Handwriting On The Wall???

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2020 Jun 13, 2:35pm   5,313 views  65 comments

by Ceffer   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

My wife and I have about the cushiest situation possible in coastal California, financially independent, debt free etc. She has shocked the pants off of me after Covid 19 nonsense and riots to say she does not feel safe in this State any more and can't see anything improving.

She's sick of the stifling crowds, sanctuary crap, fires, the plain, daily crazy, ever encroaching crime and the endless blaring psychosis of one progressive shitburger after another. She wants to spend a year or two seriously looking to leave and move elsewhere. Covid and permissive riots with no interventions have driven people she knows over the edge in Santa Cruz who are all very seriously on the emigration bandwagon. Some have already moved in the last couple of months with their children, mostly to Oregon. She wants a place that is more immune from these self inflicted political disasters and has enough self governance to maintain civic order.

In the coming months, as the Kommie Python digests and exacerbates the economic disaster for working people and businesses, things will just get worse. I heard about one church (probably the first of many) that has has gone bankrupt from this. The Globalists have literally fucked everybody and everything with these disasters and madness for their narrow political purposes, and the fallout has fallen on America's most productive segments while elevating the scum. Leave it to the vandals and the swedo progressive crime families at the top?

We used to laugh just a few years ago, because you could drive into Santa Cruz and see something goofy every time. Now, when we take walks, even in neighborhoods, the people seem creepy and weird, and everybody is on edge, the druggies are everywhere.

Don't know how this will pan out, but we will be shopping for locales. I will miss surfing and the ocean, but they even shut that down for a while.

Used to be you came to California to pan for gold. Now, you come to California to pan for dregs.

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43   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 15, 8:03pm  

rd6B says
Drive a little south and water becomes crystal clear turquoise color. But last time I was there, beach was littered with Portuguese-men(persons?)-of war.
Water does get nastier the closer you get to Galveston. It is Mississippi runoff that makes everything murky. Bolivar peninsula is even worse.

Oh, I have. I used to go 4 wheeling with pals on Padre Island. Me in my jeep and them with their trucks. You had to caravan because you get stuck constantly and need each other to get out. It's about 70 miles if I recall, just barrier island, pack your gas etc., no people for the most part, coyotes though. Shit washed up everywhere. Chinese symbols on boxes and trash, medical waste, really depressing. Hard to reach so nobody cleans it up. There is a gap between N. Padre and S. Padre so you have to go all the way back up to Corpus, get on the highway and drive a few hours to get down there to the best areas. You're right though even N. Padre the water color gets better the further you drive South.

Also, Man-o-war, you got it! When I was 4 years old my 6 year old cousin told me, "Don't kick that.", so of course, I did and (Whaaaaa!), beach trip ruined for everyone haha... Yes, Portuguese...
44   ThatGuy   2020 Jun 15, 8:34pm  

If you are ACTUALLY sick of the bullshit that CA is doing, come to NV. Otherwise fuck. the. fuck. off. Go to Austin or some other BS place where you can toe the line with your bullshit. But if you're gonna vote against this shit, We begrudgingly welcome you.
45   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 15, 8:36pm  

ThatGuy says
If you are ACTUALLY sick of the bullshit that CA is doing, come to NV.

Too close and will be corrupted too much too soon! I'm going to have to leap frog when I leave.
46   ThatGuy   2020 Jun 15, 8:47pm  

just_dregalicious says
ThatGuy says
If you are ACTUALLY sick of the bullshit that CA is doing, come to NV.

Too close and will be corrupted too much too soon! I'm going to have to leap frog when I leave.

My plan is to wait until NV prices match CA prices and bail, cash out on the funny money
47   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 15, 8:55pm  

ThatGuy says
My plan is to wait until NV prices match CA prices and bail, cash out on the funny money

Not a bad plan at all. I think it will work. I recall how cheap the valley was outside to SF bay area up until 2008, then it crashed, then it came back harder.
48   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 15, 9:03pm  

RC2006 says
TX seems ok

It's a huge state with lots of different terrains and types of people. I wouldn't discount it until you've experienced it. Great peeps.

I'd move back in a heart beat if it weren't for the fact that the Mountain Cedar doesn't play well with my a-typical CF. I tried Austin, Houston, San Antonio and that shit blows everywhere. It is literally one of the two worse places to live if you have allergies. The other being central Oregon where what do they have? Giant cedars!

Coast or West TX maybe isn't affected. No jobs though.
49   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 15, 9:05pm  

rd6B says
I's rather live among TX Hispanics than among CA whites (bless heart of CA inhabitants here).

