Trump policies already working

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2017 Feb 8, 11:57am   11,996 views  36 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


1-Trump says let's make America great by building and hiring America.

2-Billionaires complain that they want to offshore, calling Trump racist.

3-Trump sticks it to them.

4-Billionaires capitulate to Trump and invest into America.

5-American families win.


Comments 1 - 36 of 36        Search these comments

1   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 12:14pm  

"Intel, however, had set its plans in motion long ago. It announced its intentions in 2011 to invest $5 billion for a new chip facility in Chandler, Arizona, under Krzanich’s predecessor, former CEO Paul Otellini. The manufacturing hub — revealed at a public event alongside former President Barack Obama, in fact — was supposed to be finished by 2013."

Intle CEO : "Thanks for the national coverage ... sucker!"

2   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 12:18pm  


50 second mark for mention of the plant.

3   Dan8267   2017 Feb 8, 12:20pm  

FortWayne says

1-Trump says let's make America great by building and hiring America.

A complete reversal of Reaganomics.

Oh, and on family values.

1. Divorced twice. Marriage is evidently between one man and three women.
2. Self-proclaimed pussy grabber. He does not believe in waiting for marriage or even not grabby a pussy that doesn't belong to your wife.
3. Drug user. He most certainly used cocaine in the 1980s with all his buddies in the finance and real estate industries.
4. Believes in using eminent domain to kick families out of their life-long homes
5. Runs casinos. That's gambling, sex shows, and alcohol all rolled up into one.
6. Does not go to church regularly. Only for show.
7. Has never asked god for forgiveness.

So, how again does Trump reflect your so-called family values and your Christian values? Trump reflects New York values. You know, that part of the country that isn't the "real America".

The hypocrisy of the right never ceases to astonish.

4   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 12:38pm  

And let's be clear how this, even if I could fully attribute as a win for Trump policies being enacted, wouldn't actually be a win for Trump supporters. Chandler Arizona: this is a liberal urban city with a diverse multicultural demographic (aka : people from California come here ... wink). It's not Trump country, nor was it a place that was in need of jobs programs/investment. It already had a lot going for it.

Chandler, AZ: 66.7% liberal; 33.3% conservative. Ideological gap: 8.08 points


Bottom line: This does nothing to help the urban rural divide. The rust belt can cheer it, but has no clue what it is actually cheering.

5   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 12:42pm  

New Title for Op: "Liberal Cities Keep Winning Under Trump, Thanks to Obama"

How you gonna MAGA without us though, right? ;)

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 2:03pm  

Rew says

Bottom line: This does nothing to help the urban rural divide. The rust belt can cheer it, but has no clue what it is actually cheering.

What's the Democratic solution besides "Suck it up" or "Let them eat learn to code" (So they can work at all those huge IT companies out in West Virginia, that aren't hiring anyway).

Third Way neoliberals pretend there is this sekrit reserve of 5 Million Accounting, CS, and Engineering jobs just waiting for people with degrees to fill.

7   MMR   2017 Feb 8, 2:06pm  

Dan8267 says

FortWayne says

1-Trump says let's make America great by building and hiring America.

A complete reversal of Reaganomics.

Oh, and on family values.

1. Divorced twice. Marriage is evidently between one man and three women.

2. Self-proclaimed pussy grabber. He does not believe in waiting for marriage or even not grabby a pussy that doesn't belong to your wife.

3. Drug user. He most certainly used cocaine in the 1980s with all his buddies in the finance and real estate industries.

4. Believes in using eminent domain to kick families out of their life-long homes

5. Runs casinos. That's gambling, sex shows, and alcohol all rolled up into one.

6. Does not go to church regularly. Only for show.

7. Has never as...

Agree except #3. Why would he use cocaine when he's a lifelong teetotaler?

8   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 2:12pm  

T L Lipsovich says

What's the Democratic solution ...

Snark reply:
Isn't that what Republicans offer in "pull yourself up by your boot straps, self made man" talk? Take responsibility for yourself! You looking for a handout?

Actual reply:
I believe Bernie was far more of a solution to this than any candidate we saw.
I believe Hillary was no solution but a continuation of the status quo.
I believe Trump would be, and currently is, a national disaster. He is doing the exact opposite of MAGA.

Q: Tell me how Trump is solving your above example, because I agree, it's a big issue. What will his tax plan do? How is he making healthcare more affordable?

