How Clinton and Obama Disarmed and Abandoned Ukraine

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2021 Dec 8, 2:37pm   1,842 views  79 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Despite these foreign policy blunders, in the face of Trump’s actual arming of Ukraine against the Russian threat, the left-wing and well-funded National Security Archive has released a special report, “Nuclear Weapons and Ukraine,” treating the removal of Ukraine’s nuclear weapons as a great example of nuclear disarmament. The group sings the praises of the congressional legislation known as Nunn-Lugar, named for a Democratic Senator, Sam Nunn, and a Republican Senator, Dick Lugar. It was formally called the Cooperative Threat Reduction program.

At the time, Ukraine had some 1,900 strategic nuclear weapons, the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal at the time.

In 2012, two years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Obama had declared the Nunn-Lugar legislation a success, saying, “…it was Dick who took me on my first foreign trip as a Senator—to Russia and Ukraine and Azerbaijan. We were there to see the Cooperative Threat Reduction program [Nunn-Lugar] in action.” During that trip abroad, in a strange development, Russian authorities detained Obama and Lugar, threatened to search their plane, and examined their passports.

A frequent traveler to Russia and the old Soviet Union, the late Indiana Senator Dick Lugar was one of the most left-wing Republican U.S. senators on foreign policy issues, having proudly accepted campaign contributions from the pro-world government group, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS). He was Obama’s mentor on foreign policy and gave the Democrat bipartisan cover for his globalist policies.

Speaking at the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Symposium being held at the National War College, Obama noted that in the audience, “We’re joined by some of our Russian friends today.” Obama went on, “Let’s work with Russia as an equal partner. Let’s continue the work that’s so important to the security of both our countries. And I’m optimistic that we can.”

Obama concluded that speech by saying, “Missile by missile, warhead by warhead, shell by shell, we’re putting a bygone era behind us. Inspired by Sam Nunn and Dick Lugar, we’re moving closer to the future we seek. A future where these weapons never threaten our children again. A future where we know the security and peace of a world without nuclear weapons.”

This was complete bunk, of course, but that is the globalist mind-set. It resulted in Ukraine being invaded and occupied, 13,000 deaths in the war so far, and Democrats gearing up for impeachment of Trump over policies that Democratic presidents put in place.

Today, former Senator Nunn sits on the board of the organization he co-founded, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), working for a “safer world.” His fellow board members and advisers include billionaire Warren E. Buffett, Ted Turner, former California Governor Jerry Brown, Admiral Michael G. Mullen, USN (Ret.), and Igor S. Ivanov, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Russia. Funders include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Canada Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, the U.S. Russia Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

The National Security Archive has been funded by George Soros (the Open Society Institute), the Rockefellers, and foundations associated with the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Barbra Streisand.


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1   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 8, 2:38pm  

If this looks like a plan to "encircle and attack poor defenseless Russia" why the fuck were we disarming every country around them?
2   richwicks   2021 Dec 8, 2:48pm  

Eric Holder says
in the face of Trump’s actual arming of Ukraine against the Russian threat

https://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kincaid/191207?source=patrick.net - that's where you lifted that from.

Don't want fucking propaganda from another fucking so-called "journalist".

I don't think you understand how LITTLE respect I have for anybody that calls themself a "journalist" at this point. I will listen to them, but it's not fact, it's a starting point for research.
3   FarmersWon   2021 Dec 8, 2:49pm  

Joe: "We will finish you economically".
Putin: "We use a laptop to hunt the Hunter".
4   richwicks   2021 Dec 8, 4:50pm  

Eric Holder says
If this looks like a plan to "encircle and attack poor defenseless Russia" why the fuck were we disarming every country around them?

What makes you think the US/NATO isn't moving weaponry into those nations?

Russia isn't at all defenseless either, and I'm certain they know where all the weapons are in their former satellite states. In Poland for example there was a vast array of nuclear Soviet nuclear weapons in that country which the US (claimed) they were entirely unaware.

Do you really want to restart the Cold War? Just leave the damned nations alone. Russia isn't bombing anybody right now, but the US sure as fuck is, and with the accolades of Europe.
5   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 8, 4:53pm  

richwicks says
Eric Holder says
in the face of Trump’s actual arming of Ukraine against the Russian threat

https://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kincaid/191207?source=patrick.net - that's where you lifted that from.

Don't want fucking propaganda from another fucking so-called "journalist".

I don't think you understand how LITTLE respect I have for anybody that calls themself a "journalist" at this point. I will listen to them, but it's not fact, it's a starting point for research.

No, I found it independently from that link. BTW, what's wrong with it? Refute the facts if you can (hint: you can't). Personal attacks destroy what little left of your credibility.

Ukraine was disarmed by US and Russia TOGETHER under false promise of "territorial integrity". It's a fact.

USSR/Russia was never promised that NATO won't expand. Another fact, confirmed by the very man who negotiated the re-unification of Germany.

Eat shit, my RT-sucking friend, eat shit.
6   richwicks   2021 Dec 8, 6:02pm  

Eric Holder says
No, I found it independently from that link. BTW, what's wrong with it? Refute the facts if you can (hint: you can't).

None of it has any verifiable information. I'm not going to spend time "refuting it" - show me ANYTHING that it said is true. That's how I treat anything that I hear as an assertion, I check to see if it's true, not if it's false. I've spent CONSIDERABLE time finding ACTUALLY reliable sources and I pretty much ignore the rest.

When I read, for example, that the Mueller Report shows Donald Trump did X - what I look for is, where is the source of that information? They're claiming a report has an assertion in it, but if they can't be bothered to show the page, or quote, or something - I just ignore it.

This is VERY good practice. There's no reason in this day and age NOT to make references. I see Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté, and even JIMMY DORE do this all the time. When they make a claim, they very frequently give you a source to their claim because, you know, the Internet is huge, and storage is cheap. A journalist that can't be bothered to do this, isn't a journalist - period. They are propagandists. If I can't see their source, they are lying. An "anonymous source" is somebody they fucking made up 99% of the time. A "real source" from the intelligence agencies or military, is a fucking liar 99% of the time. Didn't you learn that in the Trump presidency? You saw it.

Eric Holder says
Eat shit, my RT-sucking friend, eat shit.

Didn't you just say:

Eric Holder says
Personal attacks destroy what little left of your credibility.

I agree. I only engage in them when I'm fucking frustrated.