Same here. About half my friends growing up were TexMex. Nothing at all like the Mexicans in CA.
50   Patrick   2020 Jun 15, 9:46pm  

socal2 says
Don't abandon paradise to the Commies, race hustlers and weirdos, get involved and fight.

I agree. We should not give up California.
51   joshuatrio   2020 Jun 16, 6:02am  

Ceffer says

"You finally got the liberal government you always said you wanted. They tell you if you can or can’t go to the beach or surf or travel. They tell you if you can or cannot leave your house or contact any other person. They induce shortages so you waste your time waiting in line for commodities. They pit neighbor against neighbor, children against parents, and young against the old. They sanctify ridiculous ideals and concepts in order to tyrannically dominate. They endorse and enable criminals to prey on citizens. They keep the police from doing their job, or attack the police for doing their job, or now, disband the police. They tell you what you are allowed to say or not say, or think or not think, with punishment and retaliations if you don’t toe the party line. Free speech is a memory. I doubt anybody younger than 30 even remembers what free speech was really like."

We left about 5 years ago when CA started mandating vaccines and eliminated the religious exemption for children. We are "selective vaxxers" in that we feel that as parents, we should be able to pick and choose what's best for our child. The minute they started eliminating our rights, was when we pulled the plug.

We also got tired of the double standards that CA seemed to want to enforce, and while I was once left, I got tired of the constant barrage of LGBTQWXYZ/Tranny bullshit and people being so fucking PC, you couldn't have an HONEST conversation. Everything was surface level as everyone was afraid to offend everyone else.

We ended up in the Atlanta area. Believe it or not, we actually really enjoy it here and have thrived in the area. Whereas in CA it was much harder to make friends beyond the surface level and it seemed like everyone was always broke. Our cost of living is great, we paid cash for our house and run several businesses out of it. We've met a lot of very successful people down here, our kids have a lot of friends and owning a gun is considered norm. Good area, yes. Would I pick it again? Maybe, maybe not.

I personally miss the ocean and living within a 5 minute drive of solid hikes/mountain peaks. I bought a boat this year for our local lake thinking that would scratch the itch and it's really done nothing but drop my bank account balance $20k. I'm now thinking of selling it. I've considered parts of Florida, but have also considered Central America as I'm 100% remote work wise. We're considering renting our place out and sailing around the Caribbean for a year, but who knows.

I love the West Coast, but I would not move back. Content where we are, but am open to other options as well.
52   WookieMan   2020 Jun 16, 7:39am  

joshuatrio says
We're considering renting our place out and sailing around the Caribbean for a year, but who knows.

Do this. I don't think I could do the sailing life, but I flipping love the Caribbean. I'm sure some of the people are fake because they rely on tourist, but the people are nice as can be. You also have the protection of the USVI/PR if you need to get back onto American territory for dip shit times like now. Hell, don't even rent the house out in ATL. Just swing down to USVI and do monthly rentals and work from a condo. You can get cheap places and just spend a month down there 2-3 times a year.

I like Costa Rica for Central America, but has risks. Friends of ours got a house down there. Guess what, they can't use it right now. And Costa is also heavily reliant on tourism so they're not renting it out. They're (the country) going to have a tough time coming back from this. I don't think it will nose dive to El Salvador and Guatemala levels, but the next few years might be rough.

Southwest just cancelled our October flight. Still have the hotel reservation, but it's not looking good. So we booked the Westin on St. John for a week as I don't think we'll have a problem getting there in October outside of hurricane season being a factor. I need some beach time and some SOCA music.
53   clambo   2020 Jun 16, 12:11pm  

I just had a doctor check up appointment, and talked to the doctor about Florida and no income tax.

I was there for 5 years, now I’m in Santa Cruz. I could tell that the idea of no taxes piqued his interest.

He’s a local guy, his parents are here too. He mentioned he pays $9000 in property tax, I bet he’s taxed to death with income taxes.

I explained that the surf is nonexistent but there is good kitesurfing, fishing, scuba diving where I lived.

The wheels were turning when I talked about my father saving $1500/month in income tax by moving to Florida.

He’s got a lot of time to go before he has to make a decision.
54   EBGuy   2020 Jun 16, 1:42pm  

Location, location, location...
55   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 16, 1:45pm  

He had a whole tweetstorm on his repeated harassment by Homeless Crackheads and the eventual ending.

