Loan Modification: Another failed Obama program

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2010 Mar 27, 12:32am   18,204 views  62 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Candidate Obama promised to “create 4 million jobs,” “renegotiate NAFTA & GATT,” “pass the stimulus bill and unemployment will not exceed 8%,” "I'll never hire a lobbyist," "I'll never sign a bill that contains earmarks," etc. Here is another example of failure by our Dear Leader:

Obama Loan-Modification Effort ‘Failed Miserably,’ Panel Says March 25, 2010, 2:44 PM EDT

March 25 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s main foreclosure-prevention program is a failed effort that may be doing more harm than good by spreading the housing crisis over several years, lawmakers and a U.S. watchdog said today.

“It has failed and it has failed miserably,” said Representative Jackie Speier, a California Democrat, said at a House Oversight and Government Reform committee hearing on the Home Affordable Modification Program. “Unfortunately we are incapable of saying that it was a failure, it was an experiment, it didn’t work, let’s try something else.”

The HAMP program, which Obama said would keep as many as 4 million borrowers from losing their homes came under fire from Republicans and Democrats at today’s hearing after a report said only a fraction of that number has received long-term help.

Treasury officials privately estimate HAMP will lead to permanent modifications for 1.5 million to 2 million homeowners, according to the report by Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program who testified at the hearing, as did Assistant Treasury Secretary Herb Allison.

“The evidence is clear: HAMP has failed,” said California Representative Darrell Issa, the panel’s ranking Republican. “One year ago, the administration told 4 million American homeowners that the Treasury Department would help them keep their homes. As of last month, the program had underperformed the administration’s projections by almost 96 percent.”

Trial Plans

Lenders led by Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. successfully converted 168,708 trial plans into permanent loan revisions as of Feb. 28, a total that Barofsky said was disappointing. The Government Accountability Office said in separate testimony for today’s hearing that 1,473 of those permanent modifications had already defaulted and that it’s too soon to tell how the loans will perform over time. Treasury said 835,000 more borrowers had received trial modification plans through the end of February.

Allison, who told lawmakers he agrees that the program must be improved, also pointed to what he said were early signs that HAMP is helping to stabilize the housing market.

“We believe that the most significant measures of success are not just how many borrowers start trial modifications or even permanent modifications, but whether families are able to avoid foreclosure,” Allison said. “The administration has made substantial progress in implementation and has seen initial signs of housing stability.”

The Obama administration never promised that 3 million to 4 million borrowers would get permanent mortgage reductions, he said. The program, which aimed to “offer” help to that many people, has dropped monthly mortgage payments on average by about $500 by lowering interest rates, extending the loan term and other changes, he said.

‘Meaningless Goal’

“This goal is essentially meaningless,” Barofsky said at the hearing. “This program will be defined and must be defined as it was to the American people, how many people receive permanent modifications and stay in their home. They’ve actually harmed the people this program was intended to help, borrowers who’ve been put in pointless trial modifications.”

Few lenders have agreed to reduce or extinguish home-equity loans or lines of credit when modifying the primary mortgage, even if the property is worth far less than what is owed, Barofsky said. Of the 113 mortgage servicers participating in HAMP, only Bank of America, Wells Fargo & Co., JPMorgan and Citigroup Inc. have signed up for a Treasury program that provides cash incentives for banks willing to reduce home-equity loans and credit lines for borrowers seeking modifications.

“Only three servicers have signed up; no second liens have been modified; it’s a year into the program,” said Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat who represents the District of Columbia. “That’s beyond failure, beyond fixing. Maybe it needs to be totally rethought.” Citigroup announced its participation today, bringing the total to four.


HAMP was designed to curb record foreclosures after housing markets began to collapse in 2007. About 2.82 million U.S. homeowners lost their properties to foreclosure in 2009 and 4.5 million filings are expected in 2010, according to RealtyTrac Inc., the Irvine, California-based seller of default data.

“We’ve spent trillions for Wall Street, this is a trickle for Main Street,” said John Taylor, president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Taylor’s Washington-based group found that loan servicers tend to foreclose faster on black homeowners than white or Hispanic borrowers and are 50 percent more likely to modify loan terms for whites over blacks, according to a survey released at the hearing today.

