Maybe the real issue wasn't excessive political correctness

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2018 May 23, 9:05am   4,698 views  38 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (6)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the real issue is social media and the trolls !


My belief is that excessive political correctness is something that is self correcting, because even the super majority of liberals have a problem with too much political correctness and too much identity politics.

To the extent that political correctness is a problem, how much of the political correctness (and sjw craziness) especially on college campuses has blown up, largely, because of social media, and how much of our reaction to it is also blown up on internet (and also sometimes expressed by truly funny memes about it) ?

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5   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 23, 9:42am  

Any policy that silences one group while giving another group an even louder voice. And any challenge to that new loudest voice is considered Criminal.

That's when those shitbirds have jumped the shark. If you don't like what's on Social media then pick up a book and turn the computer off.

Sounds like Clapper saying he spied on Trump because he was going him a huge favor. That sums up Liberals perfectly. Rules for thee but none for me.
6   MrMagic   2018 May 23, 9:50am  

marcus says
TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Buy guns and ammo

Do you get paid to spout this nonsense ? Will you feel no guilt when the next right wing terror incident occurs ?

I'll wait for one to be a righty....

So far, all the past ones have been caused by LEFT wing radical nutcases... why are they always Liberals?

7   mell   2018 May 23, 10:02am  

It's time to stop this leftoid shit. I 100% disagree with many people, famous or not, in the leftist cesspool of the SF bay area, but I leave them alone when they are going out with their family, I don't assault them, dox them, or throw water at them. They are entitled to their views and my respect for the 1st amendment trumps (pun intended) any ill feelings. Some are personally decent people and become friends over time even though we heavily disagree on some/many political issues. If you can't behave in a democracy you should leave this country.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 23, 11:01am  

marcus says
Will you feel no guilt when the next right wing terror incident occurs ?

No, because Islamism, defended and natured by the Left, is the #1 cause of Terror Deaths. Abroad AND at home. Especially when weighted towards relative size of population.
9   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 23, 11:10am  

marcus says
My belief is that excessive political correctness is something that is self correcting

37 different genders is not political correctness: It's an extreme agenda and these are people who want to forcefully impose it on the rest of society.
If anything the SJW crap is spreading. I hear more of it in NPR shows now for example.
On the Internet, most people don't oppose it for fear of being seen as nazis by their friends. Virtue signaling is a must. And tech platforms actively ban any serious criticism of these ideas.
Trolls? As a whole the Internet mostly gives the wrong impression that there is no serious opposition to these ideas.
But opposition is legitimate.
10   marcus   2018 May 26, 9:47pm  

Sniper says
I'll wait for one to be a righty....

There have been plenty of right wing terror incidents in the past few decades.

This glass of water dumped on the lady could easily been done by Fox or her publicity manger. Think about it. IT's got you all excited with your virtue signaling about something that very probably wasn't even done by a "lefty." It's literally millions of dollars of free publicity, for the cost of drying some water off. Dissing the evil libs who supposedly are at fault, is just a big bonus.

Do you really think today's typical right wing media hack with their 24/7 lies is incable of such a publicity stunt ?

Be honest for once.
11   MisterLefty   2018 May 27, 6:03am  

marcus says
My belief is that excessive political correctness is something that is self correcting
"Self-correcting" is not synonymous with "becoming the norm." Much of human behavior is based upon convention, and becomes autonomous over time. Best to cut this crap off at its knees. It's bad enough we have employees and employers tripping over themselves trying to maintain PC PR, and engaging in illogical and self-defeating behavior, e.g., Starbucks. They fear offending a significant slice of their market composed of shallow-minded ninnies who need to be taught correct behavior, and can't be trusted to, or are unable to, think for themselves.
12   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 27, 7:59am  

I might still be a Democrat if not for the Class of millennials. the SJW's and their constant whining and political correctness. Fuck it gives me the shivers kind of creepy.
13   CBOEtrader   2018 May 27, 8:53am  

marcus says
My belief is that excessive political correctness is something that is self correcting

Was it self correcting in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia?
14   marcus   2018 May 27, 9:10am  

CBOEtrader says
Was it self correcting in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia?

I meant that it is here, becasue even the democrats for the most part don't like to see it go too far.