Nothing this fucking government says can be trusted. They fucking stole an election last year - they used Antifa and BLM to "break into the capital" and stage a fake insurrection to put 500 people in prison who didn't understand (or believe) that their own government would FRAME them for a crime. Now they know, difficult lesson. Russia isn't the USSR - the US is the USSR.

I'm 50, I remember the terrifying, and very evil USSR. I'm glad it's gone. Russia, although it has CERTAINLY many many problems, is more like the United States I grew up in than the USA is today. They don't fucking blatantly lie constantly. Their people remember socialism and resist it. The realize their "news" agencies lie to them, and are aware of it. They recognize corruption, and call it out.

The US doesn't.

You're thinking that modern Russia is ANYTHING like the old USSR. It's not. There's goddamned concentration camps in Australia today for "at risk" people for a MINOR disease as we have a bullshit "pandemic". Russia doesn't have a BS pandemic. They don't have lockdowns. Russia is not a threat to me, my own government is a threat to me. My government is run by traitors. We have DOMESTIC enemies, not foreign ones. I'm using my real name, I'm not behind a VPN, and in fact this is my IP address:

I'm easy to find. I'm the canary in the coal mine. When (if) I disappear there's somebody that will notice it, and point it out - probably just once. I'm the asshole that never bent down, and trust me, that's not an easy thing to do. Wish more people would stand up, but noooooo - they're distracted by a bullshit conflict our Assholes in Charge are ginning up with Russia because they are trying to control Europe's energy imports. We are in conflict with Russia to prevent them from engaging in FREE TRADE of energy with Europe because the United States doesn't control Russia. That's it. And for this, we're risking a possible nuclear conflict, or not really "we" - my fucking government that wasn't even fucking elected are doing this - putting this entire country in danger - your parents, your siblings, your wife, your children, your great grandchildren.

I know what I am, a hostage and a slave.

Do you know what you are? A puppet, repeating propaganda, without realizing it. I'm not trying to be an asshole about it - I've been in similar situations myself, but I realize this can happen to me, and that it has happened to me. 30 years ago, I talked about SoDamned Insane in Iraq - but then I learned about April Glaspie, when the US was placing troops on the border, I learned about Nayirah's Al-Ṣabaḥ's congressional testimony being false, that she was coached by the "PR" firm Hill & Knowlton - blah blah blah. I do my best to readily admit my mistakes, and to eliminate my cognitive dissonance. I've been doing this for decades. I still experience cognitive dissonance, but not for long. Learning that my viewpoint on the first Iraq War was ENTIRELY wrong was humiliating because I spent years defending it, and viciously defending it. But I was wrong.

If you call me a dumb shit asshole that doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about - as soon as you demonstrate I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I don't have any pride when it comes to being "correct". When I'm wrong, I'm fucking wrong.
7   Bd6r   2021 Dec 8, 8:41pm  

richwicks says
Russia, although it has CERTAINLY many many problems, is more like the United States I grew up in than the USA is today. They don't fucking blatantly lie constantly. Their people remember socialism and resist it. The realize their "news" agencies lie to them, and are aware of it. They recognize corruption, and call it out.

When was last time you have actually been in either modern Russia or USSR? Can you speak their language?

BTW Russia was not attacking everyone while Trump was President...I wonder why if he was a RUSSIAN ASSET
8   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 12:29am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Russia, although it has CERTAINLY many many problems, is more like the United States I grew up in than the USA is today. They don't fucking blatantly lie constantly. Their people remember socialism and resist it. The realize their "news" agencies lie to them, and are aware of it. They recognize corruption, and call it out.

When was last time you have actually been in either modern Russia or USSR? Can you speak their language?

I've never been to Russia nor do I speak Russian. I talked to a Russian last week though.

Bd6r says
BTW Russia was not attacking everyone while Trump was President...I wonder why if he was a RUSSIAN ASSET

Russia hasn't attacked anybody since the collapse of the USSR. Russia wasn't attacking anybody when Itchy Willie Clinton was "president, nor when George Duh was "president", when Obozo was "president", when Trump was president, or now that Biden is "president". They have 11 time zones, they aren't interested in expansion.

I remember when S. Ossetia requested help from Russia to push back an invasion from Georgia back in 2008 I think it was? Russia went in, kicked Georgia out in a DAY, and then Russia left. Mikheil Saakashvili was the president of Georgia then, he was an alumni of Columbia, and George Washington University - an obvious US intelligence plant.

He's wanted criminal now in Georgia, and now lives in Ukraine. He was hoping to be setup as the next "leader" (read puppet) of Ukraine. He's in some bullshit position of the Ukrainian government now.

I'm not ignorant about what is going on. Do you remember any of that shit happening? When Russia went into S. Ossetia the US propaganda networks were claiming Russia was invading. Ukrainians were THANKING Russia for intervening. There's a few videos of Ossetians on television screaming over the propagandist that what they were saying was false, and that Russia helped them. I can probably still find them if you like.

Russia isn't a threat. Our threats are in Washington DC, Langley Virginia, and Silicon Valley. Those are where the domestic enemies of this country reside and work. They aren't on the other side of the planet.
9   Bd6r   2021 Dec 9, 8:10am  

richwicks says
Russia hasn't attacked anybody since the collapse of the USSR.

This is the fakest news I have seen on Patnet in a while.

S. Ossetia is Georgian internal issue. Crimea and Eastern Ukraine is Ukrainian issue and no one else has business in that, including Russia. If not, then US meddling in Syria is justified as many parts/ethnicities/religions in Syria wanted to get out of Assad rule. Russia meddles in Central Africa, it meddled in Tajik civil war, in Moldova, in Azerbaijan-Armenian war in 1990's, etc. Saakashvili is now in jail in Georgia.

Current regime in Russia blew up a few apartment buildings in Russia in 1999 killing hundreds to justify Putin coming to power, and blamed this on Chechens. This is not different from 9/11 here, and perhaps US Deep State learned a thing or two from Russians in arranging 9/11. It is very likely that Russia blew Polish Prez Kaczyński plane out of sky killing him and nearly a hundred other Polish officials. Russia is a terrorist State.

I don't think you can correctly judge situation in Russia if you don't speak Russian and do not travel in Russia. Things you find on internets were just as likely planted by Russian propaganda, just like US propaganda plants things on internets. "Talking to ONE Russian" is meaningless in grand scheme of things.
10   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 9, 8:24am  

Give it to Putin, it's a useless body of land over there, that American criminals deep staters, and Bolshevik underworld Oligarchs rule and control. They are danger and impediment to all of the Free world. And I'll never forgive them what they tried to do to our President, while letting a mental retard like Joe Fucking Potato Biden, slap Obama's dick all over their face, to fire the Prosecutor.