9   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 2:14pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Third Way neoliberals pretend there is this sekrit reserve of 5 Million Accounting, CS, and Engineering jobs just waiting for people with degrees to fill.

Trump is holding this up as his doing though. Is he a neoliberal now?

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 2:20pm  

Rew says

Trump is holding this up as his doing though. Is he a neoliberal now?

No, no. That's the Clintonista - Blairtard philosophy.

Rew says

I believe Bernie was far more of a solution to this than any candidate we saw.
I believe Hillary was no solution but a continuation of the status quo.
I believe Trump would be, and currently is, a national disaster. He is doing the exact opposite of MAGA.

Not at all. Two weeks in and big progress. I consider ACA to be Corporate Socialism, not health care.

I'm not surprised that Billionaire-owned Media isn't cutting him a break, however.

And yes, the education system sucks and needs to be open to global competition if we're going to outsource all our decent manufacturing jobs. Good for the goose...

11   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 2:23pm  

Trump is a Centrist Democrat transforming the Republicans in a Nationalist/Populist enterprise. Getting rid of neocon-neolib "invade then invite" is part of that.

Clintonistas are doubling down on corporate cronies-on-everything-but-race.

12   Dan8267   2017 Feb 8, 2:32pm  

MMR says

Why would he use cocaine when he's a lifelong teetotaler?

To make deals with those who did. Plenty of drug users don't touch alcohol.

13   Dan8267   2017 Feb 8, 2:33pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Trump is a Centrist Democrat transforming the Republicans in a Nationalist/Populist enterprise.

Trump as a Trojan horse. I'd like to believe that, but his nominations suggest otherwise.

14   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 8, 2:35pm  

"Trump is a Centrist Democrat"

Uh, no. His tax plan is to the right of Reagan. His Supreme Court nominee is to the right of Scalia. He is in favor of civil forfeiture. He's anti-science. He is anti-regulation.

In fact, other than trade, I can think of nothing that he is not staunchly conservative on.

15   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 2:35pm  

T L Lipsovich says

No, no. That's the Clintonista - Blairtard philosophy.

I'm sorry, so him having a press conference with the CEO of Intel and saying "look at me, see I MAGA" is not taking credit for the 3000 jobs to an already well off liberal urban city?

T L Lipsovich says

Trump is a Centrist Democrat transforming the Republicans in a Nationalist/Populist enterprise.

A dubious statement supported by nothing.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 2:40pm  

The Democrats are toast. There are only two main forces in the party:

* Social Justice Warriors who are anti-liberal and believe "Speech has Consequences" and that White people are half-daemons. People who claim to be morally superior and say nothing when a Democrat Admin kills 100,000s of people in 7 countries, but shrieks with rage about Nazis if their citizen's entry to the US is put on hold for 4 months. And those at first denied Wikileaks had anything on the DNC or Hillary, and that the Primaries were fair, only to shriek that Russia hacked their leaders' emails that showed the opposite. and start a new McCarthyism.

Who hacked our democracy? Diebold I mean PutStein! PutStein! PutStein!

* Corporate-Saudi Hacks who insist on allowing all jobs to be outsourced and the products imported into the USA, while banning imported Canadian drugs because of the huge scandal of Canadians dropping dead left and right from tainted medicine. It's pure coincidence that the solid 1/3 - 1/2 of Democrats who reliably vote for big Pharma receive fat donations from them. Also, you gotta have a "Public Policy" and a "Private Policy" with bank regulation

The Republicans are also fighting Trump.

I see this as a 3-way battle: Neocons like Graham and McCain who want the war machine at full blast, outsourcing, and lots of immigrants to keep wages down. Neoliberals like Clinton and Booker who want outsourcing and IP Trolling for high tech companies, while giving generous handouts to other high tech companies like Pharma and Space.

I expect the neocons and neoliberals to move even closer together until they're a clearly identifiable entry. I wouldn't be surprised if Graham and McCain and others leave the Republican party for the Democrats if Trumpublicans win in 2018.

17   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 2:42pm  

T L Lipsovich says

I see this as a 3-way battle: Neocons like Graham and McCain who want the war machine at full blast, outsourcing, and lots of immigrants to keep wages down. Neoliberals like Clinton and Booker who want outsourcing and IP Trolling for high tech companies, while giving generous handouts to other high tech companies like Pharma and Space.

And the third?

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 2:43pm  

TRUMPAMANIA! The 50s-60s style centrist democrat/liberal Republican type where reduced numbers of immigrants and border controls were considered non-controversial instead of acts of Nazi-ism.