Treasury is “very close” to announcing more changes to HAMP to help borrowers who are unemployed and who owe more on their mortgage than their homes are worth, Allison told reporters after the hearing.

“It’s not going to mean that all underwater mortgages are suddenly in the program, but there may be, could be, a modest increase in eligibility.” Allison said.


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41   johns-wright   2010 Apr 20, 2:35pm  


If it walks like a piggy, talks like a piggy, by golly it’s a PIGGY!

BofA and it’s CEO Brian Moynihan reminds me of that song by John Lennon and George Harrison titled "Piggies" I invite you to listen to this song on youtube and see if it appropriately fits.


Have you seen the little piggies
Crawling in the dirt
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse
Always having dirt to play around in.

Have you seen the bigger piggies
In their starched white shirts
You will find the bigger piggies
Stirring up the dirt
Always have clean shirts to play around in.

In their ties with all their backing
They don't care what goes on around
In their eyes there's something lacking
What they need's a damn good whacking.

Everywhere there's lots of piggies
Living piggy lives
You can see them out for dinner
With their piggy wives
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.

John Wright vs. Bank of America Lawsuit at:

When I filed my lawsuit against Bank of America, myself and United Law Group thought of the many others out there in the same situation. It was then that we decided to educate the public on what these piggy banks are doing, as well as unite us all together as one voice. Please help me turn this David vs. Goliath modification process, into a Goliath vs. Goliath.

Please stand with me and United Law Group and send an email to Bank of America that states that we will no longer tolerate their potentially illegal, fraudulent, irregular and abusive business methods.

Divided we might have fell America, but united we must stand!

Please send your email directly to Bank of America and include the following:

1. Your name
2. Your complaint concerning your experience with Bank of America.
3. Please end your email “I support John Wright vs. BofA Lawsuit!”
4. Please send a copy of your email to johns-wright@hotmail.com
5. Please send your email to both BofA link below and the CEO email

BofA Linked Email:

CEO Brian Moynihan:

42   RayAmerica   2010 Jun 2, 10:05am  

Time has proven the loan mod program has failed miserably. Foreclosures continue to rise while the banksters refuse to loan out money that the Federal government has given them. Further proof of the fact that the Government bailout was nothing other than to help the banks' balance sheets.

43   Katy Perry   2010 Jun 2, 10:49am  

Ray There is a lot to be angry about these days. But please try and see through it and direct that anger a little better. Your "Obama is the problem slant" is getting old. would you please start looking at the whole system as the problem. Obama is just a cog in the wheel. you can't get over the anger until you see the real truth
and that is...........
Nothing can stop this train, nothing. it just math, it's numbers and no matter who's in charge ,or what they do or say, nothing will change this untill the reset. "The do over." some call it revolution.

the loan mods are just cover
welcome to the poor house
I'm starting to like it here

44   Bap33   2010 Jun 2, 1:30pm  

elliemae says

RayAmerica says

elliemae says

And yet, as evidenced by a few angry posters here, it’s alive and well.

Very funny statement coming from one of the angriest posters in this forum. All you ever read in her posts is hate and anger for anything that even remotely sounds conservative. I guess it’s ok to hate as long as you are a leftie hating a rightie.

Did you eat angry-o’s this morning? I’m not hateful, but I am observant. And I don’t appreciate being attacked constantly. I’d sure appreciate it if you would stop.

",, angry-o's,,,, " NOW THAT WAS FUNNY!!

45   MarkInSF   2010 Jun 2, 1:53pm  

RayAmerica says

Time has proven the loan mod program has failed miserably. Foreclosures continue to rise while the banksters refuse to loan out money that the Federal government has given them. Further proof of the fact that the Government bailout was nothing other than to help the banks’ balance sheets.

Failed? I'm confused. I thought you were against government intervention. Lenders are pretty much doing what they would have done if there were no loan mod program: not modifying loans, & foreclosing.

The loan mod program gave small kickbacks to banks to forgive debt. Are you saying it would have been a success if more taxpayer money was spent to "keep people in their homes?"

By the way, TARP "bailout" was under George W. Bush, not Obama. And the money was not "given" to them, it was loaned to them.