Take it away Putie Poo! Then dig up all of the dirt and send it to Project Veritas1
11   Bd6r   2021 Dec 9, 8:34am  

Tenpoundbass says
And I'll never forgive them what they tried to do to our President

FACTS: Trump bombed Russians in Syria, killing hundreds of them (300-600 depending on sources) in February 2018. Russians never dared to defy Trump after that. On the other hand, Russians/Putin walk all over Biden and Obama.
12   mostly reader   2021 Dec 9, 11:36am  

richwicks says
Russia hasn't attacked anybody since the collapse of the USSR.
You should know that you are not a part of intelligent conversation, no offense. And I should know to not read you while sipping coffee.
13   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 2:55pm  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Russia hasn't attacked anybody since the collapse of the USSR.

This is the fakest news I have seen on Patnet in a while.

Name the countries that Russia has supposedly attacked?

The US has attacked Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan since 1991, well what was once Yugoslavia as well.

Bd6r says
S. Ossetia is Georgian internal issue.

No, it's a Georgian and S. Ossetian issue. If S. Ossetia wants to invite the US to help, they can do it, same with Georgia.

Bd6r says
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine is Ukrainian issue and no one else has business in that, including Russia.

Crimea is Russia's only warm water port, and is 98% Russian - the only reason that it's "part of Ukraine" is that it was made a gift to Crimea when Ukraine was basically a slave of the USSR. Until then, Crimea had been a part of Russia for longer than the United States existed. If the US didn't install a nutcase literal Nazi screaming that "Russians had to be all exterminated", Crimea wouldn't have had any reason to leave and wouldn't have. Crimea's exit from Ukraine is a DIRECT RESULT of the US overthrowing Ukraine.

The US overthrew Ukraine for MULTIPLE reasons, part of that was to deprive Russia of their only warm water port. It's also part of the reason the US is bombing Syria, it's Russia's only Middle Eastern military outpost. The US didn't get part of what they wanted, so they are shitting out propaganda about Crimea and Ukraine constantly. Fucking sick of it.

Bd6r says
If not, then US meddling in Syria is justified as many parts/ethnicities/religions in Syria wanted to get out of Assad rule. Russia meddles in Central Africa, it meddled in Tajik civil war, in Moldova, in Azerbaijan-Armenian war in 1990's, etc.

Who have they bombed?

Bd6r says
Saakashvili is now in jail in Georgia.

Well, that's good news.

Bd6r says
Current regime in Russia blew up a few apartment buildings in Russia in 1999 killing hundreds to justify Putin coming to power, and blamed this on Chechens.

First? How do you know?

Second? Who gives a shit?

Where were these apartment buildings? What year / date were they blown up? Why wasn't the US propaganda machine harping on this for propaganda purposes? Who were the victims? How many victims? How exactly did this advantage Putin?

I can read how 9/11 advantaged the Neocons, it's spelled out in Rebuilding America's Defenses from PNAC. What these fucking traitorous motherfuckers thought bringing the nation to war for 100 years would somehow bring about a new American century isn't clear, but what the fuck does that matter - what's what happened well, for 20 years.

Bd6r says
This is not different from 9/11 here, and perhaps US Deep State learned a thing or two from Russians in arranging 9/11.

Did it lead to 7 fucking wars like our 9/11 did and the end of a free press? The remnants of our free press ended that day. It's JUST NOW starting to recover, and in the form of entirely independents.

Bd6r says
It is very likely that Russia blew Polish Prez Kaczyński plane out of sky killing him and nearly a hundred other Polish officials. Russia is a terrorist State.

What was their motivation in doing this? How did this advantage Russia in any way, or their current regime? It's more like the US blew them out of the sky. Just like it's was the US (or Mi6 - whatever), that poisoned Alexander Litvinenko. It's WITHOUT DOUBT that the Skripal's were never targeted with Novichok, I mean, that story is laughable on so many levels. They'be probably been murdered by English intelligence by now - they served their purpose.

Bd6r says
I don't think you can correctly judge situation in Russia if you don't speak Russian and do not travel in Russia.

Oh, I'm sure you don't think I can properly understand the situation without any given number of bullshit hurdlers and arbitrary requirements you will keep piling on.

I know my nation is FUCKING LYING about Russia, and if they didn't have to do that, why do they? Ever consider that? Why is my nation so eager to fucking lie about Russia, when it's entirely unnecessary? The US brought down the USSR with Radio Free America, but just telling the truth about their government. Now Russia is doing the same to the west, and that's a FAVOR to us.
14   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 2:56pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Russia hasn't attacked anybody since the collapse of the USSR.
You should know that you are not a part of intelligent conversation, no offense. And I should know to not read you while sipping coffee.

Name the countries and dates.

I'll readily admit error and ignorance if I'm in error and in ignorance. Telling me that I'm wrong, doesn't demonstrate I'm wrong and I don't enter "an argument" in order to win. Go ahead and name the countries that Russia has attacked. You could reasonably say Georgia and even Ukraine, but those were short lived and mission driven.

When the US enters a country, there isn't even a fucking mission. Why is the US attacking Yemen? Somalia? I don't have a CLUE.

What I'm very aware of is how blatantly my government lies to me. LAUGHABLE lies. "Russia has mobile crematoriums for dead but secret soldiers" for example. Just ridiculous bullshit. Just as dumb as mobile weapons labs in Iraq. The lies are just so fucking stupid it's an insult. How can I respect my country when they are telling me lies that only a MORON would believe? It's hard to have respect for my fellow citizens when they believe this silly crap.
15   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 9, 3:23pm  

Potato OBiden's chief Pickle Smuggler, says Putin should worry about his reputation. Damn that hurt my side laughing at that one.
Fucking Mr. Exit Strategy and King of the Queer Eye for the enlisted White Guy, said Putin risks soiling his Reputation. That imbecile, Joe Biden would probably lose in a head to head Poll against Putin.

16   Bd6r   2021 Dec 9, 4:19pm  

richwicks says
No, it's a Georgian and S. Ossetian issue. If S. Ossetia wants to invite the US to help, they can do it, same with Georgia.

Neither S. Ossetia nor Abkhazia were/are internationally recognized. They are parts of Georgia. Hence, it is Georgian issue only. richwicks says
Who have they bombed?

