1 in 4 adults will suffer a stroke in their lifetime.

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2021 Aug 29, 2:01pm   1,454 views  29 comments

by BoomAndBustCycle   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

We think of stroke as something that happens to older people. But every year, about 70,000 Americans under age 45 have strokes. About 10 to 15 percent of strokes occur in children and adults under age 45, and that number is rising. There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

In 2018, 1 in every 6 deaths from cardiovascular disease was due to stroke. Someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds. Every 4 minutes, someone dies of stroke. Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke.

Just FYI all these stats were calculated long before COVID vaccine was administered. Of course a lot of people will die of stoke after getting the vaccine. They would have either way statistically.

One in four adults over the age of 25 will experience a stroke in their lifetime. You're never too young to know the signs of a stroke. Amy Buford suffered a massive stroke at 26.May 24, 2019

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1   WookieMan   2021 Aug 29, 2:08pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Just FYI all these stats were calculated long before COVID vaccine was administered. Of course a lot of people will die of stoke after getting the vaccine. They would have either way statistically.

Would be nice to examine the stats #link. If this has do with Covid vaccinations, you're just proving the point that certain segments of the population should hold off from being vaccinated. So you're pushing anti-vax.

The vaccine can cause clots and therefore a stroke. People with cardiac issues and/or high BP shouldn't touch any of the vaccines. It's why I can't and WON'T take it. There's no risk if I don't. Much more if I do.
2   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 2:12pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
these stats were calculated long before COVID vaccine was administered. Of course a lot of people will die of stoke after getting the vaccine. They would have either way statistically.

That's what they keep saying! "They would have died anyway!"
3   Shaman   2021 Aug 29, 2:15pm  

Oh look, another jab apologist.
Yah young healthy people have strokes all the time. Not.
4   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Aug 29, 2:16pm  

WookieMan says
It's why I can't and WON'T take it. There's no risk if I don't. Much more if I do.

But even if you don’t get physically sick from Covid, if Covid raised your risk of stroke higher than the vaccine raises said risk… then wouldn’t the vaccine make sense?
5   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 2:17pm  

Rare disease is common in the youth too!

6   WookieMan   2021 Aug 29, 2:26pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
WookieMan says
It's why I can't and WON'T take it. There's no risk if I don't. Much more if I do.

But even if you don’t get physically sick from Covid, if Covid raised your risk of stroke higher than the vaccine raises said risk… then wouldn’t the vaccine make sense?

It's respiratory inflammation virus. I'm not fat. Covid won't kill me. The vaccine could. Send me a link that a healthy 38 year old will die of covid. I've been to the doc recently and all is good. I'll continue to take my chances with Covid, which I believe I already had in January.
7   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 2:27pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
calculated long before COVID vaccine was administered.

You never did show us the link to the experimental biologic agent animal studies.

Why is that?
8   WookieMan   2021 Aug 29, 2:44pm  

Onvacation says

You never did show us the link to the experimental biologic agent animal studies.

Covid itself is mundane. I was with someone that tested positive the next day last Monday. Played volleyball. I've 100% been exposed on 2-3 confirmed situations. Maybe I have it now. If I do, I don't know. I feel great.

If you're old and scared, stay home. Try the jab. Let me live my life. 40+ people I know that tested positive, 1 went to the doctor. None were hospitalized. You don't have to like anecdotal evidence B&BC, but it's reality and truth. 5 of the people I know I was around, it was inside. Everyone is being lied to, stop buying the narrative.
9   Robert Sproul   2021 Aug 29, 2:55pm  

Onvacation says
Of course a lot of people will die of stoke after getting the vaccine. They would have either way statistically.

Quite the sales slogan.
10   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 3:53pm  

Robert Sproul says
Onvacation says
Of course a lot of people will die of stoke after getting the vaccine. They would have either way statistically.

Quite the sales slogan.

Oh! Boombust said "stoke" I thought he said "stroke".

Now it makes sense. Anyone stoked for the jab will probably die.
11   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 4:06pm  

I suffered a stoke yesterday when I took my sailboat out.
12   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Aug 29, 10:28pm  

WookieMan says
If you're old and scared, stay home. Try the jab. Let me live my life. 40+ people I know that tested positive, 1 went to the doctor. None were hospitalized. You don't have to like anecdotal evidence B&BC, but it's reality and truth. 5 of the people I know I was around, it was inside. Everyone is being lied to, stop buying the narrative.

I do trust your anecdotal evidence… I believe the mainstream media has cried wolf far too many times… sometimes I like to play devil’s advocate with extreme anti-jabbers though. I usually believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle though. I 100% agree, from personal experience, and statistically that healthy children especially aren’t harmed by Covid. I’m positive I was exposed this week too… my kid is home in close contact quarantine and we know the kid who tested positive was around my kid a lot. My kid had a headache that lasted an hour.. related who the fuck knows. I had a half day of sore throat and was unusually exhausted couple days later. Took a variety of tests anti-gen and PCR tests this week… required to send my kid back to school and athletics. All came back negative.