But dangerous political correctness is in the eyes of the beholder.

Both left and right wing political correctness is trumped up on the internet, but I find the right wing reactionary pc most frightening.

RafiMaas says
What happened at Starbucks was caused by poor training.

And some sheltered white pussy employees that didn't know any better. It wasn't about starbucks policy. But now starbucks being on a PR campaign about it, and trying to make sure that what they call "implicit bias" doesn't adversely affect their reputation, is probably necessary in the age of social media.

This is not a big deal. Those that want to make it out to be an overly left wing sjw reaction are guilty of their very own special kind of pc ignorance. Today's media necessitates it.
15   CBOEtrader   2018 May 27, 10:24am  

marcus says
right wing reactionary pc most frightening.

If you are talking about identity politics, the comparatively tiny right wing movement is currently just a reaction to the left. If it ever gained any power it would be appropriate to fear it. As is, the radical left is in control of universities and K-HS education, social media, and cult of diversity workplace HR practices. I agree w your your hero, Dr Peterson, today's left is tyrannical and needs to be stopped ASAP. Good news, is that people like Dr Peterson are starting to have more traction and genuine attention than CNN. I think (pray) we are at the tipping point and our society doesnt fall to the level of the UK (or much worse).
16   CBOEtrader   2018 May 27, 10:29am  

marcus says
I meant that it is here, becasue even the democrats for the most part don't like to see it go too far.

Reasonable Democrats dont. Reasonable democrats also dont stand up to their radical left ANYWHERE NEAR as well as conservatives. As your hero Dr Peterson likes to point out, the right wing does a FAR better job of drawing a line between acceptable and non-acceptable behavior. Some tiny fraction of sociopaths will always cross that line. W/o that line though, any society could potentially slip into a nazi/soviet hell. Please remember that the Nazis needed millions of PC german virtue signals supporting their initial oppression to initiate the ultimate agenda. Today the left is righteously cheering the oppression of wrongthinkers. Its Weimar Germany scary. Just ask your hero Dr Peterson
17   LeonDurham   2018 May 27, 10:35am  

Is losing track of 1500 toddlers acceptable behavior? I don't recall any conservatives standing up to that?
18   LeonDurham   2018 May 27, 10:36am  

Is overt lying acceptable behavior? Don't recall conservatives standing up for truth?
19   marcus   2018 May 27, 10:43am  

CBOEtrader says
If it ever gained any power it would be appropriate to fear it.

What exactly do you think Brietbart and the election of Donald Trump represents ?
20   marcus   2018 May 27, 10:46am  

LeonDurham says
Don't recall conservatives standing up for truth?

Of course not. Lies are useful, and somehow okay, as long as it's supposedly in the name of MAGA. Which means very different things to different people.

Trump's lies are just the price we pay right ? And CBOE is worried about authoritarian left wing getting out of control ? I guess authoritarian right wing (kill the press !! Fake news!!) is one way to put down the scary libruls. Yeah, that's okay becasue the libruls think it's okay to do their witch hunt investigations. Just ask Sean Hannity. He'll break it down for you.
21   CBOEtrader   2018 May 27, 10:55pm  

marcus says
authoritarian right wing (kill the press !! Fake news!!

No. Disagreeing w a business is not authoritarian. Firing James Damore for wrongthink is authoritarian. Censoring internet wrongthink w algorithms is authoritarian.

Pretending that Trump is an extremist is a large part of the left's problem. Trump is JFK. He has a similar platform to B Clinton, and even uses the same make america great again slogan.
22   marcus   2018 May 27, 11:08pm  

CBOEtrader says
Censoring internet wrongthink w algorithms is authoritarian.

I can only guess what this means. I'm guessing it's some Brietbart or fox story about how evil google or amazon is.

CBOEtrader says
Pretending that Trump is an extremist is a large part of the left's problem. Trump is JFK.

Wow. Just wow, that's all I can say.

