I am going to vote straight GOP tomorrow, change my mind.

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2018 Nov 5, 2:55pm   7,584 views  58 comments

by Goran_K   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

For the first time ever in my voting life, I'm going to vote straight red ticket.

I'm open to voting Democrat, but I'd have to be convinced to put my votes towards dems. Can any leftist/democrats convince me that Democrats will be better on the following issues than the GOP?

- Immigration
- Economy
- Healthcare
- National Security
- K-12 education
- Constitutional rights (1st amendment, 2nd amendment, etc)

Let me know Democrats!

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1   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Nov 5, 2:59pm  

Goran_K says
I'm open to voting Democrat

Yeah right.
2   lostand confused   2018 Nov 5, 3:04pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Goran_K says
I'm open to voting Democrat

Yeah right.

Believe it or not there are a fair number of us who can vote dem if they skip the batshit lane.
3   Goran_K   2018 Nov 5, 3:08pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah right.

Great argument.

Any other takers?

I'm in a state with a tight senate race. Every vote counts.
4   Goran_K   2018 Nov 5, 3:31pm  

I have a write-in line on my ballot?

Who are you writing in?
5   RC2006   2018 Nov 5, 3:53pm  

If your having a hard time voting on minor people like judges and stuff that have no party affiliation just Google who the dems are saying to vote for and vote opposite.
6   Ceffer   2018 Nov 5, 4:33pm  

The libby phalanx of Immense Hirsute Lesbians wielding brass knuckles, nail imbedded baseball bats, and crusty strap ons will be over at your place presently.
7   Goran_K   2018 Nov 5, 4:55pm  

Democrats just aren't convincing when it comes to arguing the issues.
8   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2018 Nov 5, 5:02pm  

Dems will get my vote when they stop their full retard mode with identity politics, feminists, lgbtqpabcxyz groups and start focusing on fucking economy.
9   Booger   2018 Nov 5, 5:08pm  

Shouldn't you have posted a picture of your avatar sitting behind a table outside?
10   LastMan   2018 Nov 5, 5:14pm  

Goran_K says
I'm open to voting Democrat, but I'd have to be convinced to put my votes towards dems.

You are clearly entrenched. The right equivalent of an SJW. There is nothing anyone can say that will sway you even slightly. Trying to convince the entrenched of anything, be they left or right, is as worthwhile as convincing a stone to grow wings and fly.
11   RC2006   2018 Nov 5, 5:33pm  

LastMan says
Goran_K says
I'm open to voting Democrat, but I'd have to be convinced to put my votes towards dems.

You are clearly entrenched. The right equivalent of an SJW. There is nothing anyone can say that will sway you even slightly. Trying to convince the entrenched of anything, be they left or right, is as worthwhile as convincing a stone to grow wings and fly.

I disagree, the SJW side of the right is the fanatical religious right which you don’t hear much about these days and seems almost normal compared to the crazy going on with the far left. It's what mostly turned me off about republicans and pushed me to independent.
12   LastMan   2018 Nov 5, 5:54pm  

RC2006 says
I disagree, the SJW side of the right is the fanatical religious right which you don’t hear much about these days and seems almost normal compared to the crazy going on with the far left.

It's now about their policies, but about how sure they are. You'll never get an SJW to admit they are wrong, and you won't get Goran and many others on this site to do the same. They are entrenched in their beliefs, whether they are radical or less so.
13   curious2   2018 Nov 5, 6:20pm  

Goran_K says
Constitutional rights

Divided government helps the judiciary by requiring different parties to agree on nonpartisan judges. That matters more than some people might realize. Prosperity depends on maintaining a healthy investment climate, so people can invest knowing their rights will be protected regardless of whether their party is in power. All Constitutional rights, including property rights, depend on enforcement. That enforcement depends on having a competent and independent judiciary.

If you doubt that, then consider the story of Hermitage Capital Management. Hermitage saw that Russian assets traded at a dramatic discount compared to western counterparts. Hermitage decided that looked like a bargain, and invested at what appeared to be a discount. Hermitage got robbed of course, and when Hermitage hired a Russian lawyer to seek a judicial remedy, he was arrested and died in prison. The entire Russian economy suffers from the lack of an independent judiciary enforcing property rights. Russian "rights" can depend on who paid the biggest bribes and who has Putin's favor at that moment, so people hire private security teams and tend to invest outside Russia not in it.

One party controlling both the Senate and the White House can produce increasingly partisan judicial appointments, especially in the absence of the traditional filibuster. If you see a judge on SCOTUS and shake your head in dismay that he got there, it was probably a one party appointment. For example, John Roberts had never even been a judge before he got appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. If you look at his opinions, e.g. his unprecedented and unilateral opinion upholding mandatory Obamneycare, there is no way to explain them other than one party controlled both the White House and the Senate. Literally zero other judges had ever agreed with his opinion on Obamneycare, and in fact all prior judges who considered the issue had rejected the position that he adopted. In his arrogance (or egomania), he used his lifetime appointment as of Chief Justice to impose an unprecedented opinion as the law of the land.
14   LastMan   2018 Nov 5, 6:30pm  

TrumpingTits says
Translation: you have nothing to say that would convince anyone to vote Dem, then.