"The crack pipe must have broke in her mouth when her male partner fell on top of her. So sad."
56   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Jun 23, 4:37pm  

Ceffer says
you could drive into Santa Cruz and see something goofy every time. Now, when we take walks, even in neighborhoods, the people seem creepy and weird, and everybody is on edge, the druggies are everywhere.

Jeez. This morning I went to Santa Cruz for the first time in about ten or so years.

My recollection was I'd see those creepy street people in downtown and area between downtown and the beach.

But Jeez oh man they seem to have spread out.

I did not even really go in to SC proper. Made a right turn off the 17 at the Denny's to head away from downtown on Ocean St to the cemetery. Already, saw some filthy looking whacked out people in front of the Denny's. Then, a homeless hobo beggar in the parking lot at the cemetery, and another on the road between 17 and the cemetery.

I think it's gotten worse than when I was last in SC.
57   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 23, 8:34pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
I think it's gotten worse than when I was last in SC.

There's a whole hobo shopping cart commute/march/caravan from unda-tha-bridge to the library here in suburbia for the morning commute I used to make. Also about 20 illegal aliens on the sidewalk immediately after I pull out of my apartment complex hailing jobs / blocking the road. Actually more than that.

Thank you covid-19!

My car has a layer of dust on it like I used to see on 'old boats' - cars - parked in peoples driveway with flat tires when I was a kid.
58   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 23, 8:36pm  

Car turns 18 in 3 weeks too. Can't wait. Going to splurge on a new (used) one after that. I'm not even sure CA would accept it as a donation at this point. It was black and the paint peeled, then it was whitish. Then that pealed and it's black again.
59   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 23, 8:57pm  

Hey maybe some peeps who live(d) in Florida can tell me a bit about the state of the state. Are they hurting for money (pensions etc.,) like some of the others? I don't recall ever seeing FL on any of the short lists.

Also, how about those African dust storms? I remember them reaching TX and they sucked. One is hitting my parents in TX right about now in fact. FL being so much closer I bet gets hit good.
60   clambo   2020 Jun 23, 11:52pm  

I was in Florida for 5 years.
Fiscally I think it's okay, probably pensions and salaries are not so high as to bankrupt the state.
Those dust storms I recall hearing about but I don't recall dust, rather rain in the summer.
It rains hard down in Florida, I was amazed.
Once it was so heavy that I was on the freeway unable to see almost , traffic slowed to about 15mph.
I liked the "lazy days of summer" after a while.
I tended to hibernate after lunch and watch a movie in AC comfort in the hot months.
61   porkchopXpress   2020 Jun 24, 8:13am  

Shaman says
My suggestion: don’t be scared to live in a mixed neighborhood with blue collar people and a fairly good mix of Latinos. People are more real and more fun.
Great suggestion and that has been my experience to a T. If people in my neighborhood knew how much I make, they'd shit bricks. But, my wife and I have learned that we're much happier living with down-to-earth middle class people who aren't constantly masturbating to the luxury car they just bought or the European vacation they just went on. We've lived in the upper scale neighborhoods and hate the people.

As far as a city to retire in, I'm thinking Reno is near the top of my list given all the factors.
62   NDrLoR   2020 Jun 24, 8:25am  

clambo says
It rains hard down in Florida, I was amazed.
My impression of Houston.
63   Patrick   2020 Jun 24, 10:24am  

EBGuy says
Location, location, location...

These five areas are the principal wine-grape growing regions of the world.

They all sound pretty pleasant, except for South Africa these days, dragging white farmers to death behind trucks, because you know, BLM.
64   Ceffer   2020 Jun 24, 10:26am  

This isn't fair. How come most Mediterranean climates are in the Mediterranean? Climate Reparations!
65   Booger   2020 Jun 24, 2:44pm  

joshuatrio says
We ended up in the Atlanta area. Believe it or not, we actually really enjoy it here and have thrived in the area. Whereas in CA it was much harder to make friends beyond the surface level and it seemed like everyone was always broke. Our cost of living is great, we paid cash for our house and run several businesses out of it. We've met a lot of very successful people down here, our kids have a lot of friends and owning a gun is considered norm. Good area, yes. Would I pick it again? Maybe, maybe not.

I personally miss the ocean and living within a 5 minute drive of solid hikes/mountain peaks. I bought a boat this year for our local lake thinking that would scratch the itch and it's really done nothing but drop my bank account balance $20k. I'm now thinking of selling it. I've considered parts of Florida, but have also considered Central America as I'm 100% remote work wise. We're considering renting our place out and sailing around the Caribbean for a year, but who knows.

Then why did you pick Atlanta over places like Savannah or Charleston?

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