46   Patrick   2010 Jun 3, 4:17am  

You can call me cynical too, but I believe the real purpose of all mortgage "help" is to trap people in debt so that they are forced to work.

Nick Naylor, in Thank You For Smoking: "99% of everything done in the world, good or bad, is done to pay a mortgage. Perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone rented."

From The Politics of Life by Craig Crawford: "Beware the boss who encourages you to buy a house or new car. Mortgages and car payments enslave you to the paycheck that your boss controls."

47   RayAmerica   2010 Jun 4, 2:23am  

You can call me cynical too, but I believe the real purpose of all mortgage “help” is to trap people in debt so that they are forced to work.
Nick Naylor, in Thank You For Smoking: “99% of everything done in the world, good or bad, is done to pay a mortgage. Perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone rented.”
From The Politics of Life by Craig Crawford: “Beware the boss who encourages you to buy a house or new car. Mortgages and car payments enslave you to the paycheck that your boss controls.”

There is nothing cynical about the truth. "The borrower is slave to the lender" has always been true and always will be. A person that is heavily in debt cannot readily quit a job, whereas a person that is debt free (along with ample savings) can. The best thing, IMO, a person can do to advance his or her own personal financial freedom is to become debt free. I have believed for a long time that the opinion makers of our modern society have conspired, to their benefit, to get us heavily into debt so that they can ultimately have control over our lives. Debt accomplishes that, along with making them incredibily rich in the process.

48   RayAmerica   2010 Jun 13, 2:42am  

The "truth" of that matter is that Obama's Loan Modification program, along with his Job Stimulus, etc. has failed. Nearly every credible economist now admits that the Homebuyer's Tax Credit is a failure as well, and are now predicting a "double dip recession." IMO, we never left the first one, thanks to Obama’s miserable failures and leadership. His dragging his feet on the oil spill is furthering the destruction of this economy. The list goes on and on.

49   RayAmerica   2010 Jun 14, 3:44am  

shrekgrinch says

I mean, this Messiah Clown makes Jimmy Carter look good by comparison. He even makes the Bushies look like paragons of competent government, too.

I'm forced to agree. Naming the incompetents Carter & Bush illustrates you are not a partisan party hack, but accurately recognize that BOTH parties are the problem, not the solution. Unfortunately, we keep going from bad to worse. Bush was a very bad president, in particular, in his second term. When it comes to bad, Obama is Bush on steroids. The question is: how much more can America take from these political hacks that continue to ruin our country?

51   Vicente   2010 Jun 14, 11:40am  

RayAmerica is not furthering ANY sort of discourse.

Does this forum have an IGNORE function?

52   Bap33   2010 Jun 14, 12:59pm  

Barry is only the talking head, but I feel liberalism (or whatever you would rather call the leftist/socialist/communist/progressive stuff) is the cause of our political problems. Low morals is the cause of all other problems. Right or Left, it is a lack of morals that brings grief.

53   elliemae   2010 Jun 14, 4:41pm  

Vicente says

RayAmerica is not furthering ANY sort of discourse.
Does this forum have an IGNORE function?

Too bad we can't vote to ban the troll.

54   RayAmerica   2010 Jun 15, 1:28am  

Vicente says

RayAmerica is not furthering ANY sort of discourse.
Does this forum have an IGNORE function?

I guess the only discourse you're interested in is the type that agrees with you. I posted a link to an account stating that housing continues to weaken, in spite of Obama's rescue programs. If you were honest, you'd respond to that. Instead, you've lowered yourself to the childish level of ellie "I never, ever insult anyone" mae. I would have expected a little more out of you, not much more, but a little.

55   Vicente   2010 Jun 15, 10:08am  

Before being Obama's Rescue Program, it was Bush's Rescue Program.

Before that we have entire generations of pushing this view of housing as something to be facilitated without question.

Your diatribes about ObamaCommies, do not help your cause one bit. They only cement the fact you are not interested in discourse on the ISSUE, but rather in talking points to use as weapons against Obama.