Show me one post where someone convinced someone on the other side of something. One time where the right or left admitted the other side had a point.
15   Goran_K   2018 Nov 5, 6:36pm  

no takers so far.
16   curious2   2018 Nov 5, 6:38pm  

Goran_K says
no takers so far.

17   Shaman   2018 Nov 5, 6:41pm  

LastMan says
One time where the right or left admitted the other side had a point.

Actually Marcus has conceeded the point a number of times.

A well reasoned argument stands a chance with fair minded individuals, but mostly we get regurgitated MSM talking points on the Left or insults and put downs. I have yet to see a better argument from a Leftist than “Orange man bad.”
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 5, 7:02pm  

Quigley says
regurgitated MSM talking points on the Left or insults and put downs. I have yet to see a better argument from a Leftist than “Orange man bad.”


19   Patrick   2018 Nov 5, 7:15pm  

LastMan says
TrumpingTits says
Translation: you have nothing to say that would convince anyone to vote Dem, then.

Show me one post where someone convinced someone on the other side of something. One time where the right or left admitted the other side had a point.

The motive for almost all political opinions is below the surface and either difficult or embarrassing to express.

The surface arguments are mere rationalizations. Example: ugly women hate Trump, but cannot admit that it is because they feel depressed and hurt by the lack of attention that they get from high status men.

So they invent other reasons, never quite coherent or believable. Arguing their stated points is never going to work because they have little to do with the real point: they feel bad.
20   BayArea   2018 Nov 5, 7:23pm  

Patrick says
LastMan says
TrumpingTits says
Translation: you have nothing to say that would convince anyone to vote Dem, then.

Show me one post where someone convinced someone on the other side of something. One time where the right or left admitted the other side had a point.

The motive for almost all political opinions is below the surface and either difficult or embarrassing to express.

The surface arguments are mere rationalizations. Example : ugly women hate Trump, but cannot admit that it is because they feel depressed and hurt by the lack of attention that they get from high status men.

So they invent other reasons, never quite coherent or believable.

21   richwicks   2018 Nov 5, 7:35pm  

We haven't started a new war in 2 years and it appears that Syria is closing down, slowly, but at appears to be going in that direction, with Assad in power.

Democrats are fully on board with 80 more years of war. I see that's not one of the issues you listed, but it's the main issue you ought to care about. The United States hasn't been in a justified war since 1945, and even that - is a little questionable if you know the history of World War II.
22   HeadSet   2018 Nov 5, 7:53pm  

The United States hasn't been in a justified war since 1945, and even that - is a little questionable if you know the history of World War II.

WW One we should have stayed out of, but in WW Two Japan and Germany declared war on us.
23   Tenpoundbass   2018 Nov 5, 8:15pm  

Liberals aint got no reason to win
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 5, 8:51pm  

HeadSet says
WW One we should have stayed out of, but in WW Two Japan and Germany declared war on us.

WW1 was justified. The Kaiser's spies were spreading anthrax to our livestock, paying Clan na Gael to put bombs on neutral US ships (which killed hundreds of US Mariners and caused huge economic damages), plotting to bomb bridges, and even trying to bribe Mexico into starting a border war.

The Kaiser's agents even caused Black Tom, an explosion at a US Depot that blew windows out on Wall Street from New Jersey.

This all happened when the US was neutral.

The Secretary of the Navy, Various State Governors, Big City Police, and Federal Marshals put pressure on Wilson very early on to take steps to punish Germany.
25   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2018 Nov 5, 8:52pm  

tomorrow im wearing my maga hat to vote
26   curious2   2018 Nov 5, 9:00pm  

richwicks says
the main issue

The issue of war, including undeclared military actions, is definitely huge in presidential elections and was a reason to vote against Hillary Clinton. It is also a reason to vote for divided government, and especially a division between the White House and the senate, so that one party cannot unilaterally drag the republic into war. Republican control of the White House and Congress resulted in the 2003 Iraq war, which has never ended and will not end as long as Iraq remains Islamic.
27   marcus   2018 Nov 5, 9:27pm  

Goran_K says
I am going to vote straight GOP tomorrow, change my mind.

Fuck you. Not becasue you're voting straight republican, but becasue you're such a troll.

Even the other right wing trolls don't like you.
28   marcus   2018 Nov 5, 9:36pm  

But I'll humor your dumb ass anyway.

- Immigration - A ruse to get votes from racists and nationalists. Real motive inflation for his highly leveraged real assets.