Ukraine- in Donetsk region. Georgia - in GEORGIAN S. Ossetia and Abkhazia. Syria. Libya. Moldova, in MOLDOVAN Pridnestovye. That is sufficient, I believe.richwicks says
First? How do you know?

Because I can read in Russian, because I have extensively travelled in Russia, and because it makes logical sense.richwicks says
Did it lead to 7 fucking wars like our 9/11 did and the end of a free press

Yes, in Russia.richwicks says
What was their motivation in doing this? How did this advantage Russia in any way, or their current regime? It's more like the US blew them out of the sky.

Because a strong, nationalistic Poland disadvantages Russia, for example, in aggression in Ukraine.richwicks says
bullshit hurdlers and arbitrary requirements you will keep piling on.

None of what I said is bullshit. Most of what you said is bullshit.richwicks says
I know my nation is FUCKING LYING about Russia, and if they didn't have to do that, why do they?

Who cares. I dont get information about Russia from American sources.
17   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 5:18pm  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
No, it's a Georgian and S. Ossetian issue. If S. Ossetia wants to invite the US to help, they can do it, same with Georgia.

Neither S. Ossetia nor Abkhazia were/are internationally recognized. They are parts of Georgia. Hence, it is Georgian issue only.

Who cares what is "internationally recognized"? Why do YOU think this is relevant? Every fucking government is run by a criminal syndicate. Oh, the criminal syndicates don't "recognize" the country. As if anybody, including you, should give a shit about their dumb fucking "opinion".

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Who have they bombed?

Ukraine- in Donetsk region. Georgia - in GEORGIAN S. Ossetia and Abkhazia. Syria. Libya. Moldova, in MOLDOVAN Pridnestovye. That is sufficient, I believe

Ukraine and S. Ossetia I know about. Ukraine because the Donetsk region has a high number of Russians living there, S. Ossetia to repel invading Georgians at the request of the S. Ossetian government.

Libya - I don't recall - when was this? When in Moldova? Why?

Bd6r says
.richwicks says
First? How do you know?

Because I can read in Russian, because I have extensively travelled in Russia, and because it makes logical sense.

Explain the logic. Being able to read Russian makes no difference, anymore that being able to read English makes any difference in understanding MY nation.

I'd agree this is a good way of thinking. When a government lies to you, they always make contradictory statements that just don't agree with blatantly obvious reality. There's always whistleblowers. I know, with certainty, that Douma never experienced a chemical attack for example, because it makes no logical sense for Assad (or any of his advisors) to do it, and on top of that two whistleblowers have come forward from the OPCW.

Ghouta MAY have been subject to a chemical attack, but it was likely a result of either Mossad/CIA/Mi6 or a proxy. Again, it makes no logical sense for Assad to use the one weapon he was warned not to use, and if he used it, would invite US retaliation. It's obvious that "the White Helmets" are a US proxy as are all "the moderate rebels" - they are armed with US weaponry, and the explanation of how they got their hands on these weapons "they invaded Iraqi armories that were for some reason entirely unguarded and/or the soldiers assigned to protect them ran away in terror" just ludicrous. If this was really a problem, placing a bomb that can easily be activated in the armory would fix it quick.

Just so fucking stupid. I don't mind propaganda, but I do mind it when they make excuses that are just pathetic.

Always the excuse is either "we're so fucking stupid we can't do obvious preventative measures" or "the Hitler of the week is insane AND stupid so that explains their stupid actions"

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Did it lead to 7 fucking wars like our 9/11 did and the end of a free press

Yes, in Russia

Really? Name the 7 wars.

Bd6r says
richwicks says
What was their motivation in doing this? How did this advantage Russia in any way, or their current regime? It's more like the US blew them out of the sky.

Because a strong, nationalistic Poland disadvantages Russia, for example, in aggression in Ukraine.

No, a strong nationalistic Poland disadvantages the EU which in turn disadvantages the United States. A strong nationalistic anything in the EU is a disadvantage to the EU. They intend to become a singular political bloc. We all know that.

Bd6r says
richwicks says
bullshit hurdlers and arbitrary requirements you will keep piling on.

None of what I said is bullshit. Most of what you said is bullshit

I'm pointing out I believe you're making arbitrary requirements. It's a form of appeal to authority. I'm pretty quick in spotting logical fallacies at this point.

Bd6r says
richwicks says
I know my nation is FUCKING LYING about Russia, and if they didn't have to do that, why do they?

Who cares. I dont get information about Russia from American sources.

I like to study propaganda as it still controls most Americans. It's been a 30 year effort to prove it, and only now are we making any real progress. Censorship of the Internet is a sign of weakness, not of strength. It's starting to fail, FINALLY. I thought this would happen 20 years ago. I'd all but had given up when Bush was able to lie us into Iraq (again), but 15 years later, I was pleasantly surprised to see that turn around. The media no longer dictates elections - now they have to openly cheat to remain in control.

I have great hope for the future. Many people are distressed about how awful our government, our media, our propaganda, etc, is now. Well, it's always been this way, they're just becoming aware of it, FINALLY. Never thought it would take this long. The powerful were always well connected and had a communication and intelligence network in existence. The point of the Internet was to make the same thing available to the public, and it's taken decades, but it's here now. CNN has less than 1 million viewers at any given moment now, regularly. They are irrelevant now, they should have always been irrelevant:

original link

That's 30 years ago. That's what you got before it went through an editor. It's from a direct satellite feed. Nothing has changed. Our media isn't MORE dishonest, it's just being pointed out they are dishonest. It'll drive you mad if you try to take what the US media says as true, and try to fit THAT puzzle together. It simply doesn't fit. I have a HUGE collection of our "news" media lying. Ever seen Orwell Rolls In His Grave? That was just about the GW Bush administration and the media's lies to protect him. It's not just limited to one side, our media is nothing more than the PR assholes protecting the thing that a lot of people MISTAKENLY believe is our government. We don't have a government, we have a criminal syndicate. A mafia runs this nation, and I want to see a government run it before I die.
18   mostly reader   2021 Dec 9, 7:04pm  

richwicks says
Name the countries and dates.

I'll readily admit error and ignorance if I'm in error and in ignorance.

1. For starters, it's Georgia and Ukraine. While I'm getting ready for the flood of "Russia didn't really attack them" BS. Dates are an easy research, this is the point at which I say "I'm not your google bitch".