56   Serpentor   2010 Jun 15, 12:06pm  

this website would be dead if it wasn't for trolls like RayAmerica aka OTS.... I miss bearmarket

57   elliemae   2010 Jun 15, 12:54pm  

Serpentor says

this website would be dead if it wasn’t for trolls like RayAmerica aka OTS…. I miss bearmarket

I don't think so - there might be some actual conversations instead of rayray's trolling. I miss poopybear's telling us all that oil city PA is the place to live, while never actually having had a job. wonder how his garden's growing?

58   Serpentor   2010 Jun 15, 4:16pm  

Patrick, how about we have a vote to ban anyone who is detrimental to the forum... I'm not sure how OTS is banned... but considering OTS = RayAmerica, this should be automatic

59   RayAmerica   2010 Jun 16, 8:04am  

Serpentor says

Patrick, how about we have a vote to ban anyone who is detrimental to the forum… I’m not sure how OTS is banned… but considering OTS = RayAmerica, this should be automatic

Who is "OTS?" Please explain exactly how I am "detrimental to the forum."

60   Vicente   2010 Jun 16, 8:18am  

shrekgrinch says

Sorry, but that particular side-issue is: There are ObamaCommies who worship every turd the Messiah craps out of his butt like it is golden fertilizer and do so so much that they can’t reason any more….so much in fact, that they have to still blame Bush for everything.
Like now, when you made up total BS about how Obama’s Failed Loan Modification Plan was actually Bush’s, when in fact that isn’t true at all? The idea for even implementing such a plan wasn’t even a glint in a Beltway Whore before Bush was long out of office.

Yes bringing TURDS into the discussion furthers civil discourse!

Let's flash back shall we?

"July 30, 2008, President Bush signed into law, The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (H.R. 3221). It established the Home Ownership Preservation Entity Fund to fund the HOPE (Home Ownership Preservation Entity) for Homeowners Program."

So are you ready to admit you were wrong? That maybe the idea of this sort of program, was a "glint in the eye" during some prior administration?

There've been half a dozen such little piecemeal "finger in the oil well" attempts to prop up the housing industry. The problem I have with YOU PEOPLE is you make it like your stereotypical "ObamaCommies" just invented the idea, when plainly they didn't. Oh yeah, let's not forget the MHA (Making Homes Affordable) program which was last year. The stupidity of subsidizing housing has been going on my entire life, and probably yours. Before we were attempting to rescue housing, we of course spent many decades enshrining it as a favored status in a multitude of ways, turning it into a quasi-religion. Did Clinton do this? Yeah. Did Bush Senior add to it? Yeah. Did Reagan? Yeah. Did Carter?

All these "OBAMA FAILS AGAIN!" threads prove is who watches Fox News and how short their memory is. My point was not blame-shifting entirely to Bush the Lesser, my point was that the myopic world-view of certain posters is PRECISELY blame-shifting all onto one person, their enemy of the day.

61   Vicente   2010 Jun 16, 12:31pm  

shrekgrinch says

Sorry, but NONE of those past presidents PROMISED to SAVE HOUSING like Obama and his ObamaCommie reality-impaired-cultists kept (and STILL keep) ranting.

Easily proved wrong in public statements, HOPE was in fact one of the failed attempts which promised and did not deliver. Amazingly I can do this without reference to bodily functions or calling people idiots, ObamaCommies etc.

“On housing, we must trust Americans with the responsibility of homeownership and empower them to weather turbulent times in the housing market. My administration brought together the HOPE NOW Alliance, which is helping many struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. And Congress can help even more. Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, modernize the Federal Housing Administration, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to help homeowners refinance their mortgages. These are difficult times for many American families, and by taking these steps, we can help more of them keep their homes.”

–George W. Bush, 2008 SOTU

62   Â¥   2010 Jun 16, 2:06pm  

shrekgrinch says

Obama’s own qualifiers for success for us to judge him on

Gotta judge him on the cards he was dealt vs. what McCain's team -- "Mr Mental Recession / Nation of Whiners" would have done and not just where we are now but where else we could have gone.THe

Obama took over the situation similar to where the F-16 was here:


The major errors were committed 2002-2007, allowing household and the national debts to double in that timeframe. Good for short-term prosperity and wealth flows to stronger hands, but bad for long-term stability, since we are in a balance-sheet recession and there is no getting out of that but through wholesale liquidation, preferably global war.

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