- Economy - Tarrifs are a mistake and tax cut stimulus only buys you so much
- Healthcare - You have to be kidding. Policies that don't actually cover much, and no covering of preexisting coverage. Republicans have no shame.

- National Security - I guess it's 3 dimensional chess when you provoke a totalitarian leader and then later kiss his ass. Whatever. Does anyone else remember when all the right wing pundits jumped all over Obama for suggesting he would talk to Iraq or N.K. ?

- K-12 education - Yeah, common core aint nearly as bad as many think, but I wouldn't mind if Trump killed it. But the whole privatization thing, with all the lies about charters, and the rigged game they are playing is total BS. On the other hand, it is true that once you mae everyone that is now middle class in to slave labor, you will be able to get teachers for much lower pay than the astronomical amount those selfish pricks think they deserve.

- Constitutional rights (1st amendment, 2nd amendment, etc) - BS. Given a chance, Trump wants will destroy the constitution in ways that will make only white supremcists happy.
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 5, 9:57pm  

curious2 says
It is also a reason to vote for divided government

Remember this guy?


There used to be guys like that in the Democratic Party. Also guys like Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Mike Gravel. The former could tell you the big problem was unwed mothers while still advocating mild welfare. The latter was an impoverished dyslexic busboy who was a brakeman on Alaska Railroads before setting himself up in real estate in Alaska, and a libertarian on civil rights and for small business deregulation.

Long Gone.

Even the Feinsteins, Pelosis, and Reids of the early 90s, who could complain about Illegal Immigrants and even vote for increased border funding, long abandoned those positions as callous racist xenophobic extreme nationalism. The Democrats are rapidly becoming a Hard Left party, a party of Wealthy VIPs+Minorities against the Center Middle and Working Classes, which is too dangerous and too antithetical to the United States.

Democrat Sites are full of vitriol for Alan Dershowitz, about as traditional a Prog Lib as to be the poster child for it. Because he shoots down extreme crazy talk, including not just impeachment but also ridiculous demands from the SJW Left for anti-hate laws, curtailment of speech on campuses, etc.

Only continued solid beatings will get them to eject the Hard Left SJW wing and return to normalcy. Or, they'll disappear, partially merge into the Republicans, and then the Republicans will split into two parties, a nationalist populist branch and a globalist neoliberal branch, but SJW bullshit will have been known to be toxic and caused the death of a major party and will become a "Third Rail" issue never to be mentioned by any politician outside of San Francisco again.
30   curious2   2018 Nov 5, 10:14pm  

I just thought I'd preserve these illustrative samples of comments by marcus. He's done the same to other users also, including me. Insults, profanity, lies: emotional outbursts with little or no relevant or even logical content. He claims to teach in a public school. I find that impossible to believe, but the claim itself might explain why many people say the public schools are failing. If someone like that could actually be hired and retained to teach in one, then public schools must have declined to wretched levels unseen since Dickens wrote Bleak House, and maybe on their way to a Tale of Two Cities.

marcus says
Goran_K says
I am going to vote straight GOP tomorrow, change my mind.

Fuck you. Not becasue you're voting straight republican, but becasue you're such a troll.

Even the other right wing trolls don't like you.
marcus says
But I'll humor your dumb ass anyway.
marcus says
get votes from racists

Quigley says

Actually Marcus has conceeded the point a number of times.

Not nearly as many times as he's been proved wrong. In another recent thread that he had started, he was proved wrong repeatedly and exploded emotionally with his usual baseless insults and gratuitous profanity. Rather than admit he had been wrong all along, he deleted the whole thread to hide the evidence.
31   curious2   2018 Nov 5, 10:20pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Remember this guy?


He switched parties in 2006, from Republican to Democratic. He continued in the Senate until 2013, succeeded by Tim Kaine, also a Democrat.

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Mike Gravel.

I loved and voted for both of them.

I don't know what to do about the current state of both major parties. I return to thinking divided government prevents either major party from doing as much harm as with one party control. I would prefer to see Democrats take the Senate, but polls say that is less likely than Democrats taking the House, which would result in wasting a lot of time on TDS hearings and impeachment.
32   curious2   2018 Nov 6, 3:14am  

curious2 says
Goran_K says
no takers so far.


Perhaps I should use a hypothetical example closer to home than the actual example cited above.

Numerous judges who call themselves "conservative" say they apply the "original intent" of the Constitution, rather than its plain meaning or evident intent. They tend to become especially partisan when writing about the 14th amendment guarantee of the equal protection of the laws. Some "conservatives" contend that the "original intent" of the 14th amendment was only to protect black people, despite abundant evidence of a broader intent to protect all persons regardless of color.

Driving a car on public roads is legally a privilege subject to state license, not a right.