Wow !!
23   LeonDurham   2018 May 28, 6:47am  

CBOEtrader says
Pretending that Trump is an extremist is a large part of the left's problem

Look at his record. He's passed the worst tax bill in history. He's killed all regulation--financial, environmental, etc. And of course, his disregard for facts and truth is legendary.
24   anonymous   2018 May 28, 8:01am  

LeonDurham says
CBOEtrader says
Pretending that Trump is an extremist is a large part of the left's problem

Look at his record. He's passed the worst tax bill in history. He's killed all regulation--financial, environmental, etc. And of course, his disregard for facts and truth is legendary.
By worst tax bill, of course you mean a bill that let’s people keep more of their own money. What a concept.
25   Shaman   2018 May 28, 8:22am  

LeonDurham says
He's killed all regulation--financial, environmental, etc.

All of the regulation is now gone! All laws too! There is nothing but Gatling that can keep you safe, and nothing but yams and FACE! for dinner!
26   LeonDurham   2018 May 28, 8:22am  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
By worst tax bill, of course you mean a bill that let’s people keep more of their own money. What a concept.

No, I mean one that borrows trillions of dollars from hardworking Americans and gives it to the 1%. That's the worst tax bill.
27   LeonDurham   2018 May 28, 8:23am  

Quigley says
All of the regulation is now gone! All laws too! There is nothing but Gatling that can keep you safe, and nothing but yams and FACE! for dinner!

On the contrary--he's arming the police state back up. Separating 18 month olds from their mothers and then losing them.
28   cmdrda2leak   2018 May 28, 9:32am  

This thread has so many truths scratched but so much hyperbole!

On Trump: This guy is the circus clown. The polity that is worked into a foaming frenzy in either fear or reverence of the clown are missing the other three rings of the circus, where the real action is going on. The tax bill? That was the work of the elephants in ring two. Financial, environmental, labor regulations being scrapped? That show was going on well before the clown rode in on his unicycle. And to suggest that Trump is the new JFK? Intellectually, I don't think Trump can reach the steering wheel, let alone the pedals, so I wouldn't worry about it either way. Bush Jr. only reached the wheel sometimes because Cheney let him sit on his lap while he drove. In other words, I don't think our current executive branch commands a lot of power at present. Look to the other branches and especially forces outside the federal government for the big stories of change happening today.

On the Authoritarian Left: Even though there are occasional shocking stories of Postmodernist Social Marxists running amok on some university campuses, or workplaces where overzealous human resources departments have infantilized ordinary working adults and instituted Newspeak policies, the real threat of the Authoritarian Left is its cannibalism of the Left itself.

This threat can be experienced, for example, at a dinner party with liberal or left-leaning guests. Ten years ago, topics discussed around this dinner table would cover a wide range, and many varied opinions would be proffered and discussed. This same crowd having the same dinner party today would cover just as many topics, but only one opinion would be acceptable for each. Any opinions, even liberal ones, outside of this new, shrunken Overton Window would be met with silence, dirty looks, or worse by the other participants.

Maybe you're pleased that many women are speaking out about past sexual abuse lately, but worry that many of the claims are baseless or are made by grievance artists seeking to make a buck or even that it smells a bit like McCarthyism sometimes. Mention this subtlety of opinion around the dinner table? Silence and dirty looks.

Maybe you're appalled by children shooting each other in schools or religious yahoos shooting gay people in a nightclub and think that maybe the community or the law ought to be paying more attention, but worry that suggestions to outright scrap the 2nd Amendment perhaps set a dangerous precedent and ought to be reconsidered. Mention this around the dinner table? Heresy! Child murderer!

Maybe you look at Europe, where you enjoyed travels in the past, and feel sadness that London now has a higher murder rate than NYC, and Sweden has a rape rate on par with South Africa, and opine that maybe the European Union needs to make some adjustments to how it is handling immigration and integration lately. You are basically Hitler!

These are subtle, left-leaning viewpoints that are now completely off the table of the Left. So, you see, the Authoritarian Left's biggest accomplishment so far is to reduce the feast of ideas for liberals of all stripes to the most narrow and paltry options possible. This is why so many free-thinking liberals are entertaining the idea of trying some different dinner parties these days. This is the Left's loss, because those are the smartest people who were the source of dynamic ideas for decades.
29   marcus   2018 May 28, 10:00am  

cmdrdataleak says
These are subtle, left-leaning viewpoints that are now completely off the table of the Left. So, you see, the Authoritarian Left's biggest accomplishment so far is to reduce the feast of ideas for liberals of all stripes to the most narrow and paltry options possible

You make some good points with your instances of "Maybe....." But I'm not sure it's as bad as you say. IT's always been awkward to play devils advocate with liberals at a dinner party. Maybe it's worse now for various reasons. But I don't see why there can't be some strong voices in leader roles of the left, that advocate seeing both sides of many issues. That is, things should evolve for the simple reason that smart people will make the case that otherwise we will get a continuation of the Trump effect.