I’m vaccinated and maybe I don’t like being told daily on here Im gonna stroke out in 6 months to a year along with 90% of my vaccinated friends and family who got vaccinated. Shocking huh… Maybe I am looking for confirmation that the vaccine is safe, just like others are secretly hoping it’s poison so they can say I told you so…about Fauci being an evil mass murderer with no redeeming qualities.
13   DhammaStep   2021 Aug 30, 6:01am  

It's a natural psychological response after making an undoable decision to wish to justify it however you can.

However, you begin to lose respect when you start making disingenuous or factually wrong statements like "animals vaccinated against SARS-Cov-2 did not develop enhanced disease..." or "ADE has only been observed in diseases that cause Dengue fever." With no sources either.

If you don't like that we're not actively trying to feed your bias, I'm sorry. I'm not sitting here hoping you die, but I'm not going to pretend there isn't a potential danger involved with something that has zero long term studies. The reality is we will know for sure with time, and being open to all possibilities enables us to prepare for more outcomes.
14   WookieMan   2021 Aug 30, 6:22am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
sometimes I like to play devil’s advocate with extreme anti-jabbers though.

That is needed for sure, sometimes. Let me ask this though. IL has a positive DAILY test rate of 3% or higher since this started. It's currently at 4%. How is this possible? People are getting reinfected and vaccines don't work. Math doesn't lie. Everyone in IL has gotten Covid by that math after 500+ days.

I don't know a single person here in IL personally that has NOT been tested. How does all this compute in anyone's world? You're going to get Covid or whatever variant they pull out of their ass. There's zero proof it causes less issues with or without a vaccine. The vaccine for sure has side effects.

BoomAndBustCycle says
I’m vaccinated and maybe I don’t like being told daily on here Im gonna stroke out in 6 months to a year along with 90% of my vaccinated friends and family who got vaccinated. Shocking huh… Maybe I am looking for confirmation that the vaccine is safe, just like others are secretly hoping it’s poison so they can say I told you so…about Fauci being an evil mass murderer with no redeeming qualities.

If you got vaccinated, fine. Don't force it on others though when they clearly don't work and the media is actually admitting that finally, but still pushing it.

And yes, Fauci is evil scum. He literally let a bunch of gays die with AIDS. We've seen this story before. Not allowing people to use medications that work to help because they're not FDA approved. He's in the pocket of big Pharma. This really can't be disputed. He's now not even letting already FDA approved drugs be used because of use for THIS illness, but it's okay for others. That's sick shit. Harmless drugs if taken in proper doses. This info is all out there.

He's literally murdered hundreds of thousands of people. That's not hyperbole. A doctor loses their job and will never get another one if fired. It's career suicide. So they go along. The ones that push back get fired or censored. Why do you think that is? Because Fauci knows everything? The guy hasn't practiced medicine in decades. He gets wined and dined and bribed. I know the game first hand is all I'll say.
15   Onvacation   2021 Aug 30, 7:02am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
others are secretly hoping it’s poison so they can say I told you so…

I don't hope you die.
16   mell   2021 Aug 30, 8:36am  

You have a point however you can easily set a threshold for when you don't consider a stroke likely vaxxine related, maybe 6 months to a year. Problem with mrna you really don't know, could be up to 5 years or more. However while 1 in 4 may get a stroke in their lifetime the chance of it happening within a year from taking the jab is miniscule for younger and middle aged people and even elderly without co-morbidities. So all these additional strokes are most likely vaxxine related. If you took it and are fine for a year I wouldn't worry about SAEs much anymore, but maybe keep your research up to date on latest developments on potential long-term side effects.
17   Shaman   2021 Aug 30, 8:44am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
I’m vaccinated and maybe I don’t like being told daily on here Im gonna stroke out in 6 months to a year along with 90% of my vaccinated friends and family who got vaccinated. Shocking huh… Maybe I am looking for confirmation that the vaccine is safe, just like others are secretly hoping it’s poison so they can say I told you so…about Fauci being an evil mass murderer with no redeeming qualities.

Thanks for the honesty. I don’t think any or at least very many on this board actually HOPE that the jab comes with a certainty of death within a short period of time. We have too many friends and family who have been jabbed, plus most of us are not sociopaths hoping for the destruction of half of humanity. AF excluded, of course.

We are just extremely concerned by the situation, the jab IS dangerous, and has killed or maimed way too many to be deemed safe. This is absolutely true, but the government and the media are denying it and gaslighting the people who have lost family or friends or been severely injured or maimed by the vax. This is so much worse than just an experimental vaccine that turned out to have a lot of negative side effects. This seems systematic and makes the government and media seem less like impartial/benevolent authority and more like sociopathic death cabal bent on world depopulation.

Furthermore, every legitimate and scientifically proven treatment for Covid is rejected by the medical cartel in favor of…doing nothing. This is beyond suspicious and can only lead a reasonable person to believe that a widespread conspiracy is afoot.