Suppose a state with a white minority, e.g. California or Hawaii, decides that it will only issue or renew driver's licenses for people who are not white. If you have a "conservative" partisan judge who says the "original intent" of the 14th Amendment protects only black people, then the white people are out of luck when they try to obtain or renew a license. It hasn't happened yet, but limiting the 14th Amendment to protect only black people would obviously open the door to all sorts of discrimination against white people in states where white people are a minority. Short-sighted partisans might even welcome that as a way to punish white 'liberlas' in blue states.
33   Tenpoundbass   2018 Nov 6, 6:03am  

Vote Republican or you will get Cancer and Die.
34   HeadSet   2018 Nov 6, 6:50am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
curious2 says
It is also a reason to vote for divided government

Remember this guy?


I would love to have seen Jim Webb win the Democratic nomination, but he was eliminated early on. I believe Jim Webb would have won over Donald Trump.
36   rdm   2018 Nov 6, 8:28am  

Goran_K says
change my mind.

No real chance of that but on virtually every environmental issue the republican position points the country and the world in the the direction of more pollution, more fossil fuel use more degradation of our air, land and water and a general attitude of business and money come first, fuck it the environment will take care of itself. Its not the culture wars so no one gets much riled up over it but ultimately it is the most important issue.
37   Shaman   2018 Nov 6, 9:33am  

curious2 says
It hasn't happened yet, but limiting the 14th Amendment to protect only black people would obviously open the door to all sorts of discrimination against white people in states where white people are a minority

I should think the Civil Rights Act was enacted to fix such scenarios left undefined by the Constitution. The nation’s original document can’t account for all necessary laws, and was never intended to do so.
38   Goran_K   2018 Nov 6, 9:55am  

curious2 says

Perhaps I should use a hypothetical example closer to home than the actual example cited above.

Numerous judges who call themselves "conservative" say they apply the "original intent" of the Constitution, rather than its plain meaning or evident intent. They tend to become especially partisan when writing about the 14th amendment guarantee of the equal protection of the laws. Some "conservatives" contend that the "original intent" of the 14th amendment was only to protect black people, despite abundant evidence of a broader intent to protect all persons regardless of color.

Driving a car on public roads is legally a privilege subject to state license, not a right.

Suppose a state with a white minority, e.g. California or Hawaii, decides that it will only issue or renew driver's licenses for people who are not white. If you have a "conservative" partisan judge who says the "original intent" ...

I'd agree with this point if Conservative judges have been used to legislate from the bench. This has not been the case. For leftist judges, I only need to point to ObamaCare, and Roe v Wade. Leftist have used the SCOTUS to legislate rather than interpret. Your outlier example, notwithstanding, I'd rather have more constitutionalism than judge legislators.
39   Goran_K   2018 Nov 6, 9:57am  

Tim Aurora says
Good try but that is a "I am always right" trap

View it as you see it. Democrats have lost the senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. If you're not willing to convince centrist like me, then the Democrats have a long road to convincing people to jump on their platform to regain power.
40   Goran_K   2018 Nov 6, 10:08am  

marcus says

- Immigration - A ruse to get votes from racists and nationalists. Real motive inflation for his highly leveraged real assets.

This is not the "whataboutsim" thread.

So what is the current Democrat platform for immigration? Do you even know how to explain it?

Economy - Tarrifs are a mistake and tax cut stimulus only buys you so much

Still better than the Obama globalist economy of "jobs aren't coming back". What is the Democrat plan?

Healthcare - You have to be kidding. Policies that don't actually cover much, and no covering of preexisting coverage. Republicans have no shame.

More whataboutsim.

What is the Democrat plan? Bankrupt the entire United States making "health care a right"?

National Security - I guess it's 3 dimensional chess when you provoke a totalitarian leader and then later kiss his ass. Whatever. Does anyone else remember when all the right wing pundits jumped all over Obama for suggesting he would talk to Iraq or N.K. ?

More whataboutsim.

I much prefer the situation where Trump actually went and talked to the guy and lowered the temp, than what Obama did.... which... what did Obama do again?

K-12 education - Yeah, common core aint nearly as bad as many think, but I wouldn't mind if Trump killed it. But the whole privatization thing, with all the lies about charters, and the rigged game they are playing is total BS. On the other hand, it is true that once you mae everyone that is now middle class in to slave labor, you will be able to get teachers for much lower pay than the astronomical amount those selfish pricks think they deserve.

What is the Democrat plan? Charter schools out perform public schools across the board. Common Core has been abandoned by its own creator, Bill Gates has failed in many ways. So how would Democrats change this?

Constitutional rights (1st amendment, 2nd amendment, etc) - BS. Given a chance, Trump wants will destroy the constitution in ways that will make only white supremcists happy.

What? This isn't really a point at all. How would Democrat protect the 1st and 2nd amendment? Seems like they want both of them gone.

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