An interesting debate, challenging whether political correctness serves the lefts purpose (actually they don't drill down on that enough).

30   Shaman   2018 May 28, 10:08am  

Political correctness is attempt to end the debate on all debatable subjects permanently. It’s a totalitarian philosophy, and deserves no more of our respect than Hitler or Pol Pot.
31   CBOEtrader   2018 May 28, 10:39am  

LeonDurham says
Look at his record.

Passing a tax Bill and eliminating wasteful regulations DOES NOT make him an extremist. That makes him a good President. If he were to say 25% of the country is "deplorable" and worthy of scorn, that would make him an extremist. Trump is for all Americans, and has been doing a pretty decent job.
32   LeonDurham   2018 May 28, 12:47pm  

CBOEtrader says

Passing a tax Bill and eliminating wasteful regulations DOES NOT make him an extremist. That makes him a good President. If he were to say 25% of the country is "deplorable" and worthy of scorn, that would make him an extremist. Trump is for all Americans, and has been doing a pretty decent job.

lol--passing the shiburger tax bill he passed does. And he's not eliminating wasteful regulations--he's eliminating the ones that save people's lives. And protect folks from fraud and Big Banks/Wall St. deception.
33   marcus   2018 May 28, 1:00pm  

CBOEtrader says
If he were to say 25% of the country is "deplorable" and worthy of scorn

I think it shouldn't be that hard to forgive people for placing such a high value on certain forms of human behavior, especially honesty that they can't comprehend how any voters could tolerate Trump. And that they thus assume people would have to be deplorable in order to be willing to tolerate such behavior. Let's face it, there are deplorable people out there that hate themselves and hate life who wanted to give Trump a try only becasue he offended the sensibilities of the so called "elite."

There are people that not only tolerate lies, but that think of lies as useful tools, that is that see lying even to themselves as a perfectly acceptable and healthy way to be in the world. If you can accept that some people with good morality and values, believe the opposite of this, then you should be able to accept (and forgive) why some people would look down on people who could justify voting for Trump. I'm not saying they were right. I'm only saying that a decent person should be willing to forgive people who are disgusted by Trump to such a degree that they couldn't help but judge some of the Trump voters as deplorable.

I guess people that can't forgive this, are the same people that will deny forever that Trump wanted the racist vote and wasn't as subtle about it as some of his predecessors on the right have been.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 28, 1:24pm  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
If it ever gained any power it would be appropriate to fear it.

What exactly do you think Brietbart and the election of Donald Trump represents ?

Pushback from the center. None of Trump's policies would have been considered anything but centrist not long ago. Blowback against the radical agenda of unlimited immigration despite weak GDP growth, one sided trade and the domination and the obsession with identity politics and .03% of the populations urination locations.
35   LeonDurham   2018 May 28, 1:47pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
None of Trump's policies would have been considered anything but centrist not long ago


Giving trillions to the top 1% is centrist?
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 28, 2:02pm  

LeonDurham says
TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
None of Trump's policies would have been considered anything but centrist not long ago


Giving trillions to the top 1% is centrist?

Kennedy cut taxes. So did dems and Reagan in the 80s.
37   marcus   2018 May 28, 2:26pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Kennedy cut taxes

THat was when you could legitimately argue that cutting taxes would be revenue neutral due to rates being excessively high. Very few people think the "voodoo" is going to work at this point.

38   LeonDurham   2018 May 28, 3:51pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says

Kennedy cut taxes. So did dems and Reagan in the 80s.

And this is why snake oil salesman like Trump can con so many, many people. Logic like this. If cutting taxes was good 50 years ago, it must always be good, right?

Unfortunately, reality isn't this simple--except to Trumpkins.

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