2. No, you won't. You still owe me to either explain how being Jewish on the maternal side doesn't qualify your for Israeli citizenship, or to admit that you were full of it. That conversation happened what, half a year ago? Since then I read your numerous comments about how your always admit your mistakes (lol), but not a single coming back to the topic in which you were unequivocally wrong, but which you chose to just abandon after stating that you need "to do more research".
19   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 9, 7:12pm  

So many problems in our country. If we really want to be interventionalists, how about closer to home like Haiti, Honduras, Venezuela, etc?

Germany's GDP far exceeds that of Russia. Let Germany and Poland and the others worry about Ukraine while we worry about stuff here in our country and near backyard.

20   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 8:26pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Name the countries and dates.

I'll readily admit error and ignorance if I'm in error and in ignorance.

1. For starters, it's Georgia and Ukraine. While I'm getting ready for the flood of "Russia didn't really attack them" BS. Dates are an easy research, this is the point at which I say "I'm not your google bitch".

I give dates for a reason, to prove I know what I'm talking about. The S. Ossetian / Georgian conflict happened during the Olympics in Beijing, probably to specifically embarrass Russia because Saakashvili was the US' OBVIOUS intelligence asset.

You make a claim, be prepared to back it up. I've already been quite clear I've made up my mind. I can rattle off why I have, with ease. Why can't you?

mostly reader says
2. No, you won't. You still owe me to either explain how being Jewish on the maternal side doesn't qualify your for Israeli citizenship

It does. It's an ethnic state inherited through the maternal line. I accept that, my complaint is the US' support of this. My nation in every other instance, in all cases, is against this for every other nation including THIS nation.

It's just a demonstration of hypocrisy.

I really don't care about Israel itself. I care about my nation's constant involvement with the nation.

Consider this, since the information that Jonathan Pollard was selling to Israel was exchanged with Russia to import in Russian Jews - how many of them do you think were KGB agents being imported?

mostly reader says
That conversation happened what, half a year ago? Since then I read your numerous comments about how your always admit your mistakes (lol),

You view a disagreement in conclusions, in your belief, as being a "mistake" on my part.

If I have a FACT wrong, by all means - DEMONSTRATE it, don't just say "you're wrong, you're stupid, look it up on Google".
21   mostly reader   2021 Dec 10, 8:46am  

richwicks says
The S. Ossetian / Georgian conflict happened during the Olympics in Beijing, probably to specifically embarrass Russia because Saakashvili was the US' OBVIOUS intelligence asset.
Aaand... the flood ensued. You asked for examples, I gave them to you, and you are trying to push back with RT talking points. You should know that RT talking points are recognized for what they are. Hey, just for kicks, which theory do you support regarding MH-17? That US shot it down from the space, or that it was full of dead bodies from the get go, or another one from the dozens that Moscow have offered back in a day?

richwicks says
You view a disagreement in conclusions, in your belief, as being a "mistake" on my part.
Untrue. You've challenged the fact, not the conclusions. You've challenged an easily verifiable fact, were corrected, didn't accept, ended up saying that you'd "do more research", and disappeared into the sunset.

Although I did make a mistake above regarding which fact it was. It wasn't about maternal side (you made a mistake there too, which is why I remembered it, but it's not the relevant part) The statement on which you were challenged was that "Israel doesn't recognize converts to Judaism." - I had to look up that conversation. Here: https://patrick.net/post/1339233&offset=#comment-1753699 This makes more sense because it undermines your talking point about "ethnic state inherited through the maternal line".
22   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 10, 9:15am  

HunterTits says
Ukraine is Europe's problem. Not ours.

Putin's problem, the Democrats in America elected a big fucking retarded Pussy, and that shit is Putin's now.

The EU fags can go suck a dick! Voting has consequences. Get to your local Rave and drag Boris Johnson out, and tell him to go fight Putin.
23   AmericanKulak   2021 Dec 10, 9:19am  

HunterTits says
Who cares?

Ukraine is Europe's problem. Not ours.

No Russian ever called me a Toxic White Male.

3 of the G7 are European Countries: France, Germany, Italy. Together they outmatch and greatly out perform Russia in Population, Industrial Capacity, and Economy.

Excuse me, 4 of the G7 if you include the UK.

No need for us to get involved.
24   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 10, 9:53am  

Isn't it funny how the same guy who rants in every other thread about how wrong was US invasion of Iraq based on pretext of WMDs is suddenly very understanding and supportive of Russia's "right" to invade or even annex Ukraine (and any other neighboring country they wish to invade or annex) based on non-existing (not to mention non-feasible) US plans to invade Russia via Ukraine?

25   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 10, 10:10am  

richwicks says
I give dates for a reason, to prove I know what I'm talking about. The S. Ossetian / Georgian conflict happened during the Olympics in Beijing, probably to specifically embarrass Russia because Saakashvili was the US' OBVIOUS intelligence asset.

Funny how Olympics play a vital role in Putin's actions.

Russia annexed Ukraine after the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. They spent millions sprucing the place to create a nice place for the Winter Games. And what did the Western Media and Press do? They crapped all over the effort, the ridiculed every out of place plumbing pipe they could find, and then made it out to seem that every dwelling in Russia was built by a Redneck construction outfit that has only one 5 gallon bucket of tools.

It's deplorable the way the Western Press gets away with going to Olympic host nations, and slander and talks shit about them. Xi, didn't appreciate that every misspelled word and typo also was skewered and ridiculed in the press. It will be interesting if the new World Order Press, that is owned lock stock and barrel by Xi and the CCP, will ridicule China during the Genocide Games.

I bet they wont get anything but glowing reviews, about how they really spruced up the place.

But seriously while the Cunts on the View were laughing about the Construction anomalies, and Plumbing not up to US building codes, Putin was annexing Ukraine.

Who's laughing now?
26   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 10, 10:56am  

richwicks says

I give dates for a reason, to prove I know what I'm talking about. The S. Ossetian / Georgian conflict happened during the Olympics in Beijing, probably to specifically embarrass Russia because Saakashvili was the US' OBVIOUS intelligence asset.

