his back. Laughing cops then tased him as he was in a Diabetic Daze with a Broken Back, Ass/U/Meing that he was a druggie. Even a druggie doesn't deserve to be tortured. Scum

Damn, that's really fucked up. It would be fucked up even if the boy had been a druggie, but being a diabetic in shock and getting tortured like that. That's totally fucked up.

35   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 5:57am  

thunderlips11 says

Cops HATE independent boards overseeing their behavior.

All criminals hate independent boards overseeing their behavior. Essentially, the cops are saying they don't want to be subject to laws just like the rest of us are.

36   Dan8267   2013 Jan 14, 6:32am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

If those kids had Gatling guns in their backbacks, they could have defended mommy and provided a meaningful deterrent to cops trying the same thing in the future.

Exactly. And those kids would have more balls than all the gun advocates combined.

However, it is difficult to man a Gatling gun when you are four years old, as was the older of the two kids, or younger.

37   PockyClipsNow   2013 Jan 14, 8:50am  

Look why do you guys beilieve this lady over the cops? She is probably a liar and looking for a big payday over her fictional story.

38   rooemoore   2013 Jan 14, 8:51am  

and in other news, who the fuck cares...

39   drew_eckhardt   2013 Jan 14, 9:27am  

Seems reasonable to me.

We remove airline passengers' clothes using technology in spite of not having any suspicion.

Extrapolating beyond that, suspicion should merit a cavity search.

Probable cause might be enough for exploratory surgery.

40   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 14, 10:05am  

Why was the dentist arrested? he was giving his patients cavity searches.
I thank you.

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