And high wages for blue collar workers (while the economy was exploding and the standard of living rose the most in Human History) was also non-controversial.

Instead of a low-wage race to the bottom:

"We can't have high wages. We can't have our Traditional, longstanding Tariff."

19   bob2356   2017 Feb 8, 2:56pm  

T L Lipsovich says

TRUMPAMANIA! The 50s-60s style centrist democrat/liberal Republican type where reduced numbers of immigrants and border controls were considered non-controversial instead of acts of Nazi-ism.


Keep on dreaming, the pied piper has you dancing merrily along. Immigration is strictly what the russians call wolf meat. A distraction. Lots of noise and fury with nothing happening. Trump's not stupid. he and every republican knows that as long as there are jobs for illegals they aren't going to even slow down illegal immigration. The wall, if it ever happens, will be the greatest crony capitalism project since the railroad went across america. It will accomplish nothing except keeping the base fired up and looking the wrong way.

There is no way, no how the ultra rich that run the country actually want less illegals. They are making a fortune off of them. Trump properties would have to close if illegals all got kicked out.

20   lostand confused   2017 Feb 8, 3:00pm  

bob2356 says

There is no way, no how the ultra rich that run the country actually want less illegals. They are making a fortune off of them. Trump properties would have to close if illegals all got kicked out.

Blah, blah, blah. two republicans in congress are already working closely with the white house to pass a bill curbing immigration,. Lets see if the dems and traditional repubs join together to torpedo it.

21   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 3:06pm  

TL ... wow. I think you want to believe Trump is that, but he is pretty vapid and hollow as far as beliefs. He doesn't really know what he believes, other than he wants the perception of "being great".

T L Lipsovich says

reduced numbers of immigrants and border controls were considered non-controversial instead of acts of Nazi-ism.

The rhetoric, war on press, education, removing of opposition, attacks on the judiciary, fear mongering: these are the things which strongly equate him with dictators, not tough on crime, and simply being anti-immigration. You can be an anti-immigration Know-nothing without being despotic and unhinged looking.

The President, by order, can take measures to protect the country unilaterally. I think the judiciary and population is calling BS on Trump because we don't magically believe there is some grave threat just because he says so. There was not some new national security report or change magically as he entered office. His security advisors didn't suddenly go "you know what, NOW we really should restrict travel to these 7." This is a political choice only, not one informed by reality.

Sure, there will be another attack. We will never stop all of them. Any society which really sought to do so would cease to be free and democratic.

lostand confused says

Blah, blah, blah. two republicans in congress are already working closely with the white house to pass a bill curbing immigration,. Lets see if the dems and traditional repubs join together to torpedo it.

Like the two repubs who voted against DeVos? Is being partisan all you have left?
The Trumpthuglicans sound far less like they care about America and instead just want the perception of "winning" ... whatever that means.

22   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 3:09pm  

bob2356 says

It will accomplish nothing except keeping the base fired up and looking the wrong way.

Lots of public works have this effect. Unfortunately I strongly believe America won't get much utility for their wall at all.
Most illegals are coming in by air.
Most drugs are via tunnel, go through current border control checks now, or come by boat.

The wall is all symbol no substance. The Trumplicans love it, but it's the junk food of immigration policy, if ever there was one.

23   Shaman   2017 Feb 8, 3:10pm  

I'm not yet tired of winning.
After all the LOSING we did under Obummer, I have quite an appetite.

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 4:34pm  

bob2356 says

Keep on dreaming, the pied piper has you dancing merrily along. Immigration is strictly what the russians call wolf meat. A distraction. Lots of noise and fury with nothing happening. Trump's not stupid. he and every republican knows that as long as there are jobs for illegals they aren't going to even slow down illegal immigration. The wall, if it ever happens, will be the greatest crony capitalism project since the railroad went across america. It will accomplish nothing except keeping the base fired up and looking the wrong way.

Yes, wages CAN increase when the supply greatly outstrips demand, trust the Economists. Nevermind the whole profession is basically Women's Studies for Capitalists. When BK is paying $13/hr outside Topeka, we need immigrants. Until then we don't.

Corporations that hate paid holidays, same pay less hours, more pay same hours, safety rules, etc. - All of a sudden are "Love, love love, all you need is love, whoop de doobie do" when it comes to the one issue of immigration.