Ooooh, poor, defenseless Russia threatened to be invaded and occupied by the mighty Georgian army with their TWO tanks and 18 APCs. =))

27   Ceffer   2021 Dec 10, 11:03am  

Gotta protect the Soros Color Revolution, drug and human trafficking corridor, or Hunter's gonna have to sell a lot more art.
28   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 11:38am  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
The S. Ossetian / Georgian conflict happened during the Olympics in Beijing, probably to specifically embarrass Russia because Saakashvili was the US' OBVIOUS intelligence asset.
Aaand... the flood ensued. You asked for examples, I gave them to you,

Are you REALLY comparing Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine to the US' destruction of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan? I remember when our "news" was claiming that Russia "invaded" Ukraine and were showing video and pictures of JOINT military exercises with Ukraine. Any incursion, if it happened at all, was short lived it didn't go on for a decade. They aren't the LEAST bit comparable, and you know that.

mostly reader says
and you are trying to push back with RT talking points. You should know that RT talking points are recognized for what they are.

I do. They are the go to propaganda of the United States. Anybody that doesn't want to restart the fucking Cold War and end up in a nuclear arms race, is a Russian bot. I'm very familiar with this trite, and obvious propaganda and smearing. It's pathetic.

mostly reader says
Hey, just for kicks, which theory do you support regarding MH-17? That US shot it down from the space, or that it was full of dead bodies from the get go, or another one from the dozens that Moscow have offered back in a day?

Most likely shot down by Ukraine in an accident. Some people have pointed out that the MH17 looked a lot like Putin's plane

But I'm doubtful. I also remember the spliced audio that was pieced together that our "news" media cited as proof that Russia shot it down, where they didn't even bother to check the audio - 1/2 of which was stereo audio, and the other 1/2 was mono. Do you remember that? I think Ukraine just F'ed up.

mostly reader says
richwicks says
You view a disagreement in conclusions, in your belief, as being a "mistake" on my part.
Untrue. You've challenged the fact, not the conclusions. You've challenged an easily verifiable fact, were corrected, didn't accept, ended up saying that you'd "do more research", and disappeared into the sunset.

If you are referring to Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, it's not an established fact. Since my government has decided to lie, so often, nothing they say can be taken as being true. They have no credibility and I just showed you two examples of that. My position is that if the US government didn't have to lie to support a narrative, they wouldn't.

mostly reader says
Although I did make a mistake above regarding which fact it was. It wasn't about maternal side (you made a mistake there too, which is why I remembered it, but it's not the relevant part) The statement on which you were challenged was that "Israel doesn't recognize converts to Judaism." - I had to look up that conversation. Here: https://patrick.net/post/1339233&offset=#comment-1753699 This makes more sense because it undermines your talking point about "ethnic state inherited through the maternal line".

In limited instances they do. It does change from time to time. I've been following it since the 1990's. I don't really care about Israel, it's a fucking mess with a constant changing playing field. I can't keep up with their bullshit, and it's not worth it anyhow. They have the absolute support of the United States and I just accept that now. There was a bit of a brewhaha over the US "moving" their embassy to Jerusalem under Trump - in truth, it had been there for ages, they just officially recognized that the building they had been using for DECADES was now "the US embassy".

There's no serious attempt to resolve the conflict, there will never be a two state solution (would be trivial to do that today right now by having Israel declare their borders), the Palestinians will be either driven out entirely from the West Bank or just killed in time. There will be no reintegration of the two people.
29   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 11:41am  

Eric Holder says
Isn't it funny how the same guy who rants in every other thread about how wrong was US invasion of Iraq based on pretext of WMDs is suddenly very understanding and supportive of Russia's "right" to invade or even annex Ukraine

I'm not supportive of it. I'm just pointing out that US should stay out.

IF the US didn't overthrow Ukraine, none of this bullshit would be happening. The MAIN reason the US overthrew Ukraine was to make certain they didn't make an economic deal with Russia, and for them to become indebted to the ECB while at the time time taking control of the Odessa-Brody pipeline, and preventing (or at least delaying) the Nordstream II. None of this bullshit has anything to do with human rights or nonsense like that. It's purely a political play.

Eric Holder says
(and any other neighboring country they wish to invade or annex) based on non-existing (not to mention non-feasible) US plans to invade Russia via Ukraine?

Pfft - there's no invading Russia now. It would just end up in a nuclear holocaust in a few weeks, if not days. That's something that might have been last feasible in 1950.
30   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 11:54am  

Eric Holder says
Ooooh, poor, defenseless Russia threatened to be invaded and occupied by the mighty Georgian army with their TWO tanks and 18 APCs. =))

PLEASE, do not strawman me. Again, the purpose of overthrowing Ukraine was to hurt Russia mainly. Crimea is Russia's only warm water port and the Odessa-Brody pipeline goes through Ukraine. There's a reason that not just Hunter Biden is on the "BOD" of Burisma, but a ton of other kids of politicians did after the US coup. Now the US can control energy shipments to Europe, and blame Russia when THEY turn it off.

Eric Holder says

Do not strawman me.

This is economic interest. Russia could just say "fuck it" and turn off the pipelines and start shipping to China if they wanted. The US' fear is that Russia can kneecap Europe easily - and they can.

The main reason the US went to war with Syria was to put in a pipeline from the Golan Heights to Turkey - that's Genie Energy handling that. Ever look up who is on their "Strategic Advisory Board"?


That's why Europe was begging the US to go in. I say fuck Europe. If Europe wants energy, let them go to war with it. I still contend it makes much better sense for the United States to simply tell the Europeans to fuck themselves, and make alliances with Russia and if Europe doesn't like that, well:

There's that. Europe is a white elephant. They don't have any natural resources to speak of, and they are bankrupt anyhow because of stupid socialist policies.

Come to think of it, that might be happening. If the US were stabbing Europe in the back, they certainly wouldn't be advertising it. It's nice to fantasize that the assholes in charge really gave a fuck about this country, but it's difficult to imagine. The last 20 years of wars were just a waste of money, and didn't do a single thing for this nation.
31   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 10, 12:03pm  

richwicks says
Again, the purpose of overthrowing Ukraine was to hurt Russia mainly.

How exactly? Does independent Poland "hurt Russia" too? What about independent Finland? How was Georgia "threatening Russia" - a fucking nuclear power even fucking US is apprehensive to tangle with?

Do you understand how ridiculously it all sounds (and how exactly it mimics RT propaganda)?

Even fucking case against Iraq was stronger than what you (and Putin) are spouting: Saddam did openly harbor Palestinian terrorists, did refuse to allow inspectors to his weapons sites, and chemical weapons were eventually found in Iraq in 2007 (old stock, but they wasn't supposed to have any of it).
32   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 10, 12:07pm  

richwicks says
They don't have any natural resources to speak of, and they are bankrupt anyhow because of stupid socialist policies.