Finally, the increasing stridency of the pro-vaxxers and their pet media/politicians is extremely concerning as we slide swiftly from dystopia into flat out totalitarian tyranny. Mandating the clot shot, ESPECIALLY with it’s known history of dangers, and it’s lack of effectiveness at preventing people from either contracting or spreading Covid, it’s just madness! It makes ZERO sense if the goal is public health. It ONLY makes sense if the goal is actually mass depopulation or something similar.

We don’t trust our government. They are lying to us about almost everything and they are grasping at all the power they can wield. They are abandoning rights and freedoms in favor of tyranny whenever they can get away with it.

So you got the clot shot and didn’t die. Good! I hope you continue in good health. I just think you’ve taken a TERRIBLE risk for hardly any benefit at all, sort of like driving drunk at 130mph or playing Russian Roulette with half the chambers filled with bullets. Sure you might be just fine. But it wasn’t a good risk to take. And I demand the right to make my own decisions about personal risk, as is and should be the basic human rights afforded to EVERY member of a free society.

If you’re against freedom, we aren’t friends. We are enemies to the bone.
18   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 2:03pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Maybe I am looking for confirmation that the vaccine is safe


I have three questions for you:

1. Why is Ivermectin, just about the safest medicine ever invented, still not approved as a treatment when there are now many double-blind studies showing that it is indeed effective?

2. Why are people with natural immunity after recovery, which is provably 13x to 27x better (and far longer lasting) than the "vaccine"-mediated immunity, still being compelled on threat of job loss (or being kicked out of school) to submit to the injection?

3. Why are the White House staff exempt from the same injection mandated for the rest of the government and for the military?
19   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 2:05pm  

Bonus question:

4. What will the long-term effects of the jab be on your health?
20   Onvacation   2021 Aug 30, 2:42pm  

Shaman says
If you’re against freedom, we aren’t friends. We are enemies to the bone.

I tried to like this long post after I read this sentence and found that I had already liked it.
21   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Aug 30, 3:20pm  

Patrick says
4. What will the long-term effects of the jab be on your health?

No clue, neither do you know the long term effects of an asymptomatic covid case. Or long term effects of treating said case with HCQ or Ivermectin.

No one knows shit. That’s why for the most part this has become political. Everyone is siding with their “team” and doing what their team recommends.

As Bill Maher, who seems to be becoming more skeptical of a covid vaccine boosters and their advocates recently said. “I took one for the team with the first shot… not so sure about the boosters” or something to that effect.
22   Onvacation   2021 Aug 30, 3:57pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Patrick says
4. What will the long-term effects of the jab be on your health?

No clue, neither do you know the long term effects of an asymptomatic covid case. Or long term effects of treating said case with HCQ or Ivermectin.

We'll know within the next decade, the typical time a new drug takes to get approval; probably a lot sooner.
23   Onvacation   2021 Aug 30, 4:00pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says

No one knows shit. That’s why for the most part this has become political. Everyone is siding with their “team” and doing what their team recommends.

Team science here.

What team are you on? Team propaganda? Team troll? Team I Believe?

The latest on the Black Information Network tells me "Believe the science. Get the jab. Ivermectin is deadly, and don't listen to those ignorant Trump people that tell you otherwise."
24   WookieMan   2021 Aug 30, 4:10pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
As Bill Maher, who seems to be becoming more skeptical of a covid vaccine boosters and their advocates recently said. “I took one for the team with the first shot… not so sure about the boosters” or something to that effect.

They (vaccines for covid) don't work. Not a fan of Maher's, but he's not wrong on this. I appreciate he can be balanced to a degree sometimes. Logic and critical thinking still exists. So does math. Mostly dead people will die a touch earlier from covid. There's also more people closer to death with the boomer generation. We're going to see an increase in death. Covid be damned. It would have been the flu or something else. Old people die of minor ailments and we have vastly more old people right now.
25   DhammaStep   2021 Aug 30, 4:13pm  

"No one knows shit."

"...So, let us make it mandatory to be able to function in society." -politicians

That's why this has become political.
27   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 6:33pm  

Shaman says
If you’re against freedom, we aren’t friends. We are enemies to the bone.

I have to agree with this.

Schwarzenegger should be everyone's enemy after his "Fuck your freedoms" comment.
28   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 6:34pm  

Shaman says
Mandating the clot shot, ESPECIALLY with it’s known history of dangers, and it’s lack of effectiveness at preventing people from either contracting or spreading Covid, it’s just madness! It makes ZERO sense if the goal is public health. It ONLY makes sense if the goal is actually mass depopulation or something similar.

I'm really hoping it's just corruption, greed, and scientific incompetence.

That would be the best case scenario.
29   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 30, 8:07pm  

Patrick says

I have to agree with this.

Schwarzenegger should be everyone's enemy after his "Fuck you freedoms" comment.

Another barf bag who was a good role model for his hard work, fitness, and former pro-US stances. Marrying into the Kennedy Clan and becoming Governor fucked his ass up, bad.

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