The reason the 50s and 60s were so great is because worker supply was running below demand.

We definitely don't need more unskilled workers, in fact it's the best sign that we are an Oligarchy. Labor Shortage = High Wages and rapid technological growth (because businesses invest in labor saving technology).

25   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 8, 4:47pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Labor Shortage = High Wages and rapid technological growth (because businesses invest in labor saving technology).

Yes, because businesses don't invest in labor saving technology now... More jobs have been lost to automation than have been lost to offshoring. By a wide margin.

26   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 4:53pm  

Quigley says

I'm not yet tired of winning.

What are you winning? More jobs for a liberal city and intel workers?

27   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 8, 5:37pm  

Rew says

50 second mark for mention of the plant.

Obama never gave weekly addresses.

28   Rew   2017 Feb 8, 6:02pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Obama never gave weekly addresses.

Was that serious? lol


29   HEY YOU   2017 Feb 8, 7:42pm  

Has SOCIALIST Trump & SOCIALIST Republicans in Congress received their first SOCIALIST paycheck?
SOCIALIST Patnet Trump supporters sure use the SOCIALIST INFRASTRUCTURE that they didn't build.

Nothing like destroying egos that don't have a comeback!

30   bob2356   2017 Feb 8, 7:42pm  

lostand confused says

Blah, blah, blah. two republicans in congress are already working closely with the white house to pass a bill curbing immigration,. Lets see if the dems and traditional repubs join together to torpedo it.

There has been bill after bill after bill to curb illegal immigration. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

31   bob2356   2017 Feb 8, 7:47pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Yes, wages CAN increase when the supply greatly outstrips demand, trust the Economists. Nevermind the whole profession is basically Women's Studies for Capitalists. When BK is paying $13/hr outside Topeka, we need immigrants. Until then we don't.

Corporations that hate paid holidays, same pay less hours, more pay same hours, safety rules, etc. - All of a sudden are "Love, love love, all you need is love, whoop de doobie do" when it comes to the one issue of immigration.

The reason the 50s and 60s were so great is because worker supply was running below demand.

We definitely don't need more unskilled workers, in fact it's the best sign that we are an Oligarchy. Labor Shortage = High Wages and rapid technological growth (because businesses invest in labor saving technology).

Wow, very impressive. That was a tenpoundbasshole level of incoherent rant. Congratulations.

32   HEY YOU   2017 Feb 8, 7:54pm  

Dan8267 says

5. Runs casinos. That's gambling, sex shows, and alcohol all rolled up into one.

How stupid does one have to be to BANKRUPT! a CASINO?
I believe I could have broken even & I didn't inherit millions.

"Trump was born in New York City in 1946, the son of real estate tycoon Fred Trump. Fred Trump’s business success not only provided Donald Trump with a posh youth of private schools and economic security but eventually blessed him with an inheritance worth an estimated $40 million to $200 million. It is critical to note, however, that his father’s success, which granted Donald Trump such a great advantage, was enabled and buffered by governmental financing programs. In 1934, while struggling during the Great Depression, financing from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) allowed Fred Trump to revive his business and begin building a multitude of homes in Brooklyn, selling at $6,000 apiece. Furthermore, throughout World War II, Fred Trump constructed FHA-backed housing for US naval personnel near major shipyards along the East Coast.


33   bob2356   2017 Feb 8, 8:08pm  

HEY YOU says

How stupid does one have to be to BANKRUPT! a CASINO?

I really liked when phil satre, chairman of harrah's (which terminated partnership with trump in 1986 after a year of putting up with trump) pointed out that after dumping trump harrah's became the largest and most profitable casino operator in the world and trumps casino's are all bankrupt and boarded up. That if you bought 10k in harrah's in 1986 it would be worth over a million today, the same 10k in trump casinos would be worth nothing.

There is a reason trump moved onto promoting beauty contests and running reality tv.

34   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Feb 11, 3:22pm  

everyone could tell from CEO speeches lately that beside Cook, every single CEO was SUPER GLAD Obama was no longer in charge.

35   Patrick   2017 Feb 11, 3:55pm  

whiteright says

Trump quashes freedom of speech

Really? Whom did he stop from speaking?

whiteright says

quality education

Examples please.

And so on. Please give specific examples to support your points.

36   Patrick   2017 Feb 11, 4:06pm  

Rew says

Tenpoundbass says

Obama never gave weekly addresses.

Was that serious? lol


Obama did give weekly addresses. That is true.

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