They were a treasure trove of Cultural and Early human Artifacts, and Natural history significance.
33   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 12:14pm  

Tenpoundbass says
richwicks says
They don't have any natural resources to speak of, and they are bankrupt anyhow because of stupid socialist policies.

They were a treasure trove of Cultural and Early human Artifacts, and Natural history significance.

Sure, that will keep people warm, and well fed!
34   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 12:19pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Again, the purpose of overthrowing Ukraine was to hurt Russia mainly.

How exactly? Does independent Poland "hurt Russia" too? What about independent Finland? How was Georgia "threatening Russia" - a fucking nuclear power even fucking US is apprehensive to tangle with?

I already explained this. The purpose of taking control of Ukraine was to hinder Russia's energy exports to Europe, and to deprive them of their only warm water naval base. That's how it hurts them.

What is the purpose of bringing up Finland? I never claimed Georgia was "threatening Russia". Russia doesn't want to have to deal with some piss ant former satellite state having a war on its border.

Eric Holder says
Do you understand how ridiculously it all sounds (and how exactly it mimics RT propaganda)?

I have no idea what RT sounds like. I don't listen to fucking propaganda much.
35   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 10, 12:26pm  

richwicks says
The purpose of taking control of Ukraine was to hinder Russia's energy exports to Europe, and to deprive them of their only warm water naval base. That's how it hurts them.

This is bullshit right there: Ukraine had a contract to keep transporting Russian gas well into the future. They kept transporting Russian gas even after they were attacked. They prolonged that contract while the war is still going on. They now insist on keeping transporting Russian gas and asking Germany to ensure it will keep going. There is literally no evidence they ever wanted to stop that transit. You are gaslighting.

On the port: they had lease agreement on that port till 2042. There is no proof they were planning to renege on it. Russian operation to take over Crimea started in late February before new Ukrainian government could voice any opinion on that agreement because it wasn't even formed then. You are gaslighting again.

And, BTW, they have other ports on the Black Sea - it's not "the one, the only" port there.

Attacking somebody based on paranoia and speculation is not self-defense, not legal and not moral. You pride yourself on your moral positions when it comes to US use of force but have an enormous blindspot when it comes to Mother Russia. Isn't it interesting?

From now on I consider you position on Iraq war to be fake outrage.

@Patrick: this richwiks guy is so aligned with Russian propaganda he might be a member of "50 kopeks brigade" assigned to your site. :)
36   mostly_reader   2021 Dec 10, 12:48pm  

richwicks says
Are you REALLY comparing Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine to the US' destruction of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan?
Don't strawman me: I'm not comparing anything. I'm not having whataboutism conversation either. You asked for examples and I gave them to you.

richwicks says
I do. They are the go to propaganda of the United States. Anybody that doesn't want to restart the fucking Cold War and end up in a nuclear arms race, is a Russian bot.
I never stated that you are a Russian bot. I may give it some possibility, but to me it seems more likely that your mental process is corrupted: avoiding propaganda from one side, you fell right into the arms of a much cruder version of it on the other side.

richwicks says
Most likely shot down by Ukraine in an accident. Some people have pointed out that the MH17 looked a lot like Putin's plane
Of course "some people pointed out". https://euvsdisinfo.eu/mh17-seven-years-of-lying-and-denying/?source=patrick.net - it's right there, right after "They were already dead" and before "Spanish dispatcher Carlos". Kremlin bots worked overtime in those weeks, flooding the space with versions and demanding debates around each one of them, no matter how crazy. Meanwhile, even the military unit to which the BUK belongs was identified (it was the Russian 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade) You know what other planes look similar? Most of them, of that size and application. You spread a story which is based on nothing except photo similarity of the two planes, yet ignore the fact that there were no Ukrainian BUKs within the reach. I may not call you a Russian bot, but I would totally understand the reasons of someone who would.

richwicks says
If you are referring to Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, it's not an established fact.
Please. It's not an established fact only to someone who swallows RT hook line and sinker. And no, I wasn't referring to that. I thought I made it absolutely clear. I referred to your misinformation about whether Israel recognizes conversion to Judaism in the context of immigration.
37   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 12:57pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
The purpose of taking control of Ukraine was to hinder Russia's energy exports to Europe, and to deprive them of their only warm water naval base. That's how it hurts them.

This is bullshit right there: Ukraine had a contract to keep transporting Russian gas well into the future.

The United States wants to prevent Russia from exporting oil into Europe, because Europe would become dependent on that energy import. So that old contract, that was with the OLD regime. Russia recognizes this, which is why they have the Nordstream II which is AVOIDING Ukraine, and why they have the Turkstream.

Remember when Turkey shot down the Russian Sukhoi Su-24, and then machine gunned the pilot as he was descending with a parachute? That ended relations with Russia and Turkey for a bit and stopped the Turkstream construction. I'm sure the US establishment was very happy to see that. Russian citizens stopped going to Turkey for vacation, and Turkey's economy contracted by 20% in that year. Putin asked for nothing more than an apology from Erdogan, which Erdogan eventually gave, the Turkstream was back on BUT then Erdogan suddenly faced a coup attempt. Erdogan fingered Fetullah Gülen as the leader of the coup, who resides very coincidentally in Virginia today.


Pretty nice place.

Eric Holder says
They kept transporting Russian gas even after they were attecked. They prolonged that contract while the war is still going on. They now insist on keeping transporting Russian gas and asking Germany to ensure it will keep going.

The United States doesn't give a shit what the Ukranians want, that's why they have infiltrated all their energy companies.

Eric Holder says
You are gaslighting.

Gaslighting is when you make a person doubt their own memory and experiences. Like, if your wife showed up late from work a month ago, and during an argument she denied that ever happening and calling you crazy for thinking that - because she's cheating on you. That's gaslighting.

Eric Holder says
On the port: they had lease agreement on that port up into 2047 (iirc). There is no proof they were planning to renege on it.

Yeah, that's a problem for the United States that wants to economically cripple Russia while they build pipelines to provide energy to Europe. If the US has to kill a few million people to do it, and go to war, well, oh well. That's the thinking of the psychopaths in power of this country.

Eric Holder says
Russian operation to take over Crimea started in late February before new Ukrainian government could voice any opinion on that agreement because it wasn't even formed then.

Russia cannot afford to lose their only warm water port. The issue was exacerbated by the fact that Petro Poroshenko was a fucking Nazi and was agitating the population to attack ethnic Russians. Crimea is more than 95% Russian so they snapped together a real quick (and dubious) resolution to either become an independent nation or to join Russia. Well, they joined Russia.

NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if the US didn't overthrow Ukraine.

The more the US meddles, the more they fuck up, or at least that is the appearance. For all I really know, this is EXACTLY the plan. For all I know the purpose of invading Afghanistan was to increase opium production during an interim time then hand over their rare earth metals to China. The US often hides behind incompetence "Oh ISIS keeps getting armed with US weapons because Iraqis won't guard the armories" - that's pretend incompetence, when it was always the intent of the intelligence agencies to arm ISIS with US weapons.

I really don't know ultimately what is going on. I'm just fucking tired of my country meddling everywhere and then telling me STUPID FUCKING LIES as to why they are. Like I'm some sort of moron that can't tell these mother fuckers are lying to my face, using MY MONEY to do it. It's destroying this country, but again, perhaps that's exactly what they intend to do.

I'm tired of people supporting it, falling for it.
38   mostly_reader   2021 Dec 10, 1:04pm  

richwicks says
Russia cannot afford to lose their only warm water port.
So "It's not mine but I need it" is now a valid argument for taking? Is this the standard that you advocate?
richwicks says
The issue was exacerbated by the fact that Petro Poroshenko was a fucking Nazi and was agitating the population to attack ethnic Russians.
I'm now reconsidering my earlier assertion that you are not a bot.
39   AmericanKulak   2021 Dec 10, 1:20pm  

My fear of a Ukraine conflict is that it will give the China Doves cover to ignore an attempt to take back Taiwan while the West is involved with the Donbas.
40   richwicks   2021 Dec 10, 1:20pm  

mostly_reader says
richwicks says
Are you REALLY comparing Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine to the US' destruction of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan?
Don't strawman me: I'm not comparing anything. I'm not having whataboutism conversation either. You asked for examples and I gave them to you.

richwicks says
I do. They are the go to propaganda of the United States. Anybody that doesn't want to restart the fucking Cold War and end up in a nuclear arms race, is a Russian bot.
I never stated that you are a Russian bot. I may give it some possibility, but to me it seems more likely that your mental process is corrupted: avoiding propaganda from one side, you fell right into the arms of a much cruder version of it on the other side.

I don't CARE about the propaganda.

Look, the US doesn't do anything other than to advance agendas. They don't fucking care if Assad is gassing his own people, they don't give a shit if Israel is wiping out Palestinians, they don't fucking care if Ukraine has a democratic system, and they don't give a damned if Putin is putting journalists in jail or killing political opposition. There's absolutely NO MORALS involved with the actions of United States. It's all strategic.

What are the RESULTS of what the US has been doing with Russia in the last 20 years? Well, Russia has a harder time exporting energy. The US is building an parallel system to supply energy to Europe. They had "freedom gas". The war in Syria, if it was won, would allow a pipeline to go in from the Golan to Turkey. Russia has to keep re-routing their pipelines.

It's obvious this is about energy.

I don't care about the "moral implications" of any of this - NEITHER side does.

mostly_reader says
richwicks says
Most likely shot down by Ukraine in an accident. Some people have pointed out that the MH17 looked a lot like Putin's plane
Of course "some people pointed out". https://euvsdisinfo.eu/mh17-seven-years-of-lying-and-denying/?source=patrick.net - it's right there, right after "They were already dead" and before "Spanish dispatcher Carlos". Kremlin bots worked overtime in those weeks,

I don't care about MH-17. It was used just to demonize Russia, what would be the purpose of Russia blowing this plane up? How did it help Russia to do this?

It was however used to demonize Russia for months and to make yet another excuse to do sanctions. Just like the incident with the Skripal's. British Intelligence fingered two innocent (and probably homosexual) tourists as the perpetrators - it was UTTERLY ridiculous. NOBODY died from that except the Skripal's pets which were left in the house to starve to death - probably die of dehydration. APPARENTLY the people going through the home in hazmat suits didn't notice the two gerbils and 1 cat that were left. In any case, they didn't pull them, the cat DID survive, but it was so fucked up they euthanized it.

There's the 3 victims of the mastermind plot to get Sergei Skripal - but it was an excuse to have MORE sanctions!

It's hilarious. The Skripals have disappeared. Perhaps they are dead. They aren't useful now.

Qui bono? That's the only question I ask. When Putin wants to (supposedly) murder an ex-agent, does he arrange to have a "botched robbery" like with Seth Rich - oh no, not novel enough, find a NERVE AGENT that can ONLY BE TRACED TO RUSSIA to make CERTAIN that Russia, and ONLY RUSSIA, can be blamed.

PUTIN: I want Sergei Skripal eliminated
ASSASSIN: Da. Do you want me to knife him, shoot him, take him out in a "car accident", have him commit "suicide"?
PUTIN: Nyet!
PUTIN: Smuggle in a very dangerous nerve agent, and wipe it on his door in the hope he will touch it and maybe die from it.

It's fucking hilarious.

mostly_reader says
richwicks says
If you are referring to Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, it's not an established fact.
Please. It's not an established fact only to someone who swallows RT hook line and sinker.

Noooo. It's only established fact to anybody that thinks ANYTHING this fucking lying government says should even be considered to be true.

Our "news" media played audio "proof" that Russia shot down MH-17, which was an OBVIOUS forgery. Like, our intelligence agencies are so fucking stupid they allowed this to go on air because they fabricated it, or they are so fucking incompetent they can't spot an obvious forgery. They don't care about their credibility a bit apparently, so they don't have any credibility with me.

There's 500 people in jail right now for an "insurrection" which Antifa and BLM lead. They don't give a shit if you believe them but for some reason, you do. I don't. I don't believe our government bombed Libya to prevent a humanitarian crisis, that they attacked Syria because they believe Assad was using chemical weapons, that they attacked Iraq because Hussein had a secret weapons of mass destruction program. My government is filled with scum. They are obvious liars, why should I believe ANYTHING they say?

When they put Bush in prison for lying us into a war, Clinton into prison for apparently selling classified information and shut down the Clinton Foundation, when they admit the ACTUAL reasons they go to war, and they stop lying to me fucking constantly, AFTER THAT, I'll listen to any of their bullshit explanations. But not until then. They have

credibility with me. Do you think that's unreasonable after 20 years of fucking constant lying? Just they stole an election.

Does this mean that Russia has more credibility to me than the US Federal government? Nobody has LESS credibility with me than the US